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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. First, let me start off by saying that I realize the folly of asking if I should buy a game, on the games forums.

    But I'm not looking for unbiased opinions here.

    I'll lay out the scenario for you here:

    1: I have been unemployed for a long time.

    2: I currently have a job (of sorts) giving me a not-so-decent salary, but it is enough for me to spend a bit on games (since i have no other "vices").

    3: The job will most likely only last until the middle of October, after that I might be unemployed again and without benefits (unless I find another job before that)

    So. The question is this: Having just bought CMBN again (the bundle this time) and fallen back in love with the games, should I spend that "little extra" to buy the CMFI bundle?

    On the one hand, I already have CMBN and I could probably play that for a long while without having the urge to get another game.

    But on the other hand, the 75$ ill spend on the CMFI bundle wouldnt do me much good once I am unemployed anyway, so its not like I'll be teetering on the edge of starvation if I choose to buy the game.

    So I guess what I'm asking is this: Is it worth the money or is it basically just CMBN with different tanks? :P

  2. Right, so some of you (like 1 or 2 of you) might have noticed my late return to the game.

    I have been pointed to some great soundmods and some great graphic mod compilations.

    But i now face the largest, most dreary drudge of them all.

    I have to sort through all the missions released to find the good ones...

    Anyone have any advice for me there?

    Is there a good scenario download page everyone uses with ratings and such?

    Or is it just the repository and greenasjade?

    Neither fill my needs for a good ratings system (IMHO).

  3. FWIW, I've enjoyed your sound mod Oddball. I still use parts of it in my personal medley.


    Glad to hear it :)

    And to be honest, i also use parts of it in my personal medley... but its only the cannon shots.

    Almost all of the rest is Wracklaws(sp?) and bits of the SFX1.25 mod.


    Now... if someone could point me to a practical collection of the best maps and battles out there, that'd be swell :)

  4. Ok, so i recently started playing again. Got 2.0 and commonwealth.

    I alreayd have the two major soundmods so i can cherrypick my sounds :)

    (and any that i dont find i like, i can just add my own, its not like it would be the first time :P)

    BUT, what are the "must have" texture mods out there? the repository is just so large and its hard finding those pearls that are hidden in there...

    Give an old man some help here :)

  5. @Oddball_E8, I Don't think you need to purchase CMBN again ... I believe you can just purchase the upgrade for $10.00 ....

    Another consideration is that the MG module will be coming out soon :rolleyes: which I'm guessing you'll be able to purchase at the standard module price of $35.00. This should also upgrade your CMBN to the current release.

    Well poop... i just spent 103$ on the CM:BN/Commonwealth bundle and then the 2.0 upgrade :(

    oh well... live and learn or something... (aka. i wont be buying MG any time soon :/ )

  6. I have tried, as far as I know, every sound mod out there. I've spent several months with them. Each are good and have their great points.

    Right now I am preferring the latest and shiniest, I don't know if it has to do with actual sound quality or simply the fact that it is new and thus interesting to the ear. Or the fact that I upgraded my sound gear. :D

    Still got all of them on my HD.

    Also, it's always fun when someone comes out of lurking and posts again.

    Yes, im thinking about buying CM:BN again (since my old purchase was only for the 1.0 version) now that i have a job.

    But im also wondering about CM:FI... oh decisions decisions...

    And it doesnt help that im re-watching band of brothers :/

  7. The AI might be dumber in QB's which I do not generally play, but I would disagree with that if you are playing a scenario where someone that knows how to program the AI to play has done the job. I have found that AI to play as a much more challenging opponant than back in the CMX1 days. Actually cmX1 was a real joke once you played it a few times and understood its weaknesses..

    Not all games, but some that I have played in the new campaigns can be really a good test and there is actions at times that you would think you were actually playing someone with intelligence on the other side. So I feel it has improved Yes, will it still do stypid things yes. I have rolled up on a platoon of tanks with their ass end towards me and the AI does not seen to care much about it.

    Im talking about the TacAI, not the larger-scale AI (but i agree that that is kinda underwhelming when playing quickbattles, witch i rarely do)

    I wonder which tank are people are having such difficulty grasping the capabilities that they require pages of charts and graphs. Sherman, Tiger, Panther, PzIV, Stuart. It's not like you're fighting against the T72M1V TURMS-T firing the AT-11 barrel-launched anti-tank missile. And in that case the combination of exotic armor types & exotic weaponry makes traditional charts & graphs meaningless anyway.

    Again, not everyone that starts playing CM:BN has played this kind of game before and excluding them simply because they dont "already know" about tanks' strengths and weaknesses is bad business.

    To you and me its very common knowledge that the panther had a shot trap and that you really should keep its front to the enemy. But to average joe out there that has no previous knowledge other than "the tiger tank was the baddest tank out there evah" its not that apparant what strenghts and weaknesses a Panther tank has. Nor does it mean that he knows the differences between the different models of tanks, witch may very well confuse him utterly.

  8. I would've figured anyone over the age of sixteen would already have a pretty good handle on armor levels on WWII tanks. What's an on-screen graphic representation going to tell you about Panther armor that you don't already know?

    not everybody's a grog... i remember that when i started playing CM:BO i thought i was rather well-versed in WWII, but i was proven wrong...

    and the fact that the armor and penetration info was right there in the game helped me alot.

    but now its gone and replaced by (IMHO) woefully inadequate symbols that give a fuzzy general idea of what a tank can fight effectively against...

    i cant help but feel that BFC (who i still love) have dumbed down the game some since the old days.

    not in the way of making the game "arcadey" or anything like that, but more like assuming people know armor values or just dont care about stuff like that.

    that and the fact that the AI seems dumber (but thats probarbly just because of the more detailed enviroment) and the fact that the game seems more geared towards realtime play than WeGo (old hunt order anyone?)

  9. I don't think so. First of all, you don't want to halt and shoot until the enemy that appeared is dead. You want to stop, shoot once, then move on (otherwise you would use hunt, you are on the move here). Second, if you do this then there is a high chance of more vehicles that count for the armour arc appearing. Third, this produces exactly the traffic jam you need to avoid. Remember traffic jams in CMx2 are much worse than in CMx1.

    This is a move order, for a whole column. Realistically you have enough spacing between the tanks that they can stop, fire and then move on without bringing the whole column to a halt. "Hunt" is an entirely different thing. In the real world, no tank force ever went anywhere if everybody was on "hunt" all the time.

    on the other hand, no tank force during world war 2 just kept on going when they encountered an enemy just because they were moving in a column...

    the problem isnt that the first tank stops, its that the tanks behind him dont realise he has stopped for a reason, and subsequently tries to drive around him in strange and unwieldy paths.

  10. Someone will correct me if I am wrong, but, as I understand it, the skill levels do not affect the accuracy of tanks (or infantry) at all. The skill levels mostly affect Fog of War and how fast you can call in artillery strikes. At the lower skill levels, artillery will arrive faster than it realistically should.

    i do believe you are talking about two different things.

    i think he is referring to the skill of the soldiers/crew (conscript, green, regular, veteran, crack or elite) whilst you are referring to the difficulty level of the game (basic training, warrior, veteran, elite and iron).

    two completely different things...

  11. I have, but only when in extreme situations (like they are panicked and theyre firing on unknown enemies)

    i think the problem in the game is that every shot (or burst) is an aimed shot.

    so the problem isnt the rate of fire, its the target aquisition of the game.

    in order for a soldier in the game to shoot it has to have a clear and specific target. It never fires on "a group" of enemies, it always fires on a specific target. Even if it has a machinegun and has 20 enemies in a close group infront of him.

    what "should" be added is some of the random fire we get when enemies are no longer visible. Add something like that into the mix when there actually are enemies and things would be different.

  12. you are right combat mission is all about realism but you said it already in your post... a real human is able to fire faster with bolt action rifles than provided in game (at least in special situations) and i also want to add that in certain cirumstances you can fire much faster with an mg42 or an 30 cal mg than provided ingame. so if you want realistic behaviour you have to change all weapon firing rates and not (to cover all real world conditions) only the semi automatic guns...but the problem is in my perspective that you could not provide 100% real world conditions (even not in a game as cmbn).

    the best thing would be to run firing rate tests for all weapons ingame and compare them to real world firing rates (covering all possible conditions). but i will not be the one who run this tests... ;-)

    there was allready a thread some time ago covering the matter that mg42 hmg ingame has a too low firing rate in certain circumstances... and as far as i know the thread back then hasnt convinced the designers to change something on the firing rate of hmgs.

    I hope you understand what i want to say... to conclude... if you provide real world firing rate for all situations for semi automatic guns you also have to provide real world firing rates for all other guns...otherwise it would be "unbalanced".

    like i said, the MG42 (and all other full-auto weapons in the game) can actually fire at their full auto (ie. not in bursts) in certain situations in the game. In those same situations, semi-auto weapons should also be able to fire faster than 1 shot per second.

    as for firing "faster" with full auto weapons, thats just not possible, they have a set rate of fire (in real life too) that just isnt possible to fire faster than. But i hope you understand that already.

  13. hm the problem might be that if you change the fire rate for allied semi automatic rifles than you should/must also change the fire rate of all other guns ingame to provide game balance. for example you could also fire much faster with an mg42, if you are in trouble, as it is represented ingame. and for the bolt action kar98k... my granddad was in the french foreign legion in the indochina war/vietnam (dien bien phu) before the amercians were there. they had also a french bolt action rifle this time. he bought one of them when he got home and later he showed me some firing stuff with it. and man...i`ve never expected that you could shoot this fast with a bolt action rifle if you are good with it. i had no watch to stop the time but it was much faster than everything represented ingame. all i want to say in conclusion is that i`ve the feeling the game provides some good balance from what i`ve seen (of course you could fire much faster with every gun when you want to) and if you change only one or two fire rates the balance might be damaged. If you change it than you must change it for all guns ingame.

    its already been declared that automatic weapons DO fire faster when in specific situations (well they dont fire faster, but they fire in longer, uncontrolled bursts, sometimes even full auto)

    also, ive fired the mauser alot (the swedish homeguard i was part of only had access to mausers and a few AK4's (H&K G3) since we were low on the priority list) and i too know how to fire it fast, but you cant even compare firing a garand fast to firing the mauser fast.

    If you do the "quickfire" trick on the mauser you have absolutely zero accuracy, its only good for suppressive fire and then only if a full squad does it.

    TL;DR the only thing you would need to "balance" would be the few semi-auto weapons in the game wich is what this thread is about, its not solely about the Garand.

    EDIT: also, there is no such thing as "game balance" in the combat mission series... theres only realistic or not realistic.

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