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Hakko Ichiu

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Everything posted by Hakko Ichiu

  1. I was playing scenario <REDACTED> when I observed two curious phenomena: 1) I sent a squad (after casualties ~ half a squad) to assault a light gun in a foxhole. Supported by several Vickers MGs, they reached the target without incident and began to attack it... and the gun kept engaging targets about 1000m away! I finally had to send in another squad to kill the farking thing 2) I sent a squad into a light building to flank a SdKfz 270/1 and ruin its day with grenades and demo charges. Meanwhile, said HT is being engaged by a Sexton, just to be on the safe side. When I check on the status of the HT, it was actually listed as inside the light building. ??? It was finally destroyed by the Sexton and brewed up quite nicely. Scared the bejeezus out of my rifle squad too. Any comments? ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  2. ...to all our French friends. I'm surprised no one has mentioned this yet. By now, no doubt people are jostling for a good seat on Champs de Mars for the fireworks. I know we Americans often get down on our French comrades, but think of all they have given us: Brigitte Bardot, Plastique Bertrand, Vanessa Paradis, French kissing... Allons enfants de la Patrie, Le jour de gloire est arrivé ! Contre nous de la tyrannie ! L'étendard sanglant est levé (bis) Entendez-vous dans nos campagnes Mugir ces féroces soldats ? Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras. Egorger vos fils, vos compagnes ! Refrain Aux armes citoyens, Formez vos bataillons Marchons, marchons Qu'un sang impur Abreuve nos sillons 1 Que veut cette horde d'esclaves, De traîtres, de rois conjurés ? Pour qui ces ignobles entraves Ces fers dès longtemps préparés ? (bis) Français, pour nous, ah! quel outrage Quels transports il doit exciter ? C'est nous qu'on ose méditer De rendre à l'antique esclavage ! (au Refrain) 2 Quoi ces cohortes étrangères ! Feraient la loi dans nos foyers ! Quoi ! ces phalanges mercenaires Terrasseraient nos fils guerriers ! (bis) Grand Dieu! par des mains enchaînées Nos fronts sous le joug se ploieraient De vils despotes deviendraient Les maîtres des destinées. (au Refrain) 3 Tremblez, tyrans et vous perfides L'opprobre de tous les partis, Tremblez ! vos projets parricides Vont enfin recevoir leurs prix ! (bis) Tout est soldat pour vous combattre, S'ils tombent, nos jeunes héros, La France en produit de nouveaux, Contre vous tout prêts à se battre (au Refrain) 4 Français, en guerriers magnanimes Portez ou retenez vos coups ! Épargnez ces tristes victimes, A regret s'armant contre nous (bis) Mais ces despotes sanguinaires, Mais ces complices de Bouillé, Tous ces tigres qui, sans pitié, Déchirent le sein de leur mère ! (au Refrain) 5 Nous entrerons dans la carrière Quand nos aînés n'y seront plus, Nous y trouverons leur poussière Et la trace de leurs vertus (bis) Bien moins jaloux de leur survivre Que de partager leur cercueil, Nous aurons le sublime orgueil De les venger ou de les suivre ! (au Refrain) 6 Amour sacré de la Patrie, Conduis, soutiens nos bras vengeurs Liberté, Liberté chérie Combats avec tes défenseurs ! (bis) Sous nos drapeaux, que la victoire Accoure à tes mâles accents Que tes ennemis expirants Voient ton triomphe et notre gloire ! (au Refrain) I know the Beatles are supposed to break in by now singing "All You Need is Love", but that's for another day. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  3. I'm shocked and outraged! This deplorable tactic is not only gamey, but totally lacking in honor, glory, savoir faire and joie de vivre. All combatants should be arranged in lines or columns with full view of the other side and wearing brightly colored clothing, preferably a sporty little number with those tight pants that look so fetching on Major Sharpe. Sincerely, General St. John Lord Stoatwallow OBE, CBE, KCG (Mrs.), retired
  4. Could he mean the Camaaaaargue? ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  5. RIGHT!!! That's it! I'm ending this thread and I'm taking you all with me!!! Wenn ist das Nunstück gut und Slottermeyer? Ja!...Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  6. Why not take a holidy in Sweden this year? Come see the lovely fjords and møøse. A møøse once bit my sister, you know. No, really, she was carving her initials in its side... Malcolm Peter Brian Telescope Adrian Umbrella-Stand Jasper Wednesday pop pop Stoatgobbler John Raw Vegetable Neigh Arthur Norman Michael squeak Featherstone Smith whistle Northgot Edwards Harris Bang Bang Mason chuff-chuff-chuff Frampton Jones Fruitbat Gilbert We'll Keep a Welcome in the Bang Bang Bang Williams If I Could Walk That Way Jenkin squeak Tiger-drawers Pratt Thompson Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head Darcy Carter honk Pussycat Don't Sleep in the Subway Barton Mannering hoot whoop Smith MP (Very Silly Party)
  7. Wait till you collapse a two-story building w/mortar fire. Heh, heh... excellent! ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  8. Assimilation will commence immediately. Resistance is futile. Now go storm that machine gun nest while we lay down suppressive fire... ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by demoss: Better believe it. When I tried {censored} as the Germans, one of my snipers got two (count 'em, two) of the big bad British artillery spotters. When I went back in after a surrender to see what the heck had happened to all the British tanks (they bogged), I saw that it was the {censored} and one of the {censored} spotters he nailed. There goes a huge chunk of the British firepower (and certainly the most frightening piece). They've still made mincemeat of my big guns with the smaller artillery, but there won't be any of the wholesale destruction of the town that I unleashed when I played it as the Brits. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> {spoiler cop mode} If you feel obliged to post massive spoilers, please at least begin your post with "WARNING -- SPOILERS", preferably in very large fluorescent letters. Or why not just do a little self-editing before you hit the submit button. And please edit your post ASAP. {/spoiler cop mode} ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe [This message has been edited by Hakko Ichiu (edited 07-12-2000).]
  10. Germanboy is distraught that I'm kicking his butt with a bunch of old men armed with nothing but a variety of tropical fruits, so he's challenged me to this one. I guess he figures that if I have more units than could make a senior doubles tennis match he might beat me. If it's logic, it's strange logic indeed. Pls. send the scenario to the e-mail address in my profile, and I'll send you feedback when I've kicked Andreas's panty-waisted troops back to their mommas (surely, "when we've finished"? ed.). ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Los: We have tried to strive for a professional looking (military if you will) briefing format rarther than the Sarge giving you some childish "go knock out those krauts kid", kind of briefing where possible. I'm glad to see it's appreciated since the latter annoys me greatly. I think it diminishes from the experience. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> How about a half-charred piece of paper that comes wrapped around some cigars? Of course, then the enemy might find it before you do. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Steve Clark: In the Civ2 forums at Apolyton (which have been going on for years), someone made a comment about new posters asking questions that had been asked literally hundreds of times before. The best response was that even though most questions cover old ground, there are always fresh answers because of new strategies, techniques and such. In other words, a different way of approaching an old problem. I would suspect the same would be true here since the shipped version of CM is only a month old and as more players become experienced, they would perhaps come up with a new way or approach to a particular problem.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You are absolutely correct, but the fact remains that newbies could gain a lot of knowledge quickly and save the rest of us a lot of bandwidth by doing a quick search before posting. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Don't forget, when you make member you get your secret Member's Only Decoder Ring and a semi-attractive Membership Certificate printed on Genuine Faux Paper and signed by the Mad Mattman himself or a reasonable facsimile of what his autograph would look like if he could actually write! So Don't Delay, Start Posting Today! Joe<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I thought MadMatt just drooled on all documents in the approximate shape of an X. Now you're confusing me Joe!! ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe PS - EMAN, the second little icon from the right at the top of each post is an edit button. Saves having to copy long and pointless posts just to correct a smilie. [This message has been edited by Hakko Ichiu (edited 07-11-2000).]
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jarmo: That was one of my biggest surprises also, I first met one on the opposite side of battlefield on one of my first quick battles. My jaw dropped to the floor as my panther kept on pounding it without any results. Wot is dis beast! I was quite surprised to find out, the allied also had very potent heavy tanks.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I had decided to try out the almighty, all-killing Püppchen in a QB. British Mech. Inf. w/a Mk VIII in support. At ~450m, my Püppchen engaged the Churchill and killed it with the first shot, full frontal. I look forward to the rise in Püp prices. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jarmo: I would't think "detach scout" option would produce a mentally less fragile unit. After all, the guys would know they are being sent to a possible ambush.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Just to clarify, I meant that the main body of troops would be less fragile. Clearly, the scouting party is going to be walking on eggs. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Los: Also read my post in the gamey tactics section to adress the thoght process about leaving recon teams out of CM. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I see the logic of leaving out dedicated scout teams, so how about this: allow infantry squads a "detach scout" command. This would create a two-man sub-team (presumably two-rifleman, rather than BAR/LMG men) with less of a morale penalty for the other 10 guys in the squad than the "split-squad" command. This essentially simulates the "Hodges and Johnson, sneak up to the top of the ridge and tell me what you see" command that a squad-leader might give. Reformation of the whole squad would be as per normal. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe [This message has been edited by Hakko Ichiu (edited 07-10-2000).]
  17. I see what Lewis is saying wrt a "hull down to a point" command. As someone who has trouble reading terrain (red-green color blind), I'd love to have it in. That being said, and I'm no programming wiz, I see a couple of problems implementing it in the game: 1) What is hull down? It is a continuous variable (range 0-1) rather than a binary (0/1). What is hull down enough? Sure, I'd like to be invisible below my gun tube, but I'd take a 20% reduction in exposure against a target in full view -- every little bit helps. How is the AI to decide that it has indeed reached "hull-down"? 2) What if there is no effective hull-down position? Does your tank just keep rolling until it reaches its target point? That could ruin your TC's day. As it is, the Hunt command is pretty good at finding hull-down positions along a line of advance toward known targets, while the defender has a much greater ability to figure out his fields of fire and defilades in the setup routine, which is much as it should be. I've a suspicion that's about as good as it'll get. I just wish BTS would release some textures for the 20% of males w/Red-Green color blindness, a la Firaxis with SMAC. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maastrictian: Um.... I've actually been working on a "Harvard" battle. While I agree that many may see this as silly and, realisically, this has no wide spread appeal... I hope that other alumni and faculty will be amused.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I for one would like nothing better than to raze that two-bit "university" to the ground: 155s would do for the boat house; air strikes for the Porcellian Club; flame thrower crews could assault the Yard; I'd set up some MG killzones at the egresses of Elliot House; and the Hasty Pudding would be stormed in a close assault, although they might enjoy that a bit too much. And in the background, the soundtrack would be softly ululating, "Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, siss, siss, siss, boom, boom, boom, bah!" And some of my best friends went to Hahvahd... ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Little Black Devil: Does anyone know if its currently on the air anywhere? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, it is on in the UK on the UK Gold cable network. Since you're in Canada, the above factoid may be of little use. Still, you never know what you can get with a satellite and an illegal decoder. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by McAuliffe: Yez, itz me, Leclerc from the rezisztanze and I am in disguize... I have a mezzage from Michelle... There was a packkage in zhe mailbox today...Rene is a verry happy man today...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Good moaning. That is very good nose, I tink. Bust of leak. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  21. It's pretty complementary to say the least, but contains spoilers for at least one scenario (I skipped over that bit, so can't say for sure). I'd certainly buy the game on the basis of that review; then again, I already have ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Schugger: I would appreciate if german Kommando Zwerge were modelled in the game. I don't think they will be included in CM1, they saw only limited action in the western front after all, but definitly in CM2. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> One step at a time, Schugger. BTS still have to get the Volksklosturmspuele Ausf. B(1/43) correct. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PanzerShark: Second, ehm...can't tell you yet but its going to be one great weekend <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Harvest time in the greenhouses of Amsterdam is it? Catch a fire for me, irie. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  24. It would be Jever Pils if I could find it in my poor, benighted state. Usually, my beer is a Sapporo Super Dry or some such Japanese premium dry beer. I'm also particularly fond of a good Weissbier with a slice of lemon in the summertime. Guinness is great, but I only drink it in Ireland or England. It's just not the same anyplace else. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
  25. just to round out the thread, I installed the latest version of directX, and it seems to work fine now. ------------------ Ethan ----------- Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe
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