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Posts posted by Oddball_E8


    I'm 37 :D so im a young'un :D

    First game i remember playing on a real PC is wolfenstein, sid meyer's pirates and some helicopter "sim" by the same folks that made delta force.

    First game i modded was Rainbow Six :D

    Sound mod of course :P

    First combat mission game i played was the CMBO demo. Played that over and over and over until the game came out :D

    Favourite front: Eastern Front.

  2. I just wanted to say that this module looks awesome and I will certainly buy it. I'm all excited and can't wait. I haven't played CM in a while and I've been getting back into it lately, and now this module is almost here.

    Why does it have to come out in late summer/early fall right when the fall semester starts? I have school starting next Monday dammit. I've still barely touched the Commonwealth module for CMBN and it still feels like I've barely touched Fortress Italy and Gustav Line either. And now Market Garden comes out? It's all an elaborate conspiracy to get me to fail out of college and work some crappy job for the rest of my life, I swear it! I hope you're happy Battlefront!

    Because most of the CM players are well into their 30's and 40's? Some even older than that.

    So there is no point in taking into account when school starts :P

  3. I don't want us to get detoured by a discussion of features which have nothing to do with Market Garden. But I'll close the questions about sounds by saying a fairly standard thing:

    Yes, we could make all kinds of support for all kinds of different mods and let individuals determine what works best for them. Three problems with that:

    1. It takes us time to make such things possible, which means it takes away from other features. Including those which have a stronger "lobby" for change.

    2. Battlefront tends to get blamed by customers when they overload their systems. That's a general statement not specific to mods. However, mods make it worse because people don't listen to warnings or don't think they apply to them. "I just loaded SounDude's 500mb sound mod and now my game won't run. I have x system with y components and I feel I should be able to run this, so I blame Battlefront for it not working".

    3. Resource hogging mods create other support headaches for us. "X scenario stops loading at 89%" or "during playback my framerate goes down to 2fps". Toss in various statements that it's our fault and you can see where this is headed :D And if you think customers are nice enough to let us know what mods they are using you obviously haven't seen our support tickets.

    Which is to say that there's lots of things we COULD do, but the wisdom of doing them is questionable from our standpoint.


    Heh, copy that Steve.

    Was just throwing some ideas around that have been occupying me lately.

    Back to the topic at hand!

    (but please, add a 2nd 6.5mm sound :P)

  4. Ok I said mp3 but perhaps it's possible with another light format we have a lot of sound and music files?

    All files don't need to be decoded or compressed ?

    AFAIK .wav files are one of the few formats that don't need to be decoded or decompressed.

    Its basically as raw a format as it gets.

    but that is not the point I think. The point is that the more different sounds there are the more strain there is on the system.

    And then on top of that the system is strained by longer and "larger" sounds being played.

    Which is why i was wondering if i should make a low-resource soundmod version of my mod. Something like the one I have now but without echos and making sure that all sounds are short.

    (right now I'm running into problems with vehicle sounds since the sounds I'm using are pretty long for example. So if I have many vehicles moving at the same time or alot of combat going on I won't hear the vehicle sounds)

  5. Yes, sound quality (i.e. size) and number of unique sounds used causes the problem. The reason is that CM has to load these sounds into RAM and then transfer them through the audio hardware. The more sounds there are the more CM has to swap them around. The bigger they are the slower the process. The more sounds are needed (i.e. intensive fighting) the more need for the process to be very fast.

    In a typical RTS or FPS game there's a lot less potential for needing large varieties of sounds all at the same time. So again we find ourselves being in a position that few other games find themselves in. We can only do so much to work around these problems.


    Would it be possible to make a system like you have now with the texture files?

    So you could have say, a wav file named "gun 7.wav" and if you add "[bar]" at the end of that it would play when the bar fires, but only if that file was added?

    So the stock game would come with only a few sounds, ensuring that most people can play it, but allowing modders to add more sounds for those who can run it on a heavier system?

    (of course, you would still have to have a list for what sounds could be added and such so not every gun has its own sound, but to allow a bit more variety for modders).

    Im not trying to be pushy here, just trying to brainstorm :)

  6. Unfortunately sounds tax the computing resources pretty hard. The more varied they are within a battle, the bigger the hit. I'm sure we will add more weapon specific sounds over time, but it will also depend on access to good quality samples. Generally speaking that is an even bigger problem than the performance issues.

    No specifics about improvements to urban fighting yet. But I can tell you that the proposed list of changes for v3.0 has about a half dozen on it. Which ones actually make it into v3.0 won't be known for some time yet. That's why we don't talk about the details ahead of time.


    I didn't know that it taxed the system that much.

    As for finding good quality samples, like some of us said, we would love it if you just re-used the same sound on multiple sounds since that would save you alot of effort AND let us modders mod to our hearts delight :D

    For example you could have made one 6.5mm MG sound and one 6.5mm Rifle sound for the italians and have the same sound source on both but letting us modders have two different sounds to mod instead of just one used by two sources.

    If you know what i mean.

    That is true. I have a low end PC and if i use high quality sound mods for CM, it oftens leads to no sounds beeing played at all during large firefights.

    I didn't know that even happened.

    Maby us modders should get together and make a low-resource soundmod for low-end computers?

  7. Thats not good :( . I also hope BF will give us more options even if they just put the same sound for severeal functions. Then it will be possible to mod and we have so many tallented sound moders out there (the two posters above mine for example).

    Yeah, i wouldn't mind if they just repeated the same sound on different names just so we could change them at a later date.

    In the old CMBN release the sound options were severely limited, but they became a bit better when they released v2.0 (or was it the CW module), but its still not as varied as i would like it to be.

  8. and last question is whether they will separate sounds for traction vehicles, such as panther, tiger, sherman? - As it was in "shock force" because there, "Abrams", "leo2" have their own sound

    I made the sounds for most popular vehicles, and just waiting to be used in the game;)

    for example,







    and as I said before, you do not need to create new sounds - we will do it

    I wish we would get more sounds in general. It really bothers me that i cannot put bolt action sounds on the italian bolt action rifles because the same sound is used for italian machineguns.

  9. For now the mod is complete.

    I will be working on a mod with no brass sound to the weapons (some have the sound of ejected casings hitting the ground) but until BFC releases a module or family with now sounds I won't be releaseing a new version with any other changes.

    I already have sounds set up for the eastern front tho, so the mod will be out very shortly after I get Bagraton.

  10. I think many of us like to listen and swap sounds and other mods.

    So, it would be helpful if modders do not use .brz folders. There seems to be no advantage in load times etc. and it just adds complexity and time to explode and compare.

    Yeah, I think it was just that mod that was compressed. I don't think any other of the soundmods out there are .brz'd.

    As for why he did it, i coudln't say, but since that was the only mod I have ever seen from Cpt. Mike it was probably just a rookie mistake so to speak.

  11. Ok that's one guy. He wrote that. Who cares. He said that and you said that module is cool. So what's the problem? he think different you think different. You will buy he will not. You wrote why you will buy he wrote why he won't... And still this is one person and he is not one of those annoying Poles constantly irritating other with some problems . Waclaw said something different and I didn't comment this module at all(i like Challenger :D). And there is guy like Aragorn who thinks that he is too ****ing awesome to say what is actually he's problem and who will not waste his precious time but still is digging more and provoking and blame other for being constantly annoying

    You asked where someone had said that. I just pointed out where.

    Why are you being so aggressive?

    Make love, not war. (except virtual war in the game of course)

  12. Will these editor features now become available when purchased in CM:BN CW? too?

    Will all maps be transferable within the CM:BN group, or should the games be kept separate, to the different version.

    If you make a map with ditchlocks or footpaths the game will mark it as needing MG to run.

    So no, they will not be transferable within CM:BN without MG.

    BUT, it should be as easy as removing those ditchlocks or footpaths from the map to make it work with other modules.

  13. BFC has stated repeatedly and from the beginning that the completed CMBN title would run from Overlord thru September and the separate Bulge title would cover the change of seasons - October through war's end in the spring. And they've stated their reasons for doing it on multiple occasions. I don't know where people are getting other impressions, I haven't even seen discussion board speculation about CMBN timeline being expanded beyond September.

    Maby we should keep a copy of them quoted as saying that and just whip out the quote every time someone whines...

    Just curious. Who actually said something like that here? I didn't see anybody

    Oh... and Aragorn btw, why did you removed your previous post? I was wondering what was your problem this time. Maybe too much smoking or something

    Right here:

    I really appreciated Battlefronts decision to offer a realtime game mode with Shock Force. To support their effort, I even bought the whole we-go combat mission games, although I don't like we-go game mode and I've never touched the games.

    From there on I bought every base game and module. Some I liked more, some less. But each releases showed some progress.

    This is the first time I'm not excited about a release of the combat mission games and it's the first time I won't buy it.

    In my opinion a balanced mix of gameplay features / scenarios / units makes a good game or addon.

    On these forums are threads with some amazing ideas and all we get this time are:

    - some units which already exist partially in other modules and the new ones don't offer much gameplay wise

    - some maps, which basically could be done by everone who already owns the game (except some special objects like the bridges and new buildings)

    - some scenarios

    For me (I understand that there are other opioions, but this is mine) this isn't worth 35$. I wouldn't pay more than 10-15$ for this content.

    I really want to support you, but this time I can't. Sorry. I hope future releases do better. My saved next-combat-mission-title-money goes straight into Creative Assemblys Rome 2.

    Please consider the community suggested features for future titles and I'll be happy to support you. As I stated before: offer a balanced mix and not only eye candy, then I'll happily spend my money. Each release should make the game more fun to play and offer more possibilities.


    What I would have expected for 35$ example is:

    - announced stuff

    + aa guns work against planes

    + improved urban combat

  14. ... and BLSTK and that guy who likes cats both are from US as I remeber... hmm so it does mean something?

    Second, since you mention me- about my consistent dissent. It was second time i have involved in quarrel here so it's not so consistent. And i don't feel it was me to start all that flame. In fact i have agreed that in some statement that I was WRONG but still people where quoting me and asking same question and provoking to continue that mess still you accusing me for that constant problems??

    look at this now. Who is starting to have problems? Waclaw comment that list of new units that some guy quoted is not so completely new but he even said that he likes this module. Still some people here have problem with that. Few guys can't wait to see some game improvements (for what I think we are all waiting quite long time) more than new units and maps and write their expectations than some other guy came and say go away, back to your polish forum or somewhere cause we are tried of you. C'mon whats your problem with this? If you think that these complains are senseless don't reply instead of digging it more and then saying that you are tried of them...

    iMolestCats is from New Zeeland.

    Hey Oddball_E8

    Don' drag us RT's into the argument. ;) Markus 86 why don' you wait and see what the improvements to the game are before being negative? I am hoping for more too. If there are no tweaks fixes or improvements then kickoff.

    I havent slept for a few days due to me moving tomorrow and my dog picking up on that stress and not letting me sleep at night.

    So I'm sorry for the aggressive tone, but I still stand on my point that someone that does not think this module is worth 35$ but thinks the commonwealth and Gustav Line ones were, seems to only value new units and not scenarios and other features (or even a "good balance thereof" since apparantly 22 completely new vehicles is not enough to balance with the rest of the stuff.)

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