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Everything posted by Lorak

  1. Umm... I answered all the questions B. so I am a goon. But I assumed an ending so I kept score. So I am a grog (thats a joke). What bothers me most is that all the above confused me. I am a self proclaimed idiot. I even have Matt to vouch for me on that one. Now... I'll take my Grog-goon-idiot arse and go have a nice glass of scotch, (preferably heavy on the smoke), and a nice Guinness as an after dinner mint. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  2. Yes that is a possible problem. We designated a team leader to control the shared elements of the group. That way players would request from the team leader artillery support ect.. Then the team leader would decide who got it and why. The team leader is also the designated file sender. That way he can look at the map and make sure no funny business is going on. But if someone kept screwing up and it was on purpose, Team leader should just look for a replacment. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  3. As I was one of the ones that was part of the first one. I'll see If I can answer some of these questions. Like Seahawk has said before. The mechanics are not that difficult. But communication and commtment are. Our first experiment ended bad. But not because the system didn't work. Truth is that Seahawks team was kicking my teams ass. Then we ran into some communication problems and some other issues. By the time things were worked out, intrest was gone and it wasn't worth finishing. But I totally support the process and the mechanics. Was a lot of fun, and I'm sure it will be for those that sign on. As for mechanics... a brief run down. axis1 recieves file, plots moves, saves game, sends to axis2 axis2 same as above, then hits go, creates the turn that he mails to allied1. allied1 recieves file, plots, saves, sends to allied2. allied2 same as above, hits done, creates file and sends to axis1 axis1 recieves movie file, fowards to axis2(so he can watch), then hits done and sends turn to allied1. allied1 recieves movie/turn file. He forwards this file to allied2(so he can see movie,then allied 2 discards file). He then plots his moves and saves game. sends to allied2 allied2 recieves file, plots, creates turn and sends to axis1. Thats the bulk of it. Sounds confusing, but it really isn't. But you need the players to check in and let the other know when they recieve thier file so if it gets lost you know where. Just a little e-mail like. Seahawk, recived file from dave, have plotted and sent the file on to Tom. If any other questions I'd be happy to try an answer them. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  4. ok Hamsters, Meeks- 2 wins Mensch - 2 loses Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  5. Ahh a little tome update for the gits. Mensch-draw Meeks-Draw Mensch-win Meeks-loss Lawyer-win Babra-loss Seanachai-loss Goanna-win Smallish Game updates. Iskander... Is correct in that I am killing myself. But only to deprive him of the pleasure. Have lost all hope since nothing larger than a rifle is destined to hit a target this game. GiTom... too close to call. He is still a gamey bastage, But I'm making progress. Hakko... Still in that turkish prison. Moriarty... Can give an update, because even I have no idea whats going on. Everyone else is a nonpooler/lurker? So you aren't worth mentioning. Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  6. Ahh Priest... We shall see. Personaly I don't see one tank surrounded by german infantry as holding ground. In reality he most likey would be racing back to the village. Considering he just watched all his platoon mates die a horible shrecking death. We shall see though. We shall see. It was a really good game though. One I did enjoy. As for the outcome.... Me or you winning. I think at best it is in serious doubt. Only God knows. Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  7. Ahh, Another small tome update. jd-win meeks-loss Seanachai-win Berli-lost mensch-loss Meeks-win Gamey updates for you gents. Iskander... Gamey twit is hiding his AFV's from my guns. Moriarty... This scenario...while fun. Is a gamey crap hole. Berli sucks. GiTom... is still shooting my guys, and has resorted to the time tested gamey tactic of artillery. Priest.. while not really a pool member he has been speaking of our battle. So for the result. We got tired of playing hit and run. So we both just ran at each other in a calvary charge(on foot) and just started shooting. Eventualy One of us had to withdrawl.....wasn't me. Oh....and god how I love Panzershrecks! Now Die a lot now. Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  8. On average about 12-15 going all the time. Once you get the hang of it, it isn't too bad at all. Nice to see all the diffrent battles going at once, and also gives you a lot to think about at work until you get home. P.S. Is it just me or do all of the poolers that have posted here thus far have the most going? Lorak ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  9. I'll be there Priest. Been a good game thus far. Hope we get to finish it. Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  10. Well I am a bit busy at work....still.. So here is a quick Tome update. PeterNZ-win Joe Shaw-loss PeterNZ-win Mensch-loss. As for the rest of you buggers, Sorry my games were slow getting back this weekend. You can all continue to die a lot now. Lorak the loathed
  11. Ahh yes, While I am an admitted sufferer of Deslexia. (and can't spell for sh*t) that was a typo, and below me to edit it. As for me being a loser... I'll admit that too. I'm not "Lorak the loathed" because my foes hate me... I am "Lorak the loathed" because I loath myself. Now. As for JD. I plan on winning this battle and JD the drink, or JD the pooler is a recipe for disaster. Nay I am a Guinness man..maybe a couple fingers of scotch... My problem now is picking out a suitable CD to listen too, while drowning out your death screams. Looks like it might be a Guinness and wolftones night. Die a lot now Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  12. Priest, While I find your whimpering, and the false bravado you get betting on your chest, funny. I must warn you that if you keep wagging your toungue about... one of my jack booted thugs might just stomp on it. Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  13. I choose.... 4.) Laughing my arse off that your men are so spooked that they are blowing up trees and running around screaming the "THE WOODS ARE ALIVE ! Hell it takes a great commander such as I. (pretend to be) Just to keep my men from blowing thier cover, rolling with laughter. Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  14. Priest, I am really laughing at you, and no, not just on the inside. Hiding in trees am I ? Or is this just some fantasy you have going. Pesonaly I find your use of artillery enlightning. All I have to do is say "I see you guys". And BLAMO you shoot up the nearest batch of trees. Really is quite funny. In a sad kind of way. Not sad in that I am upset killing a Priest....But sad in that when I survey all your dead men littered accross the field, they will have my picture beside them. Now cheer up and all that, I will not make you wither in pain long. Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  15. Ahh, Will I try to please. Tome update: As above Lorak the loathed aka "drunk tcp'er" ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  16. Jd aka "modslut" Yes he did mention that he might try moving the number to the rear. Who knows if it will happen...but has been mentioned. Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  17. BAH! I say ! The truth. After a hell day at work my boss decides we should leave and "discuss" the project over a beer or two. Soooo.. We head over to Maggie O'Riley's Irish Pub for a pint. (my choice, I have a membership there). I meet up with some sympathizer friends over from county Monaghan. We load up the juke box full of old irish songs and proceed to order pints of Guinness like they were going to stop making it. Pints lead to singing, singing to more drinking and talking...ect. Well... Next thing you know it is last call and time to head home. (I'll also have you know that I made it there on time). Now to conclude and point out where Priest is wrong. 1) In his half-heated attempt to say that a bunch of Irish men, sitting around drinking Guinness is wrong. (Hell that is nature.) 2) That I showed up Drunk. (Never seen an Irishman get drunk on Guinness) As for our game... My God what a long drawn out affair this thing is. Two and a half hours to process appox 15 turns. Oh...tome update: Meeks-win Elvis-loss Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  18. Ahh, Found this picture and figured they had to be a CM player. THE NEWEST CM MOD
  19. Ahh well Priest. That is the diffrence between you and I. You see, I always win. The only times I have ever "lost" have been to an oppenents gamey use of tactics. Like shooting my guys ect... Lorak the loathed [This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 03-06-2001).]
  20. Ok Priest, Tomarrow sounds good. I should get off work here at midnight EST then a 30 min drive home.. Should make it around 9:30 your time. I'll continue your lessons in the death dance then. Oh, and as far as that news you were going to tell me, I think I already know. Oh and try to keep your AAR taunt honest. I get so tired of people throwing around personal propaganda to make themselves look good. Good luck and Die a lot now. Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  21. Ahh tis so nice to see the youngsters show such energy. And far be it from me to call a Priest an idiot. But.... a little explination for his well being. I Lorak am at work. I work nights, and can post from work. Sadly CM will not run on NT so I can not play from work. So be a good little chap and send your file on to my house. If your lucky I may even acknowledge recieving it. Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  22. now hamsters. There is nothing vile or disgusting enough I could say about you, that people haven't already thought of. Your insane rambeling of useless drivil ,takes all the imagination out of taunting you. People come here, read your post, and already draw conclusions about you lack of manhood and intelligence. So for us to point out this rather obvious fact is just overkill. So please just keeping posting and showing the world what an idiot you are. Saves us the trouble of typing it out. Lorak the loathed ------------------ "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats Cesspool Combatmissionclub and for Kitty's sake =^..^=
  23. Yes and sadly... After searching the runis of some shelled buildings in town... I found that Elvis had not left the building. Lorak
  24. ..wipe away the foul stuff, but before he realized it, He had wiped his head compleatly Bald and his....
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