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Everything posted by Username

  1. Well my girlfriend (who supports me..haha!!) who is vietnamese says "American always like the wars.. nevah win!!!". Well I say.. So hunny britches its like this. I got the sturmartillerie when you got the small bunker babie!! Once you get these close support big guns you wont go running back to the them rear echelon mudder truckers!! (have I made any sense yet?). Anyway. Men are into alot of things women cant understand. Football. Guns. Sports. Whatever. Theres no making of sense here. Its a fascination. A feeling. A certain male hormone agressiveness. A drive. if you are for real you will take this for what it is worth. If you are a guy ..a plausible situation..take it for what you want out of it. Ever see a wargamer on a breastfeeding forum? Lewis
  2. Theres nothing here. Just sick of seeing auto surrender and cant get myself to get up to speed by reading it. Really weak I know sorry. Lewis
  3. You forgot.. Boy Wonder declares: "Holy High-Velocity Caped Crusader, We never knew what hit us!" (Peaceful sense of humors restoring all around) Lewis PS (Batman always gets last words..) Yes my caped cohort..it was a (draw breath).. 88. Cunningly evil German multipurposed weapons I'm afraid Robin.. BACK TO THE BAT BUNKER!!!
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: A cease-fire request? Never! There'll be no auto-surrender in this little thread. There's too much love on this board, and I say it's crack-crash-boom (unless you're closer to the gun), and that's all there is to it. AGREE, or it's subsonic projectiles at dawn, and choose your second. MGHMOYS. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Looks likes its time to break out the dueling pistols... Can you FEEEL the Love? Lewis
  5. (Pssstt dude!! bad time to be suggesting anything.) Lewis
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: ..introduced the supersonic element to the discussion I thought I would help muddy the waters ...but it's really not worth pursuing.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> LOL Agreed. I was going to go into how it could be used to good effect (anything can, weather, moonlight, smells..you name it) and also how it can work against you. But the Batman song is playing in my head real loud and I cant think strait. Can we agree to just stop and agree? Lewis
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moon: Uhh... you guys lost me somewhere after the crack... or was it the boom?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Dont you watch Batman? Its POW! Crack!! OOOOOFFFF!!! Da-da-da-da-Dahhhh BATTTMANNNNNN!!!!!! Lewis
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ol' Blood & Guts: But as for what Lewis is trying to argue that he want's every single man in a crew or squad to have a different "experience" level, is just out of "playability" range that CM is. Name me one game that simulates this? Not even ASL does this. CM is a Squad-level Tactical Combat game, not a game that tracks each individual man. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OB&G Thats not what I am trying to argue. I think other people here realize that. I never said it and cringe when I read posts like yours. Name a game that does? I would name Close Combat. Please leave me out of your posts, nothing personal. Steve I think the brain storming process here is more directed towards future products from you and other companies. 2 years from now cheap super computers will be common. I dont expect you to integrate every idea here. Its fun for us wannabe developers to bounce ideas around. Maybe someone will use them. I think your tirade is really stemming from the stress you are obviously experiencing. Maybe you need to step back and get a better focus. Perhaps you should rest up for the coming months. I wish the game and you success. Lewis
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: Weren't the cracking noises of the MG rounds above your head the result of supersonic air displacement? Lewis:Yes Thus, in the 88 example, it is not just crack-boom, but crack-boom-bang where "crack"=supersonic displacement effect of the passing round, "boom"=the gun or the impact, whichever is closer to the observer, and "bang"=the opposite of the "boom" (can't believe I'm posting this). Lewis: If it were a HE shell landing near me, me thinks i would sense the supersonic crack and HE explosion simultaneously. If if goes over my head, then i would look up cause it would sound like a huge bull whip snapping over my head. Its crash-boom. Not crack-boom. crash:HE explosion Boom:report from gun <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Lewis
  10. Wow People actually not trying to tear my every word apart. Almost agreeing with me..strange experience..never happened before..does not compute... Lewis
  11. Mark IV I think you are getting a little bit astray but you are correct. Its the difference between the detonation of the exploding HE shell and the report of the weapon firing. Not the crack of being supersonic. Technically the projectile can be subsonic when it lands and still have this effect, as long as its average speed along the one axis of travel is greater than the speed of sound. But that really is a moot point. We both agree its range dependant. JonS If some thing comes about by serendipity then it can't be germane to an argument? uhhhh What? God invented lightening and there was a side result of thunder but noone can argue that lightening is loud? (Bastables thats a rhetorical/whimsical question meant to show the silliness of this subject matter, so please don't get tangential on it). Lewis
  12. http://www.magna.ca/~tracks/stags.htm Think you know how ugly war is? HUHH??? Well you dont know what ugly is mister till you seen a canadian armored car outfitted with ROCKETS!!! Think they drink alot of Beer up there in CANADA!!??? HUHHH!!!!??? Well my guess is yes. Lewis [This message has been edited by Username (edited 04-18-2000).]
  13. I could swear that a museum on LI traded a stuart (M5) for that tank with Israel. Maybe I am losing my mind. Anyway, I think Kwazy has given me even more 'ammo' for my stug wars. Check out how effective the long 75mms are at hard targets WITH HE!!!! Lewis
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JonS: uh, its there with anything that travels faster than 330m/s. I'd love to see any design document that specifically describes this to be a specific functional requirement though ... Jon <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well as you probably know, its not that simple. Sound will travel in a strait line between two points (mostly). A projectile will follow a projectile motion (parabola). The speed of sound will more or less stay constant. Projectiles scrub speed in flight (can't really base it on muzzle velocity). The effect, of course, is range dependant. An easy way to understand it is to say: if the average velocity of a projectile along one axis of motion (strait line between weapon and target)is equal to the speed of sound, then the explosion and the report will be simultaneous. If the average speed is greater, than you will have the explosion first. You lose me with the design requirement stuff. Its just a function of a gun that has a high velocity to achieve a desired effect. Usually greater range or armor penetration. It isnt a designed in effect, its something that comes about. But maybe you mean something else?. Lewis
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KwazyDog: Thought it might be of interest to some B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks I think it shows that the 75L24,L43 and L48 all fired the same HE projectiles as well as the HEAT. The L24 would have a different case than the L43 and L48 of course. The AP round appears different though. It seems the L48 fired the same APCR projectile as the PAK40 (again different case Im sure) Is that museum on Long Island? It doesnt say in the web site. Lewis
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moon: Supposedly, you cannot hear the 88 coming in, i.e. you see the impact before you hear the shot. But that could also be true maybe of the high velocity 75mm projectiles... maybe that's where the confusion comes from?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sometimes called the "Crash-Boom" phenomena. Germans first encountered it when they went up against the Russian high velocity 76.2 mm field guns. You are correct that the detonation of the shell is experienced first before the report of the weapon. So unless you were looking right at it and saw the flash, you wouldnt have time to duck and cover. Panzergrenadiers hated these weapons as much as the panzermen. So the 88mm and most 75mmLongs would all have this effect (Yes for those fans of mine, I was going to put this into my stug argument). Lewis PS Its there with MG fire too. I know cause you hear these cracking noises above your head followed by a distant "boomboomboom" of the MG.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DanE: Argh!!! I'm confused now. Can't you already issue a pause command in the middle of a string of commands? I haven't played in awhile, but I remember being able to issue a pause after other commands. (At least I think I remember. ) Am I wrong, or am I just completely missing the point here? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I believe you are right. Check out the "TD Suvivabilty thread" or the "Tank vs. .." thread. Lewis
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: Nope, even if Lewis manages to somehow convince me that some StuGs were überweapons vs. infantry and vs. other StuGs, there will not be one line of code created to support it. It is a slippery slope and is not worth our time or effort to get on it. Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Steve Hey a "No Win" scenario just like Star Trek. I believe the above paragraph kind of negates any debating much of anything. I will supply some good references because I said I would (SturmArty) and they make good reading. I won't debate anything that doesnt have a chance of being considered for a future improvement. I am not bullying anyone. Just making suggestions and backing them up. Lewis
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ben Galanti: You mentioned that you think sturmartillerie (I'm sure that's spelling is wrong...) Of course, if everyone involved would just stick to discussing the issues it wouldn't be an problem (as I ramble off the topic myself )<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Good idea but first lets sing a song and check our spelling ... http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Quarters/8662/sturmartillerie.htm Everybody SIIIIINNNGGGG!!!!! Lewis [This message has been edited by Username (edited 04-17-2000).] [This message has been edited by Username (edited 04-17-2000).] [This message has been edited by Username (edited 04-17-2000).]
  20. SPR kind of reminds me of Full Metal Jacket. I liked both movies first parts, thought they wimped out in the end. Full metal jackets basic training segment was great, so was the DDAY scenes from SPR. Both movies got sucko after that. I did like the geeky map guy character they took along in SPR. Anyone know what he said to the german at the end before he shot him? Lewis
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SS_PanzerLeader:
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SS_PanzerLeader: This is more than nitpicky I played paintball for years and became quit adept as crawling lol _ Sorry I dont see any major differences in crawling techniques, unless you are a professionally trained sniper. This is expanded upon by CARLOS HATHCOCK and is a VERY specialized form of movement, which involved the minutest of movements, over the period of days. Consequently crapping oneself regularly in order to avoid detection - ANY OTHER CRAWLING is simply CRAWLING - gimme a break [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 04-17-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> WOW SSPNZRLKR disagreeing with Steve. He claims there is a difference if different units can do it better than others. Actually as a veteran I assure you that it matters. Keeping ones ass and head down while moving under fire is hard (and tiring). Height is what gets you killed. You try to stay really low and move forward (preferably with someone giving cover fire). Snipers practice stealth movement. They take hours to move about buildings/terrain so as not to give the slightest motion, contrast in background, etc. Its not the same thing. Just like paintball does not put hash marks on your class A's. No offense. Lewis
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