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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Sir, I am a Minnesotan. We do not permit the 'right-wing minded' to live, choosing instead to leave them to the elements on frozen lakes when they're babies. Some manage to survive, and, as good Minnesotans, we take this as the will of the gods, and accept them among us. But we never allow their disturbed and troublesome aberration of thought to influence our body politic. Like Australians, we are very firm of purpose here in Minnesota. Unlike Australians, we make at least a few of our decisions while sober. And we never forget the troublesome. I've got an eye on you, Reichmann. [ January 30, 2002, 12:38 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  2. Bugger. Hey, Madmatt, I now see a box with a fairly extensive list of 'those currently logged on'. If I double click on the 'Combat Mission x(being the number of those logged on', my screen changes and shows me an extra column after the name of the thread, and before the name of the person who began it, and that column contains a number. Very trippy. What does it all mean, Mad Bald One?
  3. Ahem, er, Seanachai since being an Olde One and therefore an expert in the the Olde Ways and since OGSF is conspicuous by his absence... and since I've gone a bit, well, er "broody" of late I thought I might ask for some guideance... in public so that the opportunity is there for others to er, well, give correction too... and I'll drop the donkey act just to take a sounding to see whether I'm on the straight and narrow... and if I'm not? Yeknod</font>
  4. Surely you jest? The whole bloody Board's overrun with you marsupials. You can't turn around without knocking over someone's VB and starting a fight. Mind, many strong-willed and right-minded individuals have taken up holy crusades to 'Crush All Australians'. But it hasn't helped thin out the herd at all, yet.
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by BilgeRat: Aaarrgh!! Well he's styled hisself cap'n for this voyage but thanks be that the British Navy isn't led by creatures of his ilk. For as Shaw skulked behind the petticoats of the 'Code Duello', Boney would be landing on a British shore. Just what were the Lords of the Admiralty thinking when they allowed Shaw to launch the ship on this commission. Methinks 'tis more like some geographical milestone was passed and by virtue of tradition the most lackwitted clown in the ships company appointed a fiction of a captain. This buffoon who brays for harsh punishment in messdeck courts martial yet scurries below at the first sight of a hostile sail should be hisself flogged around the fleet. The Code Duello pertains to the ordered settlement of disputes between gentlemen of honour not some lowerdecks dispute involving such as Shaw, who blights this ship by virtue of a rum soked press gang stumbling across a travelling fair and impressing tha bearded lady amidst the other freaks. Shaw is no gentleman, never was, never will be. His dodging and weaving marks him as no more than a blackhearted poltroon. For his cowardice he should be forced to run the gauntlet of his shipmates in which each one should bludgeon him in turn. This talk of the French turns the stomache, no suprise they are pondscum.<hr></blockquote> Shaw, underneath his Jeffrey Farnol school of historical dialect approach, I believe the Bilgerat is actually offering you a thinly veiled challenge. Which would be a relief, actually, for while I have enjoyed the antics of this refugee from a Marryat novel, he has yet to do more than posture, bluster, and 'curse the French, with a wannion!' I realize, Shaw, that you are a busy man, and I completely understand your obsession with those finer points of honour and affectation that seem like merest persiflage to the low-lifes who form such a sturdy, yeomanesque core of the Peng Challenge Society, but I think, if this is indeed what Bilgerat is seeking, that someone should give him a game. He has, quite incorrectly, been identified with Patrick O'Brien, but, and I certainly know, there is no one in a Patrick O'Brien novel that carries himself like our Bilgerat. Monsieur O'Brien is, in fact, quite literary. Bilgerat is being keelhauled beneath Sabatini. Now, I propose, Mister Bilgerat, that you have capered and ponced around the Thread in a not unpleasing way, but long enough. Shaw, Knight Templar of the Thread, is much too busy to take notice of your 'damme's', and 'with a' curse', and 'sod me for a lizard, else', but I have noticed you, and I am, after all, the Nice One. Therefore, I propose that you leave off your bathtub battles with brightly colored plastic tugboats that you, with furrowed brow, have renamed after every ship of the line involved in the battle of Trafalgar, and give over your attempts to position them just so with the intent of breaking the 'enemy's line', and prove to us here that you do, in fact, play Combat Mission. My own, recently proclaimed Squire, Sledge59, would, I doubt not, give you a game worthy of your steel. I suggest, Bilgerat, me little lad, that you have hoist an oar over your shoulder, and moved far enough into the heart of the Peng Challenge Thread to a point where people would venture a question as to what you're carrying. It's time to lay it down, and play a game, lad. What say you? Would you receive a Challenge, if properly tendered, from my Squire, Sledge59? Or will you shuffle, and pull the forelock, and committ the very crime of shiftiness that you accuse Shaw, no warriour of the sea, to be sure, of committing? Sledge59! As you love the gods, my ladies, and me, offer this encrusted barnacle a challenge! Let us see what stuff he's made of.
  6. It is interesting to me that more thought, bile, and energy went into the recent series of Hiram/Croda exchanges about football, than either of them has been able to muster in their last six months of posting about anything else. While I'm glad to see that they despise each other, I'm dissapointed that the loathing never came to a real head until they (endlessly) managed to bring football into it. The zeal with which they have provoked and attacked each other has led me to the conclusion that Militant Islam has nothing on Militant Idiocy.
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Oh no you don't lad. YOU, as the challenger, choose the weapons (the size and type of engagement if you please), while I as the offended party choose the ground (the map you see). Therefore I shall ask Seanachai to select and or create a suitable map for our meeting ... NO DAMNED SNOW! You then, with the help of your [sneer] Second [/sneer], can then determine the size and parameters of the forces to be used. We will then each purchase said forces and our seconds will place them on the map for our battle. Joe<hr></blockquote> While I'm happy to act for you in this matter, Joe, it seems like a lot of work. He lives here in town now, can't I just go over to his house, club him to death, and then put him through the wood-chipper?
  8. Just to acknowledge that my own involvement with the Outlaw Nation known as Australia has spread to my State as a whole, this from the local paper: Backfence: Aussie gives update on wacko Jacko James Lileks Star Tribune Published Jan 25 2002 Back to the same gristle we masticated Wednesday: annoying spokescreatures. We discussed Jacko, the large-faced Australian who shouted OI! at Americans in the '80s on behalf of a large battery concern. We have a Jacko update from an Actual Australian, Tim Blair: Far from being the governor of a Minnesota-sized state, Jacko is himself now Minnesota-sized. Hence his latest gig in Australia: pitchman for Weight Watchers, which is paring the Jackson frame back to something recognizably human. Jacko wasn't universally loved during his playing days. His first top-level football (footy) coach, the legendary Ron Barassi, tolerated his on-field capering for just two years before firing him. Incidentally, because his name already sounds like an Australian nickname, Barassi is dubbed . . .(And here the Fence steps in to deftly parry away a word they might print in wicked, godless Oz, but not here in the Clean and Reverent States.) At his second team, St. Kilda, Jackson lasted only 10 games. Saint Kilda? According to catholic.org, which ought to know these things, there is no Saint Kilda. I suspect some Outback Aquinas performed some extemporaneous theologizing. A member of the congregation asked: "So, padre, does th' Good Book permit killin' of a pommy bludger what's givin' you the gobful?" The pastor, noting that his entire congregation is heavily armed and more heavily hung over, improvised: "Uh, yes. Killing was permitted in certain circumstances, ah, according to a little-known saint -- " "Which one, then?" "Ah, Saint Kilda." (Pastor pauses, winces, expecting audience to groan; sees only hopeful upturned faces.) "An' what did th' 'oly sheila say?" "Uh, put the boot unto others as you would have others put the boot unto you." Murmurs of appreciation rippled through the crowd. The town changed its name the next day. In his first year with his third team, Geelong, Jacko was suspended by authorities for eight weeks after running the length of the field to punch a player who had upset him. He also tried to lure Carlton's peaceful fullback Bruce Doull into a fight. Doull defied him, just as he defies Australian nickname conventions; he is known as "The Flying Doormat." Jackson's footy career ended in 1986. We Australians accept no blame for what followed. All of Jackson's crimes against acting were either committed in, or encouraged by, the United States. You people are the root cause here. There. All you need to know about Jacko, from one who suffered his reign at close proximity. Incidentally, this Tim fellow has a Web site -- You will go there, and you will laugh [ 01-28-2002: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Very nice, very nice indeed. If Seanachai doesn't take him for squire, I will<hr></blockquote> Back, Oh Dark One! I have him to Squire, faire and square. His bitterly dismissive response to the Justicar about his moniker pretty much sealed my sense of satisfaction this evening. Not that he shouldn't show a proper disrespect for Shaw. Everything's alright as long as he shows a proper disrespect. Oh, and no turns went out tonight, except for Moriarity, who's deserving. The rest of you are stains on the carpet in a house filled with Yorkshire Terriers, and have not been noticed this night. Final note: Lorak, you worthless trollop. Should you wrench yourself away from your twitch game long enough to show up here and take notice of such things, oh Herald, please note: Seanachai: Victory Peng (who was still fecking Peng when we began the game, and not this Gates-Slut creature) Defeat Peng played not wisely, but too well. He relied on terrain to give him the victory, and was screwed. He attempted a manic, bizarre cavalry charge at the end, worthy of Shaw himself for sheer, unexpected weirdness, but it was to no avail. Army of Peng: eating the chocolate bar of incarcerated pity. Speedy, Australian: Crushed Seanachai (recapturing a bit of self-confidence), Crushing an Australian I would like to conclude that Speedy had been 'utterly' crushed, but such is not the case. He was defending against the Assault, which is a hard row to hoe (even though I had taken the Brits, while he was the Fascist Monster...that is, the Germans). Even in defeat, Speedy was a nasty bastard, and did a lot of harm. At one point, when it looked like it would just be a matter of sending in the cheerleaders, he started to reveal traps, surprises, and units held in reserve. Then he counter-attacked, and his forces dissolved. However, I point out this Victory Against a Card Carrying Australian. Also, the battle with AussieJeff looks more hopeful. Painful things have happened to him. The battle against Noba is a complete bloody disaster, and I shall gain no credit here. This will, most likely, be a rather shameful defeat by a truly horrible Australian. The battle with Stuka is early on, and too weird in snow to predict. The battle with the Lizard King is done, and lost, but the very willingness of the creature to claim it as a victory shows how lost he is to the very soul of honour. A man who would preen over the triumph of his brutally effective and significant computer chosen forces over an opponent's issuance of 'clown forces', is the sort of man who takes delight in pointing out accidents of birth, and mocking crippled people for being slower than he in a foot race. So, Lorak please also note: Seanachai: a Defeat neither of his own making, nor earned by any fault of his. Goanna Australian: a Victory that by proclaiming, belittles and cheapens the Victor. [ 01-28-2002: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by funkedup: Well I don't know if anything from CM would translate into real life. But it does translate to other games. Playing CM has given me some problem solving skills that really make it easy to plan these missions, and understand when things are going bad, and how to react. [ 01-28-2002: Message edited by: funkedup ]<hr></blockquote> And how do you suppose that unit commanders reading Guderian, Rommel, and other forward thinking commanders felt? 'Dunno if this will work out in the Real World™, but it's worth a bloody try, I suppose.' All training is a form of preparation for the Real Thing. It may not pan out, but it's better than standing there waiting for the 'correct' solution to fly down on angel's wings and make itself manifest.
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> Big Time Software: Back! Back!! Get BACK into the Pool! Yes, your type of filth and vermin will have a stinkhole to call Home for as long as this BBS shall remain functional. We know you won't go away, so this is the only logical alternative Steve P.S. What is that sound? Ooooo... I think you all know! SNAP <hr></blockquote> I find that both fair, and reassuring. Mind, I still want to be assured that useless pissholes-in-the-snow will show up to guarantee our membership swells due to the'brain drain' flight to the Peng Challenge Thread, but it's nice to be appreciated for what we are.
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Yes. By all means Seanachai, take your Squire (uh, no Bauhaus it's not literal ... at least I hope not) but I have a bad feeling about this one ... nothing good will come of it. Joe<hr></blockquote> Joe, I beg to differ. I think this one will work out. Oh, not that Hiram didn't work out, but he never showed me a certain proper respect, and not that MrSpkr didn't work out, but he showed me even less respect, and hasn't shown the slightest bit of gratitude since he became a Knight, and not that Panzer Leader didn't eventually become a Knight, but that was mostly bloody-minded perseverance. No, I think this one will be the Squire that sets me on to your own, disturbing route of having my Squires acquire Squires. Sledge59 I take you as Squire (notice the bolding; I never bother bolding Serfs, but I do bold Squires). I expect you to do the right thing, and prove yourself worthy. I require of you honour to the Ladies of the Pool: Yk2 (who you are required to think of as the Fair Emma, but shall not refer to her as such), Persephone, who you shall refer to by that name, or 'Goddess'. And, finally, Kitty, who you are allowed to think of as the Leather Princess, or Meowza!, but are never, ever allowed to refer to as such or make any such reference or proceed in such intent, lest we allow Mace to take you out and show you why sheep run from a border collie. Come to think of it, e'en the border collies run from Mace. You shall observe the rights, rituals, traditions, and Honours of the Cesspool. By this I mean: I want some bloody ears. Bring me some useless SSN ears, some Squire ears, or whatever you've got, and soon. Also, it means that while you may insult, taunt, and disparage the Olde Ones, the Seniour Knights, the Knights, and the Entitled Annoyances of the Peng Challenge Thread (Shaw, the Justicar, Lawyer, the Consigliori, Simon Fox, the Official Grog of the Cesspool, etc. etc. etc.), you shall maintain a certain level of annoyed reverance for this same gang of utterly useless sons o' bitches. We're your betters, lad, and no better than we should be. Keep it in mind. Finally, did I mention ears? I want some bloody ears. Hiram, Beloved Former Squire, never even brought me an earlobe. MrSpkr, who constantly disparaged me, kept all the ears for himself. As for Panzer Leader, I had to keep explaining to him what 'ears' were, and, once he grasped that, I had to keep re-iterating to him where they were located. Mind, he was constantly having to defend himself from the accusation of being a bloody halfwit, so you can see how he couldn't focus on both tasks (I still have no bloody ears, but I'm sure he's universally regarded as one of the Thread's geniuses, don't you imagine?) I have high hopes for you, lad. You will be the rule that proves the exception. Go out there, and taunt the ears off of some of these hopeless little piddlers. At least you can spell, most of the time.
  13. Damnation! The Peng Challenge Thread has once again begun to interfere with posting! [ 01-28-2002: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  14. I have a concern, one shared by many, I'm sure, for BTS. When Combat Mission: Barbarrosa to Berlin is finally declared a finished product, and that no more patches or fixes will be issued, will the Forum still properly model the occurence of lackwits and posturing toads showing up to complain about everything from the 'lack of displaying internal organs draped over gun barrels', to the 'failure to correctly depict the presence of demi-gods on the battlefield'? I, personally, still find the routine occurrence of Grog, Semi-Grog, and Demitasse Grog discussions, even when they involve major changes to the game that will not be instituted, interesting. Sometimes pointless, sometimes scholarly to a preternatural degree, but with something to contribute to the concept of the 'reality' of the game and its mechanics. And I take actual delight in the many discussions of tactics, debates on 'usefulness' of various units (when they don't degenerate into a discussion of 'what should have been done'), and how to get the most from the game, the AI, and the writings. But I need BTS to assure me, and others like me, that the Forum will continue to have innumerable posts from idjits who feel the game is horribly flawed because 'it doesn't reflect XYZ occurrence, that they read about in the humour in uniform section of Reader's Digest', or because 'I think there should be more units that reflect my personal perception of how WWII would have been fought in the Warhammer Universe', or 'I met a dude in a bar who was my age and was in to NIN and told me he served with Guderian, and he said how CMBB doesn't take into account the ability of skinheads from various nations to kill opponents with the tactic 'fist o' death'.' Further, BTS must assure us that there will continue to be a suitable selection of posters concerned with 'how I would have designed this game if I wasn't drunk on the couch and worrying about whether overlapping restraining orders might make it difficult to get my next 40 of malt liquor given that my ex lives above the liquor store which is next to the Day Care Center', the 'I think this game will die if I'm not given the right to corrupt the engine, mod my own disturbed fantasies of slaughter, and finally introduce the Klingon Warbird to the CM community', and finally, posts by the usual 'my childhood experiences with the Red Ryder BB gun (yes, I did put somebody's eye out, and that's not properly displayed by the graphics, either) lead me to believe that BTS doesn't know anything about special ninja weapon properties, which leads me to treat them with scorn'. Dearly beloved BTS: If, after CMBB is released, finished, and patched to near-perfection, these pillocks are not still posting: Whither then the Forum? Can you assure me, The Customer, that I will still sign on to find normally patient forum members finally going over the edge to tell complete bloody fools to shut up and die? Will I still be assured a regular round of new topics from people who can't pour piss out of their own boots when the instructions are printed on the sole? Ultimately, Dearly Beloved BTS, can you assure me that there will still be a place for the Peng Challenge Thread in the post-release CMBB Forum, or will you folks finally get everything right, down to the last jot and tittle, and rob us of so much of our membership, who are refugees fleeing the stupidity of the Outer Boards? Mind, whatever you reply, I'm buying the next 10 incarnations of your games. It's just a Cesspool thing to inquire. [ 01-28-2002: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>
  15. Now, on to new business. Shaw, a slightly long-winded but extremely thorough and readable treatment of the rules. For hapless little idjits who just wandered in, please remember to visit the first post of this Thread. There you shall be shown the light. Also, oh Justicar, how stands my intent to take Sledge59 as Squire? I, at least, have no intent of trifling with the many, varied, inconsistent, whimsical, contradictory, ever-changing, and pulled-out-of-a-hat traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread. Can I declare Sledge a Serf, and then take him as Squire (which is most certainly my intent), or do I have to get some other being involved in the process? Inquiring Olde Ones want to know. Persephone, I shall most certainly send you my Lamb Stew recipe, and would have done so already, except that it's not actually written down anywhere. Each time I make it, I just buy something similar to the correct ingredients, and take them into the kitchen, stand there with them for a while, and then begin to cook. I will send the recipe on as soon as I have a second to stand there in the kitchen and sort out the process. Berli, by the way, has been quite unpleasant about the idea of stewed sheep in his home, but I know he'll come around as soon as he tastes it. Really, come now, Berli, I would think, given your background, and the whole 'Lamb of God' thing, you'd be quite keen on well-seasoned Lamb Stew. Is this some sort of residual manifestation of remorse? On that note, whenever I and my friends have visited any of the world's art museums, we have attempted to find a painting of Christ with a dog, and I can't remember encountering one yet. Plenty of barnyard animals, prey animals, and 'soon to be in a tasty stew' animals, but no dogs. Anyone know of artwork with the Son 'O God and a dog? I don't trust any sodding deity that's never been pictured with a cavorting dog. Like those paintings by the Dutch Masters. You look at them, and every one has a dog in there somewhere, setting the tone of the whole painting. Seriously, if you know of one, preferably by a classic painter, send on info about it. I'd really love to have an oil triptych of Jesus playing frisbee with a golden retreiver, but anything would be appreciated.
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elvis: Dear LEON, I do consider Hiram a friend. And my kind does not take kindly of your kind hating my kind. Say you're sorry or I will call you a bad name. Love, Elvis<hr></blockquote> Really, Elvis? Well I consider Hiram to be the son I never had. I'm sorry, Hiram, but I do. Except for the whole homophobic thing. I think you should just get over that. As for Leeo: lad, I think you're wrong about Eeyore. He was one of the clearest thinkers in the Milne books. Milne's Universe was deterministic, and, as a put upon ass, Eeyore did not rail against what he knew to be his place in the Universe. He might complain about his lot, but he knew that no betterment was possible. I sincerely hope that Sir Hiram, Eeyore of the MBT (I wanted to dub him the Knight of the Woeful Countenance, ala 'Man of La Mancha', but, as usual, I was ignored, over-ridden, done down, and buggered. Still, 'Eeyore of the MBT' is pretty much the same thing as Knight of the Woeful Countenance, so I shant complain. Much), is not relegated to a two dimensional treatment by the Universe. Indeed, I venture the opinion that such is already the case. Hiram, I wish you all the best in kicking the hideous habit of smoking. Anyone who's ever had the experience of hearing Berli wake up in their living room and begin the process of kick-starting the breathing process would not wish it on a cat. Strangely, smoking is the only vice the ÜberGnome never acquired. I believe I had every other one possible, but never that one. Elvis, I take it that the Eagles charged out on to the field of battle, voided their bowels, and so we are now safe for another season from pointless posturing?
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Geier: Seanachiprosit: We're doing a nasty little foggy murdering game from Moriarty and I'm running out of things to murder. Suffice to say, I'm murderatiing him just as good as last time. We aim to please. Start rotting, Johan [ 01-26-2002: Message edited by: Geier ]<hr></blockquote> Geier is, of course, seriously exaggerating . In reality he is completely out of things to murder. It is simply appalling. What few troops I have left (and there were never many to begin with), are actually threatening to shoot me if I try and issue any commands, even including the command to retreat off the map. They no longer trust me to even get that right. Until my game with Panzer Leader, I had no idea the TacAI could actually seize control that way and cut the human commander completely out of the loop. Of course, in Panzer Leader's case the AI stepped in to finally give him the victory he'd been haplessly bobbling for 20 turns. In my case, it's taken on a rather fierce and dismissive attitude of 'haven't you done enough? Leave them alone!' I return to hating Geier in a quiet, rather thorough-going and satisfied way. Oh, and he's a Squarehead. Yes, it's a bit weak, but I felt that I had to say something insulting or I'd just have to stand there shuffling and embarassed.
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB: Soldier, In correct Sea-Na-CHI, I simply can't abide you, and your cult within a cult of worthless helloens....<hr></blockquote> Er...while I can't fault your stupidity, and even find it admirable, what the bloody hell is a 'helloens'?
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB: Soldier Well lah de dah. What ever.<hr></blockquote> THAT'S IT?! That's your entire response to my deeply-thought-out, if-somewhat-obscure-and-addled post? Christ on a crutch, I'm off to the Peng Challenge Thread. why the hell I ever leave, I just don't know...bugger...lackwits every where you look...no sense of dignity, humour, or fun...post a bloody useless topic, and then can't maintain it...sod that for a game of tin soldiers, says I...pillock
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB: Soldier, Sea-Na-Chi, That was a low blow.... I highly doubt that sheep have anythign to do with the complex phycosocail construct that is this furom. You are a fedid zuccini.... but that does not mae you a member of parliment now does it? Get back in line ye pessant!<hr></blockquote> Er, well, no, I doubt that sheep have anything to do with whatever the hell you are trying to spell. Sheep are ruminants. You are more a 'Hello, I'm here to read the gas meter. Surprise! I have no pants, and must use an humourous and silly attempt at English in order to speculate about the existence of hamsters!' Meanwhile, the householder now dialing the police to inform them of a halfwit standing pants-less in their foyer debates the existence of causality and speculates on the role of half-naked idjits in the Combat Mission cosmos. While this debate rages, you will, perforce, devour several fudgesicles. The Universe, which continues to allow you to exist, will eventually be vindicated when it's discovered that Reality needs more unpassed roughage in its daily dose of CM posting. Eventually, a group of CM Newbies will appear within this, and any other thread in which you post, dressed in baggy pants, figured shirts, and bearing hand-kerchiefs, which they will extend to each other, and, with a certain solemnity, begin moving in a paced circle to the strains of a bazouki. You, of course, will be regarded with a sense of wonderment normally reserved for the appearance of UFOs, and intelligent postings by SSNs. Eventually, a cult will form. They will regard you with loathing.
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB: Soldiers, Just a thought: What are we? Are we a dictatorship? A self apointed republic? What?<hr></blockquote> You are sheep. Nice sheep, pretty sheep, and, quite often, self-important sheep. But sheep never-the-less. What is your place within the Combat Mission Forum? Grazing, and waxing angry about the existence of predators, and how thin the grass is growing. How is your anger regarded? Everyone laughs at angry sheep. How do you fit within the Mother Beautiful Thread? You are sheep. "Hello, my name is Mace. I'll be your guide here in the Peng Challenge Thread" Who's up for a jolly sing-song, and painful, nervous 'baaaa'?
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Moriarty: Good point, your Oldness, how about a return on that setup?<hr></blockquote> He tasks me, he tasks me... YOU'LL GET TURNS WHEN I WANT TO SEND THEM TO YOU, MORIARITY, YOU EVIL SWINE! CHEW ON THAT GIBBERISH FOR A WHILE!
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace: This one's for Seanachai: <font size = "+2"> Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi! Oi! Oi!!!</font> Mace [ 01-26-2002: Message edited by: Mace ]<hr></blockquote> Bugger all, and I hate them the way your average, useless Methodist hates fun, but I'll have a go: Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi! Actually, that didn't feel so bad. In fact, I felt a strange tingle at the base of my proto-brain. You know, the one that we used when we still had tails, and couldn't remember if we bore live young... Let me give that another, heady try. AUSSIE, AUSSIE, AUSSIE, OI, OI, OI!!! Oh my Gods, the spectacular rush of near brainless excitement!!! The sudden, raw realization that THERE ARE AUSTRALIANS! AND THAT THEY'RE THE DIMMEST PILLOCKS ON EARTH! gasp...gasp A People of many...faces shudder, and sigh you will meet them in many...places. It's not enough. I demand that every right thinking individual do everything in their power to destroy Australians.
  24. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by chrisl: the former Peng is the oldest of the Olde Ones™, and lost his name of his own free will That is, if you think there is free will. [ 01-26-2002: Message edited by: chrisl ]<hr></blockquote> Actually, you f'ing pillock, the Eldest of us is Berli, who raged against heaven, and went to Hell for it. The next eldest is Peng, who had the sense to grumble about what a hell of a thing Hell is, and why more people weren't interned there every day. And the most recent of us is myself, who wondered if a Challenge and a jolly sing-song wouldn't make a trip through Hell seem more entertaining. Now, all that said, you silly ****e, how about a return on the Challenge for Peng's Name?
  25. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Sledge59: You're absolutely right, Wildman. By the way, you may want to edit again. Let me explain: your is a possessive pronoun; you're is a contraction of you are. Get it straight, man! People read this stuff.<hr></blockquote> SOD ALL! HE'S MINE! I'm not caught up, so I don't know if he's bespoken, but I'm taking this one on. I think he understands what we're all about. SHAW! (you pillock) is this one a serf? Is he Squire to aught? I claim this one, oh Justicar, for my Squire. If he's not yet a Serf, then please expedite the paperwork and get him declared a useless sack of ****e, head and shoulders above the even more useless sacks of ****e, so that I can take him on as Squire. If he's already a Squire to aught, then you're all a bunch of diseased Dingo dangly bits, and here, snip-snip, comes the nacker man.
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