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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Shouldn't we take his cap off? No sense ruining a nice bill cap. That was...magical. I actually went to my closet, after that first picture, to make sure I don't have a shirt like that. But as for the last picture, well, the ÜberGnome doesn't wear vests. I look quite idiotic enough without wearing vests. Especially that vest. Still, absolutely hilarious. Little Hiram, especially, moves me to teary hilarity. In that second picture, doesn't he look like a child that should be getting lots and lots of counseling?
  2. Be a true CM Grog, man! That is a prairie dog, and you're being a piddler if you call it anything else, or allow anyone to pass it off as other. (as for the weapon itself, that's all Grog business, and nowhere near as important as the correct identification of CM Rodents...)
  3. Hmm, my er...'noble' opponent, let's be frank: I beat you like a gong. I took a quick swing around the battlefield, and I counted something like 6 or 7 of your men that weren't routed, broken, or panicked, most of them in crews. I held every VL. Your vehicles, each and every one (at least those not actively on fire) were already being converted by French farmers to serve as dovecotes. But let us ignore the sound thrashing of AussieJeff, the Individual, and concentrate rather on the absolute crushing of AussieJeff, the Australian. That's right, you Down Under bastards, I've crushed one of you! And things don't look at all well for Stuka right now, either! (unless the bastard's shamming, and only crying hurt to distract me) What, you ask yourselves (and for most of you, repeating 'what?' in a vague, distracted, half-witted sort of way is almost a way of life), does this mean for the Holy Crusade to Crush All Australians?! Why, it means a Victory! With many more to come. For now, you see, I've realized the secret to success. In order to defeat Australians, you have to get down and work from their level. I have to eat, breathe, and sleep like an Australian. But most importantly, I have to drink like an Australian (mind, if you drink like them, you pretty much cover the previous three conditions as a matter of course). Now that I'm unemployed, I can finally confront Australians on their own ground, as one of them! I can sit, hour after hour, drunk on cheap red wine and ale, unshaven, foul-smelling, sleepless, with red-rimmed eyes horrible to behold, poor (even unemployed, the change I fling together from around my apartment is worth more than the Australian dollar), and on the verge of criminal activity. In other words, I'm almost completely indistinguishable from the average Australian government employee. I have laid in a supply of cheap Australian red wine. I will live like my enemy, until none of them are left to tell their fellows what befell them. insert mad laughter here, and perhaps, in the background, the sounds of a digeridoo. gods, I love the sound of the digeridoo... The Holy Crusade to Crush All Australians: The Gnome Goes Down Under.
  4. There was not, in fact, any 'Satan Worship'. I did tell Berli that I liked his beard, but that was by way of a general comment, and he told me to piss off immediately afterward. I had, in fact, suspected you, Lawyer. This is exactly the sort of manipulative, vicious tactic I'd expect to come from both our nation's capitol, and you. It's hard to say which is more corrupt, filled with spite, and inept. However, you must remember that every silver-lining has its cloud. For while I sit here, shivering, destitute, and bereft of gainful employment, I have any amount of time to taunt, belittle, and detail what a toad you are. We're one/one, Lawyer. It's starting to look like I'll have the time to break that tie, and reveal you for the white-haired, embittered legal-politico eunuch you are. Oh, but of course, I forgot. You're busy designing 'maps' now. Well, when you make a very nice one that you'd care to be buried on, let me know, and we'll have a couple of Seconds populate it with grave-diggers, pall-bearers, and teary-eyed ex-wives, girlfriends, and teen prostitutes for your final CM funeral. Not everyone can have the ÜberGnome deliver the eulogy, you know. You should be honoured.
  5. That's as apt a description of "Crodaburg" as I've ever heard. Applies to Croda himself, as well. We might consider keeping this 'Boo' character. Or at least stop telling him to sod off for a while.
  6. Roight, listen up you lot ! I have taken up the standard so recently cast aside by our own Joe Shaw (who's rise in the world I can't help but wonder might be somehow to blame...) In a move completely unforseen by myself or anyone else in my current place of employment, our Corporate Masters have announced that, along with quite a number of people nation-wide, my services will no longer be required. In a move to safe-guard the power and privilege, not to mention undeserved wealth of Upper Management, I've been made redundant. A short letter to that effect, accompanied by a document for me to sign holding them blameless, has been delivered to me this morning. Because of my steadfast loyalty and hard work, I was also informed that the savings represented by the termination of my princely salary would go towards keeping the new CFO's Alsatian in chew toys, treats, and deworming pills for the balance of the next two financial quarters. I count my imminent starvation and eviction as a small price to pay to know that such a noble animal, of people far wealthier than myself, shall want for nothing. Nature, understanding how vulnerable, confused, and sick at heart I am currently feeling, is dumping 12 inches of snow as I speak, all of which I will have to shovel (except for the 6 inches I've shoveled already). But, as I am unemployed, I will have plenty of time to see to its removal! Now, the good news out of all this (other than the imminent starvation and eviction of the ÜberGnome, which should gladden all right thinking individuals), is that I shall probably have more time to devout to my CM turns, and get them out in a more timely fashion. The bad news, for you lot, is that I will most likely have a great deal more time to post. Selah.
  7. Good lord, someone's in awe of Stuka's member number? I remember the days when my member number would cause the Board Stalwarts to throw dead squirrels at me. Good times, good times.
  8. Stalin had all the Hamsters shot, as they were not sufficiently Slavic. Russia made do with Lemmings and Voles.
  9. Can't remember the last time I double posted. Must be the alcohol. [ March 14, 2002, 07:38 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  10. That, sadly, often has too much alcohol in it, and will probably make you want to hurl.
  11. Ahem, Panzer Leader. He is a Squire to myself, as you once were. We are a band of brothers, and native to this Cess, as it were. Now, I realize your tooth pains you, but that's no call to get snippy. When my wisdom teeth had to come out, they took all four at one go, cut 'em out while I was under General Anaesthetic (most of you lads haven't served under him, but I'm here to tell you, you do exactly what he says). My Mum had come along, as I needed someone to drive me home, for I hadn't had, at that point, several years of near-psychotic drug experiences to prepare me for driving home on my own. The nurse told me Mum: 'He was very tense going under the anaesthetic, so there's a very good chance that when he wakes up, he'll start to cry. That's not unusual, and you shouldn't worry about it, just be there to reassure him.' So my poor, lovely Mother sat by my side, holding my hand, waiting for me to come out from under the anaesthesia, so she could be there for me. Sadly, when I came to, it turned out I was attempting to sing an Irish drinking song through a mouthful of bloody cotton, spraying blood everywhere, laughing, cursing, and carrying on like a new Cesspool Squire. My poor Mother was so humiliated. Having dealt with many of you lot, I now understand how she felt. Took 'em a while to get me on my feet. And I wouldn't go without my teeth. Demanded they bring me my wisdom teeth, as they were mine, and I wanted what was mine. That was 25 years ago, and I've still got those teeth. They're sitting in a rather handsome, turned wood container with a screw off top on a shelf of my desk right in front of me. Occasionally, friends or visitors will pick it up, un-screw the top, and go 'Good God, whose teeth are these?!'
  12. Tradition. Arcana. Operations. The TAO of combat. You wouldn't want wargames to look like a children's game, would you?
  13. SILENCE! former Squire! I am displaying a single finger to you now, lad. Can you tell what it is? That's right, I'm shaking the extended index finger of shameful admonishment at you. Most bloody Macs have mice now with any bloody number of wheels, buttons, triggers, and whoopee buzzers, just like the ever present whinging PC users, whose endless Windows wastelands still can't come up with half a dozen decent keyboard commands that function the same from program to program. Pillock.
  14. When I find myself in times of trouble, Mr Peng, he comes to me Speaking words of wisdom Let it be. All of BTS reads this forum. They know your pain. So does Peng. We won't go into that further, though. [ March 12, 2002, 01:37 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  15. Dunno, lad. What's a Robbie Williams? Does he play the pipes?
  16. I've got to agree with Panzer Leader here. Kate is not a cheap pop star. What were you thinking, Seanachai?</font>
  17. Well, I gave it a look. Her head seems disproportionately large compared to the rest of her, which is definitely not what I've come to expect from female popstars. Upon arriving at her home page and wondering about the size of her head, I next, as is my want, clicked on the 'lyrics' link. They were definitely lacking. Almost magically uninspiring. I then, against my better judgement, actually clicked on the 'audio' link, and listened to a few minutes of something called 'Fragile', which is most likely a metaphor for her talent. It was icky. The voice wasn't unappealing, but the style and delivery made me shudder, as if Kate Bush had been reincarnated as Britney Spears with even less to say. Also, a question. Why don't you Aussie's ever sound like Australians when you sing? You sound just like us, and the very worst of us, on top of it. Or, at best, you sound like Brits that want to make it in America as recording stars. It's just ghastly. [ March 11, 2002, 08:39 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  18. Actually, I don't know what a Minogle is either. The only prints on my walls are J.W. Waterhouse's "Lady of Shalott", and Edward Blair Leighton's "The Accolade". Does this Kylie lassie have something of herself in a pre-Raphaelite style? [ March 09, 2002, 09:21 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  19. It's a certain stirring males experience when watching musical videos featuring scantily clad females. Mace</font>
  20. Originally posted by Persephone: Anyone else notice that Yeknod looks like a jolly, young Mao Tse-Tung? [ March 09, 2002, 09:13 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  21. AAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH! Looks again. AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!NONONONONO!!!!!!!!!! [ March 09, 2002, 09:10 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  22. What's a Kylie? [ March 09, 2002, 01:32 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  23. Good for you, lad! Stay out of the Peng Challenge Thread. At least then you'll die without being abused.
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