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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. They already can throw grenades at open topped vehicles. I do not think they will for closed topped vehicles. Don't for get throwing grenades at tanks is an abstraction for infantry placing grenade bundles into the vehicle tracks or directly on the surface of the vehicles. You cannot do that from upstairs.

    They do not throw demolition charges however.

    Not from buildings.

    You will have to exit the building for them to do that (and I have done my own testing on this)

  2. If that were the norm, there wouldn't be the concerns that are continuously listed here. For every good experience s above, there are too many bad/inaccurate ones.

    It's like the claims that wearing a seatbelt is dangerous 'cos of a few people trapped in burning cars etc.

    Actually I feel that it is the other way around.

    And mainly because the "bad" experiences stand out so much more.

    I cannot count the times my tanks have been unable to spot things right infront of them, never mind behind them.

    But every now and then I get this "miracle spotting" and i always chalk it up to being the random time when my tank commander randomly looks in the right direction at the right time.

    But because people tend to remember the "bad" moments more than the "good" moments, they can easily use them as examples and make it seem like there is an overwhelming number of times when this happens.

    But they never count the times it doesn't happen.

  3. As I have been told and found out (the hard way) teams will not share ammo unless they are part of the same formation.

    So whilst fritz is standing there in the bushes with a perfect shot at the enemy sherman mowing down his comrades, Heinz just refuses to share the rockets he is carrying for his dead teammate because fritz and heinz don't have the same commander...

    Yeah, im looking at you BFC... please fix this nonsense...

  4. GuninBuilding.jpg

    Yes you can. And Yes the gun can fire out as that Sherman crew found out. Notice upper left corner.

    Awesome! :D

    Quick question tho.

    Did you break that wall in the editor or was it undamaged in the scenario and just destroyed in-game at a later stage?

    If the first, could you still do this with an undamaged wall?

  5. I sincerely hope that the kind of magical all aspect spotting ability reported here


    is gone for good in Market Garden (and a patch for CMFI). There's a problem with tank crews spotting things around them, and it does have quite an impact in the tactical relationships between units in the battlefield. Just as machine gun crews behavior used to have, just like the über ranging and targeting of on-map mortar crews had, etc. etc. etc. etc.



    It has been discussed at lenght in that thread, but just because you bring it up here again, I will discuss it here too.

    1: The commander could very well be spotting behind the tank whilst the gunner is occupied with those pesky infantrymen that were "distracting" the tank.

    2: It is hardly "incredible" that the commander would be looking out for enemies in other directions than forward since these tanks are obviously on or behind enemy lines. (since the panzerschreck team is actualy creeping up behind them)

    3: The panzerschreck team was not sneaking, they were using the hunt command, which means they are walking slowly upright towards the tank.

    4: The team was walking INFRONT of cover, not behind it, thus not gaining any cover advantage when it comes to spotting. For all intents and purposes in this game they are completely in the open.

    5: It is one tank out of four that is spotting them. This means that three of the tanks completely missed that they were there.

    6: We do not know the experience of the tank that spotted them. If it is a very seasoned commander he would know to look around on a regular basis even when engaged in heavy combat.

    7: Camo does not give you any "sneak" advantage in the game (since the OP in that thread made the "but they are cammoed for #### sake!" comment).

  6. Usually, when I put a crew in a foxhole, they all crawl into the same hole :/

    Looks really bizarre...

    Also, has anyone tried putting an at-gun into a building by placing the building ontop of the gun in the editor?

    Can it fire out?

    I don't think it can because in a scenario i played my quad 20mm somehow got into a building (don't ask me how because I wasn't looking the turn it got inthere) but it couldn't get out and it couldn't set up and the LOS was blocked when aiming outside the building.

  7. Panzer IV needs to be updated for Gustav Line. Don`t worry, I will make the necessary changes sometime soon.

    Edit: first tests show that game engine mixes Panzer IVH skirts plate sections from " Sicilian" Panzer IVH and Mainland Italy bicolored Panzer IV. It even mixes whole textures for a single tank from both theatres...I ended up with a hull from a Panzer IVH from July 1944 close to the Alps and the turret from a Panzer IVH in Catania 1943 :) . I THOUGHT at first it was a bug, but I think now the problem lies in the decals I added for my Fortress Italy Panzer IVH ("panzer iv-h skirt 2,3,"etc). Everytime the game loads Panzer IVH may have full skirts or skirts with one plate removed. In the latter case the decals for the skirt interfere somehow I think,...and "fill" the gap tht should have been empty with a Sicilian version ending up with a mixed odd looking Panzer. Man, modding has its headaches,...Remove the decals for the Panzer IVH and see if it works, for now,..I will upload an ALL IN Updated pack soon.

    Yeah, I think the easiest way would be to make one single PzIVH texture and use that for all the versions.

    It kinda sucks that it invalidates the variety BFC put in, but it would look best.

    I think...

  8. Fuzer - long time fan, all my CM modules are populated with your 'real-world' artwork...

    Question, tho.

    I have your Pz IV H mod for FI, but it doesn't appear when checking with the 'CMGL dealership' battle. Same for the Pz IIIM - CMFI dealership displays the modded tank, but no love in GL. (your recent 'N' mod appears in both, for example, as does the Pz IV G mod) No other mods in place...

    ESTO error? Or manually change IV H mod to 'early' and 'late' (doesn't explain the IIIM though...)

    Many thanks for your continued efforts....

    Hpt. Lisse

    I had the same problem. Sometimes i got only the turret but not the hull or the other way around.

    It is because GL introduced "mainland" versions and "muddy" versions (and "mainland muddy" versions too).

    So the game uses them kinda randomly.

    You have to find out the name of the mainland and muddy files and make copies of Aris' files and rename them to what the originals are named.

    That way you will always get Aris' tank no matter what.

  9. Agreed with above... I did 40 more runs and the numbers vary too much. At one time the sherman ran out of AP ammo and the tiger still wouldn't go down. That's 30+ shots.. Meanwhile there're many times when one hit was enough.

    Much better idea indeed... Is there a terrain feature that could cover up the turret and the lower hulls and still allow the tank to be shot at... Can't seem to find one atm..

    Bridge with a higher ground behind it?

    It would take ALOT of fiddling around with the editor, but should be possible...

  10. If you're serious about searching for a product with the best ballistic simulations available on the market, you won't find anything that beats BFC's games. It may be a leap of faith, but the demos are free to download and use.

    You, the player, don't get armor quality information. Why? Well, did Hans or Rolf know whether or not the glacis plate of their Panther was quenched properly? That information is under the hood.

    Now, how is it used? I don't know. Do all late Panthers have the SAME exact armor levels? Or, are some "golden samples" and others are nerfed? I don't know.

    Reading between the lines of many postings, I'd hazard a -guess- that all tanks of the same model are treated as being armored identically. However, that doesn't mean that they'll act the same with the same type of hit. I think there is a bit of deviation built into the game to model slight differences. A bit of a bell-curve. I don't know.

    Good question...


    I don't think he is asking for that information to be in the game during a battle, he is just asking how it is (or if it is) handled under the hood.

    There are alot of "under the hood" things that are never mentioned in the manual.

    And I for one think it would be a good addition to have in the manual so that grogs know that it is simulated in the game.

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