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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. Oddball, you said there are old sounds like the "gun 7" and such. I have compiled my own custom sound mod made from lots of sound mods out there including yours. I basically compared each gun sound from the different mods, and cherry picked the one I liked best, or sounded most distinct. I like the most distinct as it makes it easier to tell which weapon is firing just from listening. The point I am getting to is that I probably have too many sounds slowing my machine. For example The “High Quality” sound mod has multiple sound files per gun. Is it safe to say that only having 1 sound per gun will make the game faster? Also, if the “gun 7” sounds are old does this mean they are not being used, and can be deleted? If so can you please put a list together of what gun sound files are obsolete, and can be deleted to improve game speed. Thanks.

    Deleting the unused sounds will not increase performance for you.

    Using multiple sound files for the same sound will not decrease performance (at least it does not for me) i think.

    If you are having problems with using soundmods, you probably should not use them.

    Or just use the weapon sounds and have stock vanilla sounds for everything else.

    And i would suggest using either JorgeMC's sounds or Akamesansan's (akame) mod since those seem to have shorter sounds (I think the length of the sounds tax the game alot more than the quality of them does).

    So if I were you, I would cherry pick my sounds from those two mods and only use the weapon sounds from them, leaving the rest vanilla.

    Hope that helps.

  2. OK, you were not talking about the in game sounds, but the sound of the guns "in real life", which to me are very different mainly because of rate of fire. I didn't realize that CMBN used a single shot sound bytes for automatic weapons and then just adjusts the rate of fire. I think that's fine so long as the shots sound similar like you said.

    Well try out my soundmod (or just use the Thompson sound from whatever soundmod you use and use it for the M3 as well) and listen to both a tommy gun and a grease gun being fired in-game.

    You will notice a difference.

    My point isn't that they have the exact same sound in real life, just that they are similar enough to use the same sound (especially since the M3 is really rare). To me the tommy gun has a slightly higher pitch in real life, but thats all.

    But some people here seem to think i want to change the game back to how it was with one sound for rifles, one for smg's and one for MG's...

    Also, on a sidenote, I have noticed that the game does alter the sounds a tiny bit (at least it seems that way) by chaning the pitch a tiny bit randomly.

  3. Of course it's not my position to tell people how to spend their money, but it's probably time for even a modest upgrade if one's computer struggles to run the game unmodded. It's not as if the series is exactly on the cutting edge of graphics and audio technology.

    You go ahead and tell BFC that they should alienate a portion of their customers because they cannot afford to upgrade their computers.

    See what they have to say about it.

    I doubt they will agree with you tho.

  4. Oddball, there's a very distinctive difference between the M3 and Thompson. The tone is slightly different but the main difference is the rate of fire.


    Yes. That is the exact same video i used to show that they sound nearly the same.

    And the rate of fire is incorporated in the game already, the sound does not affect that.

    You have to look at the sound shot for shot. As in single shot mode. Try to listen to only the actual shot, not the series of shots. Since rate of fire does change the sound a bit (both in real life and in the game) it is important to try to listen to only the sound of the last shot.

    I use the same sound for M3 and Thompson in my mod and it works fine, the rate of fire really does separate them audially.

  5. Quote:

    "Perhaps we should all start to make scenarios and campaigns. Personally I'm experimenting with it already. Still would like to have a campaign about the 12th and 1st SS in Normandy, but also about divisions like the 116th and 21st Panzer. If only it wasn't for those damn maps...That's why I was moaning about a number of standard maps like Villers-Bocage, Hill 112 and Carpiquet Airfield for CMBN some time ago. Would make it so much easier to launch new scenarios and campaigns."

    I totally agree with you Aragorn. I wished to have some more of these really huge and fantastic campaigns like Montebourg, Scottish Corridor etc. BUT, it is really a massive effort to create such "monsters". I have made two campaigns, each including 8 battles and it took me hundreds of hours. At the moment, I try to finish a mini-campaign of CMFI and I am able to give it 1-2 hours per day....and it doesn´t come to an end. In my opinion (and I told this to Battlefront ) , it is the time, to hire designers and to pay them for making campaigns/scenarios (which BF could sell as extra-packs for example) - otherwise, the lack of this stuff will be bigger and bigger, the more modules are released.



    Just a pet peeve here, but why don't you use the quote button when quoting someones post?

  6. And 3 new missions will come with the MG module (one of the maps is being used atm for the Beta AAR between C3K and Bil Hardenberger.

    Oh good, maby you could clarify if there are indeed low bocage in that scenario (there is a discussion about it in one of the AAR threads) since there shouldn't be any bocage at all in Holland (apparantly. I wouldn't know)

  7. I hope not. Bocage of any height was pretty much restricted to Normandy. I was kinda hoping there would be some intermediate hedges between the little "box hedge" type and "low bocage"; hedges that give substantial concealment but which don't completely prohibit movement through them.

    Well thats what it looks like.

    Blame the scenario designer if you feel like blaming anyone. We have the same tools as we did in CMBN so we could theoretically fill up all of holland with bocage if we wanted to.

  8. Those hedgerows do look a little unkempt... If that's the release graphic for "plain old hedges", I can see some people becoming hurt and confused when their PBI hiding behind what looks a lot like Normandais bocage get thoroughly shredded by incoming fire.

    Most likely it is the "low bocage" that is used.

    I was simply pointing out that his questioning on wether hedgerows exist in holland is a bit silly.

  9. First, you are misrepresenting JasonC's position, he is NOT saying that TC's always and only look to the front--their attention is focused on the front, even if they glance to the rear every now and then.

    I am a former TC (M1A1, Desert Storm), and I can tell you that if you are engaging tanks to the front, that's where your attention will be focused. Sure, the TC's job is to maintain situational awareness, but that doesn't mean that he is going to do a 360 survey with binos every several seconds while engaging enemy tanks to the front.

    They were engaging infantry to the front. Not tanks.

  10. Great job, Fuser. About that 88mm Flak, would you mind doing the 75 mm Pak too? It would make CMBN a lot better to look at. Sorry about my insolence, but if you won't, nobody will.

    Why is that btw?

    CMx1 Had tons and tons of talented graphic modders. Why is it that its almost exclusively Aris that mods for CMx2 when it comes to vehicles?

    I mean, what happened to Daffy, Zimorodok, UncleTgt, AstroCat and MikeyD (just to mention a few of the most prolific)?

  11. I wonder... can PIAT teams fire from jeeps?

    This needs testing!

    Tested, and sadly they do not :(

    Nor do bazookas, but I didn't expect them too either.

    But not only do they not fire from a jeep, but they take several precious seconds to dismount as well. And they cannot dismount with a dismount command, they have to be given a move command.

    There goes my plan for mobile AT attacks :(

  12. Also, I would like to add that, sure, it might be possible to add one sound here and another one there when releasing modules, but if they are already at the edge of the possible number of sounds to be handled by the engine it might be that last sound that pushes it over the edge and starts giving people problems with even the stock sounds.

    You have to remember that they are not making the game for us who have computers that can handle a fully modded game, but for the people who have computers that might even struggle with the basic game.

  13. I understand, but that some of these sounds is not active (recoiless, "shot trail" or gun 128, launcher) if they can not add new sounds, let it replace the already existing

    Oh you mean that way, yeah I can agree with that. And some are pointless like the coax sound, which should be that of the actual weapon fired (sounds wierd having the MG34 sound out of the bow, but a completely different sound out the coax on the PzIV for example)

    But I don't think Steve counts the inactive sounds to his total (there are inactive sounds in both CMSF and CMBN).

  14. I have already picked out some of the sounds for the CMOB(?) version of my soundmod.

    I have the Mosin-Nagant, the DPMG, the SVT40 and the PPsh41 all waiting for their proper filenames :D

    I will re-use some of my old sounds tho, for example the Maxim will use the same sound as i have on the Vickers currently. And the SG-43 i might use the same sound as the Maxim, but I will keep looking for new sounds to add so they might get their very own sounds after all :D

  15. probably do not understand, I mean here is that in the basic version (without mods) "Schock force" the noise affect more than CMBN (also without mods) and somehow "SF" works without problems.

    The basic version of Shock Force has around the same number of sounds as CMBN.

    In fact they are largely named the same.

    You could probably use your CMBN soundmod without any changes in CMSF.

    Some of the vehicle sounds would be unaffected since they have different names, but other than that it's the same.

    EDIT: sorry, by "basic" i thought you meant the old release version. The new version (like CMBN) has more weapon specific sounds, but still around the same number. (48 weapon sounds in CMSF and 50 in CMBN).

    Of course, this means your soundmod wouldn't work well, but alot of the sounds would still work.

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