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Everything posted by Username

  1. Didnt that come out a year ago? I downloaded something that sounds ALOT like it and ended up having to play it on an older machine I had. I bought my first windows machine because of SP and bought alot of the games. It got so I would only play a scenario maybe a couple of times only. Then the thrill is gone. Its predictable like Talonsoft games. I knew what I wanted and worst of all KNEW it could be done. The software wasnt keeping up with the hardware. BTS knows too. CM is my vision realized. Lets see what the rest of the gaming world thinks. Lewis
  2. Yeah I will try as germs in CE against the next levels up whatever that is. BUT the point I am making is that either: 1:The scenario got unbalanced due to arty change 2:The AI aint that great 3:Somehow I got better I am still seeing the same dumb attack behaviour. I just wonder if its possible for anyone to write a program that can beat a human in something as decision intensive as CM? Well, BTS has a good Soviet 1941 commander model already done so that should make CM2 easier! Lewis
  3. uh I am saying that I am whipping the AI without +150, beer or pretzels. I havent lost yet as US or German in either scenario. I still see the AI pushing forward MGs and morters and such and not having a good attack logic. Lewis
  4. Look hes just saying whats new in wargames at E3 not industry wide. Tradeshows are good for something. Lets all strive to increase our reading comprehension skills. Oh heers a smiley for Mr Peng Lewis
  5. I just finished CE as germs and ran the US off the board. POSSIBLE SPOILAGE (but you'll read anyway)!!!! The 81mm FO now really has a major effect. The arty now falls better and the use of smoke gives the germs a better chance to close up and use thier numbers. I didnt notice the AI being better. The armor battle was typical. StuG took out 2 sherms then gets KOed. 2nd StuG gets flamed before doing anything. Its 3 on 1 when my 81mm smoke allows me to get the shrecks in close and massed together near the church. After tense moments I am left standing with one StuG. I noticed a good tactic. In the firefight between forces, the US were ducking down more than my troops. Hell with I thought. Charge em. The US started screaming (coming right at us!)and streaming back en masse. It was like the cival war as my men put them on their heels and never let up. I won something like 87 to 13. It ended before turn 30. Lewis
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MantaRay: Username, you have written 353 posts, and 352 of them have been utter BS. Evidence of this is that Steve and various members on this board prove you wrong about almost every arguement you have written. . Ray <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I am just curious, which one wasnt BS? They didnt prove me wrong on the 'delayed fuze' thing because I and others posted references that they were used on occasions to good effect but BTS threw the hands up and poo-poo-ed it. Some good came out of it. We all are aware of the process of change now: 1. Prove everything to everybody and supply us with the ability to do it. (you think I work for you?) 2. BTS is the way it is because of secret uberdocuments. They could show us but they would have to kill us. I would like to add that people that have to get down on thier knees and work on floors for a living dont have to pump themselves up by attacking me. That was a humorous post and if it got the responses it did it shows more about the people here than me. Lewis
  7. I want chickens. Frozen and otherwise.
  8. uh its never been a challenge as the US in CE? I just mopped the germans as uS also.
  9. I think Steve owes the whole simean community an apology for comparing BTS customers behaviour to monkeys. Monkeys are smart inquisitive creatures who have successfully extended their habitat reach to most parts of the world. BTS's customers are lucky if they get a basement apartment in their parents house. Monkeys are very useful for the human race. they help drooling quadraplegics eat and allow us to make them chain smoke while we pour liquid soap into their eyes. BTS customers hardly ever pour any kind of soap on themselves period, and basically drool whether eating or if they are watching TV. As a professional Space Monkey I demand an apology. Lewis
  10. BFG Steve threw a hissy fit and went out of his way to show the world how NOT to release a long awaited demo. He takes all his frustrations out on his customers. Part of being a front man for a company is being an adult and assuming responsibilty. Sometimes for the sake of a companies interests you accept that things happen and take responsibility for things that arent even your own fault. Dont call people monkey-like or tell us to get lives. The customer is always right. That aint a new one and will always be true for successful companies. This "Big Time" attitude of showing the whole software world how its going to get done needs a little humility and common sense. Humbly yours, Lewis
  11. Read Burgetts "Seven Roads to Hell". He discusses the support weapons inability to keep up and also the need to pass the weapons around while marching. I remember doing the same with M60s. Its just a chunk of metal and wears you down after a few miles. We had all the ammo in the jeeps. I cant imagine going through broken terrain having to carry ammo and weapons and having to worry about looking around all the time. Lewis
  12. {Alert for Spoiled Children} I played the Germans in "Valley" last night and won without doing much. My panzer was freewheeling at the end going up and down the hills till the US surrendered. I lost the 75mm ATG early too to a gun hit. I just played the US now in valley and mopped the germans. I believe the panzer was taken out by a US squad somehow (none in the vicinity were engineers or had rifle grenades). I cant tell from Valley if the AI is smarter. General impressions are that the smoke seems to slow my machine down. Smoke is "blocky" too. PII400/16MBPCIBlaster/128MBmem. Think Ill install direct7 before playing CE as US to see if the AI is better. I have played CE so much against humans and AI that if there is a difference it should show there. Other impression. very good game. The screenshots on TGN seem better than what I see on my computer but I aint into flash as much as realism and simulation. No bugs yet. I cant believe I have a job interview monday. I have to bone up on my robotics skills and this is really bad timing. Lewis [This message has been edited by Username (edited 05-12-2000).]
  13. This is great. Is there a gold demo out? Is it all a hoax? did JonS divine the perfect moment to unleash the worst post in CM history? This reminds me of that German General that could somehow sense the onslaught of a russian offensive and pull his forward units out of the line. Forget his name. sounded Italian. well its bed time for bonzo.. Lewis
  14. Scott dont be a punk. Steve is having a nervous breakdown and all you can do is laugh? Lewis
  15. I finally won as the Germans in CE against a human oponent of by no means limited talent. 77 to 23 What a blood bath. I had practically no ammo. helped to have one hmg in reserve the whole game and move him into the Church at the end. All my firepower came from him as the US had nothing to suppress him. great game. Lewis
  16. Thats all great but can ANYONE tell me where this uberFionn gets his divined information? Is he some notable author of rarified documents regarding WWII? Is he some hyper-degreed engineer of sorts? Does he have power and wisdom beyond all mystical understanding? I dunno. He aint talking. I just get the drift that someone needs his bloated ego compiled into a stinking mass of donkey dung. I am just the wargamer to do it... Lewis
  17. 2-23-2000 Best of Both Worlds? Thread Someone asked about AP ammo with HE capability and you went off on some tear gas tangeant. Pretty lamo. Still would like to know about your association with Panzer Elite. Lewis
  18. I guess I lose again. Instead of discussing "Bouncing HE Shells" which is a primary armament weapon, everyone needs to dis discuss secondary and tertiary weapons. I hate to even care but I have never read of one instance of the Nahver..ah....whatever.."panzer meatball thrower" EVER being mentioned in a combat action. Not ever. Even detailed actions like Barkmanns wild ride through american units during the Battle of the Bulge fails to mention it. He even chucks smoke grenades by hand lest he use Fionns Secret Weapon. I hate to be this way butttttt... this whole secret stash of WWII information that BTS has privy to is just "blowing smoke out the ass". Fionn if I recall correctly stated that AP ammo with HE burster charges were rare. Thats way back from the "Best of Both Worlds" Thread. Everyone knows that you were wrong as the germans used these to great effect. He claims to have been a tester or something on Panzer Elite. I guess the shermans with 75mm tungsten rounds didnt bother him then either. Whats your credentials Fionn? I need to know who I am going to publically crush in CM!!!! Lewis [This message has been edited by Username (edited 05-09-2000).]
  19. Weight of weapon and mount is also a big factor. So in the case of MG34 and MG42 being roughly the same weight but one firing faster than the other translate into more vibration. If more weight in the form of a tripod and sandbagged legs on the platform are added then the vibrations are damped. If the germans had a 3-shot option on the MG42 (in addition to full auto) it would have been alot more successful. The M16a2 that the US uses nowadays has NO full auto but a 3 shot and 1 shot option. The 3 shot happens ALOT faster than the full auto M16s I was used to. This reduces muzzle rise losses and actually saves ammo. Lewis
  20. Ron The VT fuze made such tactics for INDIRECT fire obsolete. There was need for it since electronics far outperform such crude mechanical devices. So unless you are speaking with someone with experience from 1940-1944, you are not getting factual information. So books, studies, first hand accounts SHOULD weigh more heavily. As far as DIRECT fire HE rounds, maybe the military men could comment on whats what. Id be interested. In the 120mm case for the M1 tank, they use a dual purpose hollowcharge and supposedly there is a new (MPAT?) round with a VT like performance. I am absolutely amazed how my 75mm fuze post has turned into the 'bounding betty'. Delayed action fuzes allow other advantages besides skipping rounds but its getting tiresome repeating myself. Lewis
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn: Simple. Remember, just cause you haven't seen something doesn't mean it didn't happen. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Steve: " Because something exists does not inherently prove anything." Lewis: " " (Im speechless)
  22. Moon You need to fix that link. I have it in my artillery folder because he is discussing artillery on that website. I am discussing direct fire where the firer has the capabilty to vary the delayed time length. I agree with Fox. Just because something comes about by serendipity does not make it none the less useful. Lewis
  23. yeah but the P08 looks cooler. I think the center rocking fire selection trigger on the MG34, while maybe an overcomplication, was just plain freaking cool too. Imagine quickly squeezing off single rounds till a tracer flys out where you need em and then going full auto. I think it would be a great feature on an assault rifle. BTW the rate of fire of a machine gun does not effect its accuracy. I remember reading american marines modifying water cooled 30 cals to achieve over 1000 rounds per minute. The author claimed that as long as the weight of the weapon was sufficient, high rates of fire actually acted to smooth out the weapon. Like higher RPMs on an engine. The marines modified the weapons by removing mass from the bolt. Just drilled out bigger and bigger chunks. Maybe the germans should have had an optional lead chunk to put in MG42s when firing from the bipod. Lewis
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn: My opinion is that : 1. Virtually all tank HE rounds had fuse selection. 2. The vast majority could select a delayed detonation. 3. IF they selected this then it would be possible to "bounce" the shell. 4. If the shell bounced succesfully a little basic math could get it to detonate over an enemy position (to within maybe 20 or 30 metres accuracy). Enjoy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You lose me. What does 'Virtually all tank HE had fuze selection' mean? A panzer III with a 37mm had HE fuze selection? screw one out and put another in like a light bulb? You are ambiguous at best there. The vast majority? Can you humor me and just quote from where you are getting this info? Cite some common examples like the sherman 75 and 76? The ability to VARY the detonation from as near instantaneous up to a time limit allows you to do more than just bounce shells off the ground. It allows you to have the shells detonate deep into a woodline (such as the Panzertruppen example I had a quote from), have the shells detonate within the confines of a structure after penetrating. I am supplying historical examples here with references and am accused of being conjecturing and whiny. I see other people here also are supplying data/quotes/etc and I thank them. Lewis
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