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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. If you are on a Mac that might be the problem.

    I don't know jack about mac, but apparantly there are some differences when it comes to soundmods since waclaw has a version of his mod specifically for macs.

    @AstroCat: You, Me and Waclaw use alot of the same source material. It's just a matter of preference.

    Jorge MC and Akame's mods are vastly different from ours tho (I don't think they have a single file that is from the same sources as ours).

    I have included Mikes Vehicles of War Sound Mod in my mod (with permission).

    @Zebulon: Yeah, I switched around almost all of the sounds and replaced quite a few with completely new ones. Took me about an hour or two of gaming to get used to the new set :)

    Some of the changes were because of new types of weapons introduced (fx the 37mm/40mm AA guns sounded wrong using the 37mm sound with reload sounds that I had for CMBN vanilla) but mostly it was just a finetuning of the sounds.

    The mod also includes optional sounds without bolt action and without the sound of brass hitting the ground.

    As always I recommend using the soldier movement sounds from HQS 1.3 and the penetration sounds from SFX 1.2.5.

    It's all in my readme file. (I would love to include those sounds in the mod, but it's easy enough to add them on your own thus bypassing having to ask permission to use them from the authors of those mods hehe)

  2. Correct!!!

    I only pause when interrupted. For instance if I am cooking dinner or helping the boy with homework.

    The time for planning is before I start and if I need it in game I re-group, the pause being my men pausing not the whole game (which is forcing the enemy to pause as well).

    I guess this is another reason why WEGO players do not understand as thoroughly the need for RT players to have more time in missions. You make a lot more mistakes in RT as in RL I would say. You actually do need the time to re-group and re-think.

    Good to see some other "forum" goers play RT.

    Having tried both, I do understand the need for more time.

    Personally I wish that scenario designers made two versions of each scenario so that both RT and WeGo players could get them tailor made for themselves (WeGo often needs more time when on the offense since scouting takes time when you can only do it in 60 second bursts, whilst in RT you can react instantly to enemy contacts).

    But I rarely meat RT players who do not pause when giving out major movement orders and larger sweeping manouvers.

    That said, playing on WeGo would still solve most of your problems (you can speed up time and you can easily play coop by letting your friend control one group of troops whilst you control the other by each giving orders to them)

    My advice would be to give WeGo a try the next time you play defensively. It might improve your gaming experience.

    (I have personally tried playing RT on the offense but there are a few things that still irk me, such as not being able to rewind to see what happens on your flanks and such, so I still stick to WeGo even when attacking.)

  3. Oh yes, it is definately an artifact of the new ditch lock terrain feature since you cannot move vehicles on near verticle slopes in the game otherwise, but the ditch lock makes a very small height difference into a near vertical one and the game just doesn't see that vehicles shouldn't be able to drive along that vertical "wall".

    But I can live with it :)

    (it'll look even wierder when a tank or vehicle gets knocked out whilst driving on one of those vertical walls)

  4. Not sure what I've done wrong, but I followed Oddball's instructions for MG..

    Create a folder named Z in your Combat Mission/Data folder.

    Extract my mod into that folder.

    There seems to be NO music intro (or any music) for CMBN, nor in CMFI when I copy the CMFI Music folder into Z in that program?




    Hmm, that is indeed wierd.

    It really shouldn't matter what you name the folders, but try renaming it from CMBN/CMFI Music to just Music and putting it under the /Sounds folder?

    It should just work straight off the bat tho.

    As long as you are not using any other soundmods that is.

  5. My keyboard and mouse were recently replaced with a new razer lachesis and a logitech cherry keys keyboard.

    For those that say just play WEGO. I really would not have even considered this game if it were not for real time. WEGO for me is like pausing a movie every 60 seconds to stop and discuss it over coffee. It is enough that missions are 1-2hrs to play without extending that time by stopping constantly.

    The bombs and bullets do not stop for anybody where I come from. ;)

    So WEGO is not the answer for me.

    Realtime > WEGO > turn based

    This game is simply amazing for realism and features. Without real time though I would be a lost customer. I know that most here are probably vets from the old BF cmx1 games and so are simply going to be used to WEGO as the only way to play and in addition those that do not want to be rushed by the pace of combat.

    I think though that if real time is refined a little more battlefront may have a niche giant on their hands a little like flashpoint\ARMA is.

    P.S. Am I the only one on these forums that actually prefers real time?

    Interesting way of looking at it. Are you saying that you do not pause the game to give orders at all?

  6. Version 3.0 of my soundmod for CMBN (and CMFI) is done.

    I have changed around some of the sounds and replaced some.

    I have also added new music. One set for CMBN and one set for CMFI. Make sure you pick which one you want to use.

    Included are the sounds from Cptn. Mikes vehicle movement mod and CMJD's Big Feet vehicle sounds.

    As always, delete your older soundmods before using this one.


  7. Ok, so I had this new version 3.0 of my soundmod all ready to go, just waiting to see if there were any new sounds added with MG (mainly the 15mm).

    Turns out there was.

    BUT, personally I am more than satisfied with the stock sound.

    I am tempted to release the new version of my soundmod without a replacement for the 15mm, but to all of you who use my soundmod (ok, the few of you who do), do YOU think I should add a different sound to the 15mm or do you think it works well with my soundmod? (I am presuming here that you have used my soundmod with MG and tested the new 15mm MG armed halftrack).

    Please give me your impout.

    (3.0 is on the way no matter what)

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