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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. Oddball_E8,

    Use the Vickers sound file to represent the Maxim? Perish the thought! Why use a pale imitation when you can have the real deal? Sparkling, crystal clear audio with no music or talking. Nothing but Maxim goodness!



    John Kettler

    1: i would have to convert it into a single-shot soundfile.

    2: it would not fit in with the rest of my sounmod.

    3: not a single one of my sounds are supposed to be "the real thing", but instead a distinct sound to make it easier for the player to recognise the weapons being fired. (and still sound nice)

  2. Okay 2 troop types modelled.

    1. Feldgrau

    2. Some flektarn variety

    Game gives 2 a bonus.

    Modder makes uniform 1 look like multicam and uniform 2 blaze orange.

    Extreme example, but you see the issue?

    Yes, the issue is that type 1 will never get camo bonus and 2 will always get camo bonus, no matter what the modders do.

    That is what i said in my post. So modding will not matter and does not need to be banned.

  3. agusto,

    While the gun can indeed be loaded and fired at the same rate as before (barring a body over the breach or similar), I feel constrained to note that, unless the target happens to be almost exactly where the main gun's pointing, the actual effective rate of fire would have to drop. This is because the gunner now also has to find targets and get a precise lay on them, while looking through a very narrow FOV gunsight. Clearly, something's got to give in such a situation. I forget the thread, but I previously dug up multiple accounts of what it's like being in a tank when the TC's hit and killed.


    John Kettler

    There should be no drop in the effective rate of fire.

    Once the gunner has found his target, he can stick with it without a TC. The loader will load just as fast as he would with a TC.

    What would drop is the time to aquire a new target (something spotted by, for example, the radioman or driver).

    Spotting would also go down for obvious reasons.

    But the actual effective rate of fire should be unaffected (since you only fire if you see the target, and if you don't see the target and is trying to find it, you are not actually firing anyway).

    I think I understand what you mean tho. In that the overall effectiveness at engaging and firing at a target will be lower. Just not the actual rate of fire.

  4. Camo: imagine if it had effect in game. Mods would be critical or simply be disallowed.

    Well if camo was implemented in the game, it would be on a behind-the-scenes level.

    In other words, troops/vehicles would have a binary deciding if they had a camo bonus or not. No modding would change that (although it might confuse players if their modded camoed shermans don't get any camo bonus).

  5. But the example the OP brought up wasn't about running up behind a tank - they sneaked there and were stationary when spotted ... ast least that is how I read it ......

    I do not believe they were sneaking... not really.

    How can this possibly happen? The shreck team is wearing CAMO fer crying outloud, were hunting...etc etc.

    And when you use the hunt command, you are moving slowly, almost sneaking but not actually sneaking.

    What DOES happen is that you stop as soon as you see an enemy contact, and in this case they were doing all that in front of the cover, not behind it.

    And the game does not account for cover that is behind you (ie. no silhouetting in this game yet) so for all intents and purposes these guys were moving towards the tank, upright and without cover.

    Sure, they were behind the tank (well, to the left-rear) but they were still out in the open as far as the game is concerned.

    One thing that you have to unlearn pretty fast is all the training you have had about cover and concealment in the real world.

    Putting yourself infront of a bush or wooded area will not aid you in the slightest. You have to actually have the cover between you and the target for it to work.

    Also, wearing camo has no actual effect in the game. Nor does having camo on your tank.

  6. Swastika it is old Indo-European symbol do nothing with Hitler and fascism.

    Yes, and Dick is short for robert, but you still can't go around calling everyone a Dick.

    The symboly may be Hindu from the start, but that is notwhat it's known for.

    Lets just leave this dead-end discussion right now. It never ends well...

  7. But hate outrageous prices for "fake" items. Reminds me of all those faux Hitler-Youth knives being sold as originals.

    Well, i wouldn't call the stug price "outrageous"... It takes quite a bit of work to make the vehicle look like a StuG I believe... so that bit is decently priced I'd say.

  8. I stand corrected - the teams do rejoin even if you have one selected. One team needs to have an actual move order to prevent the join. I had the impression they wouldn't because I usually split teams in half and the parts usually end up in two different AS and then they won't rejoin. If you split off a scout team then they are still in the same AS and will rejoin after a few seconds.

    So I correct my wish: I would like teams to rejoin in Wego (and setup) after a while but NOT if you still have one part selected. No matter if the parts end up in one or two AS.

    Another one: could SHIFT+<arrow key> speed up the turn rate while looking around?

    I have a split-off AT-team that is in the same building as its squad(section in this case) but they have not rejoined for three turns.

    Only explenation i can see is that i have them on a cover armour arc whilst the rest of the squad is not on that order.

    Might be a decent way to keep teams split if you can give them a regular cover arc to prevent them from rejoining.

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