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Everything posted by SuperTed

  1. More results from the Newbie Rejects: Voidhawk (German) defeated Mortar (British) by a score of 55-38 in Crash Landing. So, Voidhawk wins Round 3 with an overall score of 97-79 and advances to the Newbie Rejects Final! Congratulations to Voidhawk!
  2. Guys, This should answer your question. Before you walk away crying, remember there are a lot of Mac users in the CM world. I am sure enough pressure would get Hubert to consider your request.
  3. It looks like WvG would like to cheer for me too. Swing over and get the details.
  4. LD, Large flags are worth 300 points and small flags are worth 100 points. For every eligible unit you exit, you get the point value. For every eligible unit your opponent destroys, you lose the point value and your opponent gains the point value. Now you need to do the math to get your answer.
  5. Yeah, that SuperTed rocks! Give 'im a raise! Woohoo! Thanks, guys.
  6. Splash, That's way too much information! :eek:
  7. Guys, Britain starts with one corps on the island and 110 MPPs. To purchase an HQ would cost over 400 MPPs, requiring more than three turns to raise. Of course, there would be essentially nobody to lead, so the point would be moot. France is in better shape, with 5 armies, 1 corps, and 115 MPPs. 3 of those armies are in the Maginot, where they can achieve an entrenchment level of 8. So, it would be best to have them stay where they are, leaving 2 armies and a corps free. This is hardly enough to strike fear in the heart of a German commander. By spring of 1940, the Allies may be strong enough to push into Germany, but it would probably not be a wise move.
  8. Guys, I would have to agree that SC would land somewhere in the 6 range when measuring detailed realsim. However, the focus for SC has always been on balancing realism with fun and playability. Here is where this game really shines. It is possible to play the entire war in one night and still feel you played a pretty good simulation. Trust me, that's no easy task. Once you guys have the demo in hand, you'll see what I mean. [ May 07, 2002, 02:38 PM: Message edited by: SuperTed ]
  9. A full 3r game with select variants? about a 15...</font>
  10. Jeff, I never played the PC one either. It looked terrible. I was actually referring to the board version.
  11. Jeff, I have played neither of those games, but I have played Third Reich. If you have played that, where would it be on your scale?
  12. IE, Units moved operationally must end their move in or adjacent to a city.
  13. This time Panzerman has something for everybody at The Scenario Zone.
  14. Oh, I see. Do you guys really think Hubert knows what he's talking about?
  15. Ack! We went from "soon", to "very soon", and now back to "soon"! If you take the derivative of the time to release, it is clear that this game will never be done! Vaporware! Jeff</font>
  16. Bill, I should point out that I am taking some liberties for dramatic effect. There is no ramming of other naval units; only a single "roll of the dice" and assessed damage. Also, the naval units are an abstraction. Despite having names like Scharnhorst or Gneisenau, these units represent more than those individual ships.
  17. Herr K, Agreed. Yup, you're still on top of the pile. However, nobody seems to want to leave. :confused:
  18. Elmo, The star was added by Tito in 1946. Prior to that (I think dating back to 1917), it was the blue, white, and red stripes only.
  19. GWDWD, Pronto, señor. [ May 06, 2002, 02:52 AM: Message edited by: SuperTed ]
  20. Even Poles are making names for themselves at German websites. Get the details at Tom's Combat Mission HQ. [ May 06, 2002, 01:19 AM: Message edited by: SuperTed ]
  21. Straha, You're welcome. I have it on good authority the Baltic States will be seeing red before 1940 has ended.
  22. I'd like. Nothing like a shopping list. Interesting that you went for upgrading your industrial capacity. I thought that your priorities might be geared more towards a quick victory rather than setting up for increased production for the long haul. BTW, I'm toying with the idea of a fansite for SC, and I'd like permission to rip off, err, I mean use some of the screens that get posted here, along with linking to the forum and the SC site that BTS maintains. Any objections?</font>
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