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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. the top hit thing i get quite alot when my tanks get fired upon by infantry so i think its the top hatch getting hit (i rarely get it on the panther with the slide open tophatch either so i genuinely think this is the thing)

    as for the other issue... maby theyre just so "in the moment" that they didnt reflect on the fact that their TC and Radioman both died...

    some react differently than flee/hide when faced with danger, some simply lash out and that might be whats happening...

  2. Correct, CM is not for everybody. My advice for someone who's gone through the manual and the Tutorial, but still can't figure out how to do much with the game, probably needs to move onto something else. I could stare at differential equations all day long, with some sort of Math for Dummies book in hand, and I'd still not get it. And why would I want to when there's so many other things to do with my time that I would enjoy for sure. Math just isn't my strong suit. Fortunately, this is not true for Charles and Phil :)

    Being unable to play CM says nothing about intelligence. I'm sure there's rocket scientists, nuclear physicist, and nobel prize winning biologists that couldn't do squat with CM no matter how hard they ry. There are plenty of extremely stupid people that play CM quite well. Of course I speak of the Peng Challenge thread as prime evidence :D (I kid because I care!). Therefore, there's no shame in finding CM to be too difficult to play, nor pride in finding it to be easily mastered. It's all about finding what is enjoyable to one's own sense of self and tell the rest of the world to feck off if they don't agree. That's what we wargamers have been doing for decades :)


    truer words have not been spoken.

  3. soon anyway (damned slow repository!)

    updated with new engine sounds and a few other goodies.

    also included a load of alternative engine sounds, so feel free to pick and choose.

    EDIT: quick update: i realised i had used the wrong file as the main medium tracked vehicle sound, so if you want a better soud for that id recommend using the alt1 or alt3 sound.

    the one ive used right now is way too low in noise levels for me.

  4. Just like old times. Looking forward to it!

    Refresh my memory: was that you I once made a small arms texture for, in exchange for a "Mama Mia, that's-a spicy meat-a ball!" soundfile?

    hehehe i honestly dont remember, but it sounds like me :P

    glad ya'll like my sounds, ill put some effort into scrounging up more engine sounds and some little other sounds (feels wierd when theres nowhere near the ammount of weapon sounds there were in CMx1... feels like im forgetting some sounds)

  5. Yeah, slow just moves them slow... they engage targets, but dont slow down, or stop whilst doing so (but hopefully have better accuracy than if moving faster than slow).

    I really miss the old hunt command that meant "drive there and stop to engage everything you see on the way"

    maby it got redesigned due to the game series going into modern warfare where vehicles can fire on the move and the need for such a command was no longer needed, so replaced with a "move until contact" command.

    But we need the old one back. Hunt is no longer Hunt, its move to contact.

    And its more or less completely useless for AFV's since they even stop (and "forgets" all subsequent move orders) even if they see a lowly tank crewman running across the road at 1000 meters :(

    It is especially crucial for us WEGO players since the current hunt command can render a vehicle (or even a whole column of vehicles) useless for up to 60 seconds, but issuing a move/slow/fast/quick command can be completely fatal since you have no control over the vehicle if it does make contact.


  6. bang_affischliten_99320611.jpg

    So the first iteration of the Oddballs Soundmod Mk1 (aka Ze brozer of ze fazer of ze soundmod) is now uploaded to the repository...

    it will take a few hours before it shows up im told, so just wait patiently and let these videos help you decide if you want this mod or not (note, only weaponsounds have been changed in these videos, there are far more sounds in the mod)

  7. Currently uploading 4 vids on youtube that show off (well, sound off more likely) the sounds of M1 garands, Mausers (same sound as the garand unfortunately), MP40 (same as tommygun), MG42, StG44, M1919 (same as MG34), 50mm AT-gun and explosions...

    that should be enough to make a decision on wether you like the mod or not :D

    as for the mod itself, it is largely done (gunfire and explosions) but im waiting for permission from vein to use some of his sounds in my mod since you cant use both (unless you are a little mod-savvy)

  8. Another tactic is to garrison the second row of buildings in a town, leaving the ones facing the enemy line lightly manned with (sporadically hiding) scouts. On the downside one forfeits some juicy LOS opportunities.

    I usually do a variant of this, but i place MG/HMG teams in the best frontline buildings (and spotters to act as scouts) and pull back when the enemy is nearing the 200-300 meters mark...

    usually my opponent (wether man or AI) rushes the buildings with a somewhat large force to dominate whoever they think is in there, but instead get butchered by the teams i have in the building behind the first ones...

  9. Dont know if any of you remember me from the old CMx1 days, but im working on a new soundmod for CMBN with new (as in i havent rehashed my old sounds) sounds that i think fit quite well...

    Ive still used some of my old cannon sounds, and i might use explosions and deathscreams from my old mod (havent tried them out in comparison with my new sounds yet).

    anyway, just thought id gauge interest before i bother to actually upload something :D

    ps. ill fraps some action and put it up on youtube and link it here soon. (like in the next days or so, but i have to go to a funeral first)

    UPDATE: small sneak preview here (all you can hear in this clip is a 37mm, a 20mm, a few pistols, an MP40 and a coax mg)


    disclaimer: i am currently using Veins soundmod beneath my soundmod so alot of the sounds that are NOT gunfire/canonfire that you hear are from his mod.

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