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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. It was altered in Gustav Line. To great rejoicing at the time. To see the progress of the engine you have to read the release notes of both families, as they're the same engine, just leapfrogging releases, so the next version of BN will include (but not mention in its patch notes) the changes made in the latest version of FI.

    I'm pretty sure this was in CM:BN earlier too... I recall seeing it at the top level of FOV in CM:BN.

  2. slow is the command to use. If you think about it, slow for armor now works the same way hunt did in cmX1.

    The tank fire is accurate at slow, so it will engage and continue its attack. That is about all hunt did before except stopping while engaged.

    Hunt is good for moving amor at blind locations where stopping is the best move if enemy units are spotted. Like over a ridge or around a blind corner in the road, somewhere that might be best to stop and engage, or maybe reverse back out of sight with the next command. So hunt is good for that, whereas we had no good options for that before.

    So more commands would be good, but the present ones work fine if used with how they are designed.

    I don't remember who said it, but apparantly tanks are not as accurate on slow as they are when stationary.

    So whilst it is an ok compromise, it still is a compromise that we shouldn't have to do.

  3. Nope it is not there.

    There are plenty of people who want to see it back. I am sure they will chime in. But I am first so I get to start by saying - you don't need it. :) Not really.

    And the guys on the battle field they don't know all those details either. You will get a feel for which guns are likely to succeed in what situations. Also keep in mind that even fire that is not lethal to the target still has value. Distract the tank while it gets flanked by infantry. Disable the tracks on that SP gun and now it is stuck looking at only part of the battle field.

    Also sometimes you can force an enemy vehicle to withdraw even though you cannot destroy it:

    Yes, the aspect ration of that video is messed up. What can I say it was one of the first ones I ever posted - I have improved... at least a little.

    Yeah, I have actually "knocked out" several shermans and M10's in a scenario against my friend where all I had to defend myself with were 20mm cannons at very long ranges.

    But enough of those little pops and the optics and other vital equipment were destroyed forcing the crews to abandon.

    Pretty effective at taking out tank commanders too :)

  4. Hmm. Maybe someone should come out with a version of CM for the iPad/Android...


    Not at all what I mean.

    I mean using a tablet to play CMBN or CMFI in their complete glory.

    Not this halfway measure (IMHO).

    Its like those "ooh this is the tablet version of this game" games that pretend that they are just as good as the originals but when you try them you see that they are just a hollow shadow of the originals with most of the core stripped out.

  5. agusto,

    Not only is yours a capital suggestion, but it's a capital-preserving one, too!


    Extending the agusto model a bit, your laid-up friend could do much the same with the CMSF Demo, thus paving the way for his eventual trip to the Ukraine. In this way, he will have sampled the full range of the CMx2 experience by the time he's hale and hearty again.


    John Kettler

    Heh, considering the fact that CMSF was what got him turned off combat mission (he had all the CMx1 games) I don't think that is a great idea :P

  6. Download the CMBN demo. Multiplayer modes are fully enabled, only the number of available stock scenarios is limited and QBs are disabled.


    If you are lucky the demo lets you play custom scenarios downloaded from the Repository via PBEM, wich means there would be a large amount of content for you two available for free. Otherwise you could still play the demo scenarios via PBEM. Even at high turn exhange rates they should keep you busy for a week or two.

    Once you have played through all the CMBN demo scenarios via PBEM, get the CMFI demo and play through those demo scenarios via PBEM and you can kill another 2 weeks.


    Problem is we have both played the demos extensively.

    BUT, I have gone the extra mile and decided to lend him my Xbox 360 with GTA V.

    I was looking forward to playing it for a long time but I'll survive the wait. At least for a month. After that he might be tired of the game anyway and I can have it back :)

  7. <confused>Where did you get the impression that they decided at the last minute to hold the release back because they wanted to add these changes?</confused>

    I am pretty sure that this was all planned to be part of the next patch and not added on last week or something. Steve is just telling us about the list of cool stuff that should improve the urban fighting experience.

    I think he just meant that he is happier that this is in the release than he would have been if the release was today but without these changes.

    I don't think he actually thinks the release has been pushed back because of it.

  8. How about bringing your work laptop over to his house for some hot bed playing. We will not tell your boss - promise.

    Yeah, the problem is I don't have much spare time, and this was more so that he won't be bored out of his mind for the next 3 months :/

    How much does a beer cost in Sweden?

    How much does CM cost?

    How much is unemployment benefit in Sweden?

    Hmm... that depends on the beer and its alcohol content.

    Around 3-7 bucks I guess?

    CM costs 55 bucks plus shipping (15-25 bucks IIRC)

    Unemployment benefits? Depends on your former paygrade.

    For him tho, since the company he was working for bankrupted and his bosses refuse to even cooperate with the bankrupcy administrator, he is currently on welfare.

    Which is around 436 bucks after his rent is paid.

    As I told you, he cannot afford CM. And I cannot afford to spend 70-85 bucks as a get well present since I am on minimum wage.

  9. Ok, so I'll set up the premise here first:

    My friend recently fell off his bicycle on his way home when he swerved for a dog.

    He ended up with a pretty badly broken leg and knee.

    He will go into surgery next week and after that he will be "bedridden" (or couch) for at least three months.

    Now, as it happens he is unemployed and loves Combat Mission.

    We usually play hotseat at my place a couple of times every month (he is my regular CM opponent) but he cannot afford the game.

    In the old days, I would have just brought the game to his house and installed it on his computer, but I cannot do that now since I have used my 2 codes for the game (worklaptop and stationary home gaming pc).

    Is there any way for me to let him play the game without giving him one of my computers or buying another copy of the game (which I honestly cannot afford right now)?

    Is there any way of getting an extention on your code so you can have the game installed on 3 computers instead of just 2?

    Something like that?

    Please help me cheer up my buddy.

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