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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by History Buff: Nah, Churchill was the best at come backs. <hr></blockquote> On a 'Show the Flag, Rally Empire' tour of Canada, Churchill was at a dinner party, as a juniour MP, and was seated next to a Methodist Minister. When the attractive young woman who was waitressing came by with a tray of sherries, Churchill scooped one up. But the Minister, when offered, recoiled in horror, and told her "Oh, no! I would sooner committ adultery than allow alcohol to pass my lips!" Churchill called the young woman back and said "here, lassie, here's my sherry. I didn't know we had a choice." [ 11-15-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Fieldmarshall: Ah, I see your with the PENG people......no wonder you take everything so seriously, just having a laugh, if spelling was such an important issue on a msg. board to you then I suggest you get a real life, you bloody socialist! [ 11-15-2001: Message edited by: Fieldmarshall ]<hr></blockquote> Doubtless you meant "I see you're with the PENG people" rather than 'your'. Doubtless the fact that your message was edited was to avoid being laughed at for your usual failure to use language properly while mocking another for making a point of it. Of course, you screwed that up. And those of the Peng Challenge Thread taking everything seriously?! You inane f'ing pillock. You've neither the talent, nor the background, nor the raw ability to be other than a little dribble of piss. Socialist? You couldn't define the term with a Dictionary in one hand, and a Political Science text in the other. Real life? Define yours. Explain to those of us here, unenlightened, the glory of your 'Real Life'. Ha ha. Mesmerize us with your tales of how you've defined the Universe by your existence. I'll get a mop and you can use it to paint your life story.
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by gibsonm: Count me in. Mark Gibson gibsonm@bigpond.net.au Sydney Seanachai - you sound like you are from that lapsed Rugby nation, French Cricket side and pretend Netball team from the other side of the ditch !! Or maybe just living in Coogee?<hr></blockquote> Now this, this I can respect! I have absolutely no idea what he's on about, but I can respect his desire to be a useless Australian, and posting ! Come, Australia! I will show you where the Iron Crosses grow!
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Fieldmarshall: Ah, good 'ol hipocrisy can't get enough of it! Anyway, commisar, I thought you were a New Yorker. Also, Senachi--(if that is your real name<hr></blockquote> It's Seanachai, you useless pillock. Real names are academic when the individual making the quibble can't put a thumb to his nose and his arse with his eyes closed without getting arrested on a bus. And the spelling would be: hypocrisy. Any other point you would be attempting to make is pretty much lost. Certainly I can't follow it, and I'm brighter than you'll apparently ever be.
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by The Commissar: However, if by this lonely little smily you hinted at not meaning anything you said in the above messege, or simply going about it in a joking manner, then I forgive you. In fact, I think that was great of you, leading me on like that.<hr></blockquote> You slavic pillock, how dare you presume to judge my sense of humour?! Forgive me? You're not worthy to lick the blood of Russian soldiers spilled by Chechniyans off my boots! Funny now?! One man's funny is another man's annoyance, and another's offense. I didn't object to the 'joke', I objected to its representation as 'actually happening'. He misrepresented a Real World event in order to make a joke, then later acknowledged that 'he had it second hand' which was the same as admitting it was made up, and then tipped me a sneer for not finding his 'true' story funny. And then you wandered in and gave me ****e for not getting a belly laugh out of having someone represent their political prejudices as a joke, and then gave me the out of asking if I was having you on. So, Commissar, how many Russians do you need to behead to make a step-ladder to change a light bulb, eh? The answer is, of course: All of them! Because we will all be in the dark until those slavic pigs are eradicated and the light of Western Civilization shines in to show us the way to the nearest Comedy Club!
  6. You Australians are weak, weak as water! Where's that mad dog Aussie spirit that made No CM Here In Australia, Yet one of the great threads of the CM Board?! You people have lost your will. Austalia is floundering. As one dedicated to the desire to 'Crush All Australians', I am appalled at the low turnout on this thread. Is this "The Sub-Continent that Launched a Thousand Beers"? Or the land of "I Can't Stop Drinking Long Enough to Post" ? [ 11-15-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Buckeye: No, actually, just something I found funny. No free analysis needed, thanks very much. Some folks just can't take a joke...and lots of 'em are on NPR. <hr></blockquote> Bah. You found it funny? No doubt. But you passed your sense of humour off as reality. No misrepresentation and lies needed, thanks very much, whatever your sense of humour. Some folks just can't take ignorance and prejudice passed off as humour funny...and more of them here than you might think.
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Deuce: I've heard that before, I believe it's a joke. No such interview actually occured to my knowledge. Do a search on General Reinwald and boy scout on the internet.<hr></blockquote> Yes, another Urban Legend passed off as reality. The classic 'It's Important to me to equate NPR (read: Liberal), female, and journalist with inane public statements answered by a witty comeback from a figure I wish to identify with and want to see triumph". Rent a clue. Have you ever actually listened to NPR? The dialogue you attribute to an NPR reporter would sound half-witted in a 'Crystals Are Our Friends' New Age workshop. Less wish fulfillment, more reality.
  9. I could wish that I had the time for a true AAR, but I don't. Besides my many worthless Real World™ concerns, my various games, and my posting here, I'm working to put together some sort of psychiatric/medical team to look into the special needs of some of our New Chum Posters. In many cases, their almost complete inability to taunt, post with humour, or even sound more than half-witted stems from actual mental problems, or emotional traumas, and they are more deserving of our pity than our condemnation. I know that, with a little care, a great deal of understanding, and a complete indifference to reading anything of interest, I can make a difference in the lives of these otherwise useless human beings. So I am embarking on yet another phase of my role here in the Peng Challenge Thread. I will be organizing the Peng Challenge Thread Telethon of Stars! The purpose, of course, will be to make even the shallowest, the most inane, and the most slope-browed poster realize that there is a world beyond self-grooming for food-stuffs, and doing the 'Thunder Dance of Bodily Parts and/or Functions'. What do I gain from this? Well, besides contact with famous stars such as Jennifer Lopez, Lucy Lawless, and Oscar Zeta Acosta, I'll have the satisfaction of knowing that if I can reach and impact the lizard fore-brain of even one of these failed household pets, I'll have shown the way to a Peng Challenge Thread worth reading. Also, eventually I'll be regarded as a 'Comic Genius' in France. Zoot Alors! [ 11-14-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leeo: I don't get it. I thought we were a feudalistic, exclusionary hierarchy (who occasionally throw poo at each other). Am I wrong? <big>Am I wrong?</big> (I have been before, you know). We have a lord alright, and that Lord is, ...(wait for it).... Lord of the Dance! *(queue the Chieftains)* Now Sod Off, you fomenters!<hr></blockquote> I rather think Leeo has us rather better pegged, except he forgets to mention the key roll played by semi-mythological figures, and our own constantly shifting and very odd traditions. Also, that hopelessly puréed EveryCelt music that accompanied the utterly vile 'Lord of the Dance' abomination was not done by the Chieftains, and to say so is not only to reveal an ignorance that borders on brain damage, but also constitutes a base slander on a group of musicians who are at least capable of playing music. I demand an instant retraction and apology to the Chieftains, Ireland, Celtic music in general, and myself for having been forced to read such low gibberish. If they are not forthcoming, we will be moving 'Michael Felateme' in to live with you, Leeo, and you will have to launder his tights for 1 year.
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB: Soldiers, You all laugh, but really you know your days are numbered! I will rule the cess! You pond scuma re no match for my divine crushing blow!<hr></blockquote> My gods, this is just too, too sad. Perhaps we should hold a Telathon or something. I mean, how many times can you just look away? Gentlemen, I think we've just found the poster child for clueless SSNs. [ 11-13-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace: Given that it's a subversive secret society that permeates the CM community, You would be surprised who got the NDA! Further, I think it would be safe to say that the MBT is well represented in this group. Of course, this is conjecture on my part.... Mace<hr></blockquote> Oh, don't prance about, Mace. We all know that you're on the beta-test team as well. As an Australian govenment worker, who else would have more sodding time on their hands to make sure that CMBB comes out perfect? Through the good offices of Berli, I even saw your original 'checking it in here, boss' post on the Beta tester forum. I was pleased to see that the Mother Beautiful Thread was well represented. Oh, and on that note, I want to point out, if I haven't already, that Berli is a Prince, even if it is Prince of Darkness. When he left Minneapolis (the spiritual and geographic center of the Universe; we even have a plaque), he left with me his "Kelly's Heroes" DVD. Now is that a Prince, or what? Sadly, Berli will not say ****e about the game to come. Of course, that is probably what the NDA is all about. It's disturbing when the Evil One takes to heart this sort of thing. Sigh. Now, Mace, make your useless self useful and go work on getting more Australians to reveal themselves on the wanking 'Australia' thread. I want a full list of names.
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace: If it's you doing the crushing Seanachai, we have a very long wait! Mace<hr></blockquote> Go on, you wallaby fondler. I beat you at least. Although, er...not by much. Still, the plan to crush all Australians must move forward. Here, this isn't anywhere near like all the Australians. Where's Foxy? Where's Goanna? There's a' more Aussies than this around this Board.
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB: Soldier, Seanachai, you sir claim greatness... but really you are no better then Peng! You are over boiled cabage!<hr></blockquote> Better than Peng? You silly arse, we are coequal. We are both Old Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread. And cabbage has two b's, for choice. And you shouldn't over boil it, it will have a terrible consistency, and lose much of its taste and nutritional value. Young people now-a-days.
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elvis: I don't need an answer from Seanachi because I will never have time to read a whole post by him.<hr></blockquote> And as a result will remain forever a low and useless fellow. Elvis, in the name of science I ask you to go dancing on paper thin river ice. Having passed on your genes to a new generation, we'd be interested to see if your son, shorn of your influence during his formative years, would turn out to be of worth. Basically, it's the old 'nature versus nurture' thing. Short of that, you dismissive pillock, you could send me a setup. But no bocage, you bastard. And no joke scenarios! Peng and I are arranging our time off next season so that we can go out to Kalifornia together to hunt down chrisl and teach him the error of his way.
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: Seanachooie, I'm not sure if any one else has told you this, but putting the latest issue of Maxim on the barstool next to you does not constitute a date with the cover girl.<hr></blockquote> Don't be ridiculous. Did I say it was a date? Did you not see the picture of me posted by Berli? She's a friend of mine. I was visiting her at work, so she can't even escape. Silly bugger.
  17. Good. Get yourselves all together so we know who you are and can keep track of you, and we'll take care of you later. The first and most important thing is to correctly identify all the Australians. After that, plans can be made for crushing them all.
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Oh Seanachai, I have found the Happy Hunting Ground for you<hr></blockquote> I saw their shameless posturing. I shall go over there and post instanter! Wallaby fondlers.
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Cest bon: Hello again scum, I must say I do enjoy reading this thread. Helps pass the time and provides a laugh or two. Only problem is the amount of typing you guys do between my visits. You guys do have jobs, right? Oh and Seanachai, I really liked you guinness theory. I'm just not sure the formula is in his head. I believe it is contained more in his blood stream. In fact I think instead of bone marrow, he has bone hopps Till next time, Take care Cest bon <hr></blockquote> Well, yes, Cest bon, many of us do have jobs. But the Peng Challenge Thread is more like a calling, and so it is more important. And you're right, of course. If the formula for Guinness were lost to the world in an attack, it would be recreated by drawing blood from Lorak and putting it through a quick analysis. Thanks for the info on Lorak, and say hello to the lad when you hear from him. I've put the game he and I were playing on hold until he's in a position to play again.
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: I must admit lads, I never thought I would see the day that one of the Olde Ones would forsake the traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread, the Mutha Beautiful Thread, the CessPool merely for the sake of REVENGE! What say you Peng and Seanachai? Are we to let this assault upon all we hold dear go unchallenged? Or shall I take up the cudgel of the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread and settle this matter like a CessPooler by thrasing Berli to within an inch of his life? Joe<hr></blockquote> Well, Joe, I don't know that there's much that can be done, really. I mean, he's already been cast out of Heaven, so I don't know what you think we could come up with. After all, we can't cast him out of the Cesspool. Besides the fact that this is exactly where he belongs, and that his negative energy is one of the countervailing forces that maintains the very existence of the Old Ones, the cribbage tournaments the Old Ones indulge in while sitting around the Wasteland would go completely to ****e. I think perhaps you should play a game against him. Be careful, though, because, like Rune, I believe he now has an NDA, and it makes him cranky. Besides, Joe, when Berli is being petty, and cruel, and dismissive, and vicious...well, he's really just doing his job now isn't he? To make the statement that he's committing atrocities against the order of things for revenge...I mean, do you want to think about that for a moment? What else, actually, would he be doing? Besides, you started it with the whole biblical thing. If you're going to use the Bible, stick with some of the nasty bits, like Revelations or something. That whole bit about the Apocalypse doesn't seem to put him into a mood.
  21. What the heck? We're only at 260 or so, aren't we? I didn't see the Mad One posting that it was time, or did I miss something? Oh, well, off to drink Newcastle Brown Ale with a young blonde woman.
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka: BTW, whatever happened to the Seanoochian conquest of Australia? Did he ever actually beat anyone? Or, ala the 'Operation Sealion' thread, was his proposed invasion of Australia just a ruse to divert attention from some other, even more despicable plan? WOOT!<hr></blockquote> The campaign to 'Crush All Australians' is taking longer than originally anticipated, and has met with occassional reverses. So far, the only Australian who has been defeated is Mace, and it wasn't much of a 'crushing'. Stuka and the egregious Simon Fox have bollocksed up the entire 'being crushed' process by each winning a game against me. Rematches are in progress with both of them. Goanna also showed no intelligent understanding of his role as an Austalian, and won our only game to date. He has since disappeared, reputedly into the wilds of Montana, and hasn't been available for a rematch. It's to be noted that he disappeared after visiting the Heraldites, and it's my opinion that Berli, Moriarity, and Bauhaus actually ate him in some bizarre 'Combat Mission cannibal cult' ritual. I am in a game with Speedy, and anticipate crushing him, but it is too early to tell. Finally, the secret Australian living among us, OGSF, has been defeated a couple of times, but has also defeated me a couple of times, so I think that one's a push. I have not, however, lost heart, nor do I doubt in any way that eventually all Australians will have been well and thoroughly crushed. Any other outcome can only lead to the belief that the gods are dead. I do not intend to go gently into that good night, thank you very much, and will reaffirm the ultimate splendour of the universe by defeating all Australians. And then I will mock them in a most satisfying and profound way.
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace: Here, let me help you out as your were obviously stymied for words. (Unusual to say the least, next to Seanachai you're probably one of the more verbose here). ]<hr></blockquote> While we are both long winded, there is a very important difference in style. Shaw tends to post at medium length, but with almost pathological regularity. I post somewhat more sporadically, but generally at such length that strong men are left weeping, exhausted and feeling unworthy before the beauty, depth, and complexity of my wordflow. Of course, sometimes I post more succinct and straightforward posts, such as this one, and occassionaly Shaw extends himself and goes on at insane length. It's a bit of a mixed bag, but the generalization works.
  24. Strange, haven't managed a double post in ages. [ 11-07-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  25. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Okay, sorry but no time to chat. GO HERE!!! now for the most amazing set of online COLOR photos of the wermacht in Russia that I have ever seen. Oh, man, I'm goin' back in...<hr></blockquote> Where's my turn you little pillock?
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