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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Congratulations, Moon. Though I shant recognize you as 'President' until you are appointed by a majority of conservative Supreme Court justices. Now, we've enough BTS employees for things to become interesting. When do the power struggles and purges begin?
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hanns: It seems that my GrandLiege has returned bearing with him a title in need of a suitable recipient. The title in question is Large, Vicious, Amoral Thug Now, I ask if this title was not created especially for me then I would have to believe in Fate or somefink. All points of description doth pertain to my humble self. Hanns<hr></blockquote> Well, far be it from me to label another with the epitaph of 'Large, Vicious, Amoral Thug', but if any man would serve on short notice, it would be Hanns. Having, in fact, met Hanns face to face (or, well, actually, 'face to muscled ribcage', in my case), I can attest to his immediate qualifications vis-a-vis 'large thug'. Now, given the nature of his conversation on the night we spent drinking pitcher after pitcher of beer, I can also sign on to the concept of his being 'amoral'. In fact, many of the things that he unblushingly shared with us, and, in fact, went on about at some length, would normally qualify as 'completely and soddingly immoral', but then, I'm not a judgemental man. The only thing I question in his 'job description' is 'Vicious'. During the evening I spent in his jolly if rather sordid company, he was quite the entertaining individual, and brought to the Olde Ones pitcher after pitcher of beer. But, I feel that Hanns is most likely up to the challenge of being vicious, and I concur with the concept of him as a sort of 'Pool enforcer. By the by, is anyone else alarmed by the fact that Shaw is on a generational cycle of Squireship? I mean, the man's Squires now have Squires. That can't be right.
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh: I only play PBEM because I'm meticulous about finding the perfect spot for my men and tanks when I deploy them. I spend hours looking for the best LOS on the map, the best areas to bait and trap an opponent, and when the film arrives I spend a good half hour watching that over and over and over again. I guess to some it might get boring but I'm sure there's players who do the same thing as me and find it more fun than rushing to get to your next move. I think for some of us, we view CM as a kind of chess game. Analyzing our opponents moves to see what they're doing before we move our own units for the next turn...plotting future moves in our heads in advance while moving for the current turn...Studying film repetively not to see explosions, but to analyze the end results of our strategies to see if they worked or not....and other stuff that would be catigorized under under "anal" by some. I think the "analyzation" trait is probably a dominant one in the "chess player" types you find in CM, me being one of them. Anyone else here agree with this or have a theory of their own?<hr></blockquote> Meticulous? Meticulous?! My gods, but you're a bloody idiot! How I despise the fact that I agree with many things you've said, given that I hate you! Mind, lad, you're my very good friend and boon companion while within the Peng Challenge Thread, but out here, you're just another annoying pillock. I pray every day that rats will swarm over you in your sleep, and rend you into a mass of quivering but lifeless flesh. Have to agree, in many way, with what you said about PBEM play, but that doesn't negate the fact that you're too useless to live. Affectionately yours, Seanachai
  4. Ah, how I would have loved to post more this evening, but was taken away by duties more flavourful. I was, in fact, quite caught up in the business of making Lamb Stew. And not just any lamb stew, that even a lot of sordid fast-food excresences like yourselves might, with the help of all the culinary gods, pull together. No, this is Seanachai's Lamb Stew, famed in song and story. This stew could make Peng smile, Berli show mercy, and Shaw post briefly. It could add 5 years to the life expectancy of Iskander's liver. It would cause Lawyer to murmur 'nolle prosequi'. One bowl would make Hiram, Sir Eeyore himself, dance, laugh, and become quite jolly. One helping of this stew would make Bauhaus refuse to rise from the table, until he'd been given another serving, no matter what the provocation of suggestive postings. A single ladleful of this stew would cause Moriarity, Stuka, and Mark IV to stand cheek to jowl, and sing "We are Poor Little Lambs, that Have Lost Our Way", with soulful looks. Goanna, after tasting, would declare it 'a bit of alright', and curse the years he'd spent eating insects and smaller reptiles. After a good meal of this stew, with a crusty bread accompaniment and a decent red wine, Simon Fox would be heard to actually laugh in a pleasant and carefree manner. Finally, eating this stew would bring about a life change in Mace, who would stand forth weeping, declaring 'How deeply I regret the years I wasted in carnal knowledge of these beautiful animals, when they could have been more gainfully employed in making this Ambrosia.' Okay, some of the above may be a bit of an exaggeration, but it's truly a damn good stew.
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: She sat there on the second shelf below the milk. Opinions?<hr></blockquote> Well, yes. I venture the opinion that only a hopeless lunatic keeps the cheetos in the refrigerator. If they were not being kept in the refrigerator, I admonish you from drinking milk.
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Now that was just horrible. A horrible set of rules from a horrible little man. A horrible set of rules in a horribly titled thread posted by a horrible little man. Horrible, just horrible. You better HOPE this was an authorized thread Panzer Leader or I won't answer for the consequences, they could be ... Horrible. Joe<hr></blockquote> Who keeps letting the horrible little yoick start the new Thread? I'm 2 pages out on getting caught up on the old Thread, and haven't even begun to read this one (a hard couple of days for the ÜberGnome; yes, I know you were all deeply concerned), but I sign on today to see that Panzer Leader (who still owes me my revenge, but Ishall set the conditions this time) has started yet another Thread. Do we, or do we not, have large, vicious, amoral thugs who can be dispatched to the homes of Peng Challenge Thread Members who become excessively annoying, to beat them within an inch of their otherwise useless existence? Actually, I don't know that we do. What happened to Von Schrad and the van? I haven't seen him in donkey's years. Bugger, once again, just when you need them, there are no evil minions around. Bad organization, that. Shaw!, if you've returned from Canterbury (and don't any of you pillocks task me with having meant 'Coventry'; I know what I'm talking about, which is more than most of you can claim, even when sober), could we see to recruiting some large, vicious, amoral thugs to deal out summary punishment on Members who's sense of self-importance runs rampant. Well, actually, on Members other than the Olde Ones, who's 'run rampant' sense of self-importance is pretty much part of the job description. I will be getting turns out later today (I need to run out and get some food into this house), as well as posting more (yes, what a treat you all have in store! Keep checking in so that you can be the first to read my many, many insights). Until then, may all the protective and benevolent powers of the universe shove a fiery sword up your bums.
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Pawbroon, Does this not have the sound of a certain [shuder]French[/shudder] play we are familiar with?<hr></blockquote> Actually, I believe this one will go the way of Anouilh's "Beckett". From bosom chums, we will descend to being at odds, then into anger, and finally, in a drunken and enraged state, I'll make a casual comment and several Seniour Knights will hunt him down and kill him. It'll end in tears, I tell you. I just know it.
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh: I can feel the love.. Now, when will my offical Peng badge arrive in the mail?<hr></blockquote> Actually, it's a bitch of a job wrestling it away from Peng. Says it gets him backstage at concerts, the police wave him on with a smile when he flashes it (even when he's driving across front lawns in reverse, smashing ceramic deer left and right), and entertainment personalities send drinks over to him when he wears it in bars. You see? You see how well we get along now! However, I am obligated by our cultural practices and mores to still call you a pillock.
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon: I am proud to announce a new, and different CM contest. Never before seen in civilized times. Hakku Atchoo will be travelling down to Slapdragonland in Columbia South Carolina with a rusty pitted.357 magnum revolver hidden in some crevice or other of his car<hr></blockquote> Could you get me his plate numbers? In the past, I've found the Highway Patrol of several states very appreciative of the phone call and the opportunity for a routine traffic stop that results in roadside fun and weapons charges. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> No, we will not be shooting at each other, but at paper targets<hr></blockquote> Pity. The paper targets might some day have had a contribution to make to the world. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>...take a medication usually reserved for calming gorillas...<hr></blockquote> Damn your eyes! Are you telling me that there might be gorillas going without their deserved medication, just to keep you from going on some sort of 'reversion to type' binge, and mass killing other Southerners? What a waste of ketamine. [ 01-18-2002: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh: I'm sorry to see you didn't appreciate my use of those 50 cent words which I had brought with me to use in the most intellectual of threads, the Peng. I thought it was my duty as a CM citizen to bring a modicum of intelligence to my post as I paid the cesspool another visit to say hello to all the bigwigs of the board, like yourself. I remember you were at the door the last time I was here and didn't welcome me with open arms then either. Have I offended the Peng people in some way? Did I spout off too soon? Is there some kind of hazing I need to go through first before I start ribbing the group as a whole? <hr></blockquote> My God, what a fool I've been! I failed to grasp that you'd merely fallen by for hugs and kisses! I now bitterly regret my boorish reproach of you. Deadmarsh, my beamish boy, come to my arms! Like two brothers seperated by a common language shall we be from this point forth. Do not let anything I've said to you or about you poison the glorious rapprochment upon whose edge we stand. Let us leap forward into a brand new future, and plummet to new levels of understanding each other! I profer to you the hand of friendship. The very same hand, in fact, that has flung Asian food at Berli, and made a rude but humorous gesture at Peng! Folk of the Peng Challenge Thread, gather round! I give you Colonel Deadmarsh: My Friend! (that last bit said, I'll be interested to see if you make it out with your life)
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh: Just curious...how do you bottom-dwellers support yourselves if you're talking to your pseudo-intellectual friends all day on this stupid thread? Is their some kind of a government system in place to keep you refresh monkeys from starving?<hr></blockquote> Mr. Deadmarsh, let me begin by saying, 'I understand your pain'. Fortunately, I do not share your pain. I can only imagine the enervating tedium that plagues someone like yourself, who, as he enters his 'employee number' into the keyboard, has to look up with dead, glassy eyes and ask each customer 'would you like to enroll in our extended warranty plan to insure your purchase against any failure?'. And then, of course, heading out to the bars, night after night, and attempting to impress disinterested young women with the claim that you are 'a web designer'. It would destroy the soul of even someone with actual intelligence to live the life-style that you are so sadly subjected to. Mind, I did suffer a moment when I had to, quite sternly, suppress the urge to giggle when you flaunted the term 'pseudo-intellectual'. I have yet to see this term used by anyone except troubled souls who are concerned that plain-spoken stupidity might be mistaken for a lack of 'masculine' ability, and rush into every discussion that is over their head with their fly unzipped and their fists and teeth clenched, shouting "Oh Yeah! You think I'm stupid! Well look at this!" Now, the folk who post here in the Peng Challenge Thread, are, by my own experience, an extremely mixed bag. I can state quite frankly that they work at many different occupations, including past and currently serving members of the armed forces of several nations, including our own; the professions, ranging from doctor, to lawyer, and even to productive members of society; and that, while we have a paucity of people who can instinctively recite 'do you want fries with that', we nevertheless have a number of people who actually labour and produce. What we do not have, and for this I am grateful, is a great number of ignorant little tossers who don't think twice about wandering into a thread where they know almost nothing about anyone who posts there, and who feel completely at ease with dropping their trousers and shoving their thumb up their arse in order to display their 'intellectual' superiority and native abilities. In other words, dear Deadmarsh, we don't have many stalwart individuals like yourself. So feel free to return to posting yet another 'Colonel Deadmarsh wishes to start yet another thread asking a question about nothing in particular in hopes of becoming a shining star of the community through sheer dint of having started more discussions than there are stars in the sky, in all of which he hopes his rather meager knowledge will not be mistaken for impotence and dissatisfaction with his sorry lot in life'. We'll keep a candle burning in the window for you, laddy, so that you don't run into the wall of the Thread stumbling through the darkness of your own opinionated stupidity. I hope you appreciate that I used a number of 'showy' words and expressed myself in a rather poncing fashion so as to validate your half-witted and bigoted behaviour. Now pull up your pants, put the little king away, and go start another discussion about whether anyone else realizes what a keen grasp you have of any variety of issues connected with Combat Mission. Pillock.
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: I'll back that one<hr></blockquote> No argument from this Olde One. Honourary Dame of the 'Pool, and Squirette it is.
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: Non Gamey Update: 3.75 lb Annabella Ramesar entered into this world today thanks to induced labor. The baby and the mother are doing fine. The mother is a bit grumpy due to a C-Section. Thanks for the support, folks.<hr></blockquote> Three cheers for Annabella Ramesar and her Mum! PENG, PENG, PENG! Like Peng himself, they've taken on the odds and met many challenges. Unlike Peng, fortunately, they appear to be winning. Congratulations, Hiram, and good luck to you all!
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by chrisl: And to you Aussies-- don't forget that Seanachai has it in for your flat little land. Please make the scenario more fair for me than for him. <hr></blockquote> See, all, how he trembles, and whines, and piddles the rug before all in his fear. See how he attempts to cozen the Aussie's into taking pity on his worthlessness. But, my dear Chrisl, your ploy will not work. For although I am, as one and all know, committed to 'crushing all Australians', you represent to them something even more loathsome and disturbing. For you, Chrisl, are a Californian. How long, oh Australians, before these American Lotus Eaters turn their eyes on Australia, and begin arriving in droves with every new flight, speculating in real estate, gentrifying your honest, common, somewhat vulgar working class neighbourhoods. How long before your pubs and drinking establishments are flooded with 'light' beers, nouveau appetizers, and frou-frou drinks? How long before your women begin bringing home books on feng-shui, lighting incense and designer candles, and forcing you to serve 'blush' wines at dinner parties? If you don't believe me, look at what these hedonistic thugs have already done to our own Pacific Northwest. Most of Oregon and Washington are so overrun with these 'self-actualizing' navel contemplators that the Canadians are faced with the threat of refugee camps as the natives of Portland and Seattle attempt to flee the encroachment of the Californiacators. Therefore, Australians, I say to you: do not be taken in by the lies and distortions offered to you by the honey-tongued Chrisl. It is true that my aim is to crush you all beneath my hobnailed gnomeboots. But at least, lads, I'll kill you clean, and leave your land unsullied by boutiques and designer pizza franchises. I offer you cold steel, but Chrisl would corrupt the very fiber of your nation, until you stand alone, lost, and 'in therapy' in a perverted Disneyland caricature of your own land. [ 01-15-2002: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna: Since I handled the previous setup I can also handle the latest "Battle For the Name of Peng 2 - the Gnomes Wrath". This will also give the Bard the opportunity to sample an enhanced QB format in preparation for his future losses on his quest. A map will be sent to you both shortly. chrisl will defend and select the side he wants to play and whether he wants purchases to be made by the players or the ÜberLizard. Seanachai get to select the points level. I will then set up weather, reinforcements and otehr details and forward the tourney save. [ 01-15-2002: Message edited by: Goanna ]<hr></blockquote> My thanks, Goanna for the dispatch with which you've handled this important commission. We will reclaim the name of Peng, however vile, from Chrisl(everyone with me now: 'that bastard!'). And if we are not victorious, let none of us return alive.
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: My little sister is back in the hospital. The fetus has an irregular heartbeat, the lungs are developing incorrectly, and there is a lack of amniotic fluid. They are keeping my sister for two weeks and will induce labor if need be. I know so little about pregnancy that it's a bit frustrating. I've gotten pretty good at cheering Beth up though. I used to be scared of hospitals but now I wander around like I belong there. I mention some of you every once in a while and she graciously listens and laughs at the appropriate times. I'm struggling to be positive for her sake even though I don't feel it when I'm at home. I guess I'm mostly afraid that having labor will create too much pressure on her brain and send her into a coma. If you pray to a deity, then I would appreciate any prayers for her.<hr></blockquote> Hiram, I'm sorry to hear there are new complications. I deeply hope that everything works out, and our thoughts are with you and your family. My best to your sister, tell her Seanchai Olde One, the Ubergnome, is sending his best thoughts and hopes her way. The Goddess watch over her and her child, you, and all the rest of your family.
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff: Dear Mr S Errr..... try STOUSH, Sir S. Humberly yours, AJ<hr></blockquote> The vagaries and subtleties of your Antipodean Vulgate often elude me. Although I am the Bard and Wordsmith of the Peng Challenge Thread (yes, I know this is posturing, but it's been a sodding awful month and I feel like puffing it up a bit), I've pointed out before that any group of three or more drunken Australians who come together to talk often create new language concepts, and then float them out into the great drunken unconsciousness of the Australians, and pass them off as a cultural experience. Thank you for your 'correction'. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to point out that the colloquial term you supplied HAS NO SODDING CORRELATE IN ANY LANGUAGE SPOKEN BY SENTIENT BEINGS ON THIS PLANET! But then, you knew that. Because it, and you are Australian. Thank the Goddess for beer, lads, or communication in Australia would be left up to intelligence, logic, and culture, making it the first ever Continent occupied by Mimes.
  18. Wonderful. I just had a quick go at the Outer Boards, and found I'd missed the entire Emma thread in which she was...er, well, seductively clad. Not to mention Persephone. Apologies to Pawbroon and Berli both, but I'm only human. Now, I see that the Fair Emma proposed that Peng's name, that he lost by profligate stupidity (does not fable and story constantly show us the pitfalls that attend foolish individuals gambling more than they can afford to lose?), be returned to him by vote. But all here know this cannot be. The vile Chrisl (capitilized because I always do, and he's a bastard) has won Peng's name on the Field of Honour (such as it is, around here, especially with Chrisl poxing about on it), and will not yield it to less than a Challenge. Now, I know that the name of an Olde One can only be played for by another of us. Berli (stout lad, long on Evil, short on focus) has offered to play the egregious Chrisl (still a bastard) for Peng's name. But I am not sanguine about his abilities, having defeated him myself more times than not. So I, too, shall play Chrisl (that roight bastard) for the name of Peng. I leave, as is my right, all the details to be administered by my many annoying Australian Foes. Having failed, thus far, to crush them utterly, I'm starting to have a fond regard for them, in the same way that a homeowner who cannot rid the place of rats, eventually gives them names, has the names engraved on food bowls, and buys them chew toys. I ask that the multitude of Australians, led by Goanna, Stuka and Mace, pull together a little...stouche, is it? In which I will defeat Chrisl (what an utter bastard), and return to Peng his own quasi-righteous name. Peng will then drop it on the floor, kick it under the couch, eat 12 eskimo-pies, drink a fifth of bourbon, and pass out while singing the 'Ya Tee Puckety' song with his daughters. And all will be right with the World.
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka: Guns don't kill people, Lawyers kill people.<hr></blockquote> Perhaps, then, if we used the guns to kill the lawyers? And goddamnit, Dalem and Lars, no shootingin my neighbourhood! The neighbours have been a bit unsettled and stand-offish ever since Berli and Peng's Visit. Hello, all. I spent most of yesterday throwing up, so none of you were ever far from my thoughts. However, I'm a bit behind on turns, as a result. I shall labour manfully this evening to correct that. And Panzer Leader, I've hesitated to mention our game because I thought you might feel shame over the fact that the AI actually had to freaking intervene in order to bring you a Minor Axis victory. I've never seen a game played before where, after every opportunity to win was thrown away by a human player, the AI actually printed out "Sod this for a game of tin soldiers", and stepped in to win the game for the less deserving side. I would have won that game, or at worst pulled a draw, if not for the complete, unbelieving frustration of the AI with your inept infantry handling. Now, some might say this sounds like bitter grapes, but consider: I held the VL, and not lightly, but with most of a platoon and scattered units. His infantry was destroyed, routed, dead, cowering, and covered in their own bodily wastes. He had one immobilized Mark IV sitting quietly out of the way, and two live ones trundling around, out of HE, and achieving nothing. Then one of his bloody AFVs tosses a couple of AP rounds the two story light building that's also the VL, damage showing only one star, and all my bloody infantry suddenly bails out, allowing three German prisoners to also escape, and instead of running into the immediately adjecent, ally controlled buildings out of the line of fire, they haul arse down a long, open hillside, passing directly in front of one of his AFVs, which proceeded to shoot them to ****e. I end up with several of my stronger units decimated and routed, the VL all but empty, prisoners escaped, and no turns left to rectify. I've never seen the bloody Tac AI take a hand in what would have otherwise been an utter humiliation of a boastful former Squire. However, I plan to win a sodding Nobel Prize for my study of this game, showing that even 'Computer Code' can feel pity, if the object in question is pitiable enough.
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Two Hellhounds and one... dog (Persephone's). damned things are always demanding attention... FROM ME! They can spend the entire day with Persephone, and not one peep out of them... I get home after a long day of tormenting lawyers (did I mention that this job has some fine fringe benefits?) and they attack!... Got sidetracked before I even started... Nice try at changing the subject Sean, but I'm on to you. We are at hazard, and I await your terms<hr></blockquote> Bugger, was worried about the lack of respect being shown towards the Justicar, don't you know. I'd say, not more than 1500 points, if you know of a good scenario that you haven't played, around this level, it's your choice. Otherwise, I'm a Great Admirer of QBs. What shall we do, Berli? There's a general lack of Warriour Spirit here, on the Thread of threads. I remember, as a child, being rousted out of bed, around 5 AM, my gear already packed, to drive 350 miles to the Canadian Border, to camp, fish, sing songs, drink, and carry on as though life had meaning. All of you would be lucky to claim the same dispensation.
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stixx: Ok Joe. Send me a map. stix243@iprimus.com.au What about a little wager on the battle too? If you win: I won't post in the MBT for a month If I win: YOU don't post in the MBT for a month Sounds fair to me but i'm sure you will come up with a excuse. Stix<hr></blockquote> Bah! You were given a game, and a game far beyond your station! It's not up to you to set conditions, unless, like the average two year old, you're doing it to test your boundaries. I've no true opposition to you, Stix, but you seem to have a chip on your shoulder over the Chosen of the Peng Challenge Thread. Play the goddamn game, and wear the outcome, Lost or Won, like a man. Do you really think that the Peng Challenge Thread is a forum to sort out your issues with your father, or your own insecurities, or do you understand that we are here to play The Game, and, like honourable warriours, confront each other in combat? You've been given a game by a Man that I name 'An Honorouble Opponent'. Are you so lost to the reality of the 'Peng Challenge Thread' that you want to fight him over how his existence differs from yours? Stixx, you've been offered an Honourable Challenge, and, in my personal opinion, a better one than your behaviour has deserved. Accept, or depart. The choice is yours. But don't go making conditions and demanding concessions like a bloody used car salesman. Shaw is a Seniour Knight of the Peng Challenge Thread, and has given me several games of note. Play, or piss off. He's a damn good opponent, and shouldn't be subjected to pissant 'bets' by those of 'No Reputation Worth Noting'. [ 01-13-2002: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: The old ways are, it appears, gone for good. Why the time was when an SSN would leap at the chance to be made squire to ANY Knight of the CessPool, let along to the First Among the Seniour Knights. The time was when the Olde Ones could be counted upon for their sage counsel and wise advice, when they could be counted upon to uphold the right regardless of personal gain or ego. The time was when the CessPool MEANT something. But now we have SSNs setting conditions for matches with Seniour Knights, we have SSNs trampling upon the office of the Justicariate and we have Olde Ones, who should be upholding the honor and tradition of the CessPool, instead flaunting it and twisting those same traditions to their own dishonorable ends. Some might say that it's due to the Justicar being an overbearing, pompous and self-absorbed, self-appointed guardian of the CessPool. In that they are entitled to their opinion of course, but self-appointed I was not. I was appointed by the Olde Ones to safeguard and protect the traditions of the CessPool and I have done that to the best of my ability. Stixx, if you want a game you may have it upon the conditions I set forth, if not you may attempt to find another here who will accomodate you. D, you are hereby released from the honorable office of Squire to myself, best of luck lad. OGSF, if upon the vote of the Olde Ones you are confirmed as Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread ... good luck, you'll need it. And to the rest of you ... as the days of my life grow shorter, as the dusk gathers about me and the wind whispers through the pines outside my window I'll hear, as if from far off, the rattle of the keyboards, I'll see the posts and emails of long departed, though not forgotten friends and the glow of my monitor will illuminate a face grown old in the service of the CessPool. And, eventually, the glow from the monitor will simply fade away. And so, like that monitor, I too now simply ... fade away ... an old Justicar who tried to do his duty as Gawd gave him the light to see that duty ... Goodbye. Joe<hr></blockquote> Shaw goddamnit, isn't that a rough re-working of MacArthur's 'farewell speech'? Don't do that, I never liked that pillock. He used to cheat at cards, did you know that? Now, what have we here? Yet another attack on the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread. Perhaps we should characterize that as the continuing attack. Now, for all those not of the Cesspool, your attacks are noted, and we will step around them like the rain-wet dog ****e they are. Joe Shaw, Old Foul Joe, is indeed the Justicar of the Thread, and it was nothing the poor, sorry bastard chose, it chose him. Or rather, we chose him; we, the Olde Ones. Oh, I know, Joe, that Berli has been tasking you of late, but remember, this is an Anarchic Being of Chaos and Arrogance who contested the rule of creation with the Creator. In most cases, it's not like he's going to jump on board and 'do the right thing', now is it? In any case, I see that we, the Olde Ones, have left Shaw hanging out there to dry as a 'target of opportunity' for folk that couldn't find their arse with both hands if it was on fire, and the Society For Annoying Daft Arseholes was on scene to send in retrained halfwits to help guide their hands to their bums. The position of Justicar, quite frankly, was never intended as one dedicated to ferreting out human stupidity. Frankly, there's seldom any need to ferret out the stupidity of SSNs here; it's so bloody up front that even Bauhaus merely waves a vague hand at it and goes on telling his beads. No, the position of Justicar is that of Judgement. It has long been clear that here in the Peng Challenge Thread, the Absolute Correctness of the Olde Ones had to be met with a Counsel of the Ruled, which provided a forum for what are popularly called: the Little People. And so we, the Olde Ones, gave the nod to a 'Counsel of Six', to counter-balance the Triumvirate of Olde Ones. They were/are the Lorak, Herald of the Cesspool. The Consigliori, or 'Whore' of the Peng Challenge Thread (this position is currently occupied by Lawyer), the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, our own Old Foul Joe. The title of Official Grog of the Peng Challenge Thread currently occupied, however poorly, by Simon Fox, the title of Eldest Australian, gamily fulfilled by Goanna, and the 'Official Lawyer' of the Peng Challenge Thread, filled by the largely absent, but occassionaly attentive JD Morse. (Yes, I know we have two slots in there for sodding attorneys, but you try and short change, or even give correct change to the bastards, and see how far you get)
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Dee you are simply too much, and should not be here. ...I will offer you a haven: to wit, you are hereby promoted to squire to Panzer Leader, the true rapscallion knight, brandishing his silvery rapier against the thick-edged Bastard swords of wrongfullness. <hr></blockquote> I am almost goddamn sure that when we allowed you to be raised to Knighthood, we had you neutered. In fact, I believe Berli made it a particular point: "Alright, he can be a Knight. But no more like him! No Serfs, no Squires!" And Peng and I agreed that it was good. You are here as the Knight Alone. No Squires for you. [ 01-12-2002: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  24. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Christ on a bloody crutch! Who ever said I was a [retch]team player[/retch]. The only team worth playing on is MY team. The only help you'll get from me is help getting a dirk all the way through your heart. Enough of your talk! We are now one Olde One to many. Draw steel, gnome, and join me on the field of battle!<hr></blockquote> You lot can see what he's like. Peng and I deal with his alternations between 'brooding silence' and 'megalomaniac aggression'. Of course, we both enjoy a quiet chuckle over the following vision: Berli: Damnation, damnation to them all! They shall be rent, they shall be torn asunder!" Persephone: Yes, dear, and so they shall. I think xxx(one of Berli's large hellhounds, who's name escapes me just now) wants his tummy rubbed. Berli, brooding, leans over to rub the dog's tummy. Berli: I was once His favourite angel, you know. Persephone: Of course, dear. Just as you're my favourite Devil now. Berli: Peng! Peng is weak! He let them take his name. Seanachai is worse. He actually likes them! Persephone: Weak as water, beloved. But such nice people. We should have them over some time. Berli(glowering): Should we? Persephone: Of course, Sweetness. Berli: But the Gnome will sing! And Peng will drink up all the liquor! Persephone: Of course they will, Love. It's what they do. But Seanachai will bring extra liquor for Peng, and Peng will tackle Seanachai when he begins that song about 'Maidens Bereft'. It'll be fine. Berli: Well, if you're sure. Persephone: Of course I am, Love. Now take the garbage out, there's a good Lord of Damnation.
  25. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: No, give me Fairport Convention any day...<hr></blockquote> You listen to Fairport Convention? I don't think I believe that. It's no good trying to get back into my good graces after that other remark.
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