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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace: No. Not really. btw, nice to read a few words of wisdom before I retire for the night, even nice to read your posts, Seanachai. Actually it is my life goal to one day travel to the States, visit you guys, and throw up in your toilets...a very moving cultural experience for all of us, I must say! Mace<hr></blockquote> Mace, lad, if you ever show up here, you can throw up wherever you want. Wouldn't be the first time (and after all that bastard Elvis promised us about Peng...) You've got a place to stay, Mace if you ever show up here in the gods's country...mind, after Berli's stay, the couch is a little scorched. [ 11-23-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  2. Finally, before shuffling off to bed, I come to a moment of great anguish, and a moment of great jocularity. I am speaking, of course, about the brutally libelous and vulgarly doctored 'picture' of myself posted by Patch, or Persephone as she's known to the Old Ones. She is, of course, Berli's wife. Now, while I encourage no one to have a giggle at my expense, I have to say that when I encountered Persephone's, er, that is Patch's picture of myself near the end of the previous Peng Challenge Thread, I have to admit that I goddamn near pissed myself laughing. Now, I know you're saying: but Seanachai, you are using rather strong language here in the Thread of threads. And what I can respond is: Not strong enough. The pointed cap...the boots...they work on so many levels. Ahem. Now, far be it from me...er, actually, this is Completely in Keeping With My Role in the Mythopoeic Universe of the Peng Challenge Thread: I suggest that Patch re-register as Persephone. This ties everything up in a right Delian fashion. Now, could anyone expect anything other than a rather humourous portrayal of myself from Berli's wife? I mean, the Prince of Darkness goes home after a week of debauchery and evil, buss's the wife, gives the dogs a pat, and tells her of his travels. Next thing you know, I'm being portrayed as a bloody garden gnome. The main thing here, I think, is waiting to see what she'll do to Peng. Not to mention Berli himself. It keeps me motivated. [ 11-23-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  3. Oh, and I'm reminded of another thing regarding Joe Shaw and Stuka. Excuse me, you two? How will order be maintained amongst the complete, utter, and useless pillocks that strut in here, as useless as a doily on a mudslick, if you're going to catfight like...well, like 'young women of negotiable affection' arguing over a good corner? While I wish to see a 'democratization' of the Peng Challenge Thread in terms of participation, that can only be achieved by the Seniour Knights closing ranks. Democracy always works better when the folk in charge are in agreement. Stuka, lad, Knights 'taunt' each other, not 'belittle' each other. Gods know, there's usually fools to belittle here. Joe, send the poor bastard his turns. If we do not maintain standards of behaviour, how can we expect the useless, the stupid, the inane masses yearning to posture free to meet any sort of standard? That doesn't mean we have to actually like each other. That just means we all behave like bastards that belong to the same club, and use it to beat new members into an appreciation of tradition. Which is a bit of a simplification, because, well, call me an old softy, but I think you two stupid bastards actually like each other! Did I ever tell you two about my dissapointment, after all the promises of Elvis, over not seeing Peng throw up? Still, he did climb the tree behind my building, and make interesting ook-ook noises until he needed more scotch. [ 11-23-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by jshandorf: It's about time a MBT title made me giggle. Or maybe it is just because I have meet Peng in person so I can really relate to it...hmmmmm. Jeff<hr></blockquote> Good gods, Geoffrey, kicking the canes out of the hands of blind people makes you chuckle. But we forgive you. Not for that, of course, but for coming in here at all.
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff: Bump ........ coz Aussies deserve it! <hr></blockquote> Brought again to the fore, because some Aussies deserve it. Make an effort to join their ranks.
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff: Nay lad!! Thou art not alone in this matter!! I, yes I too revel in the black techno/thrash/punkicity of the mighty Bauhaus... ... ...WHAT?????? I CAN'T H-E-E-A-R Y-O-U-U-U-U!!!!! <hr></blockquote> Thank you, Geier, now we know what button not to push in the future. Let me begin by saying, Joe Shaw, Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, that I have not, in fact, been 'recruiting' again, as you put it. In the legitimate and quite worthy pursuit of my goal to 'Crush All Australians', I went into the recent 'Aussies Having a Group Hug' thread and insulted them. Several times, of course, because they are generally so enamoured of the sound of their own voices congratulating each other and asking when their 'mates' last had a good, solid vomit brought on by over consumption of beer, that it takes them several posted insults before they really notice. I mean, good gods, people. Bacchus and Pan shudder and hoof it in the other direction when encountering Australians. It's like an entire nation in competition to see who'll become the God of Excessive Beer Consumption and Projectile Vomiting. But I digress. In any case, having finally attracted their attention I was challenged to a game in what passes, for Australians, as a fairly civilized manner, and having accepted the challenge I asked that the challenger, one Noba, show up here to insult me properly. Which he did. No promises of status, no invitation to 'join' the Peng Challenge Thread were made. He wasn't told he'd be 'welcome' here, and I did not advise him that he should regard us as his new home (although if I was to choose between making him welcome and the little diseased marsupial who followed him in, I'd have to say I prefer Noba...). In short, in the honest pursuit of my very creditable desire to "Crush All Australians", I merely asked that one of the said Australians come in here and curse and taunt me properly, which I feel is only my due, and makes everything roight and proper. I accept no responsibility for this Aussie Jeff creature having staggered in here and created several puddles of sick in an effort to explain to us his personal code of idiocy. Note to Aussie Jeff: speed kills, lad. Get some sleep and give the receptors a bit of a rest. Now, I notice with quiet approval that Lars has done the right thing, and taken Hanns to Squire. It is only by this process of 'mentoring', after all, that young minds are led out of the darkness of near constant 'thingy' reference, inane posturing, and slinging feces around like frightened barbary apes. Not that I imply that Hanns was more prone to this sort of thing than others, but it's best to be safe. Now, on that note, Mace, since you seem intent on encouraging this 'Aussie Jeff' creature to carry on in a very unbecoming way, would you like to take some responsibility for him? Personally, although it is my stated aim to "Crush All Australians", this is what amounts to a crusade sort of thing, a bloody quest, as it were, one Seanachai going off to smite the infidel for the greater glory of the Goddess, and bearing in a locket a post of the fair Emma (who he loves chastely, from afar, for her heart is given to The French, who Seanachai cannot help but admire, for his 'Broonian flights of wit and impudence, sigh, it's just like the Chansons du Geste, isn't it? I can easily see Pawbroon as Lancelot). Bugger, where was I again? Oh, yes, now, while I might be on a Quest to battle each and every Australian, and force them to kneel before me, and proclaim themselves defeated, and while we all know Australia to be not so much a nation of 'criminals' as a nation of 'half-witted drunkards for whom beer is a sacrament', yet I find myself not having much of a problem with Australians individually. I mean, taken en masse, they're so many primitive mammals that deserve a proper whipping and a good cleanup. But individually, they're simply primitive mammals. Witness the many months that Stuka, Mace, Goanna, Simon Fox (Official Grog of the Cesspool), and OGSF (the Secret Australian) have been amongst us. Like those stories in which Knights of the Western World encounter infidel Saracens, but after defeating them, befriend them and find them to be fairly witty drinking companions. So have I found these 'Australian' foes. Not only 'worthy of my steel', but dreadfully unfamiliar and stupid about the stories and responsibilities that surround worthy individuals like myself defeating individuals like themselves, and then they become loyal companions quite willing to leap in front of an arrow or slashing blade in order to preserve my life because of the great esteem they bear for me, their better. I mean, what does it take with these pillocks? It should be as simple as mud: We taunt each other, teeth-gritting bitter enemies, we fight, I defeat them, we achieve a greater understanding of each other, I, as the more civilized and advanced individual, take them to my heart, realize that under their primitive Australian demeanour beats the heart of a worthy individual who makes witty by-play with me while we seek out new foes (the sodding Finns, perhaps), and who might come in handy if I'm ever attacked and in a position to suddenly kack if my infidel Aussie buddy hadn't leapt in front of the means of my demise. We have nights of boisterous excess, in which they teach me of their national religion revolving around beer, and we oggle many comely maidens (I would be the one fixated on 'humans'), we 'bond' as individuals, and I come to a realization that while they might be the descendants of a primitive and sordid people, given to flights of gibberish that make American innner city street gangs sound like Oxford dons, they are, withall, my brothers, and mighty handy to have around when it's 'taking the arrow for Seanachai' time. Where things break down, on this Thread of threads, is that the goddamn Australians aren't losing fast enough, or sometimes at all. I fear it might be the same with this Noba fella. We shall just have to see. But, and this is ultimately my point, though if any of you wallahs who've read this bloody far think you're getting away without me going on for some considerable way further, you've another thing coming, I have not, to this point, found an Australian who was not 'worthy of my steel'. And the operative phrase here is: until this point. Aussie Jeff treads dangerously on being 'too bloody annoying to ever make it into the Quest'. He seems to finally be toning down his obsession with his nether regions, both fore and back, but it's to be hoped we'll be spared any more of his rather pointless comments on sexuality, ****e, and his 'shotgun' approach to taunting. Also, Aussie Jeff, you are not allowed to annoy Shaw. He's quite above you, and only doing his job. Whatever it is. I have begun my game with Noba. Also Bullet Head, who is not an Australian. I can't remember though, is he a Red Leg, or a Marine? I'm pretty sure he's one or the other. Unless he's both? The mythologies are so densely woven here on the Combat Mission Board. What a lovely place. [ 11-23-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff: Oh Mighty Noba-wan, I witness that thy tongue hath verily spatteth with wrath in the direction of thy foreign foe SHORN-ITCHY who beguileth us with taunts of LIMP-icity.!! As is the custom, thou hast issued a challenge and Aussie Honour must now be tested ... <hr></blockquote> The bloody little Aussie git has neither sent me a setup, nor shown up in the Peng Challenge Thread (as would any true gentleman) to insult me. Whither Australia, then, eh? Are you so blind to duty, so lost to honour, so sodding sure of your place at the final feast, that you can afford to ignore a Northern Challenger, that laughs to scorn all your little antipodean rituals? (the usual insulting of the eminently insultable Australians in order to bump their thread...the pillocks)
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Simon Fox: Don't you have a turn to 'cook up' or somefink?<hr></blockquote> Pah! This is a new variation on 'Bah!' that I will be attempting to implement with the various Australians until they can post an insult longer than 3 sentences, and that actually amounts to an insult.
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Bullethead: Is that the best you got? Even the limp-wristed Senility hits harder than that. Surely the effrontery of calling all you pig-raping afterbirths "grogs", or even "semi-grogs", warrants a harsher response from the Pool's JustFistingIt-or.<hr></blockquote> I rise up! I shake it off! Are we to taunt, or are we to go down into the darkness of 'might have beens'? Bullethead, my merry little man. While I wouldn't presume to try and gauge the level of mental deficiency and failure that the average person would need to suffer in order to post that pile of orangutang ****e that you characterized as your 'posts', I do know that the residents in this otherwise foul and loathsome place regarded your efforts to be on the same level as watching a poodle relieve itself on a fluffy bathroom rug. While we're all relieved to see the small, curly-haired dog gain a measure of relief by its incontinence, and while we're all quite equally happy to see that nappy, powder-blue rug soaked down, we're more than moved to mirth by the fact that you, and everything you've posted, are on a par with frou-frou dogs soiling the bathroom rug that just happens to perfectly match the colour scheme you've chosen for your life. Pastel. That you've posted here only on very rare occasions I can only equate with your equally rare achievement of sexual fulfillment. In fact, I would be willing to set a significant amount of money against the bets of others that those moments coincide, and that every post of yours on the Peng Challenge Thread has resulted in a trip to the laundry. Now, far be it from me, the Bard of the Peng Challenge Thread, to task you further in this vein. Instead, I will suggest that you have carefully taken a screen-shot of every post Germanboy has ever made, printed it out on a top quality printer, lovingly snipped it to size, and pasted it in to some horrible book of CM memories. In short, lad, I think you lack the most fundamental attributes of manhood. Those being, of course, the ability to laugh to scorn Germanboy's posts, as well as a willingness to play a game against a member of the Peng Challenge Thread. Myself, for example. I await your reply, and a setup. If you've the hair to have a go at it, I would prefer a QB of not more than 1500 base points. [ 11-20-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Bullethead: Greetings, you shower of spavined goat molesters! May your hemorrhoids never cease to rupture nor your carbuncles to ache and ooze! ...Basically, I have something of a life and thus don't fit in here. Be that as it may, I still lurk by from time to time whenever I'm in need of a good chuckle at another's expense. And to my great joy, I disagree with all of you! You scorned the outboarders and their endless nattering over how many gallons per minute could flow from the M17A2E5 Kitchen Sink. You determined to have fun in the face of grinding grognardism, revelling in your ignorance amongst others of your own kind and heaping abuse on all who faint at the mere thought of something as wonderful, as grognardian, as CM falling into hands such as yours. Then there's the desire to win--not for winning's sake, that's not the Pool way, but to be the taunter instead of the tauntee. When these forces combine, even in the likes of you, then you have set your scabrous hands upon the rusty ladder leading upwards from this abyss ... ...And once started upwards, there is no coming back. So hang in there a few more months. Better times are doubtless coming. The outer boards NEEDS the Pool. That said, you can all sod off and die of scabies.<hr></blockquote> A TESTIMONIAL, DEAR FRIENDS! Peng, Berli, and all sorts of you other extremely annoying but better than the alternative idjits goddamn fools: Our Mission Is Clear! This calls for yet another, completely appropriate Bocephus King singsong! Ballad of the Barbarous Nights There's no mysteries, no wonderlust No novels to be read Half the mind is lost, in a dream some place The other half is dead There's no captains here, no roles to fill No reasons left to bow They've all passed away, and good or bad They are all equal now Sing us the Ballad of Barbarous Nights Give us some reason to care The march of the mourners begins With tears dripping off of their chins They knelt by the ravaged and whispered these words like the wind There's no need to worry my friend I don't think the world's going to end Don't let it frighten you, I'm standing right by you Yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah Down the road away, in a cabaret Where the racetrack used to be There's a waitress there, looks like Deborah Kerr In from 'Here to Eternity' All the residents, lack the evidence To convict her of her crimes All those cutting glares, on the backdoor stairs They've climbed a thousand times. Sing us the Ballad of Barbarous Nights Remind us all why we are here Samuel Beckett don't know He made that quite clear years ago the moonlight is dripping a sad and peaceful glow There's no need to worry my friend I don't think the world's going to end Don't let it frighten you, I'm standing right by you Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Down in the valley, The music drips off of the last ones breathing Through all the clamour, The pure notes are chiming like church bells ringing There's no use in praying There's no angels coming They've all been misunderstood, typecast in Hollywood Killing writers Postcards and magazines, sad secret harmonies Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah In the foggy dew, you can hear the drums See the tiny rivers of blood Not a photograph, but a man they knew Face down in the filth and mud Where is Jesus now, the Apostles too? Where's Buddha and the rest? Where is victory and the cavalry? We're forsaken in this mess Sing us the Ballad of Barbarous Nights Don't let us die here alone Tennessee Williams won't mind Keep all of the pain that you find The last fragile sounds of the soldiers' lullaby There's no need to worry my friend I don't think the world's going to end Don't let it frighten you, I'm standing right by you Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah [ 11-20-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ] [ 11-20-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  11. Who's for a bit of Peng Thread singsong? I'm headed back along the coast Accompanied by Ma Rainey's ghost We had ourselves a little toast Said 'Here's to getting better' It's later than you think my friend And pretty soon you at the end And there's no celebration For the ones with hesitation This is only just a glimpse You've only got your fingerprints They call it insignificance And brother they ain't lying Forget the gravitation pull Movies are the miracle And while those reels are playing You'l forget that you're decaying The piper's at the gates of dawn He's playing dirges, not a song In a finger snap we'll all be gone And not a tree will miss us Everyone we ever knew Could die and wouldn't make page two There's thousands disappearing without anybody hearing, but That's the way the story goes that's the way this story goes Just give your money to the poor What are all your savings for? Your fingers must get really sore From counting all your pennies On your deathbed making bets And tying up those last regrets When your priest is finished listening A newbourne baby he'll be christening I'm headed back along the coast Accompanied by Ma Rainey's ghost We raised our glass and had a toast Said, 'Here's to having been here!' Even if this story bores you Mr. Death is coming for you It's just yourself you're tricking Clocks around the world are ticking That's the way the story goes that's the way this story goes. -Bocephus King [ 11-19-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng: Hoist on my petard! Damn you, Moriarity.<hr></blockquote> Well, that was a bit of fun, and no mistake. There's some life left in the old Thread yet, apparently, as the current residents wrestled and shoved over its possible demise like a gang of winos fighting for the last drag on the bottle of white port. I think, Berli and Peng, that it should still go on a while longer. If it were to die now, it would leave an emptiness in too many hearts, and bring joy to the emptiness in too many heads. Germanboy has a point, although it is not the final word. All too often the Peng Challenge Thread is resigned, stale, shallow, and drab. The quality of newcomers falls off, so there is no new generation to raise the bar of enjoyment, inject new venom and wit, and take the piss out. The seniour posters, called away by life or mental exhaustion, fail to move things forward. Some of this is just the normal cycle, of course. The Thread has gone to ****e before, surged back, gone to ****e again. Some of it is the mechanics of UBB, which withholds from us the lofty place, that eyrie of supremacy, that attends upon a thread that goes to hundreds and hundreds of freaking posts. One of the giddy delights of the original Peng Challenge Threads was being part of the gang of idjits building the Tower of Babel, raising it higher and higher into the sky, a juggernaut of words that swept people in just to see what the hell was being built here. Now, of course, with the limits imposed, it is more like being involved with the heady rush of building the Gazebo of Babel. We hit our 300 posts, and then pack up the tools and wander away whistling. This casts no stones at BTS or the Mad Bald One. The reasons behind the limits are understood and for the benefit of all. But it does turn soaring into more of a stagger. We are hampered, as well, by the fact that there is so little infusion of new blood into the Board itself. For the most part, those who would join us, have done so. Others, who might actually like this place, have already dismissed it, often without due consideration. To be a regular here, you have to love this place, the special and weird freedom, coupled with responsibility, that it involves. Our one success, really, is having kept so many of the complete and utter wankers out. Half of them haven't the sodding wit, intelligence, or depth to sort out what's happening here. When they find that the inhabitants won't lower the bar enough for them to play (you must be this intelligent for the Peng Challenge Thread Ride!), they make a few rather pointlessly annoying and stupid remarks, and then strut off, assuring themselves that 'they told them', and it was a dumb, stupid club they never wanted to belong to anyway. The other half, of course, the more intelligent ones filled with real anger, hatred, and pettiness, were ignored. And when they didn't get the necessary reassurance their own insecurity needed, they left as well. Often they caused more disruption in the process, but there, that's one of the dangers of intelligence. An intelligent arsehole can always do more damage and cause more disruption than a thick one. If we have sinned, I think our sin is that of being too clubby, too exclusive. Oligarchy tends to stultify, and suppress innovation. Mind, the whole structure of the Peng Challenge Thread traditions evolved out of a need to cope with the sodding stupid bastards and useless wannabes. At our height, in that rush of enthusiasim when all the world of taunting seemed bright, and clear, and boisterous, we didn't need rules, or heirarchies, or officers. We were the Peng Challenge Thread! We were defining boundaries! We were testing limits! We were discovering a whole mad world of devil-may-care posting! But with that rush of freedom came responsibility: to our hosts, BTS (who are, after all, attempting to run a business here...that's so, isn't it?), to our readers, who shouldn't be subjected to useless and vulgar arseholery (well, unneccesarily extreme and useless vulgar arseholery), and to the Peng Challenge Thread itself, which no one wanted to see deteriorate into just another ook-ook ****e slinging session at the zoo. So, where does this leave the Peng Challenge Thread, you would ask yourself if any of you were still reading this lengthy exposition? (good Christ, is there any of that scotch left from Berli & Peng's visit...) It would be left in the hands of the folk who post here, actually. What was it that defined the original Peng Challenge Thread? It was the Bren Tripod of: Inspired Weirdness, Witty Taunting, and a Solid Community of Folk Who Weren't Yet In Prison. I bloody well love words! That is the reason I try to use all of them in my posts, for one thing. What I would like to see from this gang of on-going half-wits is a return to our strengths: Weirdness, Individuality, Taunting, Humour, Language, Literature, Poetry, Obscure References, and, above all A Lip Curled, Snotty, Deprecating Attitude Towards Everything That Is Not the Peng Challenge Thread! To paraphrase the Warden from Cool Hand Luke: What we got here, is a failure to post. An' I don' like it any better than you men do. Let me give you all a new direction from which to gnaw at the vitals of the beast that binds us: If you have nothing new to contribute to the ongoing morass of the Cesspool, then go out to the Outer Boards, choose an individual, thread, or concept to make mock of, then come back here and DO YOUR WORST! Mind, post like a hero, and not like a half-wit. If your thingy gets caught in the teeth of zipping your post, or you feel the need to go ook-ook while rubbing the product of your own internal processes off your hand, then you've got it wrong. [ 11-19-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ] [ 11-19-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  13. I was understanding in a way that can only be appreciated by the good and the wise, when I heard that turns would be delayed because of the move to a new community. I was accepting during the 'I have no furniture, and must drink while lying on the floor' phase of transition. I was restive but patient during the 'forgive the lack of turns while I mix paint fumes with my gin' stage of his decent into Southern Kalifornia uselessness. But since then, I'm not sure if we're at the 'excuse the delay, but I'm snorting China white with Triad members', or ' the State won't allow me access to my computer until I make reparation for working in marketing and sending lewd pictures of myself to legislators', but I'd dearly like to know when in f'ing hell I'm going to see a turn from Mark IV? Not to mention that the whole tone of the place has gone down hill since this ex-Michiganite was hauled off to Rehab, or where ever he's gone. Oh, and although a lot of the fun has spilled out of reporting things (sigh. It's just not the same without the Lorak), I need to acknowledge certain recent games. Moriarity, in a move of unprecedented impudence, achieved another draw with myself. He played hard, strange, and loose with the rules, and garnered: A Draw. On a truthful note, I was sodding well happy to get a draw out of that game! His tactics were unique, and damn near overwhelming. If he'd realized how completely unprepared my lot were for what he did, I would have been as shorn a sheep as any that Mace has cast an eye upon, bereft of wool and a certain sense of personal inviolabiltiy. Further, against the completely demented case study who's posts occupy their own wing of the Betty Ford Clinic, Mad Mensch, I also achieved: A Draw. This is my second draw against Mensch, and hopefully the last. It is not a positive affirmation to fail to defeat a man who weiner dogs regard as 'sanity challenged'. Isn't there some otherwise usesless but helpful sod who can keep some sort of primitive tally system going until Lorak returns from reassuring George W. Bush that America stands ready to send Elf Lords into combat when required?
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: How could he be out of the country AND in the middle of it? Is this a riddle? Hmm, let me guess: Topeka!<hr></blockquote> Good answer! Only, of course, if the question was: Where will a useless little ****e who takes over a month to return a file spend eternity in a Motel 6 in order to expiate his goddamn sins? Now, Panzer Leader, my merry little lad (you'd also look good dressed in crushed velvet and rhinestones, with a severe hairstyle and one pierced nostril and working as a waiter in Naples, Florida—don't make me get medieval on your arse...), when are we going to finish this nasty piece of Rune****e that you began? Be a good lad, and send the turn.
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace: Now you know how the Justicar feels about inviting non-MBTers into the pool. He'll probably give us an earfull for the next day or so! *groans* Mace<hr></blockquote> I didn't invite the Aussie bastard in (oh, hello, Mace, how's the wife, and W, or the ewe and you, as it were), I just told him to go off to the appropriate place, where the arrival of Aussie detritus showing up to call me foul and completely appropriate things would be usual. I made no offers as to any status, no promises regarding his reception from the other, er, 'nongs', and did not imply that he would be welcome there. I merely wished to be insulted and taunted in the proper way, in a roight proper forum, and before a jury of what, for lack of a printable designation, we shall call 'my peers'. Not that any of you are, of course. But I have placed my hopes firmly on the concept of evolution, and there is at least the chance that someday you will be my peers. One lives in hope.
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Noba: Seanachai - Stop waffling and be the first to have the balls to send a setup and be skewered like the inconsequential foreigner you are. Sigh. I don't see why we have to put up with the likes of you, except to roundly beat you. This could degenerate if we don't stop the waffling now chaps.<hr></blockquote> ROIGHT! NOBA, YOU HORRIBLE LITTLE MAN! WAS THAT EXHALATION OF INCONSEQUENTIAL TRIPE FROM YOUR MOUTH, OR DID THE WIND BLOW OVER THE TOP OF AN EMPTY BOTTLE OF BEER?! Send you a setup? Send you a setup?! Here I've been dragging my coat on the ground for posts, and you calculate that I should send you a setup?! You...here, now, what's the localism...you Nong! Send me a setup. Oh, and then go to the Peng Challenge Thread and insult me properly. That was nothing like a proper insult. Limp, very limp.
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by gibsonm: Seanachai, My mistake. A quick review of your profile shows me that you are from MN USA and here was I thinking you came from a near neighbour of ours NZ .<hr></blockquote> Mistake indeed. Pillock. I am not quite sure about the Kiwis. I wish to regard them well, but so far have found them...unsound. For one thing, we have almost none of them in the Peng Challenge Thread. The fundamental worthiness of a nation not represented there is much to be doubted.
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Dallas: Well guys, I reckon we should treat Shornofalldignity's offer to give us pretty yellow stars to sew on our sweaty blue singlets with extreme caution. His name sounds Irish to me and all Aussies know that the Irish are sneaky bastards and cannot be trusted. Mainly because we are mostly Irish ourselves. But thats beside the point. Have to admire his spirit though, so he must have been an Aussie in a previous life. It's because of this possibility that I vote we spare him. Perhaps just locking him away somewhere safe like the PENG thread where he can fantasize about crushing Australians without irritating anyone that matters.<hr></blockquote> Locking me away in the Peng Challenge Thread? I began the Peng Challenge Thread! Lock me away indeed. It's where all right thinking folk wish to be, in any case. Still, one must occasionally venture out in order to see how the little people are doing. Not to mention my status as good will Ambassador. Why, everywhere I go I make new chums! Ask the Commissar or Fieldmarshall.
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: That was one word too many. Please, this is not Home and Gardens Network.<hr></blockquote> You useless little sod! Where's my turn?! My goddamn game with Goanna didn't go on this long, and he went out of country for several months in the middle of it!
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Holien: I will drown my sorrows in a pub with the Brit CM community. H<hr></blockquote> If Andreas is involved, it's less of a community than an internment camp. Is it true he can't return to Germany without wearing a novelty nose and fake mustache?
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace: Lawyer, you seem to forget that the MBT is well represented by citizens (and other miscreants) of many countries, and that the statement is not applicable to them. Mace<hr></blockquote> Now, Mace, while you have a point, you must consider that Mr. Bush (I call him that because, you see, I do not like the man in any way. Jello shows more brainwave acitivity), Mr. Bush expects you foreign types to also 'return to your normal lives'. Of course, to Mr. Bush this means supporting each and every thing you're told to do by his administration, keeping your noses clean, and, in the case of you Australians, sending massive quantities of Aussie beer that is not considered 'export quality' (in other words, bloody piss) to America. You can begin the latter by sending it to me, because Dubya is supposedly from Texas, or 'Baja Oklahoma', as we call it, and wouldn't know good beer if it was forced into every orifice of his body with fire hoses. Mind, it's hard to say how that would help him to determine its quality, but it's an enchanting image in any case, so I wish to let it stand.
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer: Well then, where EXACTLY is the Frenchie Pawbroonian? We haven't seen him post here in ages. Has it now become "Woman's Work" in his Gallic reckoning that you should now post here on his behalf?? Ahh, I remember the Olde Days of one year past when the Frogman was actually able to post his own thoughts. But now it is a different world, I guess.<hr></blockquote> Sigh. I, too, miss the French. Oh, don't mind Lawyer, Emma, it's just his crusty way. Underneath that gruff talk there beats...well, not a heart, or anything like it, but I'm sure there's a deep desire to once again glory in 'Broonian flights of passionate English, where requited love without a physical locii was self-inflicted. I believe, personally, that our Pawbroon, the French, is pining. Pining, indeed, after something that the more carefree and insouciant gallic spirit seldom pines for. It is my belief that he is brooding on the need for employment. Some good work that he might do that will bring in the ready, define the time on either side of a two hour lunch, and that gives each individual a focus outside themself. That period between jobs is, of course, an often troubling and problematic time. When I lived, for a period, in Madison, WI, a local band had a song titled: Looking For Work Is Worse Than Working. Of course, a period of unemployment can also be a time of opportunity. For example, the Peng Challenge Thread itself owes it genesis to the period between walking out of my last job, and the beginning of my current employment. During that period I did little besides read the Board, play the demo, and brood on the need to put Peng in his place. Finally, it all came together and the 'Peng Challenge' was issued. Of course, for several months after that my main employment became the Peng Challenge Thread. I had, at last, the opportunity to engage upon a work that would even the score between myself and the Universe. I spent so much time posting to and nurturing the Peng Challenge Thread that one of our members (which one escapes me at the moment but, like chinchillas, you're all very much the same in some ways so it hardly matters) commented on the fact that I often spent pages apparently having conversations with myself. But your Seanachai, lads, is a Great Man, and he can rise above such comments. I know that in the fullness of time, Pawbroon will return to us. Once more the Thread will echo with gallic disdain, Rostandian insults, and that delightful sense of whimsy that cause the French to actually address Thread members as "my dear one" in order to create enough significance in them for him to insult them.
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Simon Fox: Do you like your Iron Crosses boiled or grilled. Perhaps you would prefer a traditional Aussie BBQ I'm just about to toss another StuG on right now.<hr></blockquote> Boiled? Foxibus, you have no soul. Grilled, please.
  24. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace: What's the odds that this gets moved to the general forum, 2:1, 3:1? Mace<hr></blockquote> MOVED?! What are the odds it gets locked?!
  25. There are simply times when one should not go to the Outer Boards. When (or, perhaps, if) I am banned, the people should probably know why. Go Army! Sometimes, it is even more tiring to be quiet than to speak up.
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