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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Ah, here we are again! Hello, lowly swine of the Peng Challenge Thread. I am presently coming to you from a terminal at the Epcot Center in Disney Worl. It is a truly horrifying place, but I am vastly reassured by the fact that I can reach out and contact the vileness of the Peng Challenge! A quick message to all Twin Cities CMers! The Old Ones will be meeting next week in the Twin Cities. Myself, Peng, and Berli will meet to discuss many weighty subjects (in other words, none of you will be discussed). Soon, the world will be a better place.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai: interesting....i can't help but assume that i could "swim with the sharks" if there was any around that is. now if you be good little guppies i'll sprinkle some yummy fish food in your tank, hmmm i forgot about the part about half wits, so in english i am confident i can show you guys how to play the game<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh, gods, that was truly dreadful. Don't let Snapdragon reply to the tourists anymore, as his non-standard use of English and rather degraded metaphors clearly confuse them, and their translating dictionaries are coming up woefully short when they attempt to reply. The whole 'fish' exchange was, in a word, pathetic.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon: Well Sean, back after letting a bafoon do your dirty work (and as bafoons go that Dweezill character is pretty low on the totem pole, why don't you make him a knight?) I accept a tourney against stalin, after I finish kicking CMplayer in the yarbles, busting Grog Dorosh in a 5000 point mega battle (I just killed 9 Rireflies in an ambush) and after I give Dalem the game I have promised him.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Please, lad, many low and horrible things can be laid at my door, and marked against my name (in point of fact, I've rather turned my home into a museum of such). But La Dweezil's gibberings are its own. The being shows some ability, and a certain loyalty to the Peng Challenge Thread. But here, we are swine of iron will. He must cease his semi-lurker mode, and join us, as a true Cesspooler, if he would move beyond the stage of being belittled, dismissed, spat upon, and mocked, to the real pith of the matter, that is, to being merely insulted and taunted. Now, Slapdragon, I believe I see you amending your ways, at least to outward appearances. You posture, you presume, but you seem to have begun the process of walking the 'Trail of Tears' that true Warriours of the Peng Challenge Thread must endure. Humility, lad, is not inconsistent with taunting. Witness our own Hiram Sedai, Phillies Phan, Hiram's Ghost, who took self-effacing, head-bobbing posting to a Gandhi-esque ability to taunt. When you arrive, you are naked, and nothing; so much spit from the Outer Boards. When you post, you become a dismissed figure of derision. When you persevere, you become an annoyance. When you accept your dismissal, you become a possibility. When you post as a possibility, you become a serf. When you are abused in a grudging way, you become a potential squire. When you are abused as who you are, you are a squire. When your are abused as a squire, you begin to see the inside jokes, the ways of the people, the posts of community. When you accept them all, and post as yourself, you will be knight. Once you are knight, all barriers become merely constant abuse. Abuse without dismissal is acceptance. When you are dismissed, abused, maligned, and scorned as an equal, open your hands, and the butterfly will fly free. Take careful note of who eats the sonofabitch, though, because they've probably got it in for you.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak: Well... I know have a question to pose to the old ones. I agree and would gladly add Fionn to our honor roll... my only question is: In what capacity? As a knight? given a title? Just let me know. Lorak the loathed.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hmm, glad Lorak's back. He gives the place some tone, keeps track of the drivel and important details. 'Course, I have to add that the length of time of his disappearance pretty much exactly coincides with either a stay in Rehab, or a punitive stint in the county Workhouse (let's hope it was the latter). Lorak, my dear chap, remeber that we were involved in a game before your internment. If you need the turn re-sent, just let me know. I will be spending some time later trying to match Lorak's absence with my losses during same. Lorak, when did you flee the Thread, date-wise? It will help me to sort things out to know. As for Fionn, he did offer to Champion the Peng Challenge Thread, should it ever need his services, and though 'Champion of the Peng Challenge Thread' sounds a little grandiloquent, it would seem to fit. What say Berli and Peng, as well as the Justicar and other Knights? I've learned my lesson of late: no more rushing to despotism. I've seen what unbridled pride and posturing can lead to. Oh, and on that note, now that he's back, I want to see Stalin's Organ and Slapdragon fight. And not in some humiliating, rigged, joke scenario, either. I mean with croquet mallets and Garden Weasels™, and preferably on live pay-per-view. I'd pay bigtime for that, especially with an open bar (stocked by Berli and Mark IV, run by Iskander, and swept up by Lars) Barring that, I think they should have to do some standard scenario, and gain some grace points by amusing us with their belittlement of each other, as well as something approaching AARs. Doesn't matter if they give away vital info to each other, as that will be even more amusing. Oh, I know, make them play one of the scenarios released with the Demo. We could get all nostalgic while they slog their way through it again. 'ronin squire', forsooth! We ought to have Hakku Ichiu kick you right in the bollocks.
  5. I think the next Peng Challenge Thread should be titled: Peng Challenge Tripods: Well What Do You Think Is Holding Peng and Iskander Upright? Helium?
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer: He posted that string of characters you ninnie, with his name cleverly embedded in it. But you knew that. Hmm...maybe he's gifted.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You named your child 'kijooopki'? You sick swine. Don't they have foster homes in Sweden? Child protection services should be looking into your home.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem: Yaaaaaaaarrrrgggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Behave yourself. It's starting to look more likely that both Peng and Berli will be in the Twin Cities shortly, and we'll need the cooperation of complete idiots like yourself in order for it to be as truly a nightmarish an experience as it deserves. Peng has professed a desire to kick Lars in a sensitive place by way of greeting, and I can't imagine anyone who would come into the Twin Cities who wouldn't want to find Shandorf's goddamn address, break in, mace him in his own bed, and then float him out onto one of the many convenient lakes of the region handcuffed to a slowly leaking inner tube. More anon. Oh, and Hanns. Challenge someone to a goddamn game, you pillock! We've nothing against perverts as such, but we've a great deal against perverts who don't play the game! Challenge Lars. He's a good fellow, and as daft as any other loon of Scando descent. Square heads. What can you do? Can't live with 'em, can't round them up, spend a minimum of 13 months explaining to them why they shouldn't actually be here, then another 12 months while they consider what you've told them, then a 24 month period while they gather for family conferences about what they've been told, and then a final 3 month period while they prepare their response, only to come back to you with: Could you go over that again?
  8. You know, just out of curiosity because I can't remember much past last Thursday, has Madmatt ever actually started a Peng Challenge Thread himself? Turns now out to everyone except my two setups to evil swine, Lawyer and Agua Perdido, and Bauhaus, who's annoying, and Simon Fox, who I just now found. Going off to work on them.
  9. Well, before I trot off and get turns done and try to figure out what the heck I did with Berli's email, I have to say that I notice Madmatt likes Peng Challenge titles that give the classics a miss and play to Popular culture. So I'm dredging up a long ago one of mine that was never used: A Fistfull of Peng Challlenges Opens up the possibilities of sequels, as it were.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hanns: Solitary Figure I have come to thee, offering up a challenge. What have you to say for yourselves? Robed Figure One Well, I've heard that Ground Zero place is mighty scary. I'd come and check it out if I didn't have to get the mini-van fixed and take the kids to soccer practice. Plus the wifey gets mighty vexed if I go places without her. With these utterances the fabric of reality goes pale and through it is glimpsed a bland office cubicle where mindless drones toil away answering phones for their faceless masters <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bloody hell, where do I begin? Is this supposed to refer to me or Peng, you degenerate pillock? I mean, seriously, there's just the barest concept it might have something to do with Peng, as he actually has offspring. As for myself, I'm unmarried, unwanted, short, more than half-mad, and about as intimidated by a Midwestern Bondage/S&M Club as I am by the concept that you'll ever send an actual setup to someone. You leather collar wearing, incontinent toy-poodle of a CM player (if you even are, lad, as we've seen no sign of any actual knowledge of CM in yer 'challenge' to meself and Peng). Robed Figure Two This Ground Zero bar intrigues me. [sotto voce] Are there gay men there? I don't like fancy boys because I find myself strangely attracted to them [/sotto voce] My friend says we'll be mighty busy going to fabulous places like the Mall of America and a walking tour of St. Paul to see all the Snoopy statues. I think we'd be far to busy to check out a place like that. Robed figure number 2? I'll take what's behind robed figure number 3, thank you very much! No one goes to the Mall of America, you goat's bowel movement, except perhaps to visit the Apple Store. Once again, we're presented with testosterone posturing, and this time from some submissive wank who likes being flogged by women. Solitary Figure Let all gathered here be witness that a challenge was made! The Fear that knaws in your bellies is the lack of immoral fortitude that I had expected to see when I came to this place. You simper like beaten dogs, scared that you master will come home and take notice of you. If you had spines you would try to hide behind them. A great lesson might be learned by you from the noble cockroach. It knows it is inferior to other beings but will hiss mightily before being stepped on. You however do not even show this bit of courage. I say again, are any here willing to travel with me on my weekly sojourn into the pits of Hell? Are there none that would stand tall at my side, unbowed by morality and willing to slake their bloodlust in debauchery? For when the day comes that we who are legion storm the gates of heaven I shall remember thee. Cowards not fit to be ground to dust by the steel shod wheels of my Sturmhamster chariot. If by some peculiarity you awake one morning and find that you suddenly have a pair then you only need call out my name (or email me, whatever) and I shall answer thee. It's gnaws, gnaws, you Square-head bastard! Immoral fortitude?! We're the bloody arsed defenders of the faith, you yapping poodle! (see above). We haven't come here to drop trou and catch a few leather straps across the bum, we're the Knights of the Cesspool! Not a bunch of Templars far gone in hedonism attempting to manipulate the Western financial and political system to justify our own degeneracy... Oh! I see You're working from the understanding that we are the Illuminati of the Combat Mission Forum to assume that we've also inherited the "young boy, melon, and hashish" standing of the Templars! Well, laddy-buck, I'm here to tell you that we've only inherited the hashish! And not many of us get a shot at it, I might add, what with Mensch around the place. As for the "lessons of the noble cockroach", I believe they involve 'running like hell when the light comes on, and hiding underneath the old stove.' Not really the lesson that warriours will take to heart. Not even as poor a figure as myself, maundering on, creakily swinging onto the back of my Rosinante, with my gibbering, half witted Squire Sancho at my side. As for "slaking their bloodlust in debauchery"...actually, we mainly slake our bloodlust in CM. Also, coffee, immense amounts of whiskey and beer, and, as mentioned with Mensch, hashish. And as to calling out your name or emailing you, well, rent a clue, lad. You call us, we don't call you. You're still making that most inane of beginner's mistakes. You're challenging the crowd. Now that you've come out of the shadows of yer own desires, and postured around a bit, pick someone out and challenge 'em to a match. Oh, and try to challenge the other idjits, and not yer betters. [ 10-08-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  11. No Double post is to be found here, but rather, a need to make quite clear that UBB is full of limitations and inadvertant posts, result in lamentations and take much work, and effort to erase and only by perfection, will meet our madcap pace. and you who see not these levels of complexity wonder not, nor frown at this perplexity.
  12. Lordynges, quod he, now herkneth for the beste, But taak it nought, I prey yow, in desdeyn. This is the poynt, to speken short and pleyn, That ech of yow, to shorte with oure weye, In this viage shal telle tales tweye, To Caunterburyward I mene it so, And homward he shal tellen othere two, Of aventures that whilom han bifalle. And which of yow that bereth hym best of alle- That is to seyn, that telleth in this caas Tales of best sentence and moost solaas- Shal have a soper at oure aller cost, Heere in this place, sittynge by this post, Whan that we come agayn fro Caunterbury. And for to make yow the moore mury I wol my-selven goodly with yow ryde Right at myn owene cost, and be youre gyde.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon: (Just a thought, I could invite all the friendly punters from the Antithecess Thread over here for a week to ease our ruptured feelings about having a competitor, would everyone like that? Then we could have regular get togethers, perhaps combining the two groups into one at some future date!!!! Boy, I would sure be willing to do this if it would make youse guys happy, really I would.)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So, you haven't gotten your way, nor been acknowledged the way you feel you should be? I know, ultimately, that you are an intelligent fellow, so I hope that I also know that you haven't engineered a situation and then used it to work a threat against the folks in the Peng Challenge Thread. Because, actually, that looks a lot like being a strutting bully, using the threat of inviting in a bunch of brownshirts to mess the place up, because you didn't get your way. I first took you on as Squire, and advocated that you be given special treatment because I thought you were an intelligent and funny guy. But if you're going to maintain this 'I'm exempt' from any rules of community, and then threaten to disrupt the same community, then I'm sad for you. I hope that is not what you're doing here, and I wait with every expectation of hearing that that is not your purpose, nor intent. Also, I accept every abuse or jest that anyone would care to make over my own faith, and would accept with equanimity even the most degrading remarks concerning the Goddess, but I find my self concerned about your remarks of being a Quaker. I was engaged for several years to a Quaker lass, born and bred in Philadelphia, and not of that 'Evangelical Quaker' sect that Richard Nixon claimed membership in, and one of the most significant and sincere marks of the Quaker faith is Pacifism. Now, my ex-fiancee (and still my deepest and most ardent friend) taught me that Quakers could defend themselves from physical attack, and could also defend others from such. So, on one level, there is no inherent contradiction in a member of the Society of Friends from serving as a Sheriff's Deputy. But, given that any sworn member of a 'police' force will be confronted with the need to sometimes use deadly force, and take a human life, it is, to say the least, an extremely unusual choice for any member of the Society of Friends to make. So, if you are truly conversant with the writings of George Fox, and a member of the Society of Friends, than I would be interested to know, via email, because we should not further encumber the members of this bawdy, boisterous Thread, dedicated to mocking one's brethren (as opposed to threatening to disrupt it and destroy it by dragging in an angry group of enemies), further with our own personal discussions. I would not raise the point myself, except that you did so yourself, and I will not see the Society of Friends cast into disrepute by the actions of an individual. So, Slapdragon, do you wish to be a member of the Peng Challenge Thread, or to be its Gaius Cassius Longinus, and send in some dim-witted Brutus to destroy it? I would like to think, and wish fervently, that you would amend your ways, and accept a pilgrimage to Canterbury. There is excellent good report on the efficacy of a pilgrimage to Canterbury. I tell you this not as one of the Old Ones, but rather from a man who, after a quiet moment of reflection, would see justice achieved in a quiet way, and without posturing and threats, however humourously intended. Come, Slapdragon, let us make pilgrimage together. I imagine there are many stories we could tell the yet unknowing world. And, lad, we both have much to atone for. Hell, ask anyone!
  14. Now it's said, and said truly, that if one day passes without Peng being named, the World will surely come to an end. So given the way things are going, I think it's best to name him here now. This is the opening of a longer lay about Peng, and the Knights of the Cesspool. But that's not the story I came to tell to you tonight...although I do know it. No, I came to speak with you tonight about a man who's made many hard and often stupid choices. A man who's always regarded the Peng Challenge Thread as the very best and brightest that a 'Challenge' thread can be. And who has often weathered how often it can attract the very worst and most useless of posters, and even fail in it's promise. But mostly he's seen it fall in between, and been rather to the better than to the worse. It's about a man who's damned dissapointed with the nature of people he thought better of. Now, we've been challenged once again on the idea that the Peng Challenge Thread has 'too many rules', and 'too much arcana'. This from Grogs of all the sodding cheek! Folk who can spit and hiss at each other for days at a time about the smallest goddamn detail regarding unit/AFV/weapon characteristics. Significant, no doubt, or why would such otherwise intelligent folk spend that much energy and erudition on the most microscopic details of something that's been bloody goddamn history for over 50 years, eh? But now, what do I see? That these self same arbiters of importance, these shamans of detail and significance, show up in the largest, longest running thread in the history of the forum, and dismiss the details, significance, and realities of The Peng Challenge Thread. It's 'too arcane'. It has 'too many rules'. What a load of complete ****e. Perhaps Slapdragon would prefer that The Peng Challenge Thread be re-coded so that: 'my stupid gay-bashing humour response should have been more widely received!' or 'I think the Peng Challenge Thread is improperly modeled because I made another dick joke, and nobody laughed!', or perhaps 'Hey, what's with the Peng Challenge Thread?! I showed up there and posted about my bowel movements, and I wasn't immediately regarded as the final word in humour!' By all means, lets set up a Farm Club on the General Forum! Let's create a place for people who won't make the effort to rise above their own stupidity, to make an effort at real wit, nor rise above posting their own prejudices and assholery as humour. It will spare the Peng Challenge Thread the burden of dealing with them. The Peng Challenge Thread is not always the way taunting should be, by any means. But it acknowledges the way taunting should be, and polices itself to the best of its abilities. You will see literature, poetry, song, and a multitude of issues addressed on the Peng Challenge Thread, although often mainly in terms of parody and satire. Which is far more than you will see elsewhere. You will see, at least on occasion, people make an attempt at posting a taunt, a position, an insult based on more than a lazy dependency on stupid ****e. I applaud Slapdragon's 'anti-peng' thread on the General Forum. So far, it seems to be primarily concerned with posts about bodybuilding, and gay-bashing. Such an interesting juxtaposition. I wish him well with it. I renounce him as Squire. Let someone else pick him up. Some Samurai were 'Ronin' for good reasons.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tread Head: Yes, good point my tea drinking friend. You must think that us "Colonials" need to work on our spelling..... How do you spell color agian? Is it colour or color? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Wanker. As a "Colonial", I can only say you should be more dependent on your spell checker, given that you have no native ability at all.
  16. I am here, and I am not pleased. I take my responsibilities, such as they are, serioulsy, but I will not address them until we have a new home. I'm sure it's time to make a new Secure Homeland, so let us begin the process of petitioning the Great Bald One. [ 10-03-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem: Apparently I live near Central and 37th in an area called "Northeast". Although I cannot claim to have partaken in any of the halfway facilities, there are rumors that that is how my friends first discovered this area. I have eaten at places around town called The Modern Cafe, Pizza Luce, Little Tijuana, and that big mall place. Pizza Luce and Little Tijuana both had waitresses that I was proud to ogle, the other places, not so much. And since you snaked my squire, I will give you a Haiku: Minneapolis a place with five syllables and big arthropods Thank you, thank you!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You pillock, it's called Nord 'east (no one knows what the freaking apostrophe's about, but it's required). A fine neighbourhood, Dalem, with a long history, and filled with more Eastern Orthodox churches than even God is able to keep track of . I've eaten at the Modern Cafe. Good place for breakfast, if a little froo-froo. Still, they understand that for it to be truly breakfast, pigs must die. So, are you near the intersection where you can see St. Stanislaus of the Peculiar Mole, or the more northern intersection where Our Lady Marya of the Fabled Stitch in Time holds services? Dalem, I anticipate a moment of horror, a moment of high drama...in a word, a moment when we must finally meet face to face, beer to beer. Mind, my time is almost completely absorbed lately with anticipating the First Ever Convocation and Meeting of the Old Ones,but, lad, you could play a part in that. You could drive the getaway car! I imagine we'll get blocks before you run us into a police car, and we're all down at the HCMC (Hennepin County Medical Center) getting patched up and doing blood alcohol level tests. Oh, and you've apparently been almost nowhere at all, in terms of either dining, or drinking. But stay with us. Although currently you're denying the Workhouse stay, you'll never get a baloney sandwich on Tastee bread like you'll get in the Workouse. At least, that's what I hear from friends. Not to mention that some damn fine writing can be done in the Hennepin County Workhouse. You'd be amazed at how quiet and restful they attempt to keep that place.
  18. Ah, yes, caught up again. Caught up again, that is, in the glory that is the Peng Challenge Thread. Now, a few things need tidying up. Berli has already taken care of one, by, quite rightly, Knighting Foobar and Roborat. For one thing, and it bears repeating, although Berli has previously posted it, Capt. Foobar should, by many measures, be a Seniour Knight of the Pool. He showed up here in the very earliest pages of the very first incarnation of the Thread, and was only missed for Seniour Knight status because he was so sporadically apparent. Still, this Old One is happy to see those most patient and half-witted of Squires finally Knighted. On another point, this whole 'Ronin Squire' thing. While I very much appreciate the historical reference, and find it quite amusing on one level, yet we should acknowledge that the 'Ronin' Samurai occured mainly during times of interregnum, and such has not come to the Peng Challenge Thread. Therefore, like someone who's set out unsecured garbage cans and caused the neighbours to complain about the depredations of 'Ronin Raccoons', I feel I must take this Slapdragon situation in hand. Slapdragon, you are Squire to myself. While a Forum poster of acknowledged standing, you're happy time of anarchy is at an end. You will not have the luxury of answering to a benign mentor, like Shaw, but will have to satisfy me. Oh, I know what you are thinking: Seanachai has taken as Squire's the nice, the useless, and the utterly foolish. Well, lad, they were all newbies, now weren't they? And you, Slapdragon, are no true newbie, now are you? Toe the line, lad, for you will be held to the code of proper behaviour. No Squire has ever been renounced by a Knight of the Cesspool before. Don't make us start. First off, you will show the Justicar (useless, annoying bastard that he is, but a useless, annoying bastard above your station) the proper respect. You will ask him to review your elevation to Squire under the guidance of Seanachai, and say either yea or nay. You will do it with a certain respect, although the odd bit of abuse is not inappropriate, as long as you remember that you are scum. Now, I know that a proud Grognard like Slapdragon might find this sort of treatment hard to stomach. I can only say that if I layed every insult, every slight, and every moment of humiliation that I've received while posting on the Forum end to end, they wouldn't merely reach from me to himself, but right up his arse, as well. To appraise your's and Shaw's situation: One should not be envious of someone who has prospered by unjust deeds. Nor should he disdain someone who has fallen while adhering to the path of righteousness. -Imagawa Sadayo (1325-1420) Ideals of the Samurai Oh, and I want to know if Dalem is actually inhabiting a specific neighbourhood here in town, or staying at the Workhouse in Plymouth while completing his Rehab. [ 10-02-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem: So I tell you guys I'm moving to Minnesota, and, with all the warnings and jokes about snow and mosquitos and rabid folk singers, no one remembered to mention that there are centipedes here the size of steak knives???? Who the hell thought that was a good idea??? Hell, the last time I saw something that looked like a hairy magic marker it was an artist's reconstruction of some weird Phylum from the Burgess Shale. Sheesh.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah, you're either in North Minneapolis, or actually living in St. Paul. Was the one you saw carrying the fruitbasket I sent you?
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty: Hoist 'im on a stake. Then hoist a proper pint of Guinness to 'im, fine Celtic lad that he is. Can't taunt? Bollocks to that Senility, you haven't been around long enough. Even in his present circumstances, Fionn Kelly (yes, bolded out of respect) can taunt with the best of 'em if he so chooses. [ 09-30-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Moriarity, you bloody idjit. Did I mean to say that Fionn could not taunt? I did not. Did I mean to indicate that Fionn, exiled from the Board (and no one will understand that sense of loss, seperation, and being an outsider more than a member of the Peng Challenge Thread), could not actually post his goddamn taunts? Yes, Moriarity, that's what I was trying to indicate. Mind, I would be happy, as I'm sure any of the Old Ones would be, to 'post by proxy' Fionn's taunts. Here in the Peng Challenge Thread, where we wouldn't be running into the original 'nature' of the bann, I feel that Fionn could more than hold his own, and no one the worse for it. He is, of course, a passionate man. He can no more restrain his opinions than Meeks could achieve sanity. Still, I think that if there was one venue where Fionn could post and not get into trouble, it would be the Peng Challenge Thread. But, like a retired gunslinger who had married a Quaker lass, and only wanted peace, but could never back down from a challenge, even though he knew his acceptance of that challenge would only plunge him into conflicts that would drag him ever deeper into... Here, I think Fionn Kelly should be allowed to post only in the Peng Challenge Thread. If he loses control and goes balistic, who'll notice?
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Galatine: But personally, I think someone who is an unimpassioned, disinterested 'good loser' is far more deserving of criticism than someone who gets PO'd about getting his butt kicked and doesn't want to stick around to get a lecture on how he blew it. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sorry, but this is an idiotic statement. Any useless wank who gets his arse kicked and then flounces off to sulk is so much ****e in anyone's book. I'm not comfortable with someone who feels an honourable opponent who behaves well is to be sneered at, while an arrogant arsehole who rushes off to pout is to be commended for his 'passion'. Quit many games, Galatine? I can't imagine you'll get many from real players.
  22. Recently (basically last night, and doing a bit of slumming on the Outer Boards), I was pointed to a thread by that iconoclastic and out-spoken idjit, The Capt., that I actually found rather intriguing. Entitled 'the Ancient Art of CM', it was a somewhat intriguing discussion of the actual playing of CM, rather than a useless discussion of how complete sodding idiots would have done it better if they'd only known where to show up and start voicing their drunken and thoughtless opinions. A lengthy 'post by proxy' from that most venerable of CMer's, Fionn Kelly, was posted (by permission). I responded to the thread, which had many interesting concepts, but also half-witted attacks on the Peng Challenge Thread by one of the 'Usual Suspects', with my appraisal that the only flaw I found in Fionn's otherwise interesting post, was his failure to address attacks on the Peng Challenge Thread. Although I would normally ask his permission to post in his name, here in the Peng Challenge Thread we are all about spontaneous infamy, so I quote an email response from the redoubtable Fionn Kelly regarding the Peng Challenge Thread: If anyone wants to attack the Peng Threads they'll have to go through me . Pengers are, almost uniformly, the "old breed" and, as such, are AOK in my book . So, attacks against the Peng Threads are pretty bloody futile . If the Threads ever need a champion in a challenge give me a call . I may not be a knight, or a squire or even a kniggit but I wield a pretty mean broadsword Fionn Shaw, fellow, as the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, we have acknowledged and reaffirmed that 'Everyone comes naked to the Peng Challenge Thread'. The justice and righteousness of this cannot be argued with (and get over the naked thing, for the love of all the gods, it's a freaking metaphor). But here, we have a true son of the Peng Challenge Thread, but one who cannot, by the burden of circumstance, either go through a period of serfdom, nor be accepted as a squire, nor play the requisite games in his own name. He cannot post, he cannot taunt, and yet, he believes in the Truth, the Glory, and the Righteousness of the Peng Challenge. As Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, I say to you: what can we do for this Irish lad, exiled, lost, and alone? Surely the hallowed traditions of our Thread will show us the way. No attention should be paid to the fact that Shaw is, himself, of Irish descent, nor are my own antecedents, too numerous to mention in this area, to be taken into account. Nor is the fact that Lorak, should he ever return to us, Herald of the Peng Challenge Thread, himself of Irish ancestry, nor should this in any way affect the Thread's understanding of what a useless bunch of swine the Ozzies and the Finns are. No, I know that Shaw and all involved will do the right thing. Oh, and fellows, don't take this as anything like a code phrase or anything, but I just feel the need to say to Shaw: Tammany Hall. Selah.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The_Capt: Thanks Seanachai, I guess that was my free Peng Bump. I actually have nothing against your crowd. You guy hang out on your Island and wait for some unexpecting explorer to show up...then you eat him. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Perhaps, lad, but we never preach at him first. They show up, we put the boot in, and then we start the coals. Because I actually do wish to see more players discuss the how, why, and wherefores of playing CM, I'm pushing this back up the page. Also, I might add I had an email tonight from the estimable Fionn Kelly saying that attacking the Peng Challenge Thread was the 'sport of idiots'. That, at least, was the gist of his message, which was much too good to share with pillocks. Where are the Grogs? Send in the Grogs. There ought to be Grogs...
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: I can't take credit... I only made the map You failed to stae who one. As I recall, that was a Squire Challenge, and as such the winner is entitled to Knighthood<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I bought the units. I very carefully named every vehicle commander after a member of the Peng Challenge Thread. After seeing the map, I figured the handful of infantry I bought either side was doomed to die nameless in any case. This Squire challenge match has gone on longer than any other single freaking game on the Peng Challenge Thread, bar none. It is a tribute to both the grit, integrity, and utter stupidity of Roborat and Capt. Foobar that they played it out the very end. I, too, would like to know who won, but I don't think it matters. I say they are both heroes, although admittedly mentally disadvantaged heroes, for seeing the horrifying piece of ****e through. I remember receiving the map from Berli, opening it up to place units, and laughing my bloody arse off. What a nightmare. Let it be noted that Roborat and Capt. Foobar are the original, dyed in the wool, first ever poor bastards to be handed a Cesspool joke scenario. They complained bitterly. They cursed their gods, and longed for death. But they never, ever, proposed abandoning the game (which has gone on longer than most jobs I've had). Gentlemen, this is the Peng Challenge Thread's proudest moment. Two of our own have persevered in the face of hardship, abuse, and the laughter of everyone around them. They have neither waffled, nor have they minced. No, they rolled up their pants-legs and waded right into the puddle the rest of the gang assured them 'wasn't really all that deep' All hail Roborat and Capt. Foobar!
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