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Everything posted by Username

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dumbo: Apart from the African encounters against some Vichy French units (and even they didnt have US or Brit equipment right?) I dont know of any case where Allies vs allies would be of use. _dumbo<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I would like to see Bulge scenarios with Germans using captured equipment (captured during Arnhem and the Fall battles. The germans had a unit (brandenbergers?) that had all soviet equipment and uniforms for special missions. Germans modified T34s with cupolas and sights so they went to some effort to use and retain them. Lewis
  2. Will BTS be at E3? Will you be giving away chintzy pens or something? Will there be a dunking booth filled with smilies that has Peng perched inside wearing a "Have a nice day" Tshirt and ranting incoherently? Inquiring minds want to know... Lewis
  3. Rereading Panzertruppen II and came across the following on pg 147: "By firing Sprenggranaten (high explosive shells) with and without fuses set on delay into the woods opposite, as later related by a prisoner, three enemy infantry companies preparing to counterattack were completely decimated so that they couldnt initiate their attack" The above paragraph (actually a sentance) relates experiences of a Panther company fighting allies in Italy on May 23, 1944 (May 23 is my prediction for CM release by the way). It seems that German 75mmL70 firing HE had a setting option? Here is a paragraph from Panzerjaeger: Tank Hunter (Folkestead) on page 25: "On our way we bivouacked in an apple orchard and it was there that we recieved instruction in the 75mm antitank gun and how to fire mixed ammunition. Anyone being fired on by regular artillery rounds had a 50/50 chance of survival, if they hit the dirt. We were issued antitank shells tipped in steel and regular high explosive (HE) antipersonnel rounds. On the head of every HE projectile there was a screw-activated delayed fuse. With the screw turned in, or out, the HE projectile hit the ground and deflected into the air, spraying its blast downwards and forwards rather than expending its force upwards." The above first hand (experienced) account is from spring 1942. I believe he is stating that ALL the 75mm HE has this capability. It seems to indicate contrary to what others here surmised about the superiority of indirect or high arc artillery fire to direct fire high velocity weapons. From my emails with Steve we seem to be in agreement that ALL 75mm german tank weapons (L24, L43, L48, L70 and PAKL46) fired the same PROJECTILE with DIFFERENT cartridges crimped on back of them. I wonder if anyone here has any information or experienced opinion regarding the above information. Steve said Fionn is his ammo guy. Lewis [This message has been edited by Username (edited 05-01-2000).]
  4. I think 105mm arty has a good chance of taking down buildings/shredding trees/etc. To defoliate a forest takes alot of rounds though and I guess that is what Scott is saying. Lewis
  5. I agree. Let BTS be. You cant change stuff now anyway. But I will be posting the sturmartillerie " counteroffensive" shortly.. Lewis
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JonS: For a bit about Sabot..1 inch ~ 25mm which is about the calibre of the chain gun on the Bradley, the Harrier, F/A-18, Apache, and A-10. Based on the information provided, my guess would be a round from one of those. Regards Jon <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey Jon If its an inch hole and you think a sabot from a bushmaster did it..isnt your logic got like a hole in it? A Sabot round is subcaliber. Meaning that it would be less than 25mm? http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/8013/m242.html I am really surprised that i am the only one catching these JonS mistakes.. Lewis
  7. During the Hungarian uprising all the soviet tanks, T34, JSIII, t54, etc were knocked out by molotov cocktails. A good tactic is to first throw unlit cocktails. This will allow the flammable liquid to run down into the tank, then throw a burning one or shoot a flare at the tank. You can add all kinds of materials to make the fluid sticky/smokier. It always takes alot of guts though. Lewis
  8. LOL Griffin Yes the US secret weapon of the gulf war.. the antitank rifle. More than likely it was hit by a sabot round. Probably went all the way through too. LEWIS
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn: , Extra points if anyone can name the Nazi party member who actually fought in the first tank vs tank battle ever. ( WWI tank trivia question).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Marlene Dietrich?
  10. In street fighting these weapons could be easily moved up staircases and fire down onto armor. They would then be a real nuisance to engine compartments, hatches even turret roof armor. They probably were kept around for so long because they could still deal with SPW and armored cars and such in addition to being a nuisance. I believe the soviet 14.5mm machine gun fired this round also. Making it a full auto antitank rifle? Lewis
  11. While infantry in buildings enjoy some protection from HE near misses/shrapnel/etc, they run the risk of a HE round entering the window or door of the room they are in. In the confines of a room, even a small HE shells effect is magnified. This is another benefit of using longer barreled weapons against infantry. A tank or SP can probably put a round into a window at 500 yards within a few rounds. Infantry would probably vacate the premises for safer digs like a trench in such a situation. I have read of german tankers using muzzle blast to clear out a building. They would literally stick the muzzle brake into a window and fire. It wouldnt matter if it were HE or AP. The blast near the end of the gun is terrific (and about 200 decibels too). Lewis
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn: Artmann, Extra points if anyone can name the Nazi party member who actually fought in the first tank vs tank battle ever. ( WWI tank trivia question).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Was it Ilsa the she-wolf? Lewis
  13. YIKES!!! Nope no Super Perhing. Looks like a regular Pershing but with a longer 90mm. After the extra armor is welded on it looks prehistoric Lewis
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Thomm: Sorry to bother you, Lewis! For some reason I have a problem with gas travelling at supersonic speeds. I guess I have the wrong equation in mind (conservation of momentum between gas state in front and behind a shockwave...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No bother. Think of the "gas" as particles just like the shrapnel. It can be accelerated to a velocity also. Sound is just energy travelling through a medium though. I THINK (dont quote me) that the "sound" starts at the point where the explosion gets subsonic. The rapid expansion of the gas smacks the atmosphere around it causing the sound. Which brings up a stupid point: Is there noise inside an explosion? Is this the "ka" in "kaboom"? Inquiring minds want to know... Lewis
  15. Happy BDAY you old fart. Ill be 40 (I only act 14)in a few weeks (hopefully wasted and playing CM at that date) so don't feel bad. I was jogging and saw a yard sale that had most of those titles you mentioned. Also old playboys and origional GI Joes (sans Kung Foo grip) and a long ranger and tonto in the boxes!. As I didnt have my wallet, the jog turned into an all out sprint to get home, get money and get back there. Well when I got back, all that was left was a naked GIJoe. Someone had bought up everything for 20 bucks cause it had started raining. Those senior citizens had no clue. Lewis
  16. I dont think it really interests me considering CMs obvious superior gameplay. Turn based games are dinosaurs. Theres just too many abstractions and concessions that kill realism. I guess I would be interested in seeing the demo for nostalgic reasons. Lewis
  17. I enjoyed that book too. The author made some errors regarding german armor (claiming only hand traverse for tigers and panthers)but really gives a great first hand account. The super pershings had a 90mmL70 with a velocity of 3850fps. The author was ordered to put extra armor on it and cut up panthers to fashion plates for the front. I think there were only two of these and 10 regular pershings. The author is highly critical of the US tank policy and General Pattons decision to back the sherman when there could have been pershings in limited numbers from DDAY on. Lewis
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Zamo: (What the heck is a Booooyaaa<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> From what I understand it is what the street scum urban youth think shooting a person with a shotgun "sounds" like. Its like saying "great" or something to them. KFC chicken sh*t commercial uses it too. Try shooting at me with anything. Ill BOOOHOOOYA you mental invalids. Lewis
  19. Always a fan Pengster Lewis PS Steve, any chance we can put smilies in the topics also?
  20. I think the close jungle terrain and the omni-aware overhead view the player enjoys in CM1 does not a good pacific game make (whats happened to my English?). Isnt Talonsoft cluttering up store shelves with its 'Pacific Front' game? (AHHH I feel better now..took a cheap shot at Talonsoft) A good jungle warfare game has to get down man. Down to the section level or below. Maybe 4 men sections, individual Leaders, weapon crews. Knee morters and hand grenades. Garrots, oh yeah baby! Lewis PS I apologize for my wierd post. I had a head injury yesterday. I was reading Fionns 'Early Soviet Tank Development' Article and I passed out cold from the hideous boringness of it and fell and hit my head. Most sorry.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Zamo: OK, I'm not slamming USERNAME, but I find it rather amusing that he lambasted Scott for using the term "Kraut" only to use it himself in the very next post...Zamo<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Of course I am joking. Just as I am joking that I would want to be an attacker in a Bocage scenario. Just wanted to see if Fionn would jump at the chance to easily beat me. Obviously he wants to humiliate me and give me no wiggle room. Lewis
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn: Scott, In fact my 2nd favourite scenario in the game features 2 companies of SS Panzergrenadiers defending against 9 Shermans and 4 companies of UK troops in the Bocage. It's a real slaughterfest and once the Gold demo comes out I'll post an AAR of a PBEM I had of that battle. ( it is VERY exciting )<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey lets play that one for our grudge match. You be the Krauts!!! Lewis
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Scott Clinton: (a request for consideration please). But let me give a little bit of personal background...I am a gamer that has a severe distaste for the 'Uber-Kraut' mythos in all its manifestations. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey Scott I dont mean to mess with Texas but is the derogatory word 'Kraut' needed? You wouldnt post on a sports board "I have a distaste for the super-nigger syndrome" now would you? By the way, The panther was becoming the most common German tank in 1944. In the Battle of the Bulge it was more common than the MKIV. The Tigers were always rare, not so with the Panther. Lewis
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