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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. I just remembered that the other possible reason for walking may of course have been to stand out less, since the country they were walking through was not secured, and snipers were a real risk. So it may have been a case of a morale-boosting effort that had the nice benefit of being uncomfortably alive, rather than comfortably dead. All the best Andreas
  2. Those look nice. But ordering from the US - I think not. I want to be able to walk into the store and yell at someone if it does not work. This being France it is a pre-requisite to get anything done. All the best Andreas
  3. Which is BS. If my battalion commander is responsible for my life and the lives of 700 of my comrades, I pray to God he gets a good night's sleep and his blood sugar is up before he starts making decisions that will affect the chances of our survival in the next 24 hours. </font>
  4. Coming right up: http://www.geoportail.fr All the best Andreas
  5. Of course, you also were safe in the knowledge of overpaying for the crud. But stylish it was. Maybe I buy a Macbook after all. All the best Andreas
  6. Life as a Mac user is soooo much easier. Okay, you end up with ****ty graphics solutions and low quality components, but at least they look cool and you can live safe in the hope that Steve is there to lead you. Shucks. All the best Andreas
  7. I hate you. Ain't gonna cut a lot of ice with Mrs. Biermann. These two statements are not mutually exclusive. Any particular reason why? All the best Andreas
  8. Thanks, unfortunately I need a PC PDQ, since I won't have any machine at home otherwise, and since most are 17:10 these days, I guess I have no choice. Any views on HP in terms of quality? They look and feel alright. All the best Andreas
  9. That didn't take long. Back to the drawing board. Cheers Andreas
  10. That caught my eye too. If he had not been American, I would have diagnosed him with irony. All the best Andreas
  11. Why should he feel any loyalty to a unit that in his view did not show any loyalty to him (look at his comments about the Irish old boys network shafting the new draftees), or its soldiers in general (see his account of the maneuver incident)? All the best Andreas
  12. Actually, I think that the general argument is that there were not enough bright guys walking point in the infantry companies. All the best Andreas
  13. Okay then, it now looks like an Acer, with the extended warranty package. Only a Geforce 7300, but since I do never play FPS games, it should do the job. All I care about is that it runs CMx1, Il-2, and CMx2 (the last at low settings), and it should do this. Acer Aspire 5611AWLMI_GF1010 : Processeur Intel Core Duo T2050 (1,66 GHz) - Ecran 15,4'' WXGA TFT CrystalBrite - Résolution de 1280 x 800 pixels - 1024 Mo - Disque dur de 100 Go - Carte graphique NVIDIA GeForce 7300 128 Mo / 256 Mo TurboCache - Graveur de DVD Dual Double Couche - Modem 56K - Réseau Ethernet - Réseau sans fil WiFi - Lecteur de cartes 5 en 1 - Poids de 2,95 Kg - Windows XP Edition Media Center 800 Euros the machine, 120 Euros the extended warranty. Will get this after christmas. I look forward to the horror stories about Acer support. Thanks for all the help! All the best Andreas
  14. Good one John. He still sounds like a grumpy old man though. A bit like the book 'The other side of time', written by a battalion MO in 12th (US) AD. I am not sure that morale is a good explanation for high incidences of trench foot in the US forces. Lack of training, and lack of ability to change, dry out, as well as lack of officer interest strike me as more likely. One thing I recall from reading a British memoir (I think) was the comment that the US infantry was supposed to get by on cold K-Rations while in the line, while in the British case every effort was made to get hot food forward. Then there is the RD system. Taken together, it leaves me with the impression that there appears to have been a failure to take the proper interest in welfare of the PBI on the US side, and this is quite sufficient to explain the amount of anger to me. All the best Andreas
  15. This is not getting more encouraging. What about Asus? Dell's with Nvidia cards are outside the budget. All the best Andreas
  16. Arrrrggggghhhhhhhh... What is the view on quality of Toshibas? Here is one? All the best Andreas
  17. Since I just sold my G4/400, what are the experts views on good quality laptop brands, and on the Geforce 7300/7400 series of cards? Also, what is preferable, AMD Turion, Celeron? Finally, is 1GB memory sufficient these days? E.g. This Fujitsu goes for €849 in France. All the best Andreas
  18. Author's announcement on teh AHF, with special deal offer: http://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?t=111685 All the best Andreas
  19. This is a picture I took of the diorama of the battle of Midtskogen when I visited the Norwegian Army Museum at Akershus last year. Thanks to Dandelion for reminding me that you looked for this Hans. All the best Andreas
  20. Saw him just the other day, hadn't seen him or heard fom him for half a year by then. He hasn't been answering letters or calls. Ran into him on the street by chance. He looked kind of pale actually, didn't seem to feel very good. Couldn't get much of an answer out of him regarding his disappearance and lack of response to any of the attempts to reach him. Asked him if he needed any help but he didn't answer. So he didn't say no either. He said he was in a hurry, and that he'd get in touch with me. But he hasn't. Not yet anyway. Rather discomforting encounter really. Can't help but thinking something is wrong. Not much I can do but wait though. He is no longer registered anywhere, impossible to find any adress or phonenumber. Cheers Dandelion </font>
  21. There is some information in the VIZH articles on www.redarmystudies.net, I believe. All the best Andreas
  22. BTW - any news from Mattias at your end Dandelion? Cheers Andreas
  23. That would explain the number of hits on the site. All the best Andreas
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