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Wild Bill Wilder

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Everything posted by Wild Bill Wilder

  1. Thanks Ray! Thanks to all of you. You have rejuvenated an old warrior's enthusiasm. As for working with other companies, as a matter of fact, I have. There was the old small Novastar Company, then SSI (all SP series with a complete expansion disk for SP2, and work on Panzer Commander), Talonsoft (EF, RS, TOAW I & II), and now Matrix Games, a newly forming gaming company comprised of all wargaming nuts like you and I. Some of this work was for money but most has been "pro bono" up until now. I think I would do this if I never earned a penny because it is so much fun and such a great learning experience. Then there is the worldwide camaraderie, which goes beyond political and cultural boundaries. I have friends and colleagues all over the world. Who would have thought that possible twenty years ago? At my age now I don't know how much longer I will continue. I feel good, though, knowing that the wargaming community is alive and well and the new genre of wargamers are so knowledgeable that the challenge is greater than ever. I'll be passing the torch to some of the finest people in the world and that makes me feel good...but not quite yet ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  2. You did a good job on that one, Keith, very suggestive theme and put together well too. Wild Bill ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  3. Kevin, your e-mail address does not work apparently. My note to you was returned as undeliverable. Wild Bill
  4. I was reading a thread in the scenario tips section and it got me to rethinking an interesting subject about scenarios. I am curious. What is your personal taste as far as scenario size and length? Of course I know 60 turns equals 60 minutes and some scenarios demand just that many turns to properly develop. I like the longer ones occasionally, but in my personal play I prefer the shorter ones, usually 25-35 turns, with an occasional "quickie" (10-20 turns). My own reasoning is that I don't like to leave a battle and then come back to it. I prefer to start and finish it in one sitting. Time constraints are always a problem for me as a player just as they were for battlefield commanders. Of course, whatever the scenario length, one does want enough time to develop his plan of action. But then, time is often a factor in war. Commanders have always been pressured to get it done, to move on, to get the job done. The "top dogs" are under pressure to "get the war over with," and this passes down the chain of command to the battlefield commander, whose caution is sometimes reprimanded by those above him as being too slow, as holding up the advance, etc. So in conclusion, what size or time frame do you prefer in scenarios that you play? ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  5. I just read the post on the new scenario, Heroes at Dawn. Sounds intriguing. I will give it a looksee. Doo mentioned the fact that he likes a 60 turn scenario. I found that quite interesting. I am wondering about how the rest of you feel about scenario length. We have touched upon this before but a lot of new folks have joined us since then. I am curious. What is your personal taste as far as scenario size and length? Of course I know 60 turns equals 60 minutes and some scenarios demand just that many turns to properly develop. I like the longer ones occasionally, but in my personal play I prefer the shorter ones, usually 25-35 turns, with an occasional "quickie" (10-20 turns). My own reasoning is that I don't like to leave a battle and then come back to it. I prefer to start and finish it in one sitting. Time constraints are always a problem for me as a player just as they were for battlefield commanders. Of course, whatever the scenario length, one does want enough time to develop his plan of action. But then, time is often a factor in war. Commanders have always been pressured to get it done, to move on, to get the job done. The "top dogs" are under pressure to "get the war over with," and this passes down the chain of command to the battlefield commander, whose caution is sometimes reprimanded by those above him as being too slow, as holding up the advance, etc. So in conclusion, what size or time frame do you prefer in scenarios that you play? ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  6. Kevin, I dropped you an e-mail. Pascal, anyone who takes on Theophile is a brave soul. This man has all the French passion and a good knowledge of war. Better you than me! Theophile, you old warhorse! It's very good to hear from you. Glad to see you are in the CM arena. I am constantly pleasantly surprised at seeing old friends into this great new wargame. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  7. This encouragement is awesome and very humbling. You know, when one if cracking away on a battle, getting frustrated with the process, remembering these very generous accolades is a great incentive to continue. It's a part of human nature to want to be appreciated for one's efforts. This is all very nice both for me and even those beginning to do scenario design. And for all those jumping into the waters of scenario design, such as you, Pathfinder, I wish you all the best of luck in your efforts. I'll try to have a new one up for you this week. I'll announce it's location. And just so you known, Kevin Kinscherf, who has been kind enough to do the new Boots N' Tracks page (CM section on the Wild Bill's Raiders site - http://wbr.thegamers.net ) will have a new page with new scenarios going up any day now. We will keep you posted. There are three or four brand new ones going up on the site, including the "Bridgehead at Benicourt" battle. Keep watching. It's close. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  8. I'd be happy to take a look at one of your maps, anytime, Groundpounder! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  9. Nope! I'm afraid not, Pillar. I volunteered my services as did many others and it was a privilege to work with Steve, Charles, and all the rest of the beta team. I have continued here on the forum in order to back up my contributions and get the feedback on my work which is very important to me. I also enjoy the company . with the positive responses from all of you, however, I feel well compensated for my time and effort. If I have made a positive contribution to a hobby that I enjoy so much, that means a great deal to me personally. Now if the day ever comes, I'm not averse to taking money! I have no problem with that at all! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  10. Wow! I'm greatful! Very greatful. So...you were in Montelimar. I will be expecting reports from you on the operation directly, Chupacabra. Nothing like being there. That is great! We'll keep it going guys, as long as the interest is there. Wild Bill ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  11. I do have my "evil" moments, Chupacabra! I see you have overcome them Thank you very much! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  12. Have you noticed the thread on the Scenario Talk section about a companion disk of more scenarios and operations? This could be a resolution of this request, at least in part. About the only thing I could see here would be an updated version of the current CMBO with some features that the current version does not have. That too, could be included (IF it were done) in a companion disk to CMBO. Just a thought. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  13. Gentlemen, your responses to the scenarios and operations that the design group included with the game have been most gratifying. As though of you who have gotten into scenario design already know, it is a long and sometimes painful process. It means the investment of a lot of time. When your response is so postive, it makes it all worth while. And I personally want to thank you for your support of my own efforts. To date I've been able to come up with around 20 scenarios and 2 Operations since the publication of the game. That plus the 16 or so that came with the game makes for a "heap" of fighting. Your suggestions, positive criticisms and comments have been both helpful and encouraging for this old warrior. You're a great group of gamers! And what is coming? Well, I've got a few simmering on the fire even now. The Road to Manhay, quick play, small scenario. To the Last Man, fierce German defense of a small town near Sword Beach. Melee at Marvie, German attack to get to Bastogne and it's encounter with a US TF. The Wrong Hill, encounter between Canadians and Meyer's panzers. Bridgehead at Benicourt, German counterattack against advancing American armor and infantry Blood and Bocage a deadly game of hide and seek in the hedgerows in June, 44...an outdoor version of Vossenack - A Second Job. One Operation: Task Force Butler at Montelimar - 5 battles as TF Butler encounters Germans of the 11th Panzer Division in southern France. These will be posted at various sites during the next few weeks. I'll keep you posted here if you wish. One more thing. Thanks to all the testers for their fine work. They are the guts of making these scenarios work for you. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  14. Gentlemen, your responses to the scenarios and operations that the design group included with the game have been most gratifying. As though of you who have gotten into scenario design already know, it is a long and sometimes painful process. It means the investment of a lot of time. When your response is so postive, it makes it all worth while. And I personally want to thank you for your support of my own efforts. To date I've been able to come up with around 20 scenarios and 2 Operations since the publication of the game. That plus the 16 or so that came with the game makes for a "heap" of fighting. Your suggestions, positive criticisms and comments have been both helpful and encouraging for this old warrior. You're a great group of gamers! And what is coming? Well, I've got a few simmering on the fire even now. The Road to Manhay, quick play, small scenario. To the Last Man, fierce German defense of a small town near Sword Beach. Melee at Marvie, German attack to get to Bastogne and it's encounter with a US TF. The Wrong Hill, encounter between Canadians and Meyer's panzers. Bridgehead at Benicourt, German counterattack against advancing American armor and infantry Blood and Bocage a deadly game of hide and seek in the hedgerows in June, 44...an outdoor version of Vossenack - A Second Job. One Operation: Task Force Butler at Montelimar - 5 battles as TF Butler encounters Germans of the 11th Panzer Division in southern France. These will be posted at various sites during the next few weeks. I'll keep you posted here if you wish. One more thing. Thanks to all the testers for their fine work. They are the guts of making these scenarios work for you. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  15. Groundpounder has it right, D Trooper! You'll find literally hundreds of scenarios and a few operations for the game at the site he has mentioned. Be advised, it gets a lot of visitors and is slow loading. The best times to hit it are early and late when traffic dies down a bit. Get some of them. You'll be glad ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  16. My turn to say thanks, Louie. This is a very unique approach to playing a battle. I like it. It undoubtedly shows something of the confusion that also could exist with units under a separate command, coordination, etc. Well done! And thanks for the kind words on the scenario. It is still one of my own personal favorites and offers replays for varying strategies from both sides. I'll see if I can find a Princess to send your way ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  17. You should not change the extensions, Rifle. They are there for a reason. The *.cmc means that it is an operation or campaign, multiple battle type file. The *.cmb extension means it is a single battle. Be sure all of your cmb and cmc files are in the scenarios subdirectory. If so, they should be visible in the list. Remember, to see a cmc file, you must change your selection button from scenarios to operations, top right hand corner of selecting battle screen. I would recommend that those you have changed you change back. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  18. I've posted this list before on this forum, but I'll do it again for you, Warmonger. These are books to which I often refer both for good history and situations for scenario creation. I hope it helps you....Wild Bill ----------------------- Books for Ideas for Scenarios – Combat Mission The US Army in World War II Series, publisher: US Govt Printing Office Cross Channel Attack Breakout and Pursuit Siegfried Line Riviera to the Rhine Lorraine Campaign Battle of the Bulge The Last Offensive GENERAL There’s a War to be Won, Perret Delivered from Evil, Leckie Heroes of World War II, Murphy Battles and Battlescenes from WW2 Daring to Win, Eshel Bravery in Battle, Eshel Tank Aces, Zumbro Tank Aces, Forty Iron Cavalry, Zumbro Tank Commanders, Forty Clash of Chariots, Donnely and Naylor D-Day Operation Overlord Series (4), Order of Battle, Christopher Chant, editor Swords and Plowshares, Maxwell D. Taylor The 101st Airborne at Normandy, Bando Band of Brothers, Ambrose Overlord, Hastings D-Day, Ambrose NORMANDY Panzertruppen II, Jentz Churchill’s Desert Rats-Normandy to Berlin, Delaforce Invasion! They’re Coming, Carell Panzers in Normandy, Then and Now, Lefevre Normandy, Essame Death Traps, Cooper Beyond the Beachhead, Balkoski Six Armies in Normandy, Keegan Steel Inferno, Reynolds The 12th SS Panzer Division, Walther The Blood Soaked Soil, Williamson Hell on Wheels, Houston Strike Swiftly, Jensen FRANCE The View from the Turret, Folkestad St. Lo, Us Army Historical Division The Clay Pigeons of St. Lo, Johns Against the Panzers, Karamales MARKET GARDEN-WEST WALL Operation Dragoon, Bruer Death of a Nazi Army, Bruer August, 1944, Miller A Bridge too Far, Ryan Division Commander, Miller THE ARDENNES A Dark and Bloody Ground, Miller Battle of the Bulge, Parker Bastogne, the First Eight Days, Marshall Hitler’s Last Gamble, Dupuy The Devil’s Adjutant, Reynolds A Time for Trumpets, MacDonald A Blood Dimmed Tide, Astor Bastogne and the Ardennes Offensive, Arend FINAL BATTLES Battle of the Ruhr Pocket, Whiting One More River, Allen These have all proven to be a big help to me. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  19. I am very impressed with your layout and design group staff. Your scenario selection looks good. Easy to find and maneuver. You did mispell Coming Soon...You have "Comming Soon." I can live with it. Nice start. Good luck Wild Bill ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com [This message has been edited by Wild Bill Wilder (edited 10-22-2000).]
  20. Nice screen shots, Sparky, well at least the graphics are good Remember, these are not just Tigers, they are King Tigers, heavier armor, bigger gun, a very formidable opponent for the Sherman. AS Airborne suggests, you have to gang up on a King Tiger with Shermans, isolate it and hit it from various directions at once. A one on one confrontation will most likely turn your Sherman into a Krispy Kritter ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  21. I think I would be too easy an opponent for you, Pascal! I love to play but I am not the strong opponent that you would need. I'd put you to sleep while you leisurely kicked my butt. Your idea is a good one, and I think it will work well. But you can playtest it if you wish. No problem there....Wild Bill ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  22. Looks Hollywood to me,Doo. Now that one does mirror the moment.And in the Alamo!...WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  23. I haven't forgotten...just so you know...WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  24. Thanks for the update, Wayne. That was kind of you, but I'm going to hold on to my puny pennies. This is not the SL I remember and love... ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com [This message has been edited by Wild Bill Wilder (edited 10-19-2000).]
  25. Look for Blood and Bocage Scenario which I hope to release in about two weeks, Pacal. I took your idea and did something with it. Thanks! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
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