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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. Only time I ever use HT's to transport infantry into enemy territory is if I am bombarding their positions with pre-planned heavy artillery.

    So basically never :P

    But I have done it on occation and it usually pays off if done in concert with multiple pre-planned heavy arty drops.

    Just have to be careful to not get too close with your own troops.

    Other than that, use them at very long ranges to put down supporting fire with their machine guns (and even then they are to be treated like fragile eggshells)

  2. I realize that Battlefront does not give out release dates, but being 100% quiet about any sort of progress or a "we are close, hopefully next week", or something like that would go a long way to appease their customers and fan base.

    Yes, I'm new here, so I should just sit quietly and wait. But, I know a lot of developers who are very vocal about their progress, and it is so much nicer than absolute silence. I know Battlefront cares, but I wish they cared just a teeny bit more.

    Ok, that's it. Back to waiting and biting my tongue.

    In the world of Battlefront.com, quiet means that they are on crunch time. It is really close to release and they'll be releasing a date soon.

    Also, as you are new here, it might be good for you to know that a release date is only set when the game is 100% done and actually ready to be released.

    They don't set dates before they know it's all done.

    I know this is very different from how other developers do things, but IMHO this is the best way.

    That way there will never be any delays.

    And them opeining up for pre-orders is their way of saying "it's really close to release".

  3. Oh wow...

    "even the King Tiger could not penetrate our IS tanks from more than 400 meters at the front, while our IS could penetrate the King Tiger from the front at 600 meters"...

    That sounds very fishy to me.

    And I'm pretty much a russofile when it comes to WWII, I love the russian vehicles, but this just sounds like baloney to me.

  4. That brings up an interesting question: why have a turret? They add complexity, cost and vulnerability to a AVF. In game, a Panther takes 7-8 seconds to rotate its turret 90°, a Tiger tank takes twice that long.

    Many reasons.

    And they asked that question when they developed the swedish S tank.

    In a defensive role, there really is no deep need for a turret.

    In the offensive role though, there definately is.

    Speed and manouver is the name of the game and despite their name, assault guns aren't all that good at assaulting since they cannot push right up to the enemy without being severely hindered by their lack of a turret.

    But, the S tank, for example, was built ground up for the defensive role.

    It was a helluva tank in its day (still is if you ask me).

  5. Isn't ATG rotation speed more of an issue?

    Yes it is, but it doesn't make this less of an issue.

    I know you didn't mean anything by the comment, but I see this kind of argument popping up on different forums when complaints/points are raised.

    There is always a "but this other thing is more important" type of response and it really adds nothing to the discussion.

    It implies that nothing else should be fixed until the absolutely most important problem is fixed (and that is always a matter of opinion as to which one is the most important).

    So yeah, ATG's need faster rotation speed too.

    But this isn't a discussion about that.

  6. And you also get a hard media copy sent via the postal service and have to pay whatever international shipping the mail gouge out of BFC, plus any customs that your border agency decides is due... The little tin box is nice, and I do like having CDs of things, but it's not that nice, and I can manage with pure downloads, rather than let Da Revenoo have their pound of flesh.

    Yeah, that shipping fee can really hurt you sometimes :(

    If I could afford the game myself, I certainly would go for download only.

    I bought physical copies of both CMBN and CMFI (and expansions) but that cost me almost the price of 2 other games for each game.

  7. As to the topic about ambushing:

    Here are two pictures that symbolise the difference between hiding and ambushing in my mind:





    To me the difference is that if troops are hiding, they are nose down behind cover and not actively looking for the enemy, basically just doing their best to never be discovered.

    Ambushing soldiers, however, are doing their darndest to remain still and out of sight whilst still actively looking for the enemy.

    To me, the way the game handles these two situations right now is not satisfactory.

    If the troops are ordered to hide, they are harder to spot, but they also are useless at spotting and won't open fire at the enemy.

    If they are not ordered to hide, but use a target arc, they are not any harder to spot than any other troop that just happened to be in the same area.

    I think ambush should represent the troops actually making more of an effort than usual to conceal themselves using the surroundings while still staying alert to the enemy presence.

    Well, that's just my 2c anyway.

  8. Is it really necessary when we have target arc? I don't want to see preemptive shooting at EVERY building and bush on the map. It is gamey. Besides causualties are already certain when you stumble upon hidden enemy.

    But as it stands, target arc and hide combined doesn't work well.

    And target arc without hide quite often (IME) leads to early discovery and contact without return fire (because of the arc)

  9. I completely agree that it should be release when it's done. I'm all for that. My beef is that if you put an item up for pre-order, you should give an estimated release date. However, if they always get their games done in 4-6 weeks then that's good enough.

    I am new to this company, so I don't know their track record. I am very interested in getting started with a Combat Mission game, though. I would really appreciate any advice on what game to get first to start learning and enjoying? I am leaning towards Normandy. How is it nowadays with all the updates? Does it have a good tutorial? Is it using the latest game engine and graphics, decals, UI, etc?

    Thank you in advance for any assistance!

    Well, their track record is that they put out their games without any major bugs 99% of the time.

    Which is also why they can put up pre-orders before giving out a release date since most of their loyal customers (aka. the ones that will do the bulk of the pre-ordering) already know that when they do this it is going to be released soon™

    And that also means it will be released when it's ready©

    Hope that helps :D

  10. I had that happen in CMBB. Both HTs.

    Had it happen in Barkmanns corner. Fired right through one sherman and riccocheted off the second one, which apparantly got so scared that it bailed shortly after :D

    I think I have it on video somewhere too...

    EDIT: Nope, sorry, it appears I deleted it a few weeks back when I cleaned out my videos harddrive :(

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