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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. Fenris,

    Okay. Understood. Am not sure how makeshift that bunker is considering the firing embrasures are stone framed and that the weight of the top cover has to be many tons. I further find it of interest that it this bunker/PB has multiple radial embrasures, rather than merely one firing port. To me, this suggests real combat engineering and that the position's probably laid out to cover an intersection.

    While I take your point on your views on firing recoilless weapons indoors, the fact remains we have footage of people doing exactly that and surviving to shoot again.

    Vanir Ausf B,

    It would be nice to know the outcome of the first vid. As for the second, that has to be the least effective RR or RPG shot vs a tank I've seen to. T-55 takes a direct hit and survives? Must've been a partial dud! That's the first time I can recall seeing a RR fired through a loophole (and a small one at that). Typically, it's been a window or doorway.


    John Kettler

    Really? To me it looks like a pile of rubble quickly thrown together to form a bit of shelter. There seems to be no actual mortar holding the bricks together. One hit from anything solid and that thing comes tumbling down...

    I sure wouldn't fire a rocket launcher from in there :/

    But then again, they might be 12 year old hitlerjugend with only one rocket... disposable in all the meanings of the word...

  2. I can understand you, but I'm surprised the "BF", they do not want to add those few new sounds - like that was to be a disaster of performance

    and as for the "shock force", I have all the modules, and somehow managed to add more sounds than "CMBN" and somehow the game works;)

    Yes, but your mod doesnt actually add more sounds, it just adds more variants of each sound.

    So even if you fire a gun you still only pull from one source if you understand what I mean.

    The game doesn't have to check for more than the number of sounds in the game, if you fire the tommy gun it still only checks for gun thompson.wav variants.

    So it doesn't add to the stress in the game process by adding new sounds to new weapons.

    I'm not sure I am making myself clear here. I have a fever and I am on some strong medication right now.

    But even if you add variations to the sounds, there are still only that core group of sounds. Makes sense?

    Also, I think this answers the question above my post. Yes you can add variations of sounds just like you can with textures.

    Just add a space and then a number behind the sound name.

    So for example gun thompson.wav would be gun thompson 1.wav and so on.

  3. And what about your Pz IVs? Did they manage to survive the first mission? I should imagine that this second mission would be a hell of a lot easier with them around........

    Most of the times they have taken one casualty.

    First time was immobilization. Second was damage to the gun. Third time they both made it, and this last time one was blasted into smithereens from close range by a sherman :(

  4. Four times!..... I have been playing Combat Mission since 1999 and I don't think I have ever played a scenario more than once. I usually play H2H so it's a while since I played the first KE mission but IIRC one of my Pz II's came under serious fire from a Greyhound but managed to reverse out before being knocked out. I did however manage to lose both PZ IVs. I don't really understand how you keep losing one if you know where the enemy is or does the AI set up differently each time?

    They do set up slightly differently each time (well there are more than one AI plans to pick from anyway).

    And I have never had my PzII's survive an initial encounter with any kind of AT weapons in that campaign. 37mm knock them out on the first or second hit each time...

  5. Ouch! Sigh, I was sure they were the same - at least the default sounds (that was my last try at saving face - did you notice?).

    Here's the link to the first one, on Youtube:


    Sorry for the late reply, must have missed you.

    The default sounds do indeed have the same sound for all smg's and so on.

    What BFC did was to just add more sound files so that modders could make them unique, but they are all the same as they were before (so all smg's sound the same for example).

    In other words, they didnt actually add any new sounds, just copies of the old sounds so we could replace them at leasure.

  6. Well in fact they did fix that alongside the patch that came with the 2.00 update I believe :confused:

    Kingtiger, Marder I, Lynx, Wespe and some others maybe were given much better textures and 3D details on model. Also, maybe some CW tanks were also improved in a way that they now have random 3D stuff on them which wasn't the case when CW came out. I might be mistaken on the last part though.

    Don't bother.

    Ridge is long gone, and from his attitude in the replies, I'd say we are better off without him.

  7. Maybe BFC thought as you do. They must sound pretty similar, just different rates of fire, so why have two extra sounds?

    There is a bit more difference between a bolt action rifle and a machinegun than there is between the same machinegun but with two different cooling systems (the M9191/M19171).

    waclaw recently released a CMSF sound mod. He would know more of what he's talking about than you.

    My soundmod: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods?author_id=450&game_type=5

    And I have been making soundmods for CM since CMBO. So please don't be a smartass.

    Just no. Seriously, stop pissing in our Cheerios, dude. Yes, there are those of us who will be bullheaded against the consolidation of sounds, especially after having them expanded only to be taken away. That ain't progress.

    Having the same sound for weapons that sound very much alike is not a bad idea.

    Why do you have to have two different sounds for the M919 and the M1917 for example? They sound almost identical in real life!

    As do the Tommy gun and the M3 Grease Gun.

    Don't be so bloody stubborn, it isn't helping your own cause.

    Are you seriously satisfied with the sounds we have now, and do not want more sounds added?

    Because that is what I am talking about.

    I'm not saying that they should just consolidate the sounds and leave it at that, I am saying that they should consolidate SOME of the sounds for the guns that sound very similar in real life so that they can make room for MORE sounds for weapons that need it (like the Italian MG's and the 15mm cannon to mention a few).

    And while we are at it, they could just remove the coax sound and make the game use the sound for the correct weapon.

    That would free up another slot.

  8. ROFL, then I guess I don't know what they really sound like. :rolleyes: Hint: I own or have fired many of the weapons in BoB or that are about to be featured in Bagration. They do sound much like they're depicted in the miniseries.

    Not when I've heard them fired.

    When I heard them fired on the range, in person.

    Ok, so you have heard them fired and I have heard them fired. Have you heard them fired just one shot at a time? Because the main audial difference between a tommy gun and a grease gun (IMHO) is because of the ROF. Just one shot each and they sound basically the same.

    Take it up with akd, then. I'm going by what he told me here: http://filefront.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1323182&postcount=11

    Well its interesting then that when I play the game with my soundmod the MG34 uses the sound i put in for the MG42. Maby they changed the way sounds work since you had that discussion. But that is how it works right now. (like I said, you can easily test it yourself)

    Well, first off, don't talk to me like I'm ignorant about this stuff. Secondly, consolidating sounds just lessens the audio fidelity of the game. In case you don't remember, back when CMBN was released, a LOT of weapons shared .wav files. I finally convinced Steve that it would be a good idea to give unique .wav files for many of the weapons, and so now people like you can make unique sounds for the MP40, Sten, etc.

    But wait, now you want to reverse things? Sorry, that's a no-go. BF has smart programmers working for them, and I'm sure they'll find a way to allow the game to process a high volume of sounds without crashing the game. Just like they found a way to add normal maps and better shadows to the game, I'm sure they can find a way to make the sound engine run more efficiently.

    Well then firstly, I guess I have to thank you for personally making steve put in more sounds for us.

    Secondly, I don't give a hoot about what you think is easy or not for BFC to program. I am going off what Steve has said about sounds. And according to him they are at the limit right now.

    And going off the fact that he knows much more about the inner workings of CMx2 than you and they only added one sound for CMFI, I tend to believe him.

    But hey, if you want to be bullheaded about this and stick to your guns (quite litteraly) and not let them consolidate any of the sounds simply because all guns sound slightly different in real life (even guns of the same model) then sure, lets not have any new sounds then.

    Of course, they might someday make the sound engine run more efficiently, but instead of consolidating now to get new sounds, and then adding back the variety with a new sound engine, I guess we can just wait until the new sound engine shows up (if it does) to add new sounds.

  9. Oh No!.

    DVD-R is also the format for Market Garden?.

    It's sad... i've just preordered it.

    The only reason to buy a DVD, is the long life storage backup, in order to avoid long download times or as a backup for Hard Disk removals.

    If it's just a DVD-R, then it doesn't have any sense to buy it.

    Yeah, I didn't notice this before. It means I wasted a ton of money on shipping :(

    I wanted them on a physical format just so that I could be guaranteed to play them even if BFC should go under (you never know).

  10. It is entirely possible that the commander was looking for threats whilst the rest of the crew is busy attacking those infantry (since the commander doesn't need to keep an eye on that).

    But I do agree that tanks tend to spot infantry a bit too easily. (on the other hand, in a recent urban battle I was in, I quick moved an entire squad of brittish soldiers within one square of a buttoned Panther tank without it noticing it (to the left, slightly to the rear) and proceeded to take it out with grenades. So It certainly is possible that this incident is purely a one outer like noob said)

  11. Should we expect to increase the number of sounds, the shock force is more than the "CMBN" and should go in this direction.

    besides, it's a matter of expectations for me, MG42 and MG34 sound different, just as M1919 and M1917 (but similar) Hand guns also sound different (and very similar), it's the same with guns tanks etc - you can make one sound for "MG" or for hand-guns and tank guns - but reduced to the immersion of the gameplay and realism.

    Sure, but we have to prioritize.

    If we want new sounds we have to consolidate some of the old ones.

    Like I said before, I would love to have unique sounds for all the weapons, but apparantly we are near the limit of the number of sounds as it is.

    I can't speak for shock force, since i don't own it, but i doubt it has more sounds since most armies are much more homogonized these days.

  12. I understand, I would want to be unique sound was a lot more (also for Italians), but if I have to compromise, it would certainly not reduced the number of sounds for the American, German or British weapons

    Why not?

    After all, the M1919 and the M1917 are basically the same gun, only one is water cooled and one is air-cooled.

    They sound the same when fired in real life (or at least as much "the same" as two M1919's would next to eachother).

    And M3 Grease Guns and Thompsons sound very very very similar in real life, so that is a perfect place to save space in sounds.

    In my soundmod I use the same sound for M1919 and M1917 and the grease gun and the tommy gun also share a sound.

    But in-game the tommy and grease gun sound different from eachother because of the difference in rate of fire.

    Same with the MG42 and MG34. They use the same sound but sound different because of the ROF.

    So why waste resources on sounds that should be very similar (almost identical even) in the game?

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