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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. We've done all that in the past and certainly a localized Russian game will boost sales. But only if it uses our DRM. Because Russians love to pirate. I remember getting pictures of CMBB being sold in a market in one the "stans" (I think it was Uzbekistan) for $1 not long after the game came out.


    Yeah, might want to consider making it download only or somehow otherwise locked to your DRM.

    Games like WoT don't have that problem, naturally, and they sell massively in russia.

  2. Firstly, it is pretty impressive that BFC actually take time to fix minor errors like this that really didn't need to be fixed for the game to do its "job".

    Secondly, it speaks volumes for BFC's reputation of making rock solid games and quenching bugs as soon as they appear when this is the kind of stuff people complain about :)

  3. No, because it isn't a single problem. It's the way sound files are loaded into memory and recalled. It's about the size of those sounds and the impact on RAM. It's about all the other demands CM is placing on the various components of the average computer. It's about modders paying little attention to these problems and creating mods that literally break the game, for which we get blamed first.

    If this was a simple problem to address we'd already have unique sounds for every weapon. And would have from the start. Overall it is just "fluff" for the game and it's not worth bringing the whole thing crawling to a halt for something that very few people would even appreciate. Obviously, based on your posts, you're not one of those people :) Speaking as a fellow gun nut, who has been fortunate to use or witness firing just about every WW2 US, German, and Soviet gun I can sympathize. But my personal interests have to be kept in perspective.


    Oh you know you love us pesky modders ;)

    On a serious note tho, could you check with whoever is in the know (if it isn't your department), what file size and length is kinda "optimal" for the game?

    As far as the chance of a FG42 coming up, I just checked and it has a 10% chance of popping up in every single combat squad (Rifle, Pioneer, and Aufklärung). I'll bump it up a little bit, but not much because 10% is already significant given the supply side issues facing these particular FJ units.


    Have you checked that it isn't a "under the hood" problem? 10% sounds like it should have showed up more than it did in peoples (and my later) tests...

  4. How exactly does this improve performance? In the end both files would have to be loaded by the game, right?

    It allows modders to make different sounds for those two very different sounding weapons.

    But it also saves the developers time and effort by just keeping the same sound and copying it to that new one.

    So if you want different sounding SMG's, you can. Just install a soundmod.

    But if you are just using the regular sounds, they are very light on the taxation of your system (they are "light and easy" sound files).

    If you start using soundmods, you might experience performance drops.

    From the start, the game (CMSF at least) didn't even have more than 1 sound for every type of weapon (1 smg sound, 1 mg sound, 1 rifle sound and so on) for almost all of the weapons in the game.

    So the garand used the same sound as the kar 98 and the springfield, for example.

    This was changed due to heavy demands for more sound files by the players.

    So this was a compromise.

  5. For about 75% of our total audience, perhaps. As anybody whose frequented these Forums over the last 13 years will know... Eastern Front is my favorite topic, but I'm not blind to the reality that the Western Front is where the sales are at. I bet if we put out an all inclusive 1941-1945 Eastern Front game it would be outsold by a Battle of the Bulge game.

    Argue all you like, but if you haven't been on the sales and development side of gaming then kindly keep in mind that you don't know what you're talking about :D

    Where Eastern Front shines, from a sales standpoint, is it's predictability. The Eastern Front is HUGE and offers us tons of game opportunities. Each one is almost as likely as any other to sell strong. Not fantastic, but strong. Which means we are more willing to develop Eastern Front games because we are confident they aren't risky. Provided we scale our development costs to the effort it's a win-win for everybody. It's why we have waited so long to do Eastern Front, in fact. We had Modern and Western Front "fund" the game engine we now have. Which means we don't need to plow huge resources into the game portion of the Eastern Front since it's already (mostly) developed. If it wasn't I can assure you we wouldn't have an Eastern Front game already well under way.


    Not if you market it in russia and use a russian publisher :)

    Those former soviets are completely nuts when it comes to WW2 games that portray the russians...

    Of course, you would have to make a localized version with cyrillic text and all... but might be worth the effort :)

    just be ready to face an onslaught of complaints about how the T-34 should be able to knock out anything from 1000 meters, since the new wave of national pride over there has taken some absurd expressions...

  6. Is anything in the plans for overcoming this problem? To be fully honest it's quite lame, for example, to hear the Thompson and MP40 using the same sound.

    I do hope you are aware that the thompson and the MP40 use different sound files, it's just that the vanilla game has the same sound in both those files right?

    Try using a soundmod once :)

  7. It is supposed to be quite rare, but it seems it got to be more rare than expected sometime while making the Module. I'm going to look at this again tonight and see how i can increase the chances of seeing them a bit more, though only a bit.

    As for unique sound effects, you can do a search on this topic and find a lot of threads about it. Bottomline is that sound effects are a massive hit to computing resources so we keep them to a minimum. Allowing Mods has been inadvisable as well since we try very hard to not allow people to overwhelm their computer's abilities. Because guess who gets blamed first when the framerate drops or games start crashing? Let me give you one guess :D


    Not unique, just a switch to use something not associated to a bolt action rifle :)

    Maby the MG34 sound? (gun 7 lmg.wav) or even one of the now unused old rifle sounds?


    Just suggestions... especially since alot of the soundmods have bolt action sounds on the bolt action rifles.

  8. BFC has been around for more than 14 years. This thread is really a celebration of Oddball_E8 posting on the forum for 14 years ;)

    Heh, not much to celebrate there :P

    And just for fun, I looked up the first post by me I could find in the archives:

    this may be a stupid question but here goes.

    i once had a ricochet that went at an absolute 90 degree angle. ie strait into the air. will it ever come down or does it just dissapear?

  9. Just noticed today that it's almost fourteen years since I first discovered combat mission :)

    It's pretty incredible that I keep coming back to this place over the years.

    And how far the game has come!

    Back when CM:BO was released, it was not exactly the peak of graphics, but the mechanics under the hood more than made up for that.

    And with CMx2, we have both the graphics and a better engine under the hood :D

    I just have to say, I love you guys at BFC!

    Thank you for 14 great years of torment and joy metered out in 60 second doses :)

    And thank you for imprinting on the naive 23 year old me how much can happen in the span of a single minute.

  10. But..you see.... I add and update...those packs get out of date as soon as they are uploaded ;) . To sum up, it takes time and love to make up and customize your beloved CM, be patient, enjoy it, it's just a part of the whole fun...I spend countless hours "improving" this wonderful game, come on guys, don't be lazy,...:)

    Not trying to be an a-hole here, but couldn't you just upload your old US units to cmmods then? I mean, don¨t be lazy ;)

    I really do not like the repository, it is not user friendly at all...

  11. Thanks, Jaws.

    So considering the bocagefighting and the Fj's, that wouldn't be all to different from other Germans in bocage, wouldn't it? Except for the uniforms and special weapons like the FG42, which isn't even available in noticeable numbers..

    I still can't see the reason for bocage in MG, there were numerous fights on all kinds of different terrain in this period. No need for bocage.

    Oh no you don't!

    If you start looking at it that way then we might as well toss out the kriegsmarine, luftwaffe, waffen SS, US Airborne, UK Airborne and all other troops and just use plain standard Infantry...

    The reason there were Normandy missions in this expansion is because of the inclusion of the Fallchirmjäger, its your own fault for not reading the description.

    There was really no need to make Market Garden at all by your reasoning. They could have just used the french houses and regular bridges to simulate these battles.

    No need for any of the fancy new houses or units.

    They could have used the king tiger porsche model instead of including a new one. It's close enough.

    Only thing they needed to release was a small patch with the AA weapons then.

    No, just because you don't want more bocage missions doesn't mean that you can throw a hissy-fit on the forums about it and make blanket statements like "well FJ in bocage is just like any other Germans in bocage, so no need to make these missions".

  12. Hmmm bit of a bummer on using the Kar sfx for the FG42, maybe they can switch it in the next patch? I'd really like to keep a few reloading sfx mixed in for the bolt action rifles.

    I doubt they would do that just to placate the few users that actually have soundmods with bolt action sounds installed... :(

  13. Not all my mods are at CMMODS. At some moment I decided I would upload exclusively there, but oldest mods for CMBN (most US for CMBN, yes) are only available at the Repository. So, in short, check the Repository for oldest US vehicles but be aware that some of them will be updated (time permitting) as I consider them to be,...well,..not up to my current standards...

    Someone made a compilation out there somewhere that includes most, if not all, of your mods up until then.

    Can't recall where that compilation was right now tho.


    Since I wasn't wearing my glasses (cuz I don't need no stinkin' glasses!) I had used the kriegsmarine instead of FJ (assuming that they had their own grouping in the editor).

    So no wonder I didn't find any FG42.

    That said, I did find them now... and there is a problem.

    They use the Kar98k sound. And in my soundmod, that has a bolt action sound added to it :(

    So now when the FJ use the FG42 to fire full auto you will hear a smattering of bolt actions afterwards :(

    I guess I'll have to change my mod to remove all the bolt action sounds now (can't have them on lee-enfield and springfield if they aren't on the mauser).

    I just don't understand why BFC didn't use the now available gun rifle.wav/gun 7 single.wav sounds that used to be the default for all rifles?

    In the vanilla game it sounds the same as all other rifles, so I just don't understand why they used the kar 98k sound :(

  15. So I decided that I wanted to check what sound the FG42 used in the game since it doesnt have its own in the files, so I made a scenario with the two different FJ battalions.

    Not a single FG42 to be found!

    So I tried again, thinking that it might just be very very rare.

    Tried three times with two full battalions.

    Still no FG42.

    Did it not make it into the game?

    If so, why not?

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