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Everything posted by Stoffel

  1. Great news for you! My father in law will undergo the same operation coming monday. He is in a better shape than my dad,who died 7 months ago from a heartattack. Still felt like it happened yesterday.
  2. here you have a good point Olle. On a map you have to find a place where you can have a good field of fire but more important hide away for the enemies tanks and apc's.Many times you can shoot at enemy groundtargets while stay under cover from his vehicles. I often use the aaa vehicles ,not the static guns.(both the 20 and 37mm) If your opponent doesn't have aircraft you soon find out . The 37mm is a real good buildingkiller and a good thing to kill M-8 Greyhounds,(good rate of fire and fast moving) while I use the 20mm for suppression of infantry.
  3. thanks guys I will try this out. I have been a machinegunner myself and I have to say a very good one on a targetrange. Fortunate I never had to shoot at another human being nor does someone ever shoot at me. So I can't tell weather or not this would apply to me(stresseffect)
  4. Not long ago someone mentioned that he lost many games as a defender. Lately I looked at the kill stats for my units. And something odd is going on if you look at a HMG 42 team they have lot of ammo. In my previous pbem I had three teams they had fired almost all their ammo at many different infantrysquads and vehicles. I looked at the kill stats in the 26th turn and to my suprise they had caused.... 3 infantrycasualties? So I was curious to the other units results and setup a testrange. Used two 150mm guns and 8 mg42 teams against unprotected infantry with a maximum range of 400 meters,no hills no trees no other cover. After 4 turns they had caused ...zero casualties,how am I supposed to win a fight if my crews can't kill anybody? ANd yes they all had veteran quality.
  5. Indeed the price for a 251/1 can go down but they weren't that rare. Certainly not around 1944 almost all the good and crack panzergrenadierdivision were equiped with it. If I am not wrong some 14000 were built. And the second mg was often taken into the field by the infantryteam to bring on more firepower.
  6. You have given no email adress and you are not listed at the ? above this topic. So look for anything you like (I don't care which country)and send me a setup. My email is stoffers@casema.net Thanks
  7. Anyone outthere interested in a pbem rightnow? I am sick at home and have nothing to do. So please if you are free and have nothing to do than send me a set up doesn't matter what. Not to large though. Stoffel,feeling.. ------------------ h.s. [This message has been edited by Stoffel (edited 11-16-2000).]
  8. I did to these guys are getting me... ------------------ h.s. [This message has been edited by Stoffel (edited 11-15-2000).]
  9. Can you please send me those lovely grassfiles to. You don't have to hurry but this week would be fine though. Regards Stoffel
  10. Coralsaw is right TACOPS features a nice SOP menu. Some good points off it are, Retreat after fire and(or) pop smoke. Ideal for ambushes hit and run tactics. Retreat and(or ) pop smoke if fired upon. Unload vehicle if fired on. And so on. You can set this standard for all units. As regards groupmovement check page 18 and 19 of the manual it all is described there. A good point though is a menu to change the ammo load of a tank (% in HE or AT ammo) I hate it when you might run into 2 or 3 tanks your ammoload has say 25HE and 35AT rounds you should be able to change it in something like 15 AT and 45 He or whatever you like.
  11. Or he is sucked into a parallel dimension. (alf)
  12. If you are a commander and you would have this weapon than why not use it. In wars it is important to kill or disable your opponents troops and vehicles. It does not matter to me on what way that will be and a rapid firing 4 barreled 20mm gunsystem is a very effective way to do that if you have seen Saving Private Ryan you know what effect this weapon have on infantry.
  13. After the war the Hetzer stayed in service with the Austrian army well into the 60's. The German army had used a Tank destroyer to. I have forgotten its name though have to look it up. Right now the vehicle you mentioned for the US army is the xm 8 prototype(sorry if I get the name wrong)basically a light armored vehicle with a gun and without a turret.It looked like the S tank. Their were several test vehicles build they were originally intended for rapid reaction forces and were ideal for the C-17 cargoplane. But plans existed to equip the armies new light brigades with that vehicle together with the LAV 105mm gunvehicle. I could be wrong though.SOmeone know more about this item?
  14. Dutch army. 41 armored infantry batallion(Stoottroepen) 1986 to 88 (Corporal) groupcommander reserve duty also for several years. Batalion doesn't exist anymore they have shift their AFV's for helicopters and are now an airmobile unit. (13th)
  15. That is what I have said before,I have been a machinegunner(MAG) And my co-gunner and I had to carry 5 boxes of ammo(1250 rounds ) and the gun. And we could run with it 200 or 300 meters if there was a need to do that. But I think we have to lay down with the official statement from BTS(which is no running) and not starting this up again.
  16. Wat is dat nou,we hebben nog steeds een partij open staan. Waar jij het te druk voor had en nou zie ik een oproep voor een QB. Stuur mij is gauw een turn op. Ik moet om 2 uur toch de baby voeden.
  17. My troops have some physical problems that is why they act so bad. Makes me go... ------------------ h.s. [This message has been edited by Stoffel (edited 11-11-2000).]
  18. I am waiting for your next turn,you won a battle but not the war. And btw I have 16 games going on including my first groupgame.
  19. yes and where are all the members of this forum who were happy with this new ladder? I haven't seen many of the people from that post in the teams that are present now. Come on people!!
  20. Their is a way to unbog them. I give them a stop order than a rotate order(90 degrees)and a fast move order to that direction. Won't work everytime though.
  21. The Dutch airforce once had an American F15 squadron under its command. They have been stationed in Soesterberg airbase a long time. I know that our F-16 pilots "shot"down these guys many times in exercises. And although our pilots receive less training than they officially need(natostandard) they are among the best of NATO forces. In fact they performed the best in the latest actions in Bosnia. So indeed it is the man who flies the aircraft that makes the difference. As regards the Israeli airforce ,they decimated the Syrians with out an F15 or F16 lost in a few hours in Lebanon in the fightings in 82. If the F15 is flown by a good pilot than it is invincible.
  22. Olle you didn't understand what I said. Sure if your enemies mainforce moves to a point you move the best troops you have to counter that threath but that is not what I meant. What I meant is someone challenge you and sends a setup he does not tell you he will be the defender. So you pick your units and try to do it well balanced. Than you see when the game is well on its way that your opponent has instead of a normal inf company with ONE heavy weapons company,your opponent has two heavy weaponunits or he has added 5 or 6 machineguns and many antitankweapons extra to his force. That is the main disadvantage of a QB or maybe even GAMEY tactic because in real life you don't have that luxury as a commander. Simply because you don't know what happens the next hour or day.
  23. yes in a way you are right. A mk IV costs more than an M8 and still I lost two of these tanks and a puma to an M-8 with frontal armor penetrations. So the mk IV could be less expensive IMO. I always try to use a goodbalanced force. I hate it when you play someone and (start an attack with some tanks and infantrysquads) he or she has 2 or 3 times more ATguns and machineguns than normal were available. Fortunate this happened only once until now. Recently I played only QB with a mechanized or infantryforce.This is very exiting and you do not have to rely on tanks. Which are more vulnerable to all kind of threaths. You have to think more careful about your moves.
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