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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. Der Alte Fritz Thank you very much, I am very glad to hear you enjoyed the scenarios I created. Just to be clear, I have not quit making scenarios, I have even given up Macintosh use just to be able to continue to design and play scenarios in CMBB and CMAK. This announcement is not a retirement announcement, it just concerns the website. All the best Andreas
  2. Redwolf Maybe. It depends on time. If I do one, I'll host it on TPG and TSDII, if that is possible. All the best Andreas
  3. Neither could the Germans, so you are not alone. All the best Andreas
  4. medium panzers with long guns and a logistical arm capable of supporting them? sounds great, and i am not being sarcastic.</font>
  5. true, just the number of panzers. what's your estimate on how it would effect German army's ability to "sustainably conduct its type of warfare"?</font>
  6. Le Tissier might do the trick, otherwise Chuikov might help. All the best Andreas
  7. perhaps i am mistaken but i believe i saw talk about 5000 additional panzers.</font>
  8. You'll excuse me if I call you on that strawman. Doubling the army was not the issue, it would have been unsupportable in any event. Giving the army the means to sustainably conduct its type of warfare in all seasons in the east was. That means equipping far more divisions with all-terrain motorisation. That means investing more in the logistical support for the frontline troops, by e.g. providing more capacity for the railway re-building and road maintenance effort. It also means an upgrading of the main AT capability (by a wide margin 37mm guns), which had been shown to be outdated in France by the Char I. It meant providing sufficient replacement planes for the short-range recce effort of the squadrons attached to the armoured divisions. All the best Andreas
  9. I will not renew my .Mac account in July. I may be able to find another host for my and other Der Kessel scenarios which are currently available on 'I wish it was Der Kessel', but that depends on me having the time and motivation to get off my arse and set up a new website from scratch. So it may or may not happen. So far, the site has had 3,800 visits (not unique visits, this is counting repeat visits), with Berli's scenarios the most popular (1,218), followed by my CMBB scenarios (1,149), my CMAK scenarios (1,099), my Scenarios under Development (508), Cory's Scenarios (494), my CMBO scenarios (395), and my Maps (314). The same applies to the Sealion site (1,365 visits). I therefore suggest to anyone interested to make sure that they download all scenarios before the site goes offline. IWIWDK All the best Andreas [ July 10, 2007, 02:31 AM: Message edited by: Andreas ]
  10. BTW (self-plug) - my CMBB scenario 'A Morning Commute' from the Der Kessel/B&T Stalingrad Pack features a standard Soviet infantry assault group in urban terrain, in case anyone wants to try how it plays. Available from 'I wish it was Der Kessel', link in my sig. All the best Andreas
  11. I see it as separate, but not disconnected. Error 1: The Red Army is a giant with clay feet. It will be defeated in the border battles, and then we rail our troops to the Urals, as we did in 1918. Here is our Plan A to do so. Error 2: Nobody asked for a Plan B. Both errors were required to cock it up as badly as they did. All the best Andreas
  12. The topic says it all. I am looking for the best settings on a Geforce 7300 card. If I could be given the instructions in French, that would make it even easier. (no joke) Also, how can I apply a different resolution once it has been set? It appears that CMAK is running on a higher resolution than CMBB (1440 vs. 1280, screen is capable of 1650, or sumfink). Oh, and unmodded CM... Yikes... Thanks in advance for all help! All the best Andreas
  13. Does the remark (paraphrasing) "We have to only kick down the front door and the whole edifice will come crashing down" ring a bell ? That pretty well sums up the German take on both the mobilization and projected enemy ability to resist issues. It was not manouverism that was the undoing of the Germans, it was the poor account the Red Army gave of itself during Winter War which accelerated the German plans beyond their (then) present industrial gearing. They did not plan to invade USSR until somewhere in the mid 40's until the Red Army show of force made them rethink their strategy of not going to war on two fronts. </font>
  14. Err, they still lost, or are you living on a planet where that is not true? So obviously 1942 was not good enough. So maybe they should have mobilised their industry in 1940, or even better in 1939? All the best Andreas
  15. This is a late-war Soviet problem solving approach. The organisation of their assault groups (documented very well in the US Army Manual 'Handbook of the red Army') at this stage in the war would have provided them with these sort of weapons in most cases. It is not idealised, but rather a 'do it this way, it works' type of instruction. IOW - if you as a commander have not given your assault group the means, you are at fault. All the best Andreas
  16. The English translation is not as good, I think. All the best Andreas
  17. Here are some answers regarding satchel charges: Those wacky Finns * 2 kg was sufficient to destroy vehicles with the weight of around 6 tons (FAI, BA-3, BA-6, BA-10, T-37, T-38) * 3 kg was sufficient to destroy vehicles with the weight of around 12 tons (T-26, BT-2, BT-7) * 4 kg was sufficient to destroy vehicles with the weight of around 30 tons (T-28) All the best Andreas
  18. Probably more so, considering that bottles are really not that easy to carry, and very breakable (my expert knowledge on this comes from carrying wine bottles down to the cellar). Maybe someone should try going through an infantry combat range with 2 or 3 wine bottles on you on top of all the other gear, and come back to tell us how many were still in one piece at the end of it. All the best Andreas
  19. Carry-on (no pun intendened) from his book on Stalingrad. He is a good writer, and it is auite clear what really left a mark on his mind. Chuikov is recommended reading. All the best Andreas
  20. I would need to pick up the book again, to give you an answer ?ike, and I am too lazy All the best Andreas
  21. William Triplet, who wrote the very good memoir "A Colonel in the Armored Divisions" was in weapons development before being posted to a command position. He tested the efficacy of Molotov cocktails for the US Army and found them to be useless. The Soviets used hand-delivered hollow charge grenades (RPG-1), which reputedly where far more effective. The real fault in CMBB is not to give those to Soviet units early. As for the argument that they continued to use them, therefore they must have been effective in killing tanks, that is simply not so. They continued using ATRs long past their sell-by date, or cavalry. That was because these had still some use in niches, even though they had become useless in their original task. My guess is that at best the same applied to MCs. But more likely they were still used because they were easier to procure than more effective weapons, and it was better to have a bad AT weapon than none at all. All the best Andreas
  22. For store branding, no. For registration, yes. But apparently not. http://reviews.cnet.com/Lenovo_3000_N100/4505-3121_7-31756411.html Oh, an hell is having to type on an AZERTY board. All the best Andreas
  23. I got the high-end version (768 BJG), with a Geforce 7300 capable of accessing up to 512MB. So far no complaints. Thanks again to everybody! All the best Andreas
  24. And the winner is: A Lenovo 3000 Series, N100. All the best Andreas
  25. We have no reason to believe that based on what you've presented here. </font>
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