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Hakko Ichiu

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Everything posted by Hakko Ichiu

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mikester: This has been known to happen. Especially to open top AFV's. I saw an American M10 tank destroyer controlled by the computer player do this to itself trying to fire its main gun at my infantry at extremely close range. Couldn't figure it out for longest time. Had FOW off though because I was doing some testing. When I checked the M10's kill record it showed that it had killed, you guessed it, 1 M-10 TD. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What was the experience level of the M-10? I can see this happening with a Green or even possibly Regular crew. Would be surprised if this happened w/Veterans or above. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  2. I believe there are a couple of articles on armor tactics at CMHQ. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  3. I'm red-green colorblind, as is, I'm sure, about 10% of the male readership of this board. I have real trouble seeing Canadian bases (reddish-green sort of mauve color) on grassy layouts. I missed about half my force in Sherbrooke Fusiliers before I cycled through with the '+' key. If anybody knows a way to tweak the base color (w/o having to edit every single unit bmp) please share it with the board. Gracias. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: I would call upon him to give you a well-deserved Penging and then hang you from your gonads next to a bunch of freshly caught squid on a dry-rack in western Japan, for your dried cuts to be sold and consumed with a can of Sapporo while watching trashy Japanese TV. And that would be too good for you. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Pay no attention to Germanboy. The above ranting is just a shameless plug for his new position as Iron Chef -- Teutonic. And by German standards, that's good eating. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  5. I had these myself in a map where I was attacking a dug in German position. I figured they were one of those occult German überweapons that they were guarding, kind of like Raiders of the Lost Ark. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  6. You never forget your first time, she was older than I and more experienced... Oh, sorry, wargames. First was Panzer Leader (when I was 12 or so) which my older brother and I used to play. Then 3rd Reich, Panzer Blitz, France 1940, Arab-Israeli Wars, STT, SPI subscription in late '70s, Tobruk. Oddly enough, never got into SL/ASL: too fiddly I guess. Don't forget the great Metagames pocket games like Ogre and GEV. In junior high, my friends and I would spend recesses in the locker room playing Melee and Wizards. In high school it was on to harder stuff like D&D. But big chunks of cardboard iron were my first love. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  7. Since the CD contains both the Mac and Wintel versions, why would BTS even know? You might see if you can prise the answer out of Madmatt, since he no doubt tracks d/ls of the patch, which comes in Mac and Wintel flavors. I'm guessing he'll offer you a steaming hot mug of Shut the Hell Up , however. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  8. Do what I do: keep your woman in a constant state of sexual satisfaction. This leaves me 23 hours and 55 minutes to do as I please. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  9. Rough bloody life. Drink lots of wine, eat lots of illegal cheese and chase those wonderfully obliging French women (there are none better, really, so why did I marry an English woman????). Smoke a Gaulois and shrug your shoulders emphatically for me. Just make sure you take plenty of Vitamin D to stave off those pesky rickets...or is that crickets? Oh yeah, one last thing: send me a *(^(*& Cavalry turn! ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch: Hi guys! I need a trick to beat germanboy! you see everytime I drop 150mm Rickets on my troops heads he comes in and sweeps up! Anytime I rush my exausted guys up to his MG's he mows me down, everytime I advance on his Flamethrower positions that I know were they are, he roasts me... What can I do better!!?? my surrendered troops are getting tired of eating his K-Rations. all I can hope for is, the bits flying from my exploded Troopers and tanks hit his troops and set them on fire..causing mass panic and yucky effects.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The easiest way to beat Germanboy is to give him tanks and put him on the offensive. Other than that, make sure you have sufficient support from your plumbing units, especially the dreaded Marchetti Spigotto della Cucina Mk. 39e with the single tap and pull out spray. And give your troops plenty of Vitamin D. That'll get rid of those rickets. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Henri: OK, I`ll try to do it , although it is beyond me why anyone who comes to a forum whose subtitle says `...about scenario specifics, like how a battle played out or its balance...` would be surprised to find scenario-specific information in the messages <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Even so, I might like to read a thread about a scenario that is spoiler free to find out, e.g., that it was fun (or not), that it was balanced (or not), that it took a long time, that it required especial skill in, say, use of mortars, etc., etc. Some people are good enough to put "Spoiler Free" in their subject lines, and most people seem to respect that in their replies, or at least lead off with a spoiler warning if they are inclined to give spoilers. I think it best to err on the side of caution. If you think s.t. might be a spoiler, put a (possible) spoiler warning in your header. No one will complain because your thread was insufficiently "spoiled". ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  12. Played it to a major victory against the AI, without reading the tutorial on CMHQ. It's a neat little scenario. Makes you appreciate your support weapons with good fields of fire. Lest you think I'm tooting my own horn, the AI kicked me upside the head in the Fire & Maneuver armor tutorial. Guess I'm a ground-pounder at heart. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  13. Great stuff, Jeff. A couple of possible addenda you might want to check out, since you have the scenario all set up. -- Rubble. I'm betting it's as good or better than woods, and blocks LOS pretty well. -- The other factor is concealment. It may be more difficult to quantify, but it's useful to know whether you can actually hide successfully in wheat or brush, regardless of the cover it might provide. When you're ambushing the enemy from three sides, who needs cover. Thanks again for doing the quant work. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  14. No problem. I'll just revel in being ahead for the moment... ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iconoclast: Foyle's was still in business last weekend when I was in the process of buying a reasonably large stack of military history books. (Had to have some good reading material for the hop back across the Pond...) The cashier pointed out that one of the Foyles was walking around the main floor and passed just behind me, so I feel confident in saying it's no only still in business, but it's also still a family business! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Glad I'm wrong. Foyle's is unique, and uniquely British. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MikeO: The military section in Foyles bookshop is still one the best - they have so many books (including foreign language) that they have never been able to catalogue them. Its on Charing Cross Road which, as mentioned, is crammed with bookshops of all kinds. This one is closer to Tottenham Court Road tube. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> IIRC, Foyle's is no more. I heard that the owner died and the family didn't want to run the business any more. Can anyone corroborate this? ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  17. IMO, Sanjuro is good, but not up there w/Yojimbo or Seven Samurai. Hidden Fortress is also well worth watching. Guess which blockbuster movie it inspired... ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: There is a small shop with sort of bargain basement stuff on Charing Cross. When you come out of Leicester Square Stn. cross the street and go right for about 200m. It is on a corner. Don't know the name. It looks a bit seedy (they have a large adult section in the back), but in the front they have a lot of military books. There is also a military book antiquariat, right when you come out of Leicester Square Stn. Turn right, and you look at it. Ethan might now the name of it. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sorry, can't remember the name, except that it was a proper name along the lines of "Jeremy Oliver, Bookseller", rather than "Military Antiquities" or s.t. similar. Take the easternmost exit out of Leicester Square station and turn right, i.e., don't cross Charing Cross Road. It's on the left side of that little side street. The Imperial War Museum in Lambeth also has a gift shop and, I believe, book store, although I didn't have time to visit it when I was there. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mikeadams: I have over 30 different types ... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And your address is??? Have you tried Glendronach? I got a bottle in the duty free on my way back from London; it looked like an interesting alternative to the Macallan. I also picked up a bottle of single cask vintage 1979 Glenmorangie, but it was a gift for a neighbor to whom I owed a big big favor. Haven't tried Glenfarclas 105 -- the regular is nice, a step up from Glenfiddich and Glenlivet anyway. I was once at a Highland Games in the shadow of Ben Nevis (no, really, I was) and the local Glenlivet rep. slipped me a jigger of the cask strength Glenlivet -- a whole different world, laddy. KMH -- learn to drink the good stuff first, and you'll be less likely to go and puke your guts out on cheap stuff when you get legal. Seen it happen... ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by iggi: What we did in the reserves was make a piss slit in the wall of the trench. You piss in it. You also make a hole to place a grenade that someone might lob in your trench.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Just don't get the two confused...Yecch! ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  21. Read McDonald's "Company Commander" for examples of what the U.S. Army did under those circumstances. IIRC, if you were in a bad way, they might send you back to wherever the warmest billet was in the Company -- usually the CO's -- for a few hours or a night if you were lucky. If you were completely non-functional, then back to an aid station for triage. If McDonald is typical, then most guys were back in the line pretty quickly. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  22. In my experience, the AI is best on defense. This should come as no surprise, as defense is the easier side, at least IMO. One advantage it has over the human player (at least I think it does) is the ability to find the precisely best fields of fire for guns and AFVs. It can also always find a hull-down position if one is available. To get a sense of the AI's abilities in this regard, try the "Fire & Maneuver" scenario on the CD. I have to say that I've never encountered an AI defensive emplacement where I've said to myself, "Why the heck did it put that there". This is quite unlike any other tactical wargame I've played. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ncounio: The original version of the poem exerpt is "Blesse mon coeur d'une langueur monotone". That was the second half of the message. The first was " Les sanglots longs des violons de l'automne". IIRC these verses are from Verlaine <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You are correct. The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations lists it as follows: Les sanglots longs Des violons De l'automne Blessent mon coeur D'une langeur Monotone. The drawn-out sobs of autumn's violins wound my heart with a monotonous langour. 'Chanson d'Automne' (1866) Nothing melliferous (adj. producing or forming honey. Chambers Dictionary)about it. "Meliforous" doesn't appear in Chambers nor on any on-line dictionary I can access. Is it a neologism from one of the Irish poets/writers? ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tss: Actually, the only sizable campaign during Nero's reign was the First Jewish War, and only Eastern troops were used in it. There were also some border clashes in Germania and some disturbance in England. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> There was also a war with Parthia over Armenia. Corbulo ended it to Rome's advantage through a masterly combination of force and diplomacy. Nero later invited him to commit suicide for his efforts. In general, Nero detested soldiers, especially any who could rise above general mediocrity, as he found them a challenge to his position as Emperor. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> The low point of Praetorians happened just after Commondus (of "Gladiator" fame) was strangled. The commander of the Guard took a part in that conspiracy and apparently by his initiative Pertinax was nominated as successor. However, Pertinax was too big a miser for the Praetorians so they murdered him. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Gibbon says that it was not just Pertinax's miserliness that affronted the Praetorians, but his intenttion o restore Republican virtues and discipline: something for which the Praetorians by then had little taste. PXXI, you could do worse than to read Gibbon's "Decline and Fall" -- all three volumes, as the movie version doesn't do it justice even despite having Alec Guinness, James Mason and Sophia Loren. By the end you would find yourself with a greatly enhanced knowledge of Roman history and culture, not to mention insensibly improved in your command of the English language. It has the added advantage of being extremely long. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  25. (Redacted) Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe [This message has been edited by Hakko Ichiu (edited 07-18-2000).]
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