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Everything posted by SuperTed

  1. Handeman, Yes, there will be a Vichy France. As far as I know, the colonies go to the conquerer. Hubert can verify that.
  2. Set-Up. Okay, let’s walk through the available options before trying to take over the world (What are we going to do tomorrow, Brain? ), shall we? First, there is a list of campaigns available to play. This list includes: </font> 1939 Fall Weiss---September 3, 1939</font>1940 Fall Gelb-----------May 10, 1940</font>1941 Barbarossa--------June 22, 1941</font>1942 Fall Blau-----------June 28, 1942</font>1943 Citadel---------------July 5, 1943</font>1944 Overlord------------June 6, 1944 </font>To get the full effect, we’ll start at the beginning when those bloody Polish hordes attempted to invade. I just hope I’ll be able to fend off this ruthless bunch. Next, a screen full of options can be seen here. I want to have all the options in play (except “War in Siberia”), including random settings for Politics, to keep things interesting. After selecting the underdog Axis side, I take a long look at the map and the menus before I decide how to approach things. Assuming I can keep the USSR and USA from entering the war early (or even “on time”), I decide to focus my efforts on eliminating Britain. As it was in the real deal, this will be no small feat. First, I know I’ll need to focus my Research energies into areas that will help me attain my goal. The primary categories will be Advanced Subs, Rockets, and Heavy Bombers. This will allow me to do significant damage before attempting the Channel crossing. Of course, Britain cannot be attacked immediately. First I need to deal with the minor nations and France in order to set up a base for my assault. After Poland, it is essential to capture Denmark and Norway in order to get the MMPs and airbases. As with history, the Low Countries and France will come next. Hopefully Italy will join the Axis at this point so I can push for the Suez Canal in Africa. It’s not that I need to capture it; I just want to tie down as many British forces as I can. At the same time, I plan to use U-boats to discourage the British from transporting land units between their homeland and North Africa. During my attempt to knock Britain out of the war, I need to keep an eye on the USSR. They may feel like entering the war if my eastern garrisons seem week. So, I must keep a respectable force in Poland to stave off the socialists. I just hope it won’t be so much that it hampers my offensives against Britain. I know it’s a gamble, but I want to avoid a second front at all costs. [ May 02, 2002, 11:21 AM: Message edited by: SuperTed ]
  3. [ June 02, 2002, 12:55 AM: Message edited by: SuperTed ]
  4. I am extending the deadline for Round 3 until May 23. Over the last few weeks, I have been buried in multiple projects and have not been able to dedicate the time needed to scenario design. So, instead of rushing to make the deadline, I have decided to extend it. It's good to be the king...
  5. The first installment is complete! It is very short and intended to be just a simple introduction, but it should whet everybody's appetite for the "real" installments. Once it has cleared the editing hurdle, a new thread will be started to house the entire show. Stay tuned...
  6. Hubert, They never would have known...
  7. Panzerman is considering adoption. Get the details at The Scenario Zone.
  8. Jeff, Since I have played both (and, yes, I enjoyed both in their day), I can understand your concern. PG was fun, but its emphasis was more on beer and less on pretzels. With SC, there is a good balance between the two. I think it is safe to say there are elements of both games to be found here. However, it is a lot closer to 3R (strategic scale, resource management, continuous action, etc.) than it is to PG (experience bonuses and I can't think of anything else). Let me sum it up by saying this is the first game to take me away from Combat Mission in two years! :eek:
  9. Mr. C, The first installment will be posted this weekend. Then, a steady flow will follow...
  10. Aacooper, This should help somewhat.
  11. JC, The attack and defense ratings for an army are twice that of corps. Also, an army has 4 action points, compared to 3 for a corps.
  12. It is with a heavy heart that I announce the end of something special...
  13. Are you really saying that an enemy unit in supply WON'T have it's readiness reduced in successive attacks?</font>
  14. BB, Yes, but assumming the above situation involves the surrounded unit being out of supply, its readiness will be reduced. As a result, it will be less effective and suffer increasing casualties in each attack, while inflicting fewer itself. I am assuming the results would be similar to those that could be found in a 4:1 attack. By the time the fourth unit is attacking, the risk of losses is very small. Further, if the first three attacks go well, the fourth one may not even be needed, leaving it free to roam the countryside. In a nutshell, it is a simplification. But it works very nicely.
  15. Volker, MikeT (desertcmt@wargamer.com) is the man with the answers.
  16. Guys, Having played Third Reich 100 years ago, I appreciate the value and effect of the airborne units in that game. Although similar to 3R, please remember this game is a different monster. Also, the focus of SC is on three primary areas: 1) fun 2) simple 3) replayable Guess what? It excels in all three categories like no other game! Once you have the demo, you'll get a glimpse of what I mean. [ April 25, 2002, 09:53 PM: Message edited by: SuperTed ]
  17. Mr. C, There can only be one unit per hex. Also, there is no way to get a simultaneous attack. Sorry to be the bearer of the bad news.
  18. Straha, I agree, but I'll leave the detailed answer to Hubert. [ April 25, 2002, 11:18 PM: Message edited by: SuperTed ]
  19. CP, I'm sorry to say they cannot. This applies to the other turncoats as well.
  20. SM, 4 is your maximum! Now, there's the next question for everybody: What is the most you have maintained simultaneously? Trust me, you don't want to know my answer. :eek:
  21. More results from the GV Newbies: Bad Monkey! (German) defeated Jim Liang (Canadian) by a score of 42-30 in The Long and Short of It. This was not enough for Bad Monkey! to overtake Jim Liang's lead from the first leg of Round 1. So, Jim Liang wins Round 3 with an overall score of 109-63 and advances to the GV Newbies Final! Congratulations to Jim Liang!
  22. More results from the GV Newbies: Jim Liang (German) defeated Bad Monkey! (British), 79-21, in Crash Landing. Congratulations to Jim Liang!
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