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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Are you sure you're not angry? I would say you're maybe just a little bit on the angry side. It was the nesting quotes that did it...not my silly graphics. That is very true. Persephone</font>
  2. I am lost, for the moment, in brooding. I am filled with a sort of despair, balanced by a sense of anger. Folk such as Captain Wacky shall await my answer to their rather fatuous claims. I am an Olde One contemplating the Nature of All Things, and making serious decisions. Until my return, my Squire, Sledge59, shall maintain a certain orderly dismissal of useless bastards, and inform all others that I...ponder. Sledge59, approach, lad. I am growing old, lad. Oh, mind, I was old when most of this lot were listening to their parents scream about 'counseling' after catching them peering in at their sister while she was dressing. But, I wonder if I have the energy, imagination, and joy necessary to maintain the Peng Challenge Thread in these harsh days. Aid the Justicar, lad, and see to the other Olde Ones, and do ought that is in your power to maintain the glory of the Peng Challenge Thread. I must consider.
  3. Well then. I am not, may I say, angry. Not angry, tho an incarnation, whatever it's worth, of the Mother Beautiful Thread, has been lost. Not closed, mind you, as has occured a thousand times before, but lost! Now, I will just say this: What have we learned? That, perhaps, endlessly nesting quotes and graphics will screw over the UBB? Hmm, yes, that seems like a reasonable conclusion. Good, then. We've all found another way to break the goddamn Board. Should we do so in the future? Not if we want to be welcome in this Thread ever, ever again. Now, others might argue differently, and I wasn't around when the smack went down, but it seems reasonable to conclude that we've lost an entire incarnation of the Thread of threads due to 'stupid thread tricks' In the future, could we show more consideration for the almost endless stream of gibberish we are capable of? A Thread is a terrible thing to waste... [ February 24, 2002, 03:29 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  4. Sobriety, lad, is no vice when posting. Have a bit of a lie down, and come in again. We'll all just give this gibberish a miss while you sleep it off.
  5. Bloody hell, now there's a concept. Grog Dorosh has the right of it, on what basis do you choose? Now, I don't follow all the Grog threads as I should, but I've followed my share, and many with never a post, because I'd nothing to contribute, but was there simply as a student, an auditor, as it were, looking to pick up knowledge and insight into matters arcane. Now, then, I shall just have to vote my inclinations, but, besides being long-winded, my inclinations are to categorization and 'Choosing the Right Grog for the Right Job' (many don't realize that this is a menu item you can enable on the Forum if you know what key combinations to utilize). So in the spirit of the Academy Awards of Grogdom, or the 'Bonaparte' Awards, as they're known colloquially (with a little statue of the Corporal, hand tucked inside his coat), I propose 'categories'. My vote for 'Best Grog Who Never, Ever, Loses His Sodding Focus, Ignores All Responses Not Directly Relating To the Point He's Raised, and Is Most Likely a Grog Collective' is Rexford (Mind you, the man's posts {if he is an actual individual} make me think of the Borg, and lead me to the conclusion that 'Argument is Futile') My vote for 'Best Overall, Well Rounded Grog, Who's Still Sodding Annoying, But a Bit of All Right, and Amuses and Knows How to Have Some Fun With the Forum' is Grog Dorosh (annoying Canadian pillock, but the gods command us to love the Canadians as our brothers, and at least he seems to understand the concept of the Peng Challenge Thread, and, as has already been pointed out, can crack a joke.) In the category of 'Most Insufferable and Snide Grog Who Still Has Some Redeeming Moments, All of Which Currently Escape Me, But I'm Almost Sure There Was This Time When Instead of Pissing On Some Idjit, He Was Actually Helpful and Positive' I would vote for Slapdragon. Iron Chef Sakai is quite wrong for proposing Stuka. Stuka is a Cesspooler, bred and born, and so cannot be tasked with being a Grog, however knowledgeable. My vote for 'Low Key But Ever Present, Scary, Commonwealth Grog Given Over to Horrible Aussie Tendencies' would be Simon Fox. He's not like one of those high octane Grogs who post fecking tables and charts and use numbers in a way that would make all right thinking folk wonder if they'd gone to the bathroom enough that day, but he's always there to post a sardonic, and often brutally dismissive post, just when you need it. For 'Best Grog in the Capacity of Finnish-ness, Which Is To Say, The Ability to Ignore All Limitations of Being Merely Human And Accomplish Those Acts of Heroism Possible Only to UberNations' I would have to go with tss (bolded out of actual respect). Unlike many 'UberFinn Wannabes', he consistently supplies good information, a reasoned and balanced approach, and a refreshing sense of humour in support of the nation that he is quite justifiably proud of. I'm sure that if this thread isn't locked down by the time I get done catching up on the Peng Challenge Thread, I will come up with more Grog Awards. Talk amongst yourselves until then.
  6. Croda, I'm sorry I doubted you. They really will rise to bacon rind speared on a swiss army knife every time. Good gods, Modsluts are even more earnestly intense and non-discerning than teens going door-to-door for the United Way. [ February 23, 2002, 03:08 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  7. Grog Dorosh, we demand that each and every one of us be handled...er, dealt with, in our own unique way. Mace and Croda are both Cesspoolers, it is true. But are they representative of the 'Pool? Well, is every Grog exactly like another? Alright, bad example, there. Rather, is every road killed raccoon exactly like another? I am here to tell you sir, they are not. They have been struck down, mangled, contorted, and can be encountered in every conceivable variation of horror possible. Thus it is with the members of the Peng Challenge Thread. Mace and Croda are simply two of our more horrifying road-kill raccoons (or, in Mace's case, road-kill dingo)
  8. Croda, stop teasing the Modsluts. They are not as inured to your sarcasitic little ploys as we are.
  9. Oh the humanity! breaks down weeping in horror Happy Birthday, Stix. Your Mum's a roight cruel one! [ February 21, 2002, 10:07 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  10. So your related to a bunch of bungling inbread British twits then?</font>
  11. sigh I shall have to turn in my amateur detective badge (it's much nicer than Slapdragon's real badge), as I'm just no good at it. Apologies, Matt, the new IronChef4, and, our very own (and apparently unique) Iron Chef Sakai. Slapdragon, you toad, you still owe me a Taunt.
  12. And I, child, am a descendant of English Royalty. You may kneel, peasant, and await my pleasure while I go crack that upstart Charles alongside the head for his awful behaviour. Call me cynical, call me judgemental, but I can't help but wonder at a thread started by 'IronChef4', no email address given, responded to by 'Iron Chef Sakai', freebie yahoo account given, in which the two exchange chummy remarks about the 'Iron Chef' program. Add to this the fact that the thread is about whether there are any 'Yong' (note classic 'Iron Chef Sakai' spelling technique) CM players, and Iron Chef Sakai shows up to claim, yet again, to be 24, when every one of his posts points to someone in the 12-14 age group, and I very nearly strain a facial muscle attempting to keep an eyebrow from rising in disbelief. Really, lad. It's degrading to hold conversations with yourself to maintain a fiction. [ February 20, 2002, 02:42 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  13. It gets funnier every time you make this claim. On the other hand, no one actually believes it, so maybe it's your priceless sense that you're actually fooling anyone that is the most amusing.
  14. Be a man, for the gods' sake, and stop that unseemly whinging. Frankly, you lot have it stone easy. Think about the real heroes: The lads who didn't have CMBO, but only the Gold Demo, while they Waited For the Game. And the Greater Heroes, the lads who only had two scenarios to play in the Beta Demo, while they Waited For the Game. And how about all those truly Heroic Stalwarts who only had posting here on the forum, while Waiting For the Game. Bah! When I see you young people, who have a great tactical game to play, and amuse you, and challenge you, while Waiting For the Game, and all you can do is whine and beg for scraps...well, I'm sickened, that's all I can say. Get down on your knees before the Torch of the Unknown CM Player and beg forgivenance, you lot. [ February 20, 2002, 02:07 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  15. Good Christ! Ok, Seanachai, I owe you $5... you were right. There are people that dense</font>
  16. Sometimes, I think, sometimes, they let it go one for a bit, you see, because I think they want to see how many wander in and post all confused, so they can have a bit of a chuckle. Other times, you know, it's because the Moderators are half in the bag, and can't be bothered. But most of the time, you see, it's some combination of both, is what I'm thinking.
  17. SLEDGE59, YOU HORRIBLE LITTLE MAN! DESIST FROM THIS ATTITUDE ON THE PENG CHALLENGE THREAD AT ONCE! Do you hear me, Sir?! At once! This sort of reasoned and reasonable approach to wankers may be all well and good on the Playing Fields of Eton, but it has as much place on the Peng Challenge Thread as Mantlet Armour discussions, and calls for fair play. Now, go, and find this idjit, note his statements, and find some good and useful way to make mock of him.
  18. Oh, I don't know, Peng, I've a bit of a soft spot for Grog Dorosh (wipin' 'em off here, boss!), and, after all, he is Canadian. And I've been watching this, I believe he's referring to 'Majorbooboo', and he strikes me as a roight tosser, and no mistake. Now, Geier has the right of it, and many of our membership are, in fact, pathologically brutal mercenaries who only need a target for their psychoses (hats off to the Old Firm, winner of the 'I'd just as soon shove a sharpened stick up the arse of the next Finn who posts, rather than read another two paragraphs of hubristic, dim-witted ****e' award for 2002), while others are more territorial, and take the attitude of 'if that useless, wanking son of an unwed and unneutered corgi comes in here, we'll slit him up a treat, then follow him on to the Outer Board and show the pissant halfwit what it means to annoy the Peng Challenge Thread'. Now, for myself, and as one of the Olde Ones, I think we need to be ever vigilant. While I practice vicious, mindless attacks on Outer Boarders when they annoy my sense of what's right and just, and especially when they strike me as egregiously stupid, I maintain the righteousness of only dog-piling the dumb bastards when they wander in here and make themselves a target. On the other hand, should certain of our more unstable members chance to encounter MajorBooBoo on the Outer Boards, and notice what a sodding pillock he is, this Thread shall release them to 'vote their conscience', by which, of course, we mean 'go all satirical and strange on the idjit'. Now, Grog Dorosh, that is the best I can do for you.
  19. Now, strangely enough, and what isn't strange around here would fill a shot-glass, and most often has, myself and a friend were discussing the Ben Casey show just yesterday. You see, I, as an Olde One, was going on a bit about the huge number of television Westerns that dominated what approached my 'youth', while intermittently singing the theme song from 'Paladin' (which always frightens and annoys my friend), and was pointing out such archaeological artifacts as 'Paladin', 'Bat Masterson', 'The Rifleman', 'Maverick', and 'Branded'. Sod 'Gunsmoke' and 'Bonanza', if you watched any of the aforesaid, you truly came to grips with an American phenomenon. Now, my point was that, after the first 'rush' of Westerns had faded from television, the next 'wave' of mainstream television involved Private Eye shows. She maintained that the next wave was 'Doctor Shows', and sighted 'Ben Casey' and 'Dr Kildare'. I told her, of course, that she was an idjit, and that Croda was as capable of rational thought. After that, what with the name calling, and thrown items, and the intervention of the Edina police, who have no sporting sense whatsoever, it's all a bit of a blur. Still, here I am tonight, and I'm assured that eventually my car will be returned, and my friend will be released from jail as soon as it's determined that she's not a supporter of Terrorism, as, apparently, I claimed at the time of our initial arrest. Which should teach her to think faster than myself, I might add.
  20. I...You...you played as the Germans! Please tell me that Leeo insisted on playing as the Brits. My gods, that I should live to see a Squire of mine play as the Germans. What's next, lad, sending me artist's renderings from a pedophilia trial? I must get a grip. The lad has done no more than what he was commanded, which was to bring me ears. And, however they were achieved, I rather fancy the Leeo ears. Try not to think about how it was achieved.
  21. Croda is currently under-modeled in the Peng Challenge Thread. Possibly because of his ongoing slap-fight with Hiram. Clearly he is wasted out here, as I've already seen at least two posts in this thread that indicate some people think 'irony' is a byproduct of mining operations, and 'satire' is, most likely, a bright blue stone set in class rings if your birthday's in September. The correct response to this thread would have been; Something's Rotten in the State of Oregon, followed by: "Croda, You Hopeless Halfwit, If You and Leeo Can't Play Well Together, We're Going to Have To Set Up Third Party Scenarios For You Two". [ February 17, 2002, 01:55 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  22. Steve just laid down the law http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=023523 so a shiny quarter says Mister Iron Chef gets exactly one more post. I predict that that one post will be quite interesting, if useless.</font>
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