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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. Where is the HQ sound mod? I cannot find it. Link please?

    Here are the links to the four major soundmods for CMBN/CMFI:

    High Quality Sound mod by Waclaw: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods?author_id=437&game_type=5

    SFX Sound mod by Stephsen: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods?author_id=372&game_type=5

    Jorge MC's Sound mod: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods?author_id=72&game_type=5

    And Fathers Brothers Nephews Cousins Former Roomates Soundmod (aka. My soundmod): http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods?author_id=450&game_type=5

  2. In real life guns may not sound as dramatic but they are f*****g loud when they are fired close by. That is the most significant sound characterstic of large calibre firearms IME and that is why many people probably prefer sound mods that bring across that ear drums shattering experience. IRL you can feel the shockwaves passing you when a large calibre weapon is fired near you.

    Distant shots IRL however are not only less loud but also somehow "distorted" as a result of the soundwaves passing obstacles and the variation of the airs desnity and other factors. The problem in CMBN is IMO that there is no sound distortion that increases with the distance between shooter and camera, the sounds are currently just played less loud.

    Yeah, so what we get is a poor compromise when it comes to soundmods.

    But on the other hand, people can pick and choose what they like :D

    Unfortunately, the game does not take into account weather conditions, terrain, buildings, etc. - that's why we are far from complete realism

    Nevertheless, I have seen a lot of movies from Iraq, Afghanistan and in terms of the intensity and variety of sounds, my mods are (modestly) closest to realism;)


    when it comes to using the sounds of my mods, you can do so without restriction, thought about it, if you can do this thing sounds better, which will improve the feeling of players from the game - it's use without restrictions.

    Funny thing is, we use the same sounds in our soundmods you and me. Plenty of the weapon sounds you have are from the same source as mine.

    But you have picked louder sounds and edited others to be louder.

    Personally, i prefer a middleground where if you zoom in to the troops during the action, it is very loud, but if you zoom out its a little less loud and doesn't sound like you are still in the middle of the fight.

    As for using sounds from your mod, thats awesome :)

    I always let anyone use any sounds from my mod since i havent created any of them. Sure I have edited some of them but all of them are from other sources from the beginning :D

  3. You could just say that is the most realistic;)

    ps. already responded to your private message.

    Honestly, not a single one of the soundmods out there (including mine) are very realistic.

    The most realistic ones would probably be Battlefronts original sounds.

    Guns dont sound as dramatic in real life as they do in the movies.

    Its more of a pop-pop sound rather than the bang-bang one from the movies.

  4. Nope, they are real sounds. They fired blanks with those weapons and weren't dubbed in.

    Trust me, those are not "the sounds" that the weapons make in real life. Movies never use the real sound of weapons because they don't sound like they do in the movies.

    The M3 and the Thompson do not sound alike in real life.

    Well they did when I heard them fired. When did you hear them fired in real life?

    Try again. Those two weapons do have separate sound files. :) I thought they were the same at first, but akd confirmed they are not.

    No, the MG42 and the MG34 do not have separate sound files. Trust me on this. But if you don't trust me, just check for yourself by renaming one of the cannon sounds to gun mg42.wav and fire an MG34 in the game.

    Sorry, but you aren't going to convince me to combine more weapon sounds together. It's regression, not progression.

    Ok, I am going to try to make this as simple as possible so that maby you will understand.

    There is a finite number of sounds that we can use in the game before it becomes too much of a strain on the system.

    I do not know the exact number, but since Steve indicated that we are near that number, I'll say its around 30-40 sounds for weapons.

    Now, if you want them to add new sounds for new weapons in the future (like the 15mm cannon for example) they will have to consolidate some of the existing sounds and add a new one, or they will have to use one of the old ones instead.

    So either they combine some of the sounds and add a new 15mm one or they use the 20mm or 50cal one for the 15mm.

    Do you understand now why we need consolidate some of the existing sounds to be able to add more?

    (understand that I am not saying that they cannot possibly add a new sound for the 15mm cannon. I do not know where the limit is, but from Steves comments it seems that we are at the limit now).

  5. M3 and the Thompson sounding a lot alike? Not hardly. Watch Band of Brothers to hear the difference in sound between the two weapons. It's very distinct.

    I'm with Rambler. We need progression in the area of sounds, not regression. Here's hoping that the M91/30 has a separate sound from the K98k in the Eastern Front series, because those are two rifles that do sound different.

    Those sounds are movie sounds. They are not based on real sounds.

    We are talking about guns that sound alike in real life.

    I would love to have one unique sound for each weapon in the game, but that is just not possible, and from Steves statements it seems that we are pushing the limit on the number of sounds right now, so consolidating some of the more similar sounding weapons would clear up space for the more unique weapons.

    As I have stated earlier, we now have only one sound for the italian 6mm weapons. That means that both the rifle and the machinegun use the same sound. If we could consolidate some of the other soundfiles (like the tommy and grease gun) it would open up for having a greater variety of 6mm sounds for example. Or the new 15mm cannon that will be in operation market garden as another example. I don't know if it has a new sound or not, but it wouldn't surprise me if it just uses the 20mm or 50cal sound to save resources...

    I mean, by your reasoning the MG42 and the MG34 should have separate sounds as well.

    But they dont, because they are basically the same weapon, and they have the same sound. They just fire at different rates of fire which makes the MG42 sound very distinct from the MG34.

    The M1917 and the M1919 are basically the same gun. One is water cooled and the other is air-cooled. Those are the major differences.

  6. Disagree. I definitely like having these as separate files.

    Why? They do sound almost identical in real life, so why have a separate sound for a wapon that not only sounds almost exactly like the thompson, but also is very rare in the game?

    Only if there's a coax/bow sound for each side, i.e. a sound for the German tanks and a sound for the Allied.

    Well as it is there are two different sound files for coax and bow MG (gun 7 coax.wav and gun 7 lmg.wav)

    These are only used by allied tanks (and maby italians). And it seems to be independent of whatever gun you have in bow and coax. So even if you have an M1919 in both coax and bow, the game would still use the bow and coax sounds instead of the M1919 sound. And that means that you can suddenly get two widely different sounds from the same weapon if whoever modded the game decides to have a different sound for coax and lmg.

    The germans use the default MG42 sound.

    It was a long slong to get BFC to finally add in some additional sounds. Really don't want to see it regress.

    Yeah, but as it stands they have problems adding more sounds so merging some of the sounds to make way for more sounds makes sense to me.

  7. As i pre-order the new Market Garden module, it strikes me as odd that i have to pay almost double the price because of shipping.

    The postal service in Sweden is perfectly adequate in handling shipments like this and I've never had these kind of high shipping costs before, so it seems really odd to me.

    Is there a specific reason for using UPS in countries where sending it through the mail would be an acceptable option?

  8. This would be absolutely great from my point of view - the more varied sounds the better, as for me sounds add more atmosphere than graphics - I've just been watching Ithikial's excellent AAR on the Niscemi mission - up to episode 7, and hearing the modded sounds of the 105 artillery barrage on the hill was incredible! I was actually cringing thinking of the PBI stuck in the buildings.

    In particular, am I right in saying the MP40 and the Thompson share the same sound at the moment? If so, it would be great to separate them out (if not, shame on me).

    No they do not share the sound.

    In fact, what I am asking for here is to make more weapons share sounds. Weapons that, for all intents and purpose, sound the same. Like the Thompson and the M3 Grease gun or the M1917 and the M11919.

    At the moment, these use separate sound files, but they could just as well use the same sound, thus freeing up another sound "slot" for more unique guns.

    Also: What AAR are you talking about? I can't seem to find any here on the forum except Bil's Beta AAR...

  9. So I had the discussion earlier about splitting up the italian 6.5mm sounds in two groups so modders could make one for the Machineguns and one for the Rifles (adding bolt action sounds in my case) and Steve mentioned that they cannot add too many different sounds because it slows down the game.

    But that got me thinking.

    We have an overabundance of dulicate sound files that really could share just one file.

    The Thompson and Grease Gun could share soundfile, since they both sound VERY similar (at least when I have heard them both fired after eachother).

    The M1919 and M1917 could certainly use the same sound file as well since they are basically the same weapon.

    The "bow" and "coax" sounds could certainly be the same file since most tanks have the same machinegun type as bow and coax (and when they don't, it is usually reflected by having a specific sound in the game)

    Another thought was that we still have the "old" sounds in the games files. (you know, the gun 7 single.wav files and the likes), so maby you could introduce a lower sound quality option for some who might be struggling with the game even in vanilla. That option would make the game use only the old base sounds. That might take off even more of the strain on an old system?

    But anyway, my point is that if you restructure the sounds a bit, you could easily free up space for 3-4 completely new sounds should they be needed.

    I personally wanted two sounds for the 6.5mm Italian since it would be nice to be able to distinguish the machineguns from the rifles (which can be hard if plenty of rifles are firing at the same time).

    I am pretty sure they sound different in real life when fired (at least as different as the BAR/Garand/M1919 would sound from eachother despite using the same ammo)

  10. This is about the only area in the CM series that I am slightly disappointed with, especially in comparison to the CM1 iteration (which I used to use all the time).

    Random unit selection (vital if you are playing v the AI and want an unknown enemy), especially in the tiny/small category, ranges from adequate to totally bizarre, making playing these almost impossible, unless you are happy to process through dozens of attempts to get something decent.

    I concur with Moon that there are lots of maps and many are excellent but even the best ones cannot overcome the handicap of

    a) Poor force selection and

    B) the AI restrictions. The AI does not know what type of units are going to deployed in the set up areas.

    I don't know too much about the AI settings but I wonder if it might be possible to have separate infantry and vehicle setup areas and groups?

    I would love to see QB's get a bit more TLC.

    I'm currently making smaller quickbattle maps out of the ciembienne urban map, and one thing I have done is to make the AI setup only in areas where tanks and vehicles can move from (so not in the middle of a walled in area or something like that), and then as their first defensive move (if on the defense) to move into the areas they are supposed to defend.

    This way the AI doesn't get stuck with tanks in the middle of a backyard or something like that, and they can still occupy buildings, they just won't do it on the first turn.

    I have noticed that this has kept the AI setup blunders to a minimum.

    There are both advantages and disadvantages to having AI plans on QB maps instead of the old CMx1 system.

    It gives the designer freedom to make some bold and surprising AI attack/defense plans, but on the other hand it means that map designers have to put in that extra effort to make AI plans.

    But I cannot for the life of me figure out why some map designers release their maps for QB with no AI plans whatsoever.

    Its super easy to just add that the AI sets up in its setup phase and then moves forward section by section (or even just straight to the objectives).

    It only takes a minute to set up the simplest of plans, but it seems some designers just canno be bothered.

    And thats when you get new players like this loading up a random QB map only to find out it has no plans whatsoever and the AI wont move.

    As for force selection, yeah, it is definately wonky. It needs work.

  11. I recall that this behavior is described in the manual; when a surrendering unit isn't approached/"touched" by enemy troops within a certain amount of time, they get back in the fight, though their morale is much worse.

    Looks like a real-life thinghy: I mean, when one tries to surrender but no enemy shows up to tell you where to go/what to do, some soldiers will pick up their guns and fight on or head back to friendly troops.

    Oh yes definately, I just haven't have it happen to me (yet)

  12. Whether to play WEGO or RT ultimately comes down to a matter of personal preference. Both have advantages and disadvantages. I have only played WEGO but there have been times when I pined for some of the advantages that come with RT.


    Oh, you mean like when your tank rolles out from behind that building, spots the enemy tank to its right, but decides to shoot at the infantry to its left instead?

    You mean like that?

    (yeah, i hate the TacAI sometimes...)

  13. Tactics with armored recon -

    - don't do "recon by death", which means driving down the road until someone kills you.

    - the first use of their speed is to cross ground you believe isn't covered by enemy fire rapidly, to reach the forward edge of your "safe", already controllable areas.

    - the second use of their speed is to get out of Dodge if heavier enemies move toward them.

    - keyhole with light armor. That means peek out between two buildings or around a clump of trees, with only a narrow line of LOS to the enemy side of the field. At the end of that thin line, pick one enemy that can't hurt light armor, and hose it with your weapons.

    - foot scouts go first whenever enemy fire is expected or possible. Armored cars shoot up the light infantry and MG positions that can stop foot scouts.

    - decoy heavier enemy elements (e.g. tanks) past your stronger forces, retreating out of their LOS, and daring them to come closer to get LOS to your light armor back. The armored car as "bait", in other words.

    Those tactics are all much easier to pull off in realtime mode than in WeGo.

  14. If the sounds can be discernibly better, then that would be good.

    My only caveat is that we now have SO many sound mods that sound different... some shots sound a bit more distant, other sound like they are a few feet away, some are more booming, others...

    They all "sound good" so it's impossible for folks like me to know which is actually the best improved sound.

    I have tried the SFX mod by stephsen and whilst I liked some of the sounds, I still wasn't sold on it (just a matter of taste, i couldn't distinguish the weapons easily)

    I have also tried the modestly named High Quality Sound mod, and whilst it certainly adds a **** ton of sounds to it I couldnt distinguish weapons easily either.

    I still haven't tried Jorge MC's soundmod (but I will when i get home tonite).

    But I would say that it depends on what you want from your soundmod.

    If you want the complete chaos of war and massive ear-bursting sounds, go with the HQ sound mod.

    If you want more movie like sounds, go with Jorge's mod since I see that he has taken alot of sounds from movies.

    If you want to be able to easily identify weapons from their sounds, go with mine or the SFX one (maby Jorge's too, I don't know yet).

    What I suggest is to pick your favourite scenario. Play until there is a turn with alot of action in it. Save in that turn.

    Then download all the sound mods and try them all one at a time (don't forget to delete them afterwords since some sounds could stay from old mods if you just install one over another. And don't forget to read my suggestions on what sounds you should use in conjunction with my soundmod)

  15. So i just bought the game, and loving it.

    I do have a few questions about game play. ( point me to any guide tips and such, i did peruse the manual)

    1) is there a way to see LOS for each unit? i think in other games there was? i now you get the baby blue line when you are targeting but something else?

    2) if you park a PUMA ( or any unit really) and give it the hide order. it wont fire on enemy units, Correct? It can be killed if spotted by enemy units

    3) Its difficult to watch every unit at once. How/what is the best way to determine when a unit is being sniped at / hit/ observes something? I now you can back up the tape in the 30 sec game turns, is there a similar option for real time?

    4) sometimes the mortars are out of control. i gater thats because the leader unit isnt near by. Any hints about placement of leaders so they can see the battlefield/not get knocked off and still communicate with their peeps?

    5) I love the scout unit feature

    6) can someone point me to operational strategy of recce units? I find they are cannon fodder(:() and nothing more, any tips about best use, application, deployment - particularly the armour elements?

    1: No, you have to use the blue targeting line.

    2: If any unit is hiding it will give priority to staying hidden. Even if an enemy starts shooting at it, it may decide to stay hidden. But sometimes, if it feels that it is in imminent danger, it might start shooting.

    3: In real time you cannot go back in time (which is why i never play in real time). I usually only notice when a unit suffers losses and its icon blinks. Other than that, i go by sound to determine where the action is.

    4: keep a command unit near the mortars. Make sure the command unit has a radio and that it is not the highest command unit you have (so pick one as low down in the command chain as you can).

    5: You can make your own "scout units" by splitting up squads into smaller groups :D

    6: Don't use armour as scouts in general. Use a small 3-5 man unit since that will minimise not only possible casualties, but also how easy it is for the enemy to spot the unit.

    Try to use as much cover as possible when moving. Make short dashes from cover to cover with the unit. Do not cover too much ground in a turn.

    Use hunt if you think you are likely to run into enemies at close range.

    Thats it really. Hope that answers some of your questions.

    And welcome to the combat mission series :D

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