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Wild Bill Wilder

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Everything posted by Wild Bill Wilder

  1. Claustrophobia! Seriously, I would have no idea why that is. I'm sure the more technically inclined in the beta group might have an answer... ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  2. A simple fix. I simply advanced the turn of entry from turn 7 to turn 5. This plays better even with the left hook option you guys have mentioned. Thanks for letting me know.. I'll post a revision or you can go into the editor, click on units, German reinforcements #2 and change the turn of entry to 5. Then save and its done. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  3. Thanks Actor. Col. HT, the problem comes from the Germans infiltrating on your right flank probably and reaching the edge of the map. From the hill on your right, some of the Germans move straight down and around Noville. Even though you trounced them, they got past you. CMHQ can be found at http://combathq.thegamers.net/depot.html That takes you directly to the depot. It is a long wait sometimes. If you wish, I'll send a copy of the revision directly to you. Just post a note here saying it is okay. Wild Bill To avoid this problem, the operation has been redone and does not suffer that problem now. It can be downloaded from CMHQ as Actor said. I have also requested BTS to post a zip file containing this operation, a revised Carentan and a few other scenarios that have been fixed (Nijmegen, Elsdorf, Ham and Jam) so that they play better for you. I do hope that they will post this soon. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  4. Most likely you are right. This can be fixed. I'll probably post an update on it later. We are asking BTS to post a zip file containing all scenarios updated that came on the disk so you can have the latest versions. That should be ready soon. Thanks for all the comments and suggestions. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  5. Bring 'em on...the warriors are restless! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  6. If he's good, they most likely will be, Panzer Man. The AI is occasionally a little too cautious, even when set to be highly aggressive. I won't say more. I don't want to "spoil" it Pascal, you are very kind. Thanks. I'm the first to admit that I'm just a hopelessly addicted wargamer and a lover of military history, nothing more. Experience, trial and error and a lot of practice have brought me to where I am (whereever that might be ) Your idea is a fantastic one. Yes, there were battles just like that in the hedgerows. I'll start researching tonight for just such a battle. Thanks for the idea! That is a good one! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  7. My pleasure Pascal. We all have "bad days" on the battlefield, believe me! And I guess that is what makes CM so exciting! The most careful planning can often hinge on a Stug or a Schreck team. Something goes wrong, the plan goes awry. I appreciate your confidence, my friend. You know i am always ready to listen and learn. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  8. You did move fast Aaron, you too Von Brizee. In testing, the turn of entry seemed appropriate for the testers. Of course, I never realized what type of gut-stomping, hell bent for leather players were out there or how good they would be I'll be happy to take a fresh look at it. I appreciate your comments. I want them to be the best that they can be. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  9. I had this one well tested, even in 2 player mode. Actually the 2 player mode is best for this one. The forces are actually very even as you may want to check in the editor (after you finish your play). So are the distances to the objectives. I'm not saying you are not playing well, by no means. I honestly don't think it is the scenario, however. Sounds like you are up against a formidable opponent. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  10. Nice Start King! You picked some good ones to get the feel of things. Looks like you are doing pretty good to me. I hope you continue to enjoy it. The comments and feedback are always appreciated! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  11. Thank you Em! One of my all time favorites too. The ambience of uncertainty is nail-biting and it is not an easy one to win. At least for me. Glad you enjoyed it... ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  12. Madmatt's suggestion of opening the operation or even a scenario to make some adaptations to fit your needs or philosophy of battle is a very good one. This is a very good alternative to a frustrating situation that some of you may have encountered in a scenario or operation. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  13. I don't fully understand the computer mechanics of how new start lines are established in operations, Pak40, but I must agree with you here. Ground gained should be ground kept for the next battle. If losses were heavy for the attacker or the defender, however, in the battle, I can see where the force might withdraw just a tad to reorganize. On the other hand, it appears historically in a lot of case that ground held at the cost of blood was not easily relinquished after the firefight. Why fight and die for ground only then to willingly step back some 200 meters? I don't think that is how it was (with maybe a rare exception). ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  14. This is for you Flyingcursor (right?) and anyone else interested. There will always be negative critics (you know the difference of course), gainsayers, and folks who will disagree with what you are doing. You will find within the gaming community those who are never pleased with your efforts or your ideas. I call this the "vociferous minority." I'm not being critical. I am just stating the facts. You need to work within a framework that is comfortable for you. A good scenario or operation has a good "feel" to it. When you get it right, it's fun. It's challenging. And when it feels real good to you, it most likely will to others. As you know, I've done rather extensive scenario designing for both TOAW and TOAWII. I did not please everyone. I didn't think that I would. By and large, however, they were well accepted and enjoyed by a lot of TOAW gamers. That was good enough for me. That is why I did them. So do your scenarios in your own style with your own personal touches. Test them. Get others to test them. Fine tune them and get them out to the public. I look forward to seeing your handiwork. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  15. That is a good suggestion, dfg. I don't know of anyone who has produced sucha a document. In reality, the designers pretty well laid out the general OOB of units of to company level, which is a nice feature. What I lament sometimes is the lack of ability to doctor these units sometimes. You can do some things. Some you can't. I'm going to lobby strongly for some change here. There are books out there that give these TOEs for the different countries. The fascinating thing is that almost none of them agree as to the details. And of course, a weapons platoon usually attached its units to the rifle platoons for support. But here, I am diverging to an entirely different subject. I too love historical scenarios, as close as they can be and still be playable. I strive for that in most of the ones I have done, with the exception of a few "hypos" such as SPR. I admire greatly the efforts of Keith and so many other great designers out there who aim for a good historical recreation. I played Indian Fighting and enjoyed it very much. There is a place for all of them, hypothetical and historical, as long as they are fun and challenging. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  16. Even an accurate historical recreation of a battle never guarantees the same ending, Coe. In fact, many battles, if the hands of time could be turned back, might have had entirely different endings if fought again. Victory in war often comes from what some would consider a string of insignificant events in themselves, but put together form a recipe for victory or disaster. No better example than the Battle of Midway, where so many "little" things changed the course of the war in the Pacific. You can mirror a battle. You cannot mirror the outcome. Another agony for the scenario designer Wild Bill
  17. To really comment accurately, Horncastle, I would have to look at the scenario. Some factors can influence a scenario's outcome without changing the units. 1. A unit's capability (from green or regulart to elite, etc.) (The reverse is also true, weakening the attacking units capabilties) 2. Terrain, including strongpoints. 3. Mines, well placed, create havoc and are historical. 4. Game length, forcing the stronger side to take chances (this is historical, by the way) 5. Making some units reinforecments, thus weakening the initial attacking force. All of these tools can be used to help create more balance. I hope these suggestions help you. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com [This message has been edited by Wild Bill Wilder (edited 10-10-2000).]
  18. I'll give it a shot guys. It has been on my mind for some time. You never know. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  19. "I seen a rubber band, I seen a one night stand, but I be done seen about evurethin' when I see an ....... " They say anything is possible in war. These could possibly be called "Flying Tigers" Forgive me David and guys...it is 5 AM and I still have not gone to bed yet. I guess rationality leaves you after 3AM Good night!...WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  20. A great idea, and why not throw in a dozen or so brand new scenarios and say, two new operations. Might as well get your money's worth ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  21. Oh yes, Flying Cursor. Sooner or later, you'll have to improvise to one degree or another. A totally historical scenario in reality is impossible. Who knows how many trees there were in the fields, precisely what weapons each unit carried. Did they have satchel charges? And how many men really were in each squad? And what was the nature of each tank commander? Retiring or brash? And what was the name of each platoon leader, each squad leader? And are there ruts in that road on the map? Height levels, precise unit locations, dozens of things that make itimpossible to have an "exact" historical recreation. Save yourself that frustration, Cursor. One thing you always want to aim for, the "feel" of the battle. If you can convey that and still stay within the general parameters of the fight, you'll always do well. Mixing historicity with playability has always been the ultimate dilemma for the scenario/operations designer and it always will be. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  22. "CUT! CUT! " "Where did you get these nincompoops! Can't they read a script? " ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  23. Hey Spook! Don't you hate it when you've been fighting for your life for 10 turns and then a P-51 comes along and kills the very troops you've been trying to save ? It does spoil an otherwise nice day. Now THAT would have been an unusual ending, totally "un-Spielberg" I'm delighted you enjoyed it. It's Hollywood, no doubt, but even that can be fun on occasion. Over 1600 downloads would seem to verify that point Wild Bill ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  24. Faust, my friend, the procedure has been properly outlined in these other posts and there is little left to say. But I'm wondering if your problem has been properly addressed as yet. So here we go. I'm personally not sure just how reserves work in an operation. I've never used it. In an operation, what are reinforcement slots in a scenario now become battle slots. Look at the wording and you'll see they are now subsequent battle slots. To my knowledge, you can't have reinforcements in an operation, just battles, one after the other. I hope this is helpful. Now as to the original problem, I'm not sure I understand the situation. You started a map for an operation, right? Did you click on the button new operaton or new scenario? When you saved it, what did you name it? You had to give it a name. If you made the map under the new operation button, it has a cmc extension. It is still in the scenarios directory of the game, just as the battles are. There is not a separate directory for operations. Scroll through scenarios to look for it, if that is where you saved it? Did you save it in saved games or in scenarios subdirectory? We're talking the editor now, not the game. Standing by... ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  25. Glad I could be of service, Kingfish. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
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