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Hakko Ichiu

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Everything posted by Hakko Ichiu

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SS_PanzerLeader: Thiis was said above: I object, in general, to the idolization of the Wehrmacht and (especially) the SS. I have given my reasons for this in another thread (search on "Waffen SS"). I also object to some of the underlying theories in The Commissar's post, but this is not the place to discuss it. Statements like this is what is a bit much for me to swallow ...it is a huge unsubstantiated leap of logic to associate someones name or the fact they like to play as germs and then to stereotype them as idolators of SS warcriminals. Maybe Im outta line maybe this was meant for a specific nameless individaul rather than the gamers in general that like germs or their equip but it didnt seem that way. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I wasn't referring to you, SS_Panzerleader, or to people who like to play as the Axis in CM. FWIW, I prefer to play as the Allies against the AI, but in PBEM it probably works out 50/50:Axis/Allies. You have to admit that there is a certain amount of what I describe on this board and in WW2 wargaming in general. If there weren't we wouldn't have this thread in the first place. And I don't think you have to search too far back in your memory for persons on this board who were singing the praises of the SS. Also, please read what I wrote carefully. There is quite a distinction between "respect" for the Wehrmacht, which I myself have in abundance, and the "idolization" to which I object. The crack at the bottom of my first post in this thread is just a crack, and perhaps a bit unfair. Even so, if it's not applicable to the specific individual at which it was directed, I'm sure it applies to a reasonably large sub-group of those who idolize the SS, which is pretty ironic if you think back to the pre-war history of the Nazi Party.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: Granted, you are responsible for my qoute but I must disagree. You cannot argue that because there were other high quality soldiers, the Germans were not.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> My point is that the sweeping generalization of the Germans as super-soldiers, best ever, yadda, yadda, yadda is just that: a sweeping generalization. Some German formations were excellent quality, others were ****e. This is the case in most armies, certainly in modern conscription-based ones. I object, in general, to the idolization of the Wehrmacht and (especially) the SS. I have given my reasons for this in another thread (search on "Waffen SS"). I also object to some of the underlying theories in The Commissar's post, but this is not the place to discuss it. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>However, I will argue that the German super-soldier is a myth started by the Roman Empire after their defeat by Germanic barbarians. I mean, think about it, the bloody Germans never won a war after that! 2000 years, people! /B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What about the Seven Years War, Danish-Prussian War, Austro-Prussian War, and Franco-Prussian War? They did okay then.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Eathan is a sad case under any circumstance, but the torture he's been subjected to by PDHX is truly horrific ... I understand he's been made to read ALL of Germanboys posts. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> More calumnies. We are Hamsters, not barbarians. Professor Doktor Hamster X
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Commissar: The SS and most German armed forces in general were the toughest, most well trained, and proffesional fighting men the world has ever seen. Even though they were "evil" (or more like led by a delusioned man for a hallow cause), I respect them for what they were: excellent soldiers. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sorry, but this generalization is so broad as to fall into the big stinky barrel labeled "pure bilge water". Were the Germans tougher than the Zulus who could run 50 miles and fight a battle at the end of it? Were Volksgrenadier conscripts better trained than the U.S. and British soldiers who won the Gulf War? Were they more professional than the Roman Legions that conquered most of the known world? Were they better soldiers than the IDF, which has won four full-scale wars against enemies with a combined population 40 times greater? Maybe you should pay a bit more attention in history class and not allow yourself to be seduced by all the black leather and big guns. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: My new (And first) qoute: You wouldn't know the dust of Thermopylae if it came up to you, handed you a business card reading "Dust of Thermopylae, 480 B.C.E.", then kicked you in the shins. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You're welcome. [This message has been edited by Hakko Ichiu (edited 08-25-2000).]
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tanaka: "or Is this some Anglo-Saxonic joke ? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> LOL. I may have to use that line in my sig from now on. BTW, the Irish are neither Angles or Saxons, as they would be quick to inform you. But perhaps you know that already?? ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  7. They're useful for taking out open topped vehicles too. At least they were. Haven't tried them in v104 yet. Any AARs on them in 104? ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Yeah, he's just phoning it in these days. Time for someone back at Borg HQ to start kicking ass and taking names. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: Not the dative, sir! Romani ite domum! Romani ite domum! Romani ite... I would love to find the complete works of Polybios (in English) somewhere, incidentally, because he was about as close to an eyewitness account of the First Punic War as we have. I loved Great Battles of Hannibal (yeah, I know he was in the 2nd, but some first war battles were included in the game)... would be nice in 3D, wouldn't it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Quite appropriately, PENGuin Classics does an edition of Polybius's "Rise of the Roman Empire"; I'm sure Loeb Classical Library does too, possibly in facing translation. Now write it up on the wall 500 times or I'll cut your balls off with a spear. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GI Tom: Ethan, Keeping to your request, I strongly recommend this book. It does an excellent job of showing what the mindsets were for both sides at the start of WWII and why. It spends alot of time going back in time to show why reactions were what they were. Do not expect minute details on armament and various other things, but it is a wonderful read IMVHO. GI Tom <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> G.I.T -- Thanks. I'll probably pick it up the next time I'm at B&N. That is if Professor Doktor Hamster X lets me; I've given him financial power of attorney now. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mirage2k: Hamsters eat Voles for breakfast (or whenever they finally sit down to eat, it doesn't really matter to them. Hamsters are famous for their voracious appetites and hearty midnight snacks). To experience the full power and horror of a combined hamster/field mouse onslaught, one only has to visit http://nuttysites.com/rodent/ <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well done, M2K, you are truly one with us. That ought to put the fear of God into those Mormon Wives. Professor Doktor Hamster X
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I could of sworn I heard the German troops say, "puka puka" (sp?). I have searched here, and looked on a German / English dictionary, but cannot find a translation. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The actual term is "pooka". Your troops are obviously the notorious SS-Zechbrigaden, who terrorised Europe while out of their skulls on a lethal combination of Jägermeister, Asbach Uralt, and Norman Cider. There are several recorded instances of SS-ZBs taking out Cromwells at over 1000 yards with their dreaded Model 3 Kraftkotzen (Ausf. PB). Their fearsome battle-cry of "Pooka, Pooka!" refers to their regimental mascot, a six-feet-three-and-a-half inches high invisible rabbit named Harvey. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: glglglglgl or whatever, how can you even claim to have an ultimate list if you don't have the molemandoes and the Gerbiljaegers in there that are currently missing? Or the US Mormonwive Squad. I am flabbergasted and flummoxed, and that does not happen often. I think David sees through you. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Fargoneboy, once again you display your ignorance like a flasher displaying his organ, only your ignorance is much easier to spot from a distance. The USMS-BY(42) is an Army level weapon, requiring the permission of CINCEUR before use. Fear of post-war political repercussions prevented the USMS-BY(42) from even being deployed in the ETO. (see, i.a., I.M. Poligimouse, "Mormon Wives at War, 1842-1945: Weapons of Supreme Terror"; Beulah Press: Moab, UT; 1989). A detachment of MS-BY(42) was dispatched to the PTO for use in Operation Olympic (codename: Golfcourse), but were, thankfully, never actually used. But what can you expect from a man who brings Shermans to a picnic and then forgets the marshmallows. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  14. Herewith my public congratulations for a job well done. I'd send you private congratulations, but they would be surrounded by scorn and defiance; slight regard, contempt, and anything that may not misbecome the mighty sender, not to mention the widows' tears, the orphans' cries, the dead mens' blood, the pining maidens' groans for husbands, fathers and betrothed lovers; as well as lots of chinchilla parts. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra: Professor Doktor Hamster X - Your rinky-dink hamster army scares me about as much as my own offal. That is, I don't care to look at it or smell it, but I don't stay up nights thinking about it. Worry not, one day my valorousVolesgrenadiers will slaughter your pathetic flock of namby-pamby sissyboys. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Cupasoup -- Perhaps you would do well to worry about your offal. When my Hamsters rip out your intestines from the inside, you'll probably want to take a long hard look at them. And your vaunted Volevolunteers would rather bath in their own ordure than face my Ravaging Rodent Raiders; then again, they probably bath in their own ordure anyway. Jello Shaw -- and if we let you win, how would you know? We will never release Ethan until our demands are met. We are patient, time is on our side. You will join us, and soon. If I were you, I'd learn how to pucker up tight at both ends, because there's nothing you or your "women" can do to stop us.
  16. The posts above merely highlight the pathos involved in allowing access to the internet for evolutionary throwbacks. It is clear to all who can think outside the confines of their Habitrail that CM2 will introduce a Revolutionary New World Order to be dominated by Me. This system will be known as DHSATHOMHA (Die Human Scum at the Hands of My Hamster Army). The takeover of BigTimeSoftware has already begun. Let's just say we have a little surprise in store for Charles the next time he steps into his Weasel. He will be one with us, oh yes, he will be one with us. Shiver in fear, you pathetic excuses for hominids. And no more of those Mormon wives. Some of us are eating. Yours respectfully, Professor Doktor Hamster X
  17. British Museum is a must, even if it's not exactly military. The Armoury of the Tower of London has, IIRC, been moved to York. Worth a visit, as appartently the space is spectacular. There are many, many others. If you can get up to Orkney, take a cruise around Scapa Flow, still full of wrecks from both world wars. Try to get down to Hastings to view the most important battlefield in English/British history. England is a great place to live, for a while at least. Hope you have lots of money though: London is expensive. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>William Burroughs asked by British passport control why he was entering the country: For the weather...and the food <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JAZZA: Any war film where grenades explode by someone and they the proceed to do a triple somersault with an axle twist thrown in,or killing like 20 soldiers while running and shooting from the hip while being shot at by the classic bad guys with terrible aim.These same guys have also been seen sneaking up on the good guy,shooting at him,missing,thus allowing the good guy to spin around and kill him first shot and maybe shoot him a couple more times as he flies backwards through a window.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Your obviously talking about "Commando" starring Ahhnold Schwarzenegger. Since he plays a One Man Army Corp (OMAC ) I guess it qualifies as a war movie. "Sully, remember how I promised I'd kill you last?" "Yeah, Matrix, that's right, you promised." "I lied." ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Heidman: The thing is, people want their soapbox. They want teh opportunity to say what they think. That is not going to change, period. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Once you get up on your soapbox you make yourself a target. Brace yourself -- especially when you address a contentious issue such as rosters. I don't see what the acrimony of the roster thread has to do with the general level of civility in the forum, esp. wrt newbie faqs. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I think this is plain incorrect. While the issue might be overdone, the reality is that there is definitely an attitude amongst some of the vets that there is nothing that someone who was not here throughout playtest and development has to add. Its all been done, the current system is the best possible, and questioning it is sometimes (even often) reacted to harshly. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And yet, we have seen several new issues raised and debated (mostly in a civil manner) since the release. Some of these have already been included in a patch, e.g., HMG effectiveness, which was IIRC, started by a relative newbie, Talenn. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> However, there is no lack of attitude on this board to begin with. And I think some of the people with an attitude towards what they have decided CM is are just as much at fault as anyone else. Being a veteran of this board hardly makes someone immune from having a bad attitude. And many people use this "attitude" bit as an excuse to light into someone. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Of course it exists; we are a collection of humans (with the possible exceptions of Gerbilboy and Ho Chi Shaw, who may or may not be field gray rodents). Yet I would concur with those who say that the overall level of civility on this board is high, especially when compared to other game BBSs or Usenet. And anybody, now matter how battle hardened a grognard, who thinks that CM is immutable holy writ just has to read Appendix D of the manual. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  20. The newbie posts that seem to get flamed are the ones that run along the lines of: This game sucks. I had a Puma knocked out by a crappy little Polish 60mm mortar. As if! Like, what up with that, dUdE? Oh yeah, and how come the game isn't in realtime like CC4? Now that was a wargame that kicked aSs. People who ask sensible albeit oft-answered questions absent any attitude tend to get polite, if brief, answers along with a suggestion that they do a search. Pacestick: You may be too lazy to look up a phone number, but remember that calling directory assistance has a cost (even if it's free) that you pay either directly or indirectly. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe [This message has been edited by Hakko Ichiu (edited 08-14-2000).]
  21. There was a young lawyer named Rex With a very small organ of sex When charged with exposure He said with composure "De minimus non curat lex." ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe [This message has been edited by Hakko Ichiu (edited 08-14-2000).]
  22. Joe Pshaw, how dare you. This is a family site. Lots of teenage chinchillas read this forum while dressed in nothing but skimpy hamster-fur teddies. And their hands will drift slowly down to the warm furry place between their... No Professor Doktor Hamster X, no more injections! Please No! For the love of Jah! ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: [ Bah, in the first place he was on a TREK through Argentina and in the second place this is nothing more than an old wives tale. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Being a seasoned citizen from Utah, no doubt you know a thing or two about old wives... ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  24. That's why those Hotchkippers keep disappearing from LOS. And how come my troops keep refusing to engage Andreas's Nazgul? ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> That could be due to the fact that there is ... HELLO ... no controversy! Frankly Eathan (or Eathan Frankly if you prefer), I'm shocked that someone as erudite as you claim to be would fall victim to this most ridiculous of conspiracy theories. Shutz died in the village of his villa from vanilla. He once again showed his true colors (Grey IIRC) and overindulged in vanilla ice cream. Certainly it would be more colorful and all of his admirers (and I count myself as one) would prefer that he died in combat, but it JUST DIDN'T HAPPEN THAT WAY. See Heinrich Schurbohm's definitive work "Die Feldgrau Chinchilla" in which he provides photos of the poor rodent with his muzzle stuck in the remains of a bowl of ice cream. Not pretty, but TRUE. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yet more propaganda. The actual title of Schurbohm's screed is "Die! Feldgrau Chinchilla, Die, Die, Die!" and was a notorious forgery. Only someone who has slid well down the evolutionary ladder, such as you, "Joe" Shaw, would ever be taken in by such blatant codswallop. And I want revenge for my Firefly, dangit! ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
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