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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. MikeyD - can you email me please? Ta Andreas
  2. Soddy - send me the maps, they'll be used in scenarios. Ever been to Mark Cross, BTW? Sergei - you have your turn, and I have waited a full 3 mins for a reply. That won't do.
  3. Looks like it has a green colour, must be military. Probably the sergeant from the homeguard nipping off for tea and cakes.
  4. Juju is marvellous. The semis look like the real things. So much that now CMAK will look like my way to the train station and to work. Which means I no longer will be able to tell reality from the game. Oh well - going to work is overrated anyway.
  5. Looks just like the pillboxes on the North Downs Way. The brick one. Gautrek - yes that would be of great use. Can you email it to me?
  6. Juju has really done excellent work based on the not-particularly-good photos I sent him. The heavy is based on a building in Westminster, IIRC of 'The Prisoner' fame (it is the building he goes into and gets gassed, a colleague told me) http://www.the-prisoner-6.freeserve.co.uk/ The white light building is based on a stable front at Polesden Lacey near Leatherhead in Surrey. The tall light is based on a building in Hartfield Road, Wimbledon. The tall heavy, as we all know, is Holien's house in the Midlands. Wisbech_Lad - if you can convince Juju to do a pub, I do the pictures.
  7. British forces assemble for the counter-strike in the early morning fog. German forces ready for the break-out.
  8. BTW - I have approached Hans whether he would agree to have his early-war France scenarios (for all of which the conversions would be applicable too) packaged into this, and he seemed amenable to the idea. If any other scenario designers want to contribute, please email me. I can furnish you with some source material, and scans of maps.
  9. I make sure that Royal Twitbridge Wells gets well and truly wasted in some scenario.
  10. If you do that, where are they going to put the Tank Museum? Think of the future, man! </font>
  11. Anything that is hard-coded will (can?) not be changed by this conversion. Any vehicles or equipment that never appeared in CMAK will not appear in this conversion. Thanks for the pointer to Cox John. I have the book, but don't think much of it. Here is my book review on it from the Axishistory site. I based all this on an idea from the marginally better 'Invasion' by Kenneth Macksey. Here is a much better write-up of the wargame. Paul - Grossdeutschland was a Heer formation. One scenario with them will be included. I email it to you.
  12. No Stugs, unfortunately, also no 38(t), 35(t), or anything that is not currently in CMAK. Sergei is right about the workaround. Create the scenario in 1.0, buy Panzer IIIF, save it, open it in 1.1, hey presto, the tanks are still there. Michael - the other problem is the British helmet, I believe, which is a hardcoded 1944 version. Not the soup-plate. If you care to turn that shoulder patch into a moddable piece, I should be most obliged
  13. Mid-July 1940. After a short, sharp air campaign, the Wehrmacht lands near Dover and Hythe. A massive battle develops in the south-east of Britain. The fate of Europe is being decided in the 'Garden of England'. Now you have a chance to kick some Nazi-invader butt, or chase the Homeguard over Horsham hill. CMAK Sealion Conversion is a snappily named conversion project that includes mods and scenarios to set you smack into the middle of the German campaign to subdue Britain in England. More information: CMAK - Sealion Conversion is a project brought to you by Der Kessel and CMAMC™, the Combat Mission Amazing Modders Community. Without the help of Gordon Molek, AndrewTF, Juju, and junk2Drive, this would not have been possible. FAQ: a) So what do you get? 1) CMMOS ruleset and MCMMM mod manager packs to allow for easy conversion. 2) Scenarios/small ops 3) Information about the plans for Sealion, and how to make scenarios that are as historically correct as CMAK allows us to 4) The joy of blowing up south-east England. So why did we do it? Well, first see point 4) above. Secondly, I will leave the UK soon to go to Paris, and I think this was a good farewell present, so I rounded up a few modders and convinced them to follow me on this hare-brained scheme. c) Who else contributed? A good number of people did. BFC's Fernando helped Gordon a lot with info on BMPs, AndrewTF and Marco did give their consent for their mods to be converted to Sealion, and BFC's CMBB stock graphics underlie the periodisation (is that a word?) of guns/vehicles, etc. in the conversion. Scenarios have been created by me, and Helge 'Desertfox'. These can naturally be played without installing any mods. Scenarios have been tested by the Der Kessel crew, Richard Goff, Richard Morgan, JonS, Michael Dorosh, Joachim Gaschler, Mark McShane, and others. Holien's house appears by kind permission of Holien (although his wifey says she is not happy about it being blown up many times now, after all the refurbishing they did), and the hard and talented work of Juju, based on a photograph taken by me. d) So where can you download it? You can't, at this time. It will be released 'When it's ready.'™. Currently that is expected for sometime in September, but because this is a volunteer effort, there is no guarantee. e) This is so cool, it makes me want to flip and kick Ironside in the face. I need to know more! Post questions here. f) Boring - where is the promised Barbie & Ken conversion? Don't post questions here. The teasing starts now: Our correspondent has submitted some pictures, taken under risk to his life, from the battlefield. Morning, 14th July 1940 German paratroopers landed by glider assemble The HQ of C Sqdn 3 RTR, receiving its orders for CROMWELL alert. 1st (London) Brigade HQ, near Hythe 15 July, the German forces have established a secure bridgehead, 88s guarding the line against Matildas 15 July - No.5 Troop 3 RTR moving up to counter-attack 15 July - 19 Field Regiment RA changing position, on the road to Sandgate Evening 15 July - British armour guards the exit from the beachhead 16 July - German AFVs have landed at Folkestone This project involves a lot of use of existing mods, and BFC stock graphics. I will publish a list of the mods later, all of them hunted down by Junk2Drive, who clearly has more energy then I ever will. Not all the screenies are of the latest version, and this is a WIP. I will add more screenies at a later date. Edit: 'thanks' to Gordon Molek for the suggestion to change the thread title. [ August 09, 2004, 03:27 AM: Message edited by: Andreas ]
  14. 16 July - German armoured patrols feel their way forward 16 July - British AT is brought into position 16 July - German Panzers attempt the breakout 16 July - as the skies darken, the battle is turning against the Germans Losses are heavy on both sides It is unclear what the next days will bring. [ August 07, 2004, 01:13 AM: Message edited by: Andreas ]
  15. The Sherman is good. About equal with the Panzer IV, but much better then the Panzer III. The 50L60 really struggles against it (as it does against the Grant/Lee). The 75L48/43 however slices either of them, but these tanks are still not the bulk of the force until Italy comes round. The US 75 will go through the Panzer III and the Panzer IV at reasonable to impressive distances without too much trouble. The 37 on the Stuart and Grant/Lee turret however struggles to penetrate, and even if it does, struggles to do the job on killing the tank.
  16. Hi Andreas Just finishing up a May 1940 scenario (Les Attaques) and one of the playtesters was questioning why there weren't any SP 15cms in it. Can you confirm that the 1st Panzer had the SP 15cm in May 1940? I looked and found that production was rather limited but were the few in existence actually in the 1st Panzers Division? </font>
  17. Is that going to work if you get M1A1s, and the pre-positioned ones are most likely M1A2? :confused:
  18. Both of them are now on the Depot, for review. I'll fix the direct download link later.
  19. Old habits. I always used to link directly back to Der Kessel. I'll change it in the next week or so.
  20. Both of these are now ready for review at the Depot. They are both quite small battles, although one uses a larger map.
  21. What about 1940 France vehicle mods? Panzergrau for the Germans and some sort of green for the Pommies. Pretty please.
  22. As is well known these days, there is zero evidence for, and a lot against the air strike theory. Wittmann was killed by a Sherman Firefly of the Northants Yeo, gunner Trooper Ekins. Ekins also knocked out two more Tigers that were lost with Wittmann's. All in a very short time - his tank then was knocked out, and he was reassigned as a driver. Mr. Ekins is still very much alive, and recounted the story at the 2004 Bovington Tankfest. Very nice man. Of course, the airstrike theory is often recounted by those who simply can not accept that Signal posterboy Michael Wittmann, Destroyer of Tanks™, fell victim to another tank. Especially one crewed by comparative amateurs.
  23. Dear Andreas, Elvis is not going to be very happy about your post. Love, Patch </font>
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