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Everything posted by Stoffel

  1. And who are you Hofbauer to make fun of people? May be some one makes a mistake in finding the right words? Or is that a crime in your little world. Since I am no German I didn't knew the firm was big. Besides I read it on the bussinessnews just this morning.I would not care Napster survives when they ask for money. Thats my point thats what I wanted to say. Besides they only do music right? So whats the big deal anyway. So just back off whit smart comments at least regarding me. ------------------ h.s. [This message has been edited by Stoffel (edited 02-10-2001).]
  2. Latest I heard about Napster is that a German businessman bought the firm. The news said that people have to pay for their services within half a year,trough a sort of subscription. I never used or downloaded mp3's so if you have to pay for it than whats the big deal? The artists in question still receive a part of the money than I guess.
  3. Killing a target while driving is more difficult. great Spotting bunkers far away more difficult. great Hitting bunkers from great distance more difficult great! Here the turn a sherman 105 came racing down the road(my 75mm bunker is in hide) it turns his turret in the direction of the bunker .....one shot ,one kill. damn did I read something wrong or is this just a great unlucky roll of the cm dice
  4. I want it to please,please please, Did I say please. My email is stoffers@casema.net Thanks
  5. speaking of Tungsten rounds,in a recent PBEMgame I had a pak38 with a Tungsten round. Can that be a bug as well?(1.1 version)
  6. Jgdpr,I thought he meant the green vehicle on the foto with the Tiger. Guy with gun I sure like to build it for you,the model is easy to build. the only problem is that I live in the Netherlands a bit to far if you ask me.
  7. Why don't you buy the Tiger II from Tamiya? It is a very good replica and radio controlled. You can buy the crewman and infantrymen on the same scale from Verlinden Productions. It is a much better buy. btw the stug type vehicle looks like a Russian Su 76 to me.
  8. If you read specific books about individual German divisions you will get these nrs. For instance ,the book about the second Ss division,Totenkopf, Soldiers of destruction. will tell you what equipment the division had seized.ANd it was quite heavy. In the battles before Kursk they managed to seize many tanks and guns from the russians. They alone captured 615 T-34's,400 howitzers and 600 Antitankguns off various calibres All equipment was reused by the Germans the 7.62 mm field gun was rebored and put on a marder for instance.others were modified and put on a 75mmatgun chassis(designated FK288/1r) [This message has been edited by Stoffel (edited 01-29-2001).]
  9. Hey Bullet For a junior member you have a BIG mouth. So please stop wasting my time with these stupid posts. ------------------ h.s. [This message has been edited by Stoffel (edited 01-27-2001).]
  10. Hi Paul I found the right url. Send a mail there with title,subscribe tacops. Majordomo@perilpoint.com
  11. Did you send me a setup jet? I have been out of the country for the last 7 days and there have been a server breakdown so your mail could have never get trough.
  12. He Cavguy, This discussion is going on at the tacops page. You can find it at: tacops@perilpoint.com Many specialist have debated about this issue overthere. Sorry for the rest of you my previous message was in Dutch. [This message has been edited by Stoffel (edited 01-26-2001).]
  13. Marshall Zjoekov conversation with General Heirici.(april 45.Seelow heights) Zjoekov. please general don't retreat your forces from your setup position(in this case the defensive line) I have about 20000 artillery pieces ready for shelling. I consider it very gamey if you would retreat and my shelling would cause no harm to you. Heinrici. No I shall not do that.
  14. Can you sent it to me please Cheng? I can't get in the scenariodepot again. Thanks. Stoffel
  15. ok I will play you. Since you are a newbie you can choose the scenario. You can find my email in the ? above the messagescreen. Henk
  16. The Churchill Avre has a big gun with high blasting power. If it shoots at an infantrysquad than it will make many casualties.A very potent tank to kill bunkers,AT guns and buildings as well. Never let it unprotected though,always use it in an assault together with infantry and other tanks. The Jumbo is a heavier uparmored and fast Shermantank that can withstand punishment from several German guns a good tank to led an assault as well. Thats why its named assaulttank. Hope this helps you.
  17. It was common in the Dutch army that all men could operate the various crewweapons like the MG and the Carl Gustav. In that way during long movements the gunners have the time to recover. In case of action they had to take over their weapons asap
  18. I think in a store that $50 is a low price,specially if they find out it sells good than it would be $60 or more. Just buy the game yourself and invite that friend for a game at your home.
  19. Stoffel


    You should try it with a pbemgame,a whole new world will open up for you than. If you find an experienced player than you will get a more terrible feeling in your stomach.
  20. Why don't you create your own battles with the scenario editor? In that way you can choose a force of your own choice without bothering about the points. It works the same as a quick battle.
  21. just buy it. Than after a while you get angry if someone disturbes you. You are rushing in traffic to get home . On your work you are restless and watching the clock continuesly to see if it is time go home. Than your wife starts hating you (or calling you names because you spent to much time with cm) Than you don't want to go to your wifes parents or someones birthday or whatever. and finally when you have forgotten the name of your wife (and or kids). Only than you know you did a right buy. Trust me I know.
  22. He Bates did you mean weapons of the waffen SS written by Bruce Quarry? Have that one too. bought it in London a few years ago together with Soldiers of destruction for 12 pounds. The last one contains horrible stories about the second SS division and its founder/leader btw Rob if you want a good book about Tigers check Amazon for the books by W.Spielberger. They are great.
  23. played Elsdorf this afternoon and one of my squads knocked out a sherman and a M8 in a few seconds from 52 meters. So nothing wrong I think
  24. I lost my game with Superslug. I choose many tanks and some MG's with an infantry company to occupie the objective on the hill. The tanks had the infantry loaded to race towards the VL. I had a simple plan 3 groups tanks together with the Hetzers should assault. One would race to the Vl the other two would attack from the flanks under cover of smoke. I made some mistakes though,the first one was the spotters. A green spotter was very cheap but came with a FFE time of 7 to 8 minutes so one of my plans (smokecover)was not executed. The second part advance under smokecover to the flanks allso was not possible since I lost some of my to Superslug's tankdestroyers. Finally he gets his infantry on the VL faster than I could. By trying to kill them my tanks got to near his elite bazooka teams and I lost several of them. In the last turn I managed to kill all his armor but in a last gamble to reach the VL I lost my last ones to zooks as well. Another disadvantage to me was his heavy artillery 2 hetzers had gun damage because of that and one of my Panthers got immobilized. Conclusion,due to a combination of badly choosen force and the wrong tactics I lost. Superslug ,well done!
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