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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by SuperTed

  1. EM, So as not to confuse the rest of the gang in here, could you please include the word "Peng" in the subject title.
  2. BDH, Vichy France becomes a minor neutral and is just like all the others.
  3. RL, Scorched earth only affects the cities in the Soviet Union. Strategic targets rebuild automatically. The maximum supply value of an occupied city that cannot trace an overland route to the occupiers' capitol is 5. Industrial Technology reduces the cost of units.
  4. Lee, What can I say but "you're welcome?"
  5. Sergio, Are you using tedquincey@yahoo.com?
  6. P4E, Yup, the air unit must be destroyed first. There are no paratroopers.
  7. Wako, The current symbols change as improvements are made through research. So, they do serve a purpose as such. The game engine will not allow for stacking. It was a design decision to make it this way.
  8. Hubert, Isn't it just Gibraltar and Malta? I thought Alexandria was not included.
  9. Tom's latest update includes treats for the eyes and the ears. Get the details at Tom's Combat Mission HQ.
  10. Affentitten, That means Britain has lost some MPPs due to U-Boat activities.
  11. BB, Anti-Aircraft Radar improves the air defense of strategic targets. That's why they had to be stopped. Forward-thinking leaders knew wargamers would be arguing for years. Advanced fighters and anti-aircraft radar make bomber crews think twice.
  12. Affentitten, Land units cannot move into port hexes. If they are adjacent to a port hex, they can be transported out to sea. Look at Scapa Flow, Kiel, and Sevastapol and you'll notice a port without a city. They work, but Copenhagen, Bilbao, Lisbon, Tangier, Rome, Tripolitania, Beirut, and Istanbul (all cities without ports) do not.
  13. BB, Nope. That would still involve a unit being involved in combat more than once in a turn. Remember, Hubert had to make a decision about the level of abstraction and changing one area would have profound effects in other areas that may not be good. The former is exactly how it works now. The latter is gamey in Combat Mission, so it would be gamey on a monumental scale in Strategic Command. :eek:
  14. BB, One of the core design features is 1-on-1 combat. It is highly unlikely to be changed.
  15. Affentitten, That should be a port, not a city.
  16. Guys, That's the best use for subs, but be sure to keep them moving. :eek:
  17. BB, Any ground unit can do an amphibious landing into any unoccupied land hex. Since ports are not land hexes, they would be excluded.
  18. The boys at Boots & Tracks have done it again! Get the latest scoop on their progress over at CMHQ.
  19. Chris, All units are upgraded simultaneously. You can see the unit statistics on the purchase menu and the research level on the research menu.
  20. Dave, It must be done individually. Here is the list of hot keys. Your answer is there. Attacks are done individually. Research will improve rocket range. The game engine allows one unit per hex. Resource hexes repair themselves automatically. Having a unit in a hex prevents strategic attacks. [ May 21, 2002, 11:26 PM: Message edited by: SuperTed ]
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