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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka: Looks like Seanachie's found a freind. <hr></blockquote> Ahem. Is there some legitimate reason why you cannot spell my name correctly? I will acknowledge your insults, make light of your abuse, and take as my due your hatred and fear based anger, but I ask that you spell my title correctly. Ah! You're dead drunk again, aren't you? I understand, now.
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff: And you, sir are a MYTH Can't you read the sign on the door?? It quite clearly says "ANTIPODEANS ONLY!! MINNEAPOLINS VERBOTEN!!" Now run along back back to that 'orrible Cesspit you inhabit from time to time, laddy ....... or I'll have to snitch Joe Justacar onto ye..... The Foz<hr></blockquote> A Myth? I am one of the Olde Ones. Mythology is our meat and drink. As my Holy Quest is to 'Crush All Australians', I cannot be faulted for riding in here and casting down the gauntlet. It's sad that I seem to be the brightest star in the Southern Cross, and my folk all look to the North Star. What a sad, primitive mammal 'we barely give birth to our young live' puddle of piss you all appear to be. I would fight Giants. You keep smirking at each other and trying to pretend you can't hear my Challenge. I grieve for you.
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by rune: And an old one can use his power against anyone in the pool? What is wrong with that? As an Olde One with the scroll of NDA, I have mainly stayed out of this power struggle. I leave you with this infamous word of montezuma... "What are those Marines doing singing in my halls?" Rune Still Commander Army of the Porcupines<hr></blockquote> Now, Rune, you're never after being one of the Olde Ones. You came before, after all, and your epitaph, oh vultured one, lies ascribed thusly: I met a traveler from an antique land Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert...Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed: And on a pedesal these words appear: "My name is Rune, king of kings: Look on my NDA, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away. I remember when we, the Olde Ones, first came across Rune's visage in the Wasteland. Peng spoke, and said: "What the hell's that?". And I spoke, and said: "It is a symbol of the decay of all things, and a mighty omen, and sign to all the Peng Challenge Thread of what shall come after." And Berli said: "Yes. Do you think we can set it on fire?"
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka: I'm too young and pretty to be an 'Olde One'!<hr></blockquote> You tit! You're never after being offered the position of Olde One, nor is anyone else! Those positions are...well, 'eternal'. It's not something you can achieve. What we're on about here is Eldest Australian. You folk need sorting out, you do.
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CombatGeneral: Tell the Spartans, stranger passing by, that here obedient to their laws we lie. If you can explain to me what that means, I will forever think of you as my friend. :confused: <hr></blockquote> Your PBEM problem is mechanics. Your question above is merely history. Your answer to the above is honour and duty. From you other posts, I don't quite believe you have any concept of either. The straight forward answer to your above quote is this: citizen-soldiers of one of the Spartan client states were delegated to hold a pass, and give not one inch in order to buy the Greeks some time. They died to a man. The above quote is supposedly the dying words of one defender, who wished their observance of duty to be known. Possibly you meant something else Possibly you meant nothing at all But here, in answer to your question we have let our answer fall.
  6. Teach a child in the way they are to go, and they will not stray from it once they are grown... It is a good thing you do here, SuperTed. From even such humble and, frankly, awful beginnings such as this may come many a true Knight of the Cesspool. The gods smile on your endeavours.
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu: If anyone is to blame for feckin' SSNs from down unda', it's the UnterGnome himself. Oh, and Geier, where's my fecking turn. If I don't get it soon, I'm going to send Father Jack in your direction when he's out night walking, so I will. Feck.<hr></blockquote> Now, I've explained this before. It is not my fault that the extremely and very sadly useless AussieJeff made his way into the Mother Beautiful Thread. I neither challenged him, made any assurances to him, or, actually, noticed him at all until he made his way in here and started behaving like an ejected dog's dinner. I must needs, as part of my Quest to 'Crush All Australians', make my way out to those places where Australians have been known to congregate, such as 'We Love Us' Australian threads, 'Who's a Good Kiwi, Then' threads, bars, liquor stores, speakeasys, blind crows, pubs, Scotland, soccer stadium men's rooms, Thai whorehouses, and underneath railroad trestle bridges. I cannot be blamed if, while on this Holy and Most Profound Quest, useless little 'aussie wannabes' take note of my Masterful Presence, and, in a misplaced attempt to raise their social status amongst their malformed kin, follow me around posting like a roundworm infested terrier. I agree with Shaw that Hakko Ichiu's posting of the Rules was rather limp, but I don't think the "Australian Formerly Known as Dunny" can be laid at his door either (but if you find it there, don't touch it. Soak it down with kerosene and fling a match on it. Fire cleanses.) AussieJeff has erred, and quite clearly does not understand that fact. AUSSIEJEFF, ATTEND! Now, lad, perhaps the greatest joy and truest liberty of the Peng Challenge Thread is the right to gibber on about whatever takes your fancy. Although a place of Holy Taunting, this place is more. Although a place of Boasting and Brag, this place is more. Although a place of Dismissal and Sneering, this place is more. For this is a place where all these things, and the Camaraderie of Humour, may be indulged. But, and this is the important point, lad: Camaraderie is predicated on acceptance. Now, many claim that we are an elitist Thread. That our rules are incomprehensible, our ways suspect and vile, our humour degraded. But most of these folk are bloody goddamn idjits (or else just very sadly misguided), for they fail to realize that the process is, actually, quite simple. Come in. Do a bit of shuffling about, proclaiming yourself, and making your presence known. Then, pick out an opponent or two, someone who strikes a chord with you, and Challenge them. Make it good. Show some sense of style. Don't be surprised if those who've been here a while pay you little mind, that's their privilege. If you want to catch their attention, make your damn Challenge really good. If at first you don't succeed, try again. But don't just waltz in and offer colour commentary like you'll be buying after the match. You earn the right to post regular and useless idiocy, by playing Combat Mission, and joining this, a Community. It isn't based on wins and losses. It ain't based on supposed tactical prowess. It's all a part of growing up, and being part of the Peng Challenge. Now, you can carry on, and sneer at the Knights, Squires, and Serfs. You can mock the Entitled Officers. You can even fling ****e at the Olde Ones. But that leaves you another little poseur, a Rommel22, or Fieldmarshall, or Colonel_Deadmarsh. Or you can do all of the above, and still walk the Trail of Jeers (SSN, Serf, Squire, Knight, Member{frankly, at the point of Membership, all the other titles just become a form of fun}). Or, you can carry on like everyone should kiss yer hand. But you'll win few mates that way, and if you're thinking 'tis better to rule than serve, we already have our Satan. Now, then, I'm sure you've much 'bad cess' to heap upon the whitening locks of the ÜberGnome, so email me if you've a mind to vent your spleen. Oh, and as for the rest of you, we need to determine the title of Eldest amongst the Australians. It's all to fecking clear that, between their own natural inclinations, and my Most Holy Quest, that we're going to have a load of the tossers through here, and we need to assign some sort of accountability. Now, far as I can remember, Speedy was the first Aussie git to ever post in the Thread, but Goanna was most likely the first to ever play a game against one of the Olde Ones, but that might have been Mace. We need to sort the Marsupials out.
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann: Shouldn't the correct NZ pronunciation of that be "jeez, glud sumwun wunts the useluss cunvuct guts" Regards Jim R. [ 12-03-2001: Message edited by: Kanonier Reichmann ]<hr></blockquote> Good Christ. You people actually make fun of each other's accents? This is like finding subtle philosophical disagreements on the nature of 'good and evil' in a the various blocks of a maximum security prison.
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Captain Wacky: The choice lies with you. Crawl back to that dark cave known as the Peng Challenge Thread with all the other morlocks, or face the wrath of a grizzled former drill instructor and Marine.<hr></blockquote> We have our own Marines, as well. I find your lack of piety...disturbing. You lot have become unsound. We shall have to think on this.
  10. Congratulations, you aging lunatic. I hope to see you carry on like Methuselah until your great-great grandchildren are posting in the Peng Challenge Thread, and your latest, nightmarish scenarios are still bedeviling the community
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka: *Stolen from some "Hi, I'm a Newbie" thread* "If you fancy a game, head over to the Antithicess thread in the general forum (its the one with the word scrotum in the title-don't ask, it's a long story, and just blame Soddball). Just remember, when you get there SOUND OFF LIKE YA GOT A PAIR and challenge the man of your choice" Now isn't this just darrrrling, the outerboarders have created a clone of the MTB in some poxy alternative dimension. I wonder if we all have Dopplegangers running around there? Imagine that eh? A Berli that is pious and holy, a Joe Shaw that couldn't give a rat's ass about 'procedure', a Seanachai who posts one-liners about his 'thingey' or an OGSF who speaks only in the Queen's english. Who knows, there could even be a FloppyJeff who is witty and intelligent.<hr></blockquote> And, in response to this Little Boys Challenge Thread, read: <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: I'm a witness for the prosecution on that one, Seanachai. Hey, they just name the thread after me, doesn't mean I agree with it. Have your lawyer call my lawyer and they can do lunch.<hr></blockquote> Has anyone taken a look at this 'other' challenge thread in the General Forum? Oh, I know we all laughed about it when they first began it, but it's even more pitiable than one can believe. Besides shameless thefts from, and shallow mimicry of, the Mother Beautiful Thread, they're far more disgusting and to less purpose than ourselves. It's like a gang of peasants opening up their own 'gentleman's club'. And, while they decry the attitudes of the nobility, and call for an overturning of the 'Old Order', they slavishly ape the attitudes and behaviours of their betters, as they have nothing new to bring to the table. In short, gentlemen and ladies, the Combat Mission Forum seems to have developed their own version of the House of Lords, and the House of Commons. Oh, and I want our legal team to look into the shameless piracy of such slogans as "Sound Off Like You've Got a Pair", and other limp rip-offs from the Peng Challenge Thread. Also, get together with Grog Dorosh and see if we can't make vilifying him a proprietary activity of the Peng Challenge Thread, and then sue them for infringement of our rights. Justicar, be so good as to peruse their idiocy and make a list of participants names, making special note of the most significant (if that term can even be applied) members. Also, make a note of any belittlements of and/or, cheesy trading on the unique identity of the Peng Challenge Thread. The rest of you, stand by for whatever actions need to be taken. The best policy, in cases like this, of course, is to ignore the posturings of disgruntled and emotionally disturbed poseurs. But should analysis reveal that a firmer hand is needed, stand ready to apply the short, sharp shock.
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: I would like to draw everyone's attention to the post quoted above. Had time to read it? Good. Now, you will note that even including the "message edited by" line, this post lacks the characteristic Seanachai long windedness. I believe that we may take this as a sign that someone has kidnapped the little gnome and is posting in his place. <hr></blockquote> Well, Berli, but other posts in the same series were rather longish. Also, as I posted tumpty posts in a row, the overall long-winded volume was maintained in somewhat smaller lots.
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Patch: OK Peng! I'm getting very tired of waiting around here all day with my kerchief. It is time to face the ÜberGnome (Ooops! I mean the Little Garden Gnome)! The kerchief has officially dropped. Persephone [ 12-04-2001: Message edited by: Patch ]<hr></blockquote> It is done, Milady. Peng has sent me a setup. And it's quite alright, you can call me ÜberGnome. I like you. Not like the rest of them.
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: I'm a witness for the prosecution on that one, Seanachai. Hey, they just name the thread after me, doesn't mean I agree with it. Have your lawyer call my lawyer and they can do lunch.<hr></blockquote> You have a legitimate grievance, Grog Dorosh. Not that our attorneys need anything approaching 'legitimacy' to swing into action. What a horrible place that other thread is. A pale copy of the Peng Challenge Thread, even going so far as to position bits of this and that derived from the Thread, and yet with far less value and interest. I shall cry havoc, in the Thread of threads, and let slip the dogs of Law.
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: Put together an ME of middlin' size in the 1500 point range, late war, with computer picked forces, and have your mommy pack your Barbie lunch box, for it is time you go to school.<hr></blockquote> Computer picked forces? You cur. The last resort of those who can't be bothered to learn what various units actually do. To show my disdain for your limp, 'let the machine do it for me' approach to the noble art of war, I shall play as Canadians. BTS should then allow me the historically accurate ability to assign you the French. But you shall be Germans, as we are limited by the accuracy of the engine.
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Herder: I was pretty excited to register to say hi(that's a first) until I read the part in the agreement about not calling anyone's mother a hamster. I think I can control myself though. Still playing the demo so wish me luck. <hr></blockquote> This is a bloody lie. You can call anyone's Mother a hamster, as long as you go to the right places. Welcome on board. And Captain Wacky, "Sound Off Like Ya' Got a Pair©" is copyright the Peng Challenge Thread. Continue to use it in the little boys challenge thread, and know that we indeed have our own lawyers.
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: So you're not dead yet, you old coot! Yes, with your nouveau prowess, you may yet rank right in there with Croda from the days of yore.<hr></blockquote> Croda?!(bolded out of respect for the unclaimed and unburied dead) "He was a quiet man. He kept to himself. I didn't know him that well. He seemed to be nursing some sort of secret trouble. I never thought he'd turn out like he did, eh?" consider yourself challenged. As you doubtless have, since birth. You misbegotten, woeful listener to music of genetic throwbacks of rural Appalacia. You whose favorite group is Oilcan, the one that has that woman imitating a screech owl in all her verses. A silence of horror flowed across my soul when I realized you might be disparaging the group Altan (bolded out of deep love and appreciation). Mairéad Ní Mhaonaigh is, beside Karen Matheson, one of the loveliest singers in Gaelic on the planet today. You, sir, are more than merely a philistine. You're a fecking git. I have withstood the blight you represent for as long as the gods will tolerate. I shall proceed to get medieval on your polluted, useless, and leperous sould. [ 12-04-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  18. Here, I'm off to my well deserved repose, soon, but I've my duty to do first. Now, on the average, you lot aren't of much more value than a similar weight of lemmings, but it's been my fate to endure your feculent gibberish for a year and a half now, and all because I pursued the noble course of taunting that miserable bastard, Peng! I never regretted it, and I've never looked back. For one thing, only an idiot would look back in a place like this, with weasels dropping on him from above, and wolverines dashing towards his groin at every bend in the Thread. Now, Peng and I have begun another little combat. The Challenge renewed, as it were. Or rather, The Once and Future Challenge, or, it's a Mother Beautiful Challenge, and it's still there. In any case, when I consider the sheer intensity of my hatred of Peng,and then weigh his vileness in my sight against all your little lives, well, I cannot help but be impressed. Impressed, that is, that continuing my Challenge against Peng is still of more significance than the lion's share of the posts that this Thread has given birth to. But I stray. For I come to Challenge Peng, not to bury the rest of you. Peng! Once again we stand, banners unfurled, wits uplifted; giants, on a field ringed by squeaking children. The Dark Prince watches as Persephone drops the kerchief on our combat. Come, Peng. Come, and face the ÜberGnome! I will show you where the Peng Challenges grow! [ 12-04-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  19. Er...and Shaw, I think you might have overdone it with the posting of the 'Mormon Wives'. I think the lads have become desensitized to ugly, bony chattels. Even I found myself only twinging here and there after your last photo. I only had to think of a beautiful, vivacious young woman I work with for a few minutes before my desire to live returned. Ah, well, if nothing else, you've proved once again that whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Well, yes but ... dash it all ... staked out on a hillside, it's just so ... RIGHT! Joe<hr></blockquote> But compared to being forced through the American Judicial System (bolded out of fear of reprisal), and gloated over by the likes of Lawyer, et. al., it's almost a noble fate. Face it, would you rather be lashed tight to stony ground, with stinging insects crawling over you, your skin blistering in the baking sun, until, finally, some large, evil-smelling carnivore shuffled by to painfully scoop out your insides and eat them while you were still alive, or spend several hours in an air-conditioned and nicely appointed courtroom while Lawyer, Morse, and MrSpkr giggled with each other and perpetrated the Legal System on you?
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SuperTed: Careful! I wouldn't want to have to resort to mentioning a certain football (cough) team from your neighborhood. :cool: <hr></blockquote> Bloody well ruined the sport when they dragged it 'inside' a dome, and allowed the weak to survive. Not unlike your little tournament. [ 12-04-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SuperTed: Seanachai, This thread is only for pre-tournament discussions. Once things get going (on December 8), I'll start a new thread. Go easy on the Newbies, though. We don't want to scare them off. Yes, I understand. Since I joined this forum soooo much earlier than you did ( ), I have gained a wealth of knowledge that you could not possibly have. <hr></blockquote> You're right, no good scaring them off before they've been properly crushed and emotionally damaged. We'll take it slow. And you and I arguing about seniourity? That's like two subalterns arguing over the date of their commissions, you Newbie coddling weiner dog!
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Oh ... damn ... pity ... are you quite sure then? Joe<hr></blockquote> Well...we could attempt to sue the bastard, retaining Lawyer, Morse, and MrSpkr for the litigation. That's the modern equivalent.
  24. SuperTed, will this be where they'll be posting their game results and experiences, then? We just want a quick heads-up so that we know where to come by to mock and belittle them. (if you found yourself angered by this post, you wouldn't understand. It's a Peng Challenge Thread thing)
  25. May I just take a moment to say that AussieJeff's rather heavy-handed and over-the-top attempts at a cuckoo-clock-winding, lederhosen-wearing 'Germanic' accent was easily one of the most dreadful things I've ever read on the entire Forum. I would rather spend the next year correcting the spelling, grammar, and typing of such 'can't be bothered with my native language' luminaries as Rommel22 and Fieldmarshall, rather than read something debased again. I have it on good authority that Mr. AussieJeff only posts in the manner we have been forced to read because his alleged wife is gone on Holiday (doubtless to a facility for the treatment of stress and depression brought on by her home environment), and the poor, distraught woman clearly neglected to make sure that a family member or neighbour was available to make sure that AussieJeff kept to his medication table, and away from plastic bags inflated with household solvents. At one time in the history of this Thread, it was my opinion that Mensch's wife was a put upon soul, subjected as she was to his manic flights of gibberish and constant attempts to knight the neighbour's dachshund. But, although her lot in life has not been easy, at least Mensch's behaviour has had the relieving moment of humour, the sparkling gem of lunatic insight, and even the odd moment of jolly rogering. I fear that no such hope may be held out for the day to day existence of Mrs. AussieJeff. Whereas with Mensch one never knew if today he would be Napolean, Big Bird, or Moses, there is no doubt in my mind that every day AussieJeff's family and familiars wake up to find him to be exactly himself, grindingly wearing them down with the constant need to force enough antidepressant and psychoactive stabilizers into him to keep him merely annoying. Sigh. I do not envy those poor people their lot. In less enlightened but perhaps wiser, times, he would have been staked out on a hillside and used to bait in something that might have proved edible after being pincushioned with flint spears. Our own society allows us no such recourse. No, in this age that glorifies the rights of even the most pre-eminently subnormal individual over the good of the community, nasty little crawlers like AussieJeff may do as they wish, and indulge in a prose style that, if it were read aloud and with the gain turned up, could turn a goat inside out. It makes me sad.
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