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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. I once lived in Coventry (but on the Kenilworth side). It is the kind of place that makes the Communist-era outskirts of Bucharest appear like an earthly paradise, and the 20th Arrondissement look good.
  2. So, is there anything you want to tell us, matey?
  3. Yeah, sorry about the delay. There is a serious case of work-related Real Life™ going on that I am trying to cope with. I will probably have to strip this whole thing down to the bones, and just release a mod-pack, based on the mods Gordon did for me, with (if I manage to remember all of it), some information on other mods to install. The scenarios are not finished, and probably will never be.
  4. Mattias - drop me an email please. Happy New Year.
  5. Poppy - I have serious doubts that CM could do more then deal with sound/flash ranging in an abstracted manner. Certainly there is no reason to have a unit on map, and to place it correctly. Sound/flash ranging systems were quite complex, and arranged on a broad front (10km not unusual, I think). Also, there appears to be a very low chance to actually make sure of the ranging with sound, and while flash is better, it also works better at night. Check my site to learn more www.beobachtungsabteilung.derkessel.de Really, there are about a gazillion other things with CM's artillery model that need attention first.
  6. Bah - Johnnycomelatelys. The Germans had them from the middle of 1915. Blimmin' copycats, that's what the Britisher Tommy ist, ja.
  7. Hans I am sure the archives are brimming with all the data you could possibly want. But you are right, it just won't do. What were the 21. ID and 1.PD thinking, not being at Amiens?! I am currently awaiting a 1941 publication from the Kriegswissenschaftliche Abteilung of the Generalstab des Heeres, with combat vignettes from the war in 1940. If it contains anything on Amiens, I get back to you. Thanks for the restaurant recommendations!
  8. That's Ash from the movie 'Army of Darkness' (German slogan: 'Wenn Du ins Mittelalter gehst, vergiß die Kettensäge nicht'). The flat I finally found (touch wood) is about five minutes walk from Invalides, and therfore the Musée de l'Armée, and while preparing breakfast I can see in the courtyard of the École Militaire. Any idea where the archives are? You can send Mattias to collect the copies. You would have had an invitation but for your evil baiting me saying it must be a German book. Bah!
  9. Might be some good scenario stuff there. http://www.war-experience.org/index.html
  10. Tuba, Pauke and Trompete. That was before those were outlawed by the Hague Convention on Musical Taste in Wartime.
  11. You know Battery Press has issued reprints of Ellis' histories? Not cheap, not as nice to have as the originals, but certainly useful.
  12. I can ask my grandfather when I seem him next. Good post Michael. Dandelion - were not the musicians from the regimental band also stretcher-bearers?
  13. Okay, finally got round to digging out the divisional history of 21.ID (that one is well worth reading, BTW). Turns out my memory is faulty, and I mistook Aisne for Amiens in it. 21. ID defended and attacked at Rethel, further to the east, not at Amiens. You should have some info on that in the 1.PD history as well. Sorry Hans.
  14. A 'mysterious' Ash? That him? Anyway - I don't begrudge you your precious, if only because it is in Swedish, and I do have Hubatsch to look forward to. Four weeks of doing little, and traveling by train a lot are about to start. Bliss! And I fully agree on the incurability of the collector's disease. well, better then spending money on Wein, Weib und Gesang. Especially since I can not sing. Thanks for all the info on the book. I get it the day I master Swedish You must be very happy. [ August 31, 2004, 01:35 PM: Message edited by: Andreas ]
  15. You mean you managed to get a copy of Ottmer? Where? When? How much? I am going to have to kill you. Wait, did I just say that? I don't seem to be able to get one for love or money. I have Hubatsch now, but that book is lying at my parent's place in Germany, and I won't see it for another two weeks. And I have a book by a German naval Kriegsberichter called Busch, written in the 60s, called 'Kampf um Norwegens Fjorde', but the Sealion project, Patrick O'Brian, and organising my move to Paris have so far kept me from reading it.
  16. Which one was that? Regarding pubs - the problem with having a pub mod is that there would then be lots and lots of pubs on the map. Since this is Kent, and not Dingle in Ireland, that would be a bit weird.
  17. (Probably) final interface for the Tommies. The planes were selected by Paul, come from BFC's air war games. I quite like the idea (small wonder, since it was mine), since the Battle of Britain hinged so much on the airwar. Anyway, they look cool. (Probably) final interface for the Boche. Portees, courtesy of junk2drive and BFC stock graphics, on the march. Gautrek's unweathered pillbox guarding the Weald. Paul has done a sterling job finding mods that make the whole thing much more believable for looks. here you can see (I think) Ed's bumpy grass and trees (from CMBO?), Juju's 3D tree bases, making up the looks.
  18. I am afraid not - his book is just an overview of the technical detail of the tanks, and their development. No usage examples.
  19. von Senger & Etterlin says in 'Die deutschen Panzer 1926-45', in his notes for the KWK37 75L24 that smoke and case shot (Kartaetschen) rounds were also available.
  20. I would assume they are the captured Pak 36®, the long-barreled divisional guns, which should be in CMAK. Picture There is a chance that they are captured m1927 infantry guns, which were also very popular, but since the AT value of these is rather questionable, I doubt it.
  21. It appears that 104th Infantry Division was involved on the US side: www.104infdiv.org/archive.htm
  22. Well I have it too, so once you have read it, let me know your opinion.
  23. Yes. But I have not even started to read it yet, and I am currently unable to tell you whether it is in storage or not. Can you email me with your specific questions?
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