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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. Evidence please? I've been intimately involved in CMBN's playtesting and I think that statement is a load of bollocks. I've seen this canard repeated too many times and I'm getting sick of it. Real Time is not polluting our previous bodily fluids.

    It's entirely possible that some people involved in development are primarily real time players and may have inadvertently created scenarios that play better in real time. I don't think it likely however, considering that reporting bugs generally requires you to play WEGO in order to get save game files where you can see the bug in action - kinda hard to do in RT.

    I think he is refering to user-made scenarios.

  2. Every change requires work. By Steve's own admission, there is a very very long list of "things that could be better". By extrapolation, your attitude would say the game is a worthless heap of half-assery. How much longer would you have liked to wait before they released the "perfect" game? 5 years? 10?

    oh i dont know... the engine has been out for 4 years already, and these RT vs WeGo problems have been known for almost the same amount of time.

    id say four years of development without any improvements on these points goes to show they are not even slightly prioritized.

    and just because i think parts of this game are not well done doesnt mean the whole game is half arsed... dont take my comments out of context.


    If you can remember, when it first came out, Wego was no longer even in the system. but so many complained, it was back in very shortly. but the design was based apon realtime concepts.

    so what? even IF they did design it for RT, and there was such a huge outcry for WeGo that they had to implement it, id say they have had time enough to change things so they work in WeGo as well as RT.

    half-arsing it is just not good enough.

  4. WTF??? This scenario is based on the very famous, secret, underground, maquis, nuclear factory at Normandy? ...fueled by the also dangerous apple rum, Calvados?

    does all scenarios have to take place in normandy?

    do they all have to be historical scenarios?

    you seem to be jumping to more than one conclusion here...

    most likely (since its not done yet, and he is using the repository to keep his map safe whilst mucking about with his computer i guess) it is a fictional scenario and not based in normandy.

  5. So far, ive found myself guessing where the enemy troops are quite easily...

    i will, however, go nuts about the fact that the AI can put his off-map artillery on my troops faster than i can put my on-map mortars on him :/

    it means i have to constantly relocate my troops, whitch is a pain in the arse and doesnt feel historically accurate to me (ive heard so many quotes from german generals about how envious they were of the americans fast artillery support)

  6. Ive noticed that the late version seems unaffected if you only mod the mid one...

    the early one does share the LOD with the mid one tho, but ive seen no turret and body swaps.

    all the late ones are the same every time i buy a tank battallion with panther A tanks.

    the early ones also go back to being their "old" self if i zoom close enough.

    (this is of course, using only the mid panther files, not the full mod, since this was an experiment)

    anyway, i think you can get away with only modding the early and mid Panther A. That way you will leave the late model open for further modding.

  7. I can affirm that soldiers DO in fact use their demo charges on tanks... but they have to be more or less in contact with them (ie. in the same "square" as they are) witch:

    A] means they have to expose themselves immensly

    B] means they usually die when the crew bails (since they seem to be inept at targeting the right person, ie the one that jumps out on THEIR side of the tank)

    C] tank hunter teams (and all other infantry with demo charges) are useless when they are in buildings since the tank will never be in the same square as them.

    also, using the "blast" command doesnt really work the same as when they throw their demo charges at the tanks.

    ive had no success using the blast command to take out tanks so far.

    I have, however, blown out entire building sides when trying to use the blast command from inside a building onto a tank, causing the unit to run out and use their panzerfausts :P (and subsequently dying because of other tanks in the vicinity seeing them)

    what i would like to have is a bit more range on not only demo charges, but grenades as well..

    trowing grenades at only distances of about 5 meters is suicide...

    id like to see automatic use of grenades and demo charges against tanks at distances of up to 15 meters.

  8. Pretty sure. Scipio's mod is thinner as it uses Crysis' flames. Mine started off using Crysis' flames but I found the flames too thin so whumpfed them up to be as wide as the texture allowed.

    allrightythen... im currently using your flame mod, but i havent payed much attention to the flaming tanks on the battlefield :P

  9. ok, lets see here, ive got the following:

    Bil's Ground-Gridded

    Marder IIIM Saturnin

    Mord's Immersive American Voice Mod

    Mord's No Music Mod

    Niessuh outer grid

    Hex shaped marker mod

    small fortification icons

    us helmet net

    my soundmod (duh!)

    Niessuh icon contact balkenkreuz

    Ramblers Weapons

    Veins Flames

    Veins Germans

    Veins tracers (short red)

    Juju's tweaked UI

    then i have a few i put together from CM:SF mods.

    Smoke, explosions and muzzleflashes (combined with veins new muzzleflash for CM:BN).

    also lensflares from CM:SF

    i know a few of those are veins and a few are from someone elses mod (but there arent that many so it should be easy to find them)

    also, someone put up some background sounds to use, but they put them up as .mp3's and suggested you use them separately in windows mediaplayer, but i converted a few of them to .wav's and replaced the originals.

    thats what ive got so far. sorry if i missed some names of the mod creators, but i just went off my z folder in the game.

  10. It seems to me that this would be a problem for a lot of players especially RT players where time is more critical and the player doesn't have the time to baby sit his tanks. Its possible, I suppose, for a tank to get into the aiming/rotating/firing loop on its own without a target ever being issued by the player. The tank acquires a target on its own attempts to fire but gets stuck in the loop and if the target happens to be a AT gun or another tank just sits there and gets taken out. Is there any attention being paid by Battlefront to the "aiming/rotating/firing loop" problem?

    actually, id say its more of a problem for WeGo players than RT players... since time is even more critical there.

    You give this order to a tank in RT and it doesnt fire, you can switch that order and move the tank at any time. (ie. babying your tank)

    You do the same in WeGo and you will have to sit there watching the tank do nothing for 60 minutes (and possibly die during that time) without being able to influence it at all...

    so it hurts WeGo players much much more than RT players.

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