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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. I know this isn't about WHICH mods are coming, but since the title makes it sound like that, let's put up a notice of what modders are going to release new stuff for CM:RT.

    I'll be updating my soundmod to fit with the new front. Alot of the sounds will be the same as in the CMBN/CMFI mod (no need to replace the german weapon sounds just because there is a new front), but the russian weapons will have all new sounds :)

    I'll be releasing it in two versions:

    Complete version: Includes all the sounds from the previous mod (sans us/uk/italian sounds)

    Patch version: Only the new sounds for those who already have my mod and don't want to download all of it again.

    Anyone else releasing something?

    Surely waclaw will be releasing an updated mod now that the front is moving closer to his home :)

    And I can't imagine that Aris/Fuser will be idle for long with all these goodies coming out :)

  2. It was explained to me awhile ago that Google makes in-game encyclopedias redundant. You want to know about Mosin Nagant rifles? Or WWII wooden bridges, or GAZ-MM trucks, or the floran and fauna of Poland? jump to desktop, Google it and you will instantly find more info than BFC could possibly compile into a single reference. The Game manual does come with a 'mini-encyclopedia', a brief description of every vehicle and weapon in the game.

    There are 2 problems with this way of thinking.

    1: On some systems CM tends to go wonky if you alt-tab out (and if you want to look up troops while buying units or playing the game, that's the only way for me)

    2: There is no way of knowing if the information you get is the information used in the game.

    Tere are many varying reports of tank armour thickness and whatnot on the internet these days. Sure, most of them are similar, but sometimes they do differ.

  3. There were no partisans involved in operation bagraton that I know of?

    The game is specifically about operation bagraton.

    Not the war in the east in general.

    It's kinda like asking for french resistance fighters in paris for CM:BN.

    Sure, they existed, but they didn't take part in the operations in normandie on any larger scale.

  4. It was the 82nd, and I think they became a regular thing only after Normandy. According to Gavin's memoirs they were became part of the TOE and they conducted regular training with them.

    Other units used them as well but in a less organized fashion. They seem to have been somewhat popular with the Soviets as well, mainly for bunker busting.

    I recall reading that they captured the stash in italy and used it during (and after) the landing in normandie.

    Can't recall where I read that tho.

    I'm sort of against soldiers just picking them up since they were quite hazardous and there wasn't really a similar US (or other Allied) weapon which they would already know how to use.

    Yes, I'm not saying they should, just that the picture is probably from a mod that adds US uniforms to germans since they don't pick up weapons as it is.

    Whether or not they should is a whole other discussion (that is not for this thread)

  5. So, I was thinking of recording another video in the same way that my Barkmanns Corner Experiment video was made. (Link


    So basically I need a battle where the camera can just follow one vehicle or unit (preferably a tank) for the entire battle and don't have to do much in the way of giving orders to other units.

    And it can't be longer than 40 minutes. Just my preference (don't want a 2 hour video here)

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