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Everything posted by SuperTed

  1. Even the Canadians? :eek: Historically, Canadians were the highest quality troops the Allies had.</font>
  2. Did anybody happen to notice how much more active this forum is than the Airborne Assault forum? Those boys even have a demo...
  3. Straha, I seem to have neglected a point that you exposed. HQ units only affect forces of their own nationality. So, the minor allies will be largely ineffective, as they should be. I believe this is the answer to the inexpensive garrison question.
  4. Guys, Look at this from an abstract point of view. Now, I agree that a Channel crossing in January would be more risky than in June, but not impossible. If you consider the structure of the turn system, it makes sense. Namely, since there are four times the turns in summer as in winter, think of it as being four times more likely that a Channel crossing would work in June than in January. You can apply the same approach to weather effects on air units (and any other units, for that matter). It boils down to "things" being four times easier in the summer as they are in the winter. Is a 4:1 ratio arbitrary? Perhaps, but that's not the point. The point is that it is an abstraction that attempts to account for inumerable varibles (not the least of whcih is the weather) without getting bogged down in trying to account for each individual variable. I hope that helps clarify things.
  5. Guys, The basic units (corps, armies, etc.) have the same ratings. The biggest difference will be found in the quality of the HQ units. As an example, Germany starts with two HQ units (Bock and Runstedt) and Poland has none (I am pretty sure none of the minors have HQ units). Also, France starts without an HQ unit, making them little or no threat to the Germans. Since HQ units act as a supply point and greatly improve the readiness of attached units, having good ones and enough of them is vital to the success of any nation. German HQ units are generally superior to their Allied counterparts, especially early in the war. This is probably the biggest single reason why the Germans are so successful early in the war. Oddly enough, some may argue the same thing happened in that little shindig called World War II. Of course, research will have an impact as well. But this impact is limited to specific units. So, when you are looking for national "personalities," look no further than the HQ units.
  6. Norseman has provided a translation of a Norwegian review of CMBO. Swing over to CMHQ and see what the latest opinion of a two year old game is.
  7. HB, Here is the official list: Dwarves Elves Goblins Halflings Humans Orcs. There may be more, but that covers the major groups.
  8. More results from the GV Newbies: Walker (Canadian) defeated White4 (German), 55-32, in The Long and Short of It. Congratulations to Walker!
  9. Panzerman is looking for something. Swing over to The Scenario Zone and find out what it is.
  10. IE, The Germans start with one point in each of three categories (Advanced Subs, Gun Laying Radar, and Rockets). To be honest, I don't know if this affects the maximum strength for units. Hubert would be able to answer that. Other countries could well have research advances in place, but I have only played from the Axis side. So, I don't know for sure, but I would assume there would be some for the Allies too. Kiel is on the Baltic only. The canal is not modeled. Considering the strength of the British fleet, I like it this way.
  11. P-Man, If you'd like me to post something at CMHQ again, you know what to do.
  12. BB, The link is also at the top of this thread. I'll be adding links to previous installments in all the AARs. Brutus, eh? We shall see...
  13. Christian, I am not playing ahead. I have been playing a turn, taking screenshots along the way. Then, I edit the screenshots and write the AARs. It's a slow process, but I hope to give everybody a good idea of what I'm doing (then, somebody can tell me so I know :eek: ). If you go to the top of the first page of this thread, you'll see the link to "War Is Declared!" I outline my general plan in there. Hint: I hope to be facing only the US and USSR at some point.
  14. Guys, I hope this means there will be lots of good AARs for Crash Landing.
  15. TB, There may be one or two that fall just outside of those parameters.
  16. Tom has a new tank mod at Tom's Combat Mission HQ. See firsthand what strikes fear into the hearts of GERMAN tank commanders merely when hearing its name uttered...
  17. R22, That's the plan. After stopping for Danishes and coffee on the way to Norway, Frogland and the Island will be next.
  18. Whuzzat, sex AND wargaming!? Together?!!! :eek: Is that legal? :confused: B[/QB]</font>
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