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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. ALL of my mods for other CM games work EXCEPT "Animated text". Wait for specific CMRT release for that one.

    No, really?

    What a shocker!

    Animated text usually works so well whenever the slightest thing is changed in the game :P

    Hehehehe, must be annoying to have to update that all the time man, I feel for ya.

  2. Been looking into it a bit more and it seems the "overflow" files are being used.

    (ie. the rifle.wav, smg.wav and so on files).

    However, I found something else as well.

    The SVT-40 uses the same sound file as the mosin-nagant.

    So, yet again, I won't be able to make a mosin nagant sound with bolt action sounds.

    I thought my empassioned outcry in the FG42 incident would have made a difference.

    Please change it so that the SVT-40 uses another sound so that us modders can add bolt sounds to the bolt action rifles.

    right, I'm off to continue cataloging the sounds for the russians.

  3. So, I just downloaded and installed the game.

    Extracted the files so I could work on my soundmod and what do I see?

    Only four "new" weapon sound files.

    gun 115 t-62.wav

    gun 7 pk.wav

    gun 14 kpvt.wav

    gun 100 d10.wav

    soo... mind telling us soundmodders which weapon uses what file on the russian side?

    Since it appears they are using the cmbn sounds for the allied side so I'm guessing the PPSh41 uses either thompson or sten? Or maby the grease gun? or the gun smg.wav file?

    This is making modding so much harder :(

    I guess my soundmod will have to wait for a while until I've figured out what weapon uses what sound. *sigh*

    I'm dissapointed in you guys :(

    It couldn't have been too hard to just rename the .wav files for this version...

  4. C'mon guys it's been out ages already and no mods?

    Feel free to put the setup.exe file on a thumbdrive and proceed to my house so I can install the game and I'll slap my soundmod together lickety-split for ya :)

    Having serious trouble downloading the game for some reason.

    But don't worry... I got the soundmod all lined up and ready to go... just need to know the file names :)

  5. ahh so the mods work? great news! Need a sound mod for the russian guns asap...if someone would do that, it would be highly appreciated! thx ;)

    Hah! I've been working on the russian weapons for months now :P

    I only have to download the game to get the filenames and check some minor details out before releasing my RT version of my soundmod :D

  6. To add a little more detail to what MikeyD said...

    Basically the game engine was not written with the thought of a small team heavy weapon that is effectively in one piece and on wheels like a big gun (AT, IG, How, etc) but isn't towed by a vehicle. This meant having to choose between two existing animation, TacAI, and internal coding choices. We could do EITHER:

    1. Show the gun being broken down and carried, which allows it to be loaded into a truck and walked through certain terrain types. The gun looks fine when deployed, but when in motion it is broken down and carried like a tripod mounted MG.


    2. have it be a single piece unit and pushed around the map, but not allowed inside a truck or go through certain types of terrain. This means the gun is towed behind trucks and you can only have one per vehicle (in reality a truck can take 2 easily).

    Both had some serious graphical problems, but we always strive for function over form and the way the game has it now gives the player the correct behavior even if it doesn't look as good sometimes as it should.

    If there were more weapons that had this sort of characteristics it would make sense to spend the development time making the TacAI and other code changes necessary to have it work correctly in all ways. But in all 5 CM games we've done (Shock Force, Afghanistan, Normandy, Italy, and Red Thunder) this is the only instance. Doesn't seem to be worth bumping other features for what is basically a visual problem.

    I'm sure a show of hands here would confirm this is smart thinking on our part :)


    I forgive you for not re-writing the entire game engine to suit one weapon on one front. :)

  7. @ Medlinke

    The whole war.

    Soviets: BOOM BOOM BOOM

    Germans: Yeah, we get that. BRRRRR BRRRRR (MG42). Retreat. BRRRRR BRRRRR. OK So long! You wanted the Soviets over well made cars and planes that actually fly, you got it for the next 50 years! Enjoy that!


    I can't bring myself to play the Soviets after the fact they murdered 20 million people before the Nazis even really killed anyone (SA Purges/Kristalnacht excepted) and it seems that the Germans really only wanted a strong German SOI just to stop these guys. Doesn't seem right.

    PS The Germans won - Russians love living in German SOI cities in Germany, Cz and Hu etc. So does everyone else including Brooklyn hipsters.

    PS My nephew who believes the Hollywood BS about how the Soviets were "good" gets my copy. Sorry everyone. He'll learn soon enough.

    Eeeh... I don't even know how to respond to those statements...

    Firstly, I don't remember hollywood making the soviets out to be heroes... well... ever.

    Unless you count that one movie with arnold where he is a russian cop...

    And secondly, both sides on the east front were pretty "bad" when it comes to mass slaughter.

    It's a wargame tho, so any side is going to be kinda bad no matter what... it's a game about killing people...

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