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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Been without sleep for awhile now (well over 24 hours) and I have been pondering the existance of the useless pillocks of this thread. One name keeps poping into my head as particularly useless... Sir MacOberMakesMeWantToPukinFuhrer. Where the Hell did we ever dig up this Robert Burns wanabe? He has got to be more worthless than Sir Joe (who until now I had considered the single most worthless git here*). This series of threads all began because Peng and I (truly enlightened individuals both) took exception to that windbag Seanachai (yes I am bolding his name again) for being a wanabee Canuck. For some odd reason (advanced alcoholism probably) we have overlooked a wanabee Scot...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Joe Shaw steps up to the microphone, and with glaring, mad eyes, states: While I cannot take the time to name all those in the Peng Challenge Thread who have been named as members of Australia, I have here in my hand a list waves a sheaf of crumpled, dingy pieces of paper that look suspiciously like betting slips of 205 that were known to the Seniour Knights and Old Ones as being members of the 'nation' of Australia, and who nevertheless are still posting and shaping the community of the Peng Challenge Thread. And, ladies and gentlemen, ObergruppenStompinFuehrer's name was on that list.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The other night I found myself sleepless and worrying about whether David Aitkin would spend eternity locked in a simple, featureless room with Jeff Heidman and Colonel Deadmarsh. As Sartre said (Sartre is like The French, but more bitterly incisive and not as witty, nor as well attended by femininity), 'Hell is other people.' Of course, had Sartre spent more time on the Outer Boards, he would have been more specific, and said 'Hell is those people over there,' and waved his own list of 205 names. But I digress. As I said, I was sleepless and attempting to think of how to reach David's fine, sensitive inner soul (Chisel, I thought? Nail gun?), I suddenly became aware that on the television before me, on the 'All Utah All the Time Cable Network' (500 television channels - good work, Berli, one of hell's better efforts), the rather demented looking man who'd just stepped up to the microphone, caparisoned like George C. Scott in the movie 'Patton', looked disturbingly familiar. It was, in fact, Joe Shaw. After listening stunned to his damning accusation, I thought to myself: Could it be true? After a quick series of emails to Australia (they always seem to be awake when I should be asleep), the word came back. Hear it, Oh Berli: OGSF is, in fact, a card carrying Australian. I thought, how could this be? Are we not both, he and I, in America? But then I caught the end of Shaw's interesting, although totally paranoid and psychotic speech (he was spraying spittle pretty broadly, at this point, and there seemed to be stage handlers trying to approach him with what I'd swear was a taser), and it seemed to sum things up: The reason why we find ourselves in a position of impotency is not because the Australians have sent men to invade our shores, but rather because of the traitorous actions of those who have had all the benefits that the wealthiest nation on earth has had to offer - the finest homes, the finest college educations, and the finest jobs in Government we can give, and yet live amongst us as secret Australians. After that, Joe went on to make some fairly confusing points about Barry Goldwater, Sinn Fein, okra, and the duck-billed platypus, but only the remarks about Sinn Fein were repeatable in mixed company. Wondering what it all meant, and how this tied in with both my campaign to "Crush All Australians", the soul of David Aitkin, and the secret Australians living amongst us, I flipped to the Home Shopping Network. Newly 'burnt' CDs of Shaw's performance were being marketed by MTV, and selling as fast as 'Precious Moments' figurines (as regards the figurines, hat's off again to Berli, another bit of wonderfully executed evil that both drains away income from any useful purpose, and brings a direct connection to hell into the house of everyone who owns them). And suddenly, it all made sense. The World is, in fact, one giant, horrendous, and impossibly complex conspiracy. And there is absolutely no one behind any of it; no puppet masters pulling strings, no brooding intelligence moving pawns across a board, no ultimate plan being carried out to some ineffable conclusion. Just a massive plot being moved forward by no one at all, to no purpose. And so, I found I could sleep again. Although as I drifted off I had my doubts about that bit with the duck-billed platypus. I don't think that'd be possible. The scale's all wrong. And Barry Goldwater was a libertarian crazy, not a zoophilist. Still, you never know. Good night, David and Lorak. Guten Nacht, Stuka. Goodnight, Mr. Fox. Goodnight Lizard King. Goodnight, Mace, I know you fall asleep by restfully counting Super Models leaping over fences. Goodnight Speedy, care to bet on whether we'll all wake up? Goodnight to all the peoples of the world, and all the Kiwis lost at sea. Goodnight, the Newcomers, the wretched refuse yearning to taunt free. Goodnight the Landsmann; Shandorf, Dekefentle, Lars. Shandorf. Shandorf! Over here, you pillock, that's the mirror! Goodnight, and a good night may it be, to all of thee, you roaring boys, thou Cesspool Knights, you lads for an enterprise that has a belly to it, and belly to soak it up with, i' faith, you Crodas, you Marlows, Aguas, Iskanders, you knights who laugh at a little Cess and move to see, and laugh at the next to go face down into the muck from which you all rose Goodnight to you lawyers, billing first amongst equals, You JD, and you Lawyer, and you, Mr Spkr Goodnight, Meeks, we place the brick each night upon the hearth in case any rats should gain entry by the chimney dangling by their tales like a tree full of rats. And a one, and a two, and a one two three goodnight Elvis. Goodnight, Sancho, even a mouse may look upon The King. Good morning, Mensch. It's time to sing to the wiener dog. Goodnight, Geier; Vimes would have given Mouse a job, although the Old Firm would eat him, with malice afore-thought. And just a bit of mustard. Goodnight Mark IV. Dying is easy. Comedy is hard. Goodnight Shaw, for our traditions tell us that now, it is time to 'lie down'. Goodnight, Moriarity, most maligned of Heraldites. Goodnight, Bauhaus. Lie Down! Goodnight, Peng, without whom none of this would have been necessary. Goodnight, Berli, and flights of angels cast thee into hell, there to reign and brood on serving. And goodnight, Emma and The French. Lord, what fools we mortals be, when first we practice to believe. Believe in each other. The rest, lads and lassies...well, the rest is just irrefutable penetration charts, now isn't it? [ 08-14-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ] [ 08-14-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  2. What in the... WHAT ARE YOU LOT DOING IN HERE?! WHO BROUGHT THIS THING BACK FROM THE DEAD?! Roight! You worthless lot get back in the Peng Challenge Thread where you belong! This was meant for the Other People, not you wretched lot, and they don't need it any more. Berli damn near had me in tears over this stinking thread; I had to actually recant before he'd stop being polite to me. Now, where's the Mad Bald Fella to put this thing down once and for all?
  3. Who's for a jolly sing-song, then? I took back my hand and I showed him the door No dollar of mine would I part with this day For fueling the engine of bloody cruel war In my forefather's home far away. Who fled the first Famine wearing all that they owned, Were called 'Navigators', all ragged and torn, And built the Grand Trunk here, and found a new home Wherever their children were born. Their sons have no politics. None can recall Allegiance from long generations before. O'this or O'that name can't matter at all Or be cause enough for to war. And meanwhile my babies are safe in their home, Unlike their pale cousins who cower and cry While kneecappers nail their poor Dads to the floor And teach them to hate and to die. It's those cruel beggars who spurn the fair coin. The peace for their kids they could take at their will. Since the day old King Billy prevailed at the Boyne, They've bombed and they've maimed and they've killed. Now they cry out for money and wail at the door But Home Rule or Republic, 'tis all of it shame; And a curse for us here who want nothing of war. We're kindred in nothing but name. All rights and all wrongs have long since blown away, For causes are ashes where children lie slain. Yet the damned U.D.L and the cruel I.R.A. Will tomorrow go murdering again. But no penny of mine will I add to the fray. "Remember the Boyne!" they will cry out in vain, For I've given my heart to the place I was born And forgiven the whole House of Orange King Billy and the whole House of Orange. -Stan Rogers Written by a Canadian, posted by an American, and if it seems a little more like a slap at one side than the other, remember that the Orangemen don't raise money in the New World, as they don't need to. The UDL and their lot have all the funding they need right at home. Peace is peace. Mockery, anger, and intolerant stupidity...well, we've had plenty of that for several hundred years, now haven't we? Give it a rest, and let's think about the children, rather than acting like spoiled ones. [ 08-12-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  4. Roight, then. Where to begin? Let me start by saying that: Peng is a right bastard, and I have never been more proud of challenging him to a PBEM than I was after reading his most recent post to the last incarnation of this Thread. Should a significant accident of nature occur, and I am blessed with a child (and it cursed with me), I will name it after him. By that I mean, I will name it 'Mr. Peng' because his Real World name it too horrible to inflict upon a child. What a tangled web we weave, when first we begin to have a bit of a go at each other, and a jolly jest at each other's expense. It doesn't rhyme worth ****e, frankly, but it sums up the situation. I will not go further into recent Bad Cess, except to say this, as an individual, and not as anything approaching...no, sod that for a lark, I'll say it as one of The Old Ones. Stuka, Stalin's Organ, please contact me by email, if you haven't already resolved your differences. Sometimes, lads, there's nothing like a short, fat, white-haired, long-winded pillock with a delight in all things philosophical to make one's differences fade into insignificance in relation to being counseled on them by someone who actually likes you, and could 'bore' for his nation in the Olympics. I would post more, or even try to get some turns out, but I'm completely buggered, sick , over-extended, and it's still so goddamn hot here it's moving me to tears. 'They' promise us a beak in the weather by Friday. We shall see. As for the rest of you, you're looking a bit peaked. A bit weak. A bit 'Oh, no, Seanachai, we're simply too wrapped up in how useless we are to ever think of posting anything interesting!' ROIGHT, THEN, I WANT TO SEE EVERYONE BELOW THE RANK OF 'KNIGHT' DO 20 LAPS AROUND THE THREAD! And as for the 'Knights', I want an essay, 25 words or more, on "How The Peng Challenge Thread Has Redeemed My Otherwise Useless Existence". ROIGHT, THEN...BEGIN!
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by panzerwerfer42: Did Bob Hoover drop an A-bomb?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That is not war, as awful as war is, and as awful as it becomes. That is the flower that blooms from the same soil as Auschwitz, and no one can take pride in that. Combat Mission is a game, and we are but players upon it. Please take any fascination with the end of humanity to some other thread.
  6. Originally posted by Geier: Aren't you man enough to go away and beat yourself to death? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stixx: I may be. I can't see any purpose in it myself though. I'm sure your going to give me one though aren't you <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, lad, he isn't. You see, we take it in turns to expend a little effort on the useless, and Berli and Geier have already accorded you more time than I, for one, can credit, and far more than you've earned. No one is more pleased than myself to see the new arrivals stagger in here and attempt to make their mark. However, they do so by observing the rules of the Peng Challenge Thread. Have you chosen an opponent (and you will have to get down on hands an knees to look your peers in the eye), taunted him, and challenged to a game? I think not. Have you sounded off like you have a pair, and more than half a brain? Well, you've sounded off a little bit, but mainly about how grand Australia is, and I don't think you're the one the rest would choose as their spoke's creature. As to half a brain? Well, you've reposted at great length a somewhat reworked and extremely dog-eared copy of the 'the various armed services deal with a snake' post. Ahaha. Quite droll. We shall put you down as a quarter wit with aspirations below your station. Now, be a good lad, borrow a clue from a more discerning friend, and either attempt to justify your posting here, or bugger off. If you can't manage that, I'm afraid we will have to get medieval on your blossomy little behind, and turn the real Australians loose on you. [ 08-06-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Please, for once and for all, its <big>WHINER!</big> not whinger Whining, not whinging Whined, not whinged To wit, it is to WHINE, not to WHINGE. Thank you, now recommence your whinging.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> While I hesitate to agree with that Kiwi thug, you are quite wrong, Sancho my lad. You must broaden your horizons. You must encounter the use of English from a land that is different from your own In fact, where the hell are you from again? It's somewhere hideous, isn't it?
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: Yah, it was proposed that since vital key resources lay roughly south of the proposed line, Half of Australia could be sacrificed. Mace<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> All the breweries were in the south then, I take it? While the breweries stand, Australia sta...er, well, staggers laughing from one side of the street to the other, actually, but certainly without any intent of surrender, or even a clue as to how to go about it.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Leeo: I'd really like to read this vast tome of brain-droppings, but I've got to clean my toe-nails now.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Glad to see you've arrived at an intellectual level where you're comfortable. Don't go too deep and pierce the 'quick' underneath the nail. Your right to mental sloth and manic-depressive personal grooming are the means by which you are allowed to thoroughly 'define' yourself. Perhaps someone will start up a 'special' competition, funded by industry, patronized by celebrities, and smiled upon by the populace, which allows you to achieve self-actualization through your program of avoiding the writings of your betters, while touching yourself for hours on end in ways that may make people uncomfortable on the bus, but doesn't cause them to call the police.
  10. Now as some members of this is ill-esteemed body probably know, I have, over the years, been working on a compilation of my essays. Mark IV, I think myself right in saying, will doubtless remember one of my previous essays (it did not appear in the Peng Challenge Thread, because I don't believe that there was a Peng Challenge Thread when it was written) entitled: England in Film: History's Greatest Monster. I discovered another of these efforts recently while cleaning out files. It was originally submitted to National Geographic, Foreign Affairs, and Punch. The first rejected my essay on the basis of the accompanying photos, deemed 'too graphic' for mature audiences, the second rejected it on the basis that we were not currently at war with Australia, so there seemed no reason for my 'think piece', and I never actually heard from the last, which was disappointing as I thought them a natural for a work of this sort. Without further ado, then, and in the spirit of my ongoing campaign to 'Crush All Australians', I give you: AUSTRALIA: Bloody Flux at the Bottom of the World Many years ago, I remember being completely ****faced in a bar with a man who claimed to come from the 'nation' of Australia. He even stood me to several rounds of 'Australian' beers, which, he told me, since they were of 'export quality', were complete piss. I have paid top dollar to drink fine, imported French wines, to wear Irish woolens, and, in general, to acquire the very finest products of the world from the source. And, if one was to question not only most members of the World Community, but Australians themselves, as to what treasures or wonders their nation had produced, pretty much everyone would answer: Well, beer. If they were Australian, they'd elaborate with 'Yehr, Beer, not a single other bloody thing worth a ****e, really.' Now, this is perhaps the first step on the road to understanding the 'nation' of Australia. When the time came for proud, mercantile Australians to export the one product on which their nation's international reputation would be built, they gathered together and decided: 'here, we're not actually talking about sending good, drinkable beer to foreigners, are we? Won't that mean less for us? Let's send them the barely drinkable piss.' An Australian export industry was born, and their assault on the sensibilities of the rest of the planet had begun. Yes, gentle readers, it is time to confront another of those rogue Commonwealth nations, famed in song and story as 'A Nation of Criminals'. It has long been a maintained myth of history that the nation of Australia was settled by 'convicts, criminals, and the gutter sweepings' of the so-called 'British' Isles. The English achieved their 'Quick Response Colonization Force' by rounding up social undesirables and sentencing them to 'Transportation' for their crimes. A quick look-see at those who currently inhabit the said 'British' Isles will reveal the fallacy inherent in this vision of 'history'. Who could look upon the average Tory MP and concur with the idea that the 'undesirables' had been deported? Who could look at England under Margaret Thatcher and her cronies and delude themselves into believing that it was a nation that had identified and deported those prone to 'criminality'? The truth behind Transportation is that the most worthless element of British society had finally achieved an ascedancy, rounded up everyone who threatened their status or made them uncomfortable, and sent them off to 'the New World', there to impose the same sort of top-down arse kicking to aboriginal peoples that had finally been achieved in the 'British' Isles. Of course, the first place they used for Transportation was America. The result? A strong, enterprenurial nation of angry, self-reliant and touchy bastards who eventually showed up in two world wars with no sense of history or gratitude, a very bad attitude, and a desire to acquire postcards of the Royal Family naked. The second place they used for deportation was Australia. When the first settlers arrived in Australia, they were no more than victims of England's desire to rid themselves of anyone who might disturb their peace of mind, or question the right of an oligarchical and wealth-based society to suppress all dissension. But unlike America, which had a largely temperate climate, Australia was a dry, hot, inhospitable landscape. And that, gentle readers, is when the wallaby dung hit the windmill. For the people who were deported from England were no more than trouble-makers and misfits. After they arrived in Australia, of course, they became Australians. Having arrived, clawed out a living from the land, and come to grips with the climate, they began a national brewing industry that would rival the impact of Politics, Religion and Sex on their nation's history. The reality of Australia is not that they are a nation of 'criminals'. The reality is that they are a nation of 'drunkards'. And loud, opinionated, and rather boisterous drunkards, at that. Now, here in the developed world, we have a vision of Australia that is completely at odds with the reality. Many people in the western, 'developed' nations have seen the 'Mad Max' movies. What most do not realize is that these are not, in fact, 'movies' but rather live video feeds from Australia's heartlands. The reality of Australia is that there are half a dozen 'tourist cities' on the coast, where foreigners come and are given the illusion of a Commonweatlh nation, and allowed carefully supervised trips into 'Australia'. The reality of everything outside those enforced and forcibly maintained coastal enclaves (places like Melbourne and Sydney are no more real than Disney World, and slightly less lucrative), is what the viewer sees in 'Road Warriour'. In short, Australia is a vicious, brutal place, overrun by anarchy, and whose entire History, Religion, and Culture is derived from the nation's brewing industry. I know, every one of us would have assumed that that sort of genesis would have produced a utopian society. But, there is another aspect of Australia that must be factored into the mix. That is: Biology Now, Australia is the biggest goddamn island in all the world. As such, it is biologically unique. It is the home of unique species. It is the bastion of lifeforms who are reduced to mere pockets of 'wannabes' on other continents. In short, it is the homeland of 'marsupials'. Why is this significant? Because, as mammals, marsupials are a more 'primitive' family. The young are born largely stupid, incompetent, and under-developed. Could the significance of this to Australia's human culture be ignored? I think not. Australians, like their wildlife, arrive on the scene almost completely unfitted to deal with life or reality. But, because their only competition is from other Australians, they actually manage to compete. The isolated aspect of their Island Nation preserves their 'unique' evolution as a people. And, not to raise too many political hackles, it would explain their nation's long standing 'immigration' policies. Now, although I could go on all day long describing what a sorry, dung-covered stick history and biology have given the Australians to lick, I will sum up a few aspects of contemporary Australian society for those lucky theme-park visitors who can shell out huge sums of money to visit the coastal enclaves. Firstly, Australians are unutterably unique in their ability to use spoken English in a way that conveys absolutely no goddamn information whatsoever. They have the most exclusive form of slang going. An examination of 'Aussie' colloquial slang reveals that it has absolutely no basis in anything other than one Australian's willingness to use it, and another Australian's williingness to accept it. In other words, one Australian, deep in the throws of alcoholic poisoning brought on by national pride, reels off a series of near-nonsense words, and another Australian says, 'Oh, aye' and the uttermost, stupid, and incomprehensible word usages immediately become a fixture of the nation's entire speech pattern. How they can communicate this drunken acceptance of gibberish as an evolution of language patterns is unknown, as The Hague won't allow us to vivisect Aussie's while they're speaking. It may be some sort of 'pheromone transmital' mechanism that is triggered by things like Vic Bitter. Also, just as the Inuit have hundreds of ways of describing 'snow', and the English have hundreds of ways of defining 'their social inferiors', the Australians have hundreds of ways, based on their national religion of beer consumption, of describing the act of vomiting. When an Australian converses with you and uses such terms as 'technicolour yawn', 'singing lunch', and 'pushing the VB river to the coast', it means his rather limited intelligence and ecological imperative have accepted you as an equal. Don't be offended, as he means it in the best way, and doesn't comprehend that he's just another beer-drinking marsupial. Finally, let me just say this. Many foreign visitors have commented favourably on the willingness of even the most stupid Australian to welcome in a foreign visitor willing to drink, and especially buy a round of beers. They have commented on the Australian national acceptance of the debasement of the Anglican concept that 'wherever two or more of you are drinking in my name, there is love.' And they have spread the word that many Australian women are quite lovely, and starved for anything like attention from men not 'nationally' affected by 'whiskey droop'. Gentle readers, I hope to visit Australia before I die. [ 08-04-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis: The truth shall set you all free!!!!! Stop being lemmings!!!! 15mgs isn't a dent on my hard drive and isn't the point (I don't have a huge drive, 13gigs, which is plenty)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> When I saw the name of this thread, I just knew you'd be in here, you pillock. Keep this up, and we'll have a go at you with the medication we've been giving Mensch. Now, as for this turn numbering biznai, Elvis, who we would normally have to characterize either as 'disturbed' , or the more kindly phrase 'a right nutter', can be forgiven for his endless gibbering on this topic because he is a new father, and therefore being forced by reality to try and simplify and save time wherever possible. As for myself, I only ask that opponents use a sequential numbering system, with our screennames or some recognizable variant of them appended for clarity. At any given time, I never have less than a dozen games going, and more likely 20+. I myself further add a lowercase 's' at the end of my turns so that I can quickly, and at a glance, tell my turns from my opponents. Now, as to what I require of my opponents...well, I'm not likely to get much of anything, am I, given that my games come almost completely from within the Peng Challenge Thread. Some send turns with just enough of a designation for me to tell which opponent it's from. Some use intricate numbering systems that seemed to be based on the Mayan calendar. Some, such as Bauhaus and OGSF, go along blithely following a very straightforward sequential numbering system, then begin randomly resetting their returned turns to much earlier numbers. Peng has taken to using the 'insult haiku/file naming system' in an attempt to break me down. I don't give a stuff, I lovingly rename each turn to fit the proper file/sequence, and carry on. Time consuming? Perhaps. It helps when you know and despise each of your opponents in a way that is so personal that they are almost like your family. But Elvis also overlooks the single greatest reason for turn numbering: Tradition. For without our traditions, we're just so many idjits showing up to rant and rave about our own personal hobby-horses, such as '88mm penetration' and 'turn numbering'. [ 08-04-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ] [ 08-04-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  12. Let me just say good luck to Shrad fella, sorry for the lateness of this well wishing, but I missed your original post in my hurry to get caugh up and just stumbled across it a few minutes ago. Also, a rousing Happy Birthday to Mace, who has the enviable name of being the only Australian I have so far defeated. All the other Aussies are very, very bad at this business of being crushed; in fact, they suck at it. But Mace seemed to get the idea and went down to defeat, although it was clear that he is , in fact, Australian, because I only narrowly defeated him, I didn't actually crush him. As I look around my house, I realize I have bought a great deal of new computer equipment lately, so I must be happy. Temperatures, however remain above 90º with high humidity , which allows Minnesotans to have fun with something called the 'heat index', which adjusts 'how hot it is' by means of the humidity and such ratings to determine 'how hot it feels'. This is a means of gauging misery that we amuse ourselves with in the summer. In the winter, of course, we have the 'wind chill factor'. We have developed a great many tools for measuring our discomfort. And Lorak, it is indeed true that Agua Perdido defeated me.
  13. Last night, as I attempted to compose a little challenge to a couple of our stalwarts, and to acknowledge the accepted challenge of a recent Newcomer, my new Firewire external hard drive, which for reasons unknown sometimes takes exception to any activity via a browser, suddenly began to spew blood, interrupted my connection, and eventually completely froze the computer. It was late, so I went to bed. Most of this evening has been spent getting computer back, firewire drive back, and puzzling over why the drive does not like the computer to be connected to the internet. I shall have to spend time this weekend communicating with La Cie and asking them to explain this anomaly. They, of course, will blame it on Apple. When contacted, Apple will advise me to communicate with the HD manufacturer. Both will eventually demand that I upgrade my OS, and then shrug and begin a new round of finger pointing when something else breaks. Possibly I might get some help at MacFixit. In any case here is the post I began last night. Ah, yes, and before I slouch off like some rude beast towards the Bethlehem of sleep, I need to address certain matters of mine own honour. Lorak, most wonderfully Loathed. Mark IV, most witty and ironic of opponents. I accept your Challenges. Setups go out tomorrow night. Why tomorrow? Because it's bloody late, 87º at 1 AM, and I'm still, roughly speaking, employed. Lorak, after our last match, I could only conclude that the first game you chose to play against an opponent was the hook, the CM equivalent of 'three card monty'. I look forward to the arse-kicking you will no doubt hand-out in this, our rematch. Either that, or I shall take the greatest delight in pounding you into the ground like an earnest, educated, well-spoken Irish fence-post. Mark IV, who has twice defeated me, and earned a double helping of bile. I have waited, I have bided my time, I have witnessed the pattern of your deterioration. You have been too long, laddie, in the land of the lotus. You have mixed too thoroughly with Californians to be worthy of victory. Your wit remains sharp, but your environment has degraded you to an extent that makes you easy prey; a sort of CM eunich, with all your faculties retained, but the very pith of your being sapped, enervated, and made nothing. Let us see if you can shake off the influences of a job, a landscape, and a lifestyle more appropriate for an impotent Roman Senator from the late period of Empire, than a CM tactician absorbed by issues of honour. Finally, let me just say that a certain well-mannered and overly courteous individual, styling himself R_Leet (horrible name, quite inappropriate...it seems, actually, to be his real name, the pillock) did indeed show up here, last Thread incarnation, and challenge me to a game. I take that challenge up with a right good will. This R_Leet fella, who I simply cannot continue to go to the trouble of using all the appropriate keys on the keyboard when addressing, and so shall address him in future as RLeet, is welcome here. I say that by way of courteous belittlement. His challenge to me, while quite gentlemanly, and doing him credit, lacked a certain bile, a certain harshness, a certain viciousness. Mind, I imagine that, unlike most of you, he was sober at the time. I can only hope that, as our game progresses, he lets the belt out a notch, undoes a stay or two, and loosens his societal corset enought to address some harsh and witty words to me. Now, because of the unpleasantness with the drive last night, and the attempt to make everything behave this evening, likely most turns won't go out until later tomorrow night. Oh, and how wonderful the diversity of the 'Pool! I was quite taken with Lawyer and Leeo's personal recitations of 'The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse'.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: This is like taking sides in a contest between mad dogs... no need, and a happy ending either way. Congratulations on belling the cat. I hope you have lewn down for a bit after what must have been quite a thrill. This should rate the biggest asterisk since special character sets were introduced to the roll of kaniggets.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, now I am torn. While I am filled with Pride over my Squire's victory over Shandorf (intensified by my imminent complete trashing by that same, horrible man, one 'Shandorf'), I cannot but feel conflicted because Mouse is still far, far, from being worthy of Knightly status, or, in fact, of leaving the men's room without a quick check of his vitals (zipper up, shirt not caught in it, etc. etc.) But, it is a victory over the forces of Hubris, and should not be ignored, either. Well done, Panzer Leader! (tuck that back in, you little pillock). Your victory is the sweeter knowing that Jefe really hates to lose. Now, Squire. In honour of this victory, I stand ready to raise your status one notch. It might have been more, except for your stupidity regarding the Rules, and pettishness with Mark IV the other day. I am the most Quixotic of the Knights (except perhaps for Shaw...this can reasonably be established through, say, a Blood Hamster match), and so I declare that the being who wishes (why, no one knows) to be called 'Panzer Leader', I set free, as my Squire, from the designation of 'Mouse'. Henceforth, he shall be called 'Sancho', in memory and dubious honour of Sancho Panza. One small scurry upwards for Panzer Leader; one giant leap upward for 'Mouse'.
  15. Well, well, well, it's nice to see everyone playing well together. Quite a few new matches started up lately, lots of activity, everyone as unfriendly as possible while still remaining quite good chums. Oh, and although the issue has been resolved, and some very gentlemanly remarks passed by all parties, A Ruling from the Old Ones (and Lorak, who, in many ways is the very soul of the Peng Challenge Thread. The bastard) was called for, and Berli has had his say, so I shall have mine. Normally, a Blood Hamster match is an extremely serious affair. It is nothing to be thrown about like a nerf ball, or the intellect of George W. Bush (which is still dangerous enough to put out the eye of small, unwary children). The Blood Hamster match is a grudge match. It is a willingness to wager much on the desire to triumph over an opponent. As such, it is something that must be agreed to by both parties. Now, normally, the Blood Hamster involves the possession of another player's signature for a specified period. But it might involve other conditions, as long as they are mutually agreed upon. Just so must the match be agreed upon. One cannot force another player into a 'double or nothing' wager. Only governments can do that. While a member might consider the challenge of honour placed before him, he is also quite free to consider his own freedom of choice. And here in the Peng Challenge Thread, we are very much about...Our Freedom! Even the Old Ones, Lorak, the Seniour Knights, and the various titled and designated amongst us, can at best claim to be 'First amongst Equals'. As far as Berli, Peng, and my humble self go, we are merely the 'First amongst the First amongst Equals'. Or, to quote Orwell, "Some animals are created more equal than others." But no fear, as we form the most classicly stable of all groupings: a Trinity. Heaven, Hell, and Earth. God, Satan, and Mankind. The Father, the Son, and the Spirit. Past, Present, Future. Larry, Moe, and Curly. It goes on and on, the permutations endless, the result: Balance. Fear not for your independence, for your perogatives, for your rights. We are no more than manifestations of your will. We lead only in-so-far as we sense the needs of the folk. Usually, of course, what we sense is that you bastards need a right good arse-kicking. And a serious telling-off and summation of your failings as sentient creatures. And after all that, of course, a jolly sing-song! Basically, this post is a lengthy, long-winded, almost erudite and thorough-going treatment of Berli's: 'I see no reason why he should have to play a Blood Hamster match'. Berli's the terse one. It's part of that balancing thing I was going on about earlier.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: I believe it may have been Roosevelt who said "Tread quietly and carry a big stick", a lifestyle I happen to agree with. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What was actually said was: "Walk softly so as to leave the house without waking anyone up, and then let's go find some bloody Australians to kick the ****e out of." And yes, he knew it was horribly ungrammatic.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: Here is a thread started by a certain Mr Jeff Heidman to complain about haltracks being too vulnerable. I believe the game was subsequently changed as a result of this or similar complaints. Are half tracks TOO vulnerable? Here is a thread started by a certain Mr Jeff Heidman to complain about halftracks being invulnerable. I accepted his self-righteousness over the issue until I realised that he may be partly responsible for causing it. I hate to say this, but I think I found a bug... A BIG bug...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Do ya' know, I always think of Aitkin as the Anti-Heidman of the Forums. I mean, they can't be brought into close proximity without some sort of energy reaction, and although they behave exactly the same, they are completely different in how they do it. Both are earnest, intense, and rather plain spoken to the point of rudeness (I'm speaking in terms of the Outer Boards, here), although you get the impression that neither of them actually dislikes anyone. The main difference is that Mr. Heidman is almost invariably negative in his approach, and Aitkin is usually positive (except regarding other human beings, of whom he seems to have a deep suspicion. Perhaps an unhappy childhood? Living under a decaying Monarchy? Being Scots, and feeling English? Hard to say). Oh, also, I've only very rarely seen Heidman display anything much like a sense of humour, and David, despite his deeply suspicious looks and wrinkled lip, does indeed seem to have a sense of humour. I suggest, just to be on the safe side, that one of them be kept in some sort of generated magnetic field containment bottle. My vote would be to put Heidman in, as a lack of a sense of humour wouldn't put any strain on the containment bubble.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bauhaus: What exactly makes a SR. Knight? Is it the color of the grey in his hair? Or is it an age thing? I think None of us are old enough to be considered Seniors, though there are days where my walk resembles that of a senior.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sadly, and most horribly, Bauhaus, you are, in fact, a Seniour Knight. As is Moriarity. When you first showed up, we thought you were with Berli and gave you the position. My ears are still ringing over what he had to say about that mistake. Oh, not so much in your being a Seniour Knight, so much as the horrible implication that you were with him.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Oh, so YOU'RE in on the conspiracy TOO! I might have guessed that pure EVIL would enjoy the torment of the masses this will cause. And what's this ELDER crap? I'm a Seniour Knight too you know, not to mention Prosecutor and Protector of The One The True CessPool. Joe<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm sorry, Joe, but Berli is quite right. This goes well beyond being a Seniour Knight, and by Elder, he means 'one of the Old Ones'. And we are in agreement. Which is particularly remarkable. So Simon Fox is a Knight of the Cesspool, and the Official Grog of the Peng Challenge Thread. Now, Joe, I know how hard you work at the paranoia of keeping the Peng Challenge Thread free of the useless, the unworthy, the heretical. I know how much you treasure our many and very odd traditions. And I know that, since Meeks fled to cope with Asian women, mongrel cousins, and the sweet mystery that is life, there has been a position gone unfulfilled on the Peng Challenge Thread. I speak, of course, of the position of Inquisitor General of the Peng Challenge Thread. This responsibility can only be held by the most dedicated, the most earnest, and the most clearly and totally deranged of the Seniour Knights (no, Mensch does not count, as the Inquistor General must also be relatively coherent, and must not number amongst his closest confidantes a dachshund named 'Frieda'). So, Sir Shaw, in a move that bares no resemblance to a patronage position handed out to sway opponents to getting on board over a matter of policy, how would you feel about accepting the position of 'Inquisitor General'? I mean, at least until Meeks recovers himself, and proves capable of taking up his duties again. Which, of course, will most likely be never. Oh, and you can recruit as your lieutenant my former Squire, Mr Spkr. The man's deeply bent, and has a watchdog mentality that should serve you well. Lorak, scribe thusly: Simon Fox (protesting and denying) Knight of the Peng Challenge Thread, and Official Grog thereof. Shaw, Inquisitor General. Mr Spkr: Inquisitorial Lackey
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2: YK2 walks into the main court and Kneels graciously before Sir Peng "Of course you are right M'Lord" Sir Seanacoochie did indeed bestow upon myself the right to be a "Dame of the pool" But I want to see it up in *LIGHTS* *TWINKLING* amongst all those other Knights and Indeed next to the most sparkling Knight of all the one and only Sir PawBroon *SIGH* Brushing away the dust from her Long Golden Dress YK2 stands up and composes herself before the court. Ahem..... where was I? oh yeah, call me spoilt if you wish (for I have been) but that's what I am asking, to see my name in "Black and White" although "Technicolour" would be more acceptable...... On Sir Loraks Cesspool. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Indeed, and I declared Emma to be, not merely some 'Dame' but the 'Lady of the 'Pool'! I remember when she first rose before the Old Ones, her arm clad in the finest, shimmering samite, offering to our grasp... Well, I thought it was an Extra Special Bitter, but Berli's always claimed it was an aged, single malt scotch. Peng just says it was 'alcohol', and grins the sort of grin that is the last thing that some scuba-divers ever see. But, in any case, we are all agree she was there, and dressed up fancy, not like some cheap tart, and seemed to be offering each of us a gift most rare and wonderful, and what each most desired. And as far as Pawbroon goes, I always had him figured for Lancelot, after all. I mean, Lancelot was a frog too, wasn't he? And a Knight without compare? Well, who the hell could you compare Pawbroon to? And I always did see the Peng Challenge Thread as a particularly odd Camelot, after all. Much better than that rather off base comparison to the 'Lord of the Rings' that was going on a while ago. Have you ever read Malory's 'Le Morte D'Arthur'? Or even De Troyes? It's not like the musical.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: That's a nice effort for you. The problem is that this sounds more like someone who has just LOST a pair, without benefit of anasthesia, than someone who's GOT a pair. You are sputtering, sirrah (again, that eerie similarity to a nascent Shaw... ). Seanachai, you are malfeasant! Your squirelet has failed in the vital matters of bolding, failed to address me as HERR Unger, failed to exhibit the wit or bile of a salted snail, and has challenged above his station, although not many lawn beetle larvae have internet access, to be sure. I'm going to leave the room for a few hours and I trust this matter will be dealt with before I return.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sigh...Mark IV, I can only say that he is a burden to me, truly he is. The Real World™ has, of course, had me in utter thrall lately, and I had lapsed in my vigilance because I thought the little bastard's PC was currently as half-witted as himself. I shall now have words with him. Have a scotch, and I shall return him to his allegiance. Now, then, Squire Panzer Leader...to begin with, why did you ever choose a useless, pillocky screen name like that? It's hubris, lad. It's trite. It mocks the memory of Guderian, and makes you sound like a 19 year old. It's the Combat Mission equivalent of 'people' who randomly capitalize some letters and use numbers to represent others. It lowers you to the level of Combat Mission chipmunks like Rommel22. Should the Board crash at some future date, and you should, the Goddess willing, be bereft of your screen name, I want you to pick something more personal, regal, and appropriate to return here as. I despair of you, Mouse. You had been doing so well. I'd actually begun to hold my head up again, and was thinking of suggesting that we change your 'Pool name to 'Mickey'. I thought you were on the road to better things. And then, of course, you make a rather petulant attack on a Seniour Knight. Mind, I would not only understand an attack on a Seniour Knight, I would applaud it. But not a petulant one. No stamping around, making moues, and getting bitchy with Knights. I know not, sometimes, how to reach you (although increasingly, the image of a ballpeen hammer forms before me). Mark IV quite rightly called you on an infringement of the rules. We have so very few rules here that they shouldn't be difficult for even the magically half-witted to keep in view. And there is a purpose to all of them. And the purpose of the rule that requires you to challenge someone specifically is this: If you won't take the time to learn who posts here, if you won't take the time to fit your challenge to that opponent, if you won't stop watching reruns of 'Blossom' long enough to try and come up with something witty and appropriate in your challenge, then why, by all the gods, should ANY OF US TAKE THE TIME TO PLAY YOU?! There is a purpose to every rule laid out. They are marvelous in their simplicity. And the reasons behind them are as marvelously fulfilling and complex as the rules themselves are straightforward and simple. By asking someone to just 'step forward', because you wanted another game, you insulted every member of the Peng Challenge Thread, in the same way that the SSNs and more foolish Serfs and Squires do. You sauntered into a gathering of people who's question to you is this: I am a member of the Peng Challenge Thread. I hold certain standards of behaviour, of wit, and comportment to be self-evident. I don't care about your ability to play CM. I don't give a rat's nether regions about your win/loss record. I want you to tell me why I should play a game against you, Jimmy! (a tip of the bonnet to OGSF, there, who, if you notice, goes to great lengths with every goddman post). Anyone can shuffle off to the Opponent Finder forum and strike a pose, and get a game. And any toad can come on the Board and strut and expose himself and crow about his standing on 'the Ladders' (like that little pillock who kept holding up a magnifying glass to his CM manhood early on in the 'Tournament of Stars' thread, with his much vaunted #3 standing. We all remember him as a posturing git, but who can even remember his screen name?), and play at 'gunslinger'. But here, on the Peng Challenge Thread, we have standards. We demand personal acknowledgement. We have rules. Mark IV, your indulgence while I finish the instruction of my Squire. He is useless, and weak, but I think with much work, he may some day prove worthy. So I make shift to show him the way: Mark IV, you outcast, spurned, North Country refugee who's so enervated by your last chew on the lotus that you cannot flee California. Where do I begin to detail your faults? I know, as an example to all here I shall forego the usual witticims regarding your bathroom habits, and avoid projecting my own insecurities by mocking you in a way that doesn't accuse you of having carnal knowledge of other men, most of whom wouldn't poke you with a sharp stick to see if you were dead or not. I shall, instead, point out that you have mocked my Squire, taking onto yourself a role that is quite rightly my own. And you have had the gall to call me on it, sirrah, call me quite sharply to account for it! In this, I owe you no explanation, for how I discpline my Mouse is surely not your concern. You might better spend your time asking how you will balance your playing of Combat Mission with your craven policy of appeasement of your woman. I understand that the world of 'Marketing' is where all lacklustre MBAs end up, swilling scotch, and making regular weekend phone calls to more successful classmates, who might be able to put them in touch with some 'knowledgeable insider' who can further their descent into the ethical wasteland of their profession by passing them unethical financial tips, like jaded nobles throwing scraps to their dogs... And so it goes. Now, this was a bit stilted, and old-fashioned, and rough, but it's late, and I have other issues to deal with. But, Mouse, do you notice how I make no reference to odd, inappropriate sitcom characters? How I address my remarks to the opponent in question, and show some knowledge of him and his life? I would, without question, be more likely to give a game to someone who abused me as the 'boring, long-winded, senile bard of the Peng Challenge Thread', than some git who showed up shouting 'drop trow and bend over, old guy, and I'll drive you to Detroit! Hey, I'm one hellacious CM player, whoo-hoo, do you know that you guyz suck?! Hey, who thinks they can beat me?!' and then goes on to make several rather tedious and expected remarks about arses, arseholes, ****e, and further revelations about the trauma of the failure of their early toilet training. Mouse, take note. I am not here to teach you how to play Combat Mission. That is the journey we are all on, and we take our lessons from it. I am here to teach you how to be a member of the Peng Challenge Thread. And today's lesson is: Don't Whack, Whack, Whack! screw with the rules Thwack!, because, you little pillock Zwing!, they are there for a reason! Mark IV soon we will have to have another game. I have learned much. You have learned more. We will have to see who's progress has been stronger. Oh, and thank you for acknowledging my Squire. He's not actually worthy, as you well know. But perhaps some day...
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: Oh come of it Snootypie. Not that I have the time to read the tripe you peddle (or is that piddle?), as I never had, because it is little better than watching a re-run of a particularly bad episode of 3rd Rock, but either of us knows that anyone who ever even looked into the Peng Thread is not worth bothering with, and let me not even start on the regular posters there, present or past. As I full well know they are best kept in a cage, fed decaying bananas (that's how we deal with Peter anyway) and should be poked with pointed sticks at random intervals, although attacking them with an over-ripe Mango would probably go too far. So just monkey back to the cage, and chew on the bars, or somefink. Shoo.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Good Gods! Andreas? We thought you were dead! What about my last turn, you pillock? Did you think I wouldn't keep the game file? And the Peng Challenge Threads are the ultimate repository for all that is best and most worthy about the Combat Mission Forums, you Germanic deportee. We, at least, choose to belittle each other personally, like gentlemen, and actually spend a bit of time over it. And, while others might denigrate us, and others yet might dismiss us, yet we will actually read what you have to say about us, and object to the death what you've said about us. As far as I can tell, those who dismiss the Peng Challenge Thread have never accorded us the same right. [ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Simon Fox: I have no intention of addressing Lorak's twitterings directly. But as a professional agitator and disdainer of the overweening (Shaw being a prime example of an overweening buzzing gnat) I offer these thoughts. Take for example Loraks statement: This is a perfect example of why people have to tighten up their prose. If you read it in one light it appears that Lorak is making a general statement about the dangers of entering the cesspool if you are a sook. Yet in another light it can be read as implying that I am a tasteless and humourless sook, clearly designed to belittle and insult, but of course not having the desired effect either way. Clearly this message can be interpreted in a variety of manners, yet with a little more care the message could have been phrased in a manner to remove any doubt that I was the recipient of the insult. Edited to remove any possible ambiguity. [ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: Simon Fox ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I wish to address the 'Pool. The poster Simon Fox, hereafter referred to as 'Simon Fox' is a deeply satirical, bent, and annoying Aussie who is too clever by half, and enjoys a bargee. That is to say, while not necessarily a friend of the Peng Challenge Thread, he hates it no more than he hates anything else, and, perhaps, has even a soft spot for the Thread, while maintaining a deep-seated hatred for everyone in it. Witness, my Ladies and you, Yes, YOU, YOU USELESS PILLOCKS! I SEE YOU LOUNGING ABOUT OVER THERE LIKE YOU'RE BUYING! Ahem, that is, witness the fact that Mr. Fox, and I call him thus advisedly, shows up to taunt us here on our horrible ways. And he does so in a snide and humourous way. Now, normally speaking, when the useless and insecure bollocks from the Outer Boards show up here to attack us, they do so in a decidedly raving, stupid, and non-humourous manner. Monsieur Fox, on the other hand, showed up and was pointedly vicious and mostly coherent. He lost some points for being rather too pointed, and not snide enough. Now, when a satirical bastard shows up here, and goes to great lengths to put a sharp stick into everyone reading, and isn't some sort of Outer Board Avenging Angel, but just playing at it, I say there's only one punishment that fits the crime of Snideness and Insitigation. I say, we make the Ozzie bastard a Knight. Serve the stand-offish swine right, I say. Besides that, it'll annoy the Kiwis, and they haven't exactly sent us their best and brightest, lately, now have they? [ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Priest: No need to make this private. It is not an all out attack and I did enjoy our game and I have played a few of the players in the PENG thread and I agree that there are quite a few really good players. I also believe that all or most of the PENG folks really care about BTS and CM (in all of its flavors future and present). That being said there are also a few that grated on my nerves so I left. No flurries of emails or posts. I just silently left. I still browsed the forum and occasionally posted but for the most part was content with other CM duties i was asked to perform outside of the forum. I joined another forum recently (on a totally different subject not related even to reality much less a historical simulation) and it is horrible. I mean really really horrible. So for some sanity and discussion i opted back for some time in the BTS Forum but alas many bad things had been set afoot. Still not nearly as bad as the other forum but still when you expect to get greatness and all you get is above average it is frustrating. Also I am an ardent Tiger supporter so to some extent I am biased. More importantly though I hate to see someone of worth (we can all agree on that) leave the forum. I am sure it was a misunderstanding and I wish it could have been solved with a virtual handshake. As for the attack on the PENG thread it unwarranted on my part as I just perused it some and must admit there are some pretty good chaps and "chapettes" (how is Kitty these days?) in the thread. So I humbly apologize because (pardon the pun) I practice what I preach. My point should have been directed at the individuals that I meant to use as example and not the thread as a whole. Of course that would have caused more problem than it would be worth but I digress. Regardless you had nothing to do with it and both you and Meeks were and are excellent opponents and I would hope to receive a game from either or both of you (IIRC I still owe you a beating in retribution for the one you gave me!). Maybe I will even stop in on the PENG thread sometime. Anyways once again I apologize for anybody I slighted in my comments about the PENG thread. No that that is settled how are you doing LORAK? (ANSWER QUICKLY MATT IS BOUND TO LOCK THIS ONE UP NOW THAT WE ARE OFF TOPIC)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This is a very fair, and gentlemanly reply, and saved me from posting...well, not an attack on you, but certainly a demand for a stiff accounting. Thanks to Lorak, a straight-up and gentlemanly player, for broaching this in a friendly way. That said, Priest, and taking in to account what you've said in this thread, which is to your credit, I think it only fair to point out to you that if you have issues with individuals, then make them with those individuals. I will not accuse you of such, but the way of cowards and instigators is to choose a group of 'others', and make them the target for all that is wrong with how they want the world to be. So your original choice of attacking the Peng Challenge Thread, and everyone who posts there, rather than taking up your issues with the individuals that you had issues with...well, think how that appears, both to those who post there, and those who don't, not to mention those who don't even know what it's all about. So, a contributing and respected member of this community went into a huff over remarks addressed to him about an oft-discussed and decidedly hot-button issue, and you pick out some names of people who'd psoted, and then attacked an entire group of people. That is not the action of a gentleman, and the Peng Challenge Thread accepted you in as a gentleman. The posts of the people there are meant in a humourous vein, and we work to keep it humourous. Sometimes, it can be a lot of work. There will always be fools and arseholes who can't make the leap, but I'm here to tell you that I have been there from the beginning, and the vast majority of the posters, both as opponents, and as people, are gentlemen and ladies. Some, of course, in their own special way. But almost none of them had any responsibility for your little tin god jumping to his feet and complaining because they weren't being licked in the way he was accustomed to. Address your remarks to actual people in the future, and refrain from designating groups of 'enemies'. You'll do yourself and the community more service. I apoligize if this has come off as rather angry, but you never once considered how many people you were defaming when you posted not one, but several posts.
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Comin' right up!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Stop that. You are not qualified to make scenarios for regulars.
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