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Everything posted by rich12545

  1. Israel is about the size of New Jersey. Pretty small considering the size of their enemies in the area. Gaza is small. But their sponsor in terror, Iran, isn't. And you don't have to be real big to conduct terror attacks. Here's an fyi Cpl Steiner. The Israelis aren't terrified of using ground troops. They are building up as we speak and might still. However, if their Air Force can make their goal, which is to stop Hamas from shooting rockets into Israel and have a real cease fire, so much the better.
  2. Playing the tutorial scenario but now just playing and not using the manual. Playing with waw. I can never get elite reinforcements. That is always blanked out. I bought two units, infantry and tank. They never showed up as replacements. But an air unit that I didn't buy showed up on the next turn. There seems to be no way to save my two cruisers and sub. The allies (UK and France ships) are way too strong. Tried to run my sub on silent through the ships and got caught anyway and blasted.
  3. Hi. I'm playing waw using the sc2 tutorial. Still just learning the basics of the game. Middle of page 91 it suggests moving two cruisers and sub to block the UK royal navy from interfering with German actions in Norway. Doing this, however, simply causes the fairly quick loss of those ships/boat. Then the RN could interfere all it wants of course. So I'm wondering why the manual suggests this move.
  4. In the tutorial, why is it recommended to move ships by Norway to block the British navy? The British navy is so powerful my ships get destroyed in short order.
  5. I never did get these answered in my other post so I'll try them in separate posts. Why is it necessary to declare war on Benelux before it's possible to attack? Nazi Germany didn't always follow the rules. And in the game an attack was possible against Norway, Denmark and France without the declaration.
  6. Hi, thanks for the invite but I never play multi. With all the different games I play I never get good enough at any one to compete. Maybe some time in the future but even with sc2 I'm still learning the basics.
  7. You could get a programmable mouse if nothing else works.
  8. That's what I was thinking. Nazi Germany wasn't exactly civilized and iirc they sometimes attacked without declaring war. Same with Japan. So I was just wondering.
  9. I never play multi. That's why I've been interested in how good the ai is. So far I have not been disappointed. And I was wondering WHY it's necessary to declare war before attacking. Why can't I just simply attack?
  10. This game has "one more turn" better than probably any game I've ever played. There is more of a difference in the same scenario between sc2 and waw than just making it compatible. The German navy is no match for GB. So why is it recommended in the tutorial to move a few units by Norway when all they do is get decimated? Why is it necessary to declare war on Benelux? Why can't I just attack? Why Benelux? For convenience? I believe it didn't exist until after ww2. There is a lot more to this game than meets the eye. It is deeper than it looks at first.
  11. I'm just now getting into the tutorial and really like the game. A few questions/suggestions. If these can be done now, can someone please tell me how. If not they are suggestions. A way for the units to move slower. A way to stop map scrolling from moving the cursor to the edge and use only arrow keys. It's too easy to scroll when going to buttons on the right edge. A way to zoom out. A lot of games are now using the middle button/turning for this. These are really kind of minor but would increase enjoyment if available.
  12. Yes, and I see your point. I'll leave it to what you think is best.
  13. I use Firefox. And set up the link. Works much better now.
  14. Yes but the Phillipines were bypassed. There was no fighting in the Phillipines. So I can see why it would be good if it were changed to an attack on the islands or within a certain time period after the attack.
  15. but I can't find a better place to post these questions. The narrow front page and forum works like crap. Very choppy scrolling. So when I come to the forum I change it to wide screen. First, why does BFC leave a system that works like crap and has to be changed to work ok? And second, how can I fix it so it's a sticky to be wide every time I come back?
  16. Wondering if you're planning to come out with xpacks including additional campaigns? In fact a suggestion for SC2 and PT would be xpacks with just operational level campaigns (mini-campaigns if you prefer) in them.
  17. Going forward to Normandy, yes. For Shock Force, no. What we have is what we get. But with Marines and cmmods there are about 150 battles. Plus several campaigns. Plus the British are coming. Each battle has diverse ai plans so can be replayed. Plus most can be modified a bit in the editor to further increase replayability. You could play one battle a week and never play the same one for more than three years.
  18. Yes, but as soon as the game is released, I won't need a demo, will I? :-)
  19. Demo? There's a demo? Where do I find it?
  20. Yeah, they're expansion packs and SC2 is needed to install. But once they're installed, it seems like it isn't needed anymore. And with WaW sorry but I don't see any reason to play the original.
  21. Seems to me that if I never play multi (and I never do) then I really won't be playing SC2 since WaW is so much better and has all the SC2 campaigns. So now that I have WaW and PSE installed, can I just uninstall SC2 or is somehow needed to play the expansions?
  22. Very nice. Thanks. Looking forward to trying the demo.
  23. Finally got the bundle. Been looking at it for years. It looks like WaW has all the same campaigns as SC2. What is the difference? Are they upgraded? I'll also be getting PSE, will that have all those campaigns also? Upgraded? Looks like, except for the world campaign, there's really no need to run SC2 at all? Will this be the same with PSE when I get it? No need to run SC2 or WaW? Will all the campaigns be upgraded to PSE?
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