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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. Oddbakk_E8, i wish you will have the time to do the sound mod you spoke in :


    Of course if you're always in the mood to :D

    I've actually been working on something like that.

    But it uses the default sounds but rearranges them by caliber instead of weapon.

    So there is one sound for 7.92 mauser, one for 45acp and so on.

    It might sound like a wierd idea, but it actually works.

    The different rates of fire makes the weapons distinct from eachother anyway.

    I've tried it and the MG42 sounds different from the MG34.

    I have a few testers right now, and after some feedback, I'll be releasing versions for all CMx2 games set in WWII.

  2. Funny thing is, their churning out stuff faster seems to have absolutley no impact on our impatience for stuff to be released.

    And it probably never will.

    Having played some MMO's I know that it doesn't matter how fast a gaming company churns out content, there will always be impatient gamers wanting more :)

  3. Sorry to burst any bubbles, but the following was included in the e-mail:

    "The physical goods for the game are going to start shipping within the

    next 4-6 weeks out of our US location."

    Yes yes, point is still that non-US locations take longer to get the copies.

  4. They should throttle the network.

    USA gets priority. Everyone else 25% capacity.


    Kindly go F yourself if that was serious.

    Most of the ones that have to wait several days, maby even a week for their physical copies to arrive (and on top of that have to pay alot more, sometimes more than 2x the price for shipping) should for some reason be punished further?

    That's real friendly of you...

  5. Hmmm..the wording does us other customers little credit..most of us are loyal customers but we can't afford the delivery charges if we could pre order the download only then I'm sure most of us would have done so.

    Yeah, it kinda smarts having bought every single CM game they have made and just because I'm unemployed now and can't buy this one, I'm not "loyal"?


    I mean, I get the meaning, but the wording hurts :(

  6. Personally I can't wait for the moments that go something like this:

    "Ah yes, I hear a plane. Perfect timing, now these German Dogs will feel the wrath of airborne pain! NOOO! STOP! STOOP! My Beautiful army! So much blood, my poor brave Russians.."

    But then I am a massive masochist.

    Hehehe yeah, I would prefer if it was like that on all fronts really.

    Just did a QB when testing some sounds for my soundmod and the AI had air support.

    It came over several times without finding a target (was inf vs inf only) but when it finally did, it destroyed an entire flank for me.

    BUT, once it had done that, it proceeded to decimate the AI's units on that front as well :)

    Oh the joy of double-edged swords :D

  7. The main reason why they aren't in the game is that they are not needed.

    The trucks in the game already fulfill all the duties of the sdkfz halftracks and putting an effort into making these would take time and effort from other things.

    That's just the way it is.

  8. I'm watching the stream and see a Maxim HMG firing with a sound identical like the rest of MG in game and even SMGs... This kills the immersion ;).

    Would be great if there were at least few new weapon-specific sounds, like MGs and SMGs.

    Would be great too if German and Russian tanks sounded differently. It's not much coding I hope, just some resources to add.

    There will be. If it's not in the game at launch, it will be added by modders.

    In CMBN and CMFI alot of the different sounds were actually the same (all smg's for example used the same sound, but with different names).

    That way the modders can create more variety but the base game is easy on the low-end computers.

  9. The ever-popular answer: it depends. :D

    CMRT is divided into Russia and Eastern Europe regions. Russia is default art with standard naming, alt. Eastern Europe art is [tagged] and will overwrite any standard named art. So [easterneurope] tag endings will have to be added to any art you want to overwrite Eastern Europe art.

    French/Dutch building mods aren't particularly appropriate for Russia which is very wooden-structure-heavy. Turning the eastern front environment into an imitation of Normandy rather defeats the purpose of making a whole different game. I'd caution people to first see what they got, see what they need, then add mods judiciously. And of course the modders go crazy making CMRT-specific mods. :D

    There's also a whole new modding regimen that allows people to [tag] their own mods and assign specific tags to specific scenarios. The game's going to come with a sample to try out. Add the word rubble to a scenario's mod tags and the 'heavy rocks' terrain with automatically change to broken brick rubble for city maps.

    It would make for a nice "what if" scenario tho :)

    Russians in western europe :)

  10. In real life battles and engagements lasted far longer than in CM and resupply was not a guarantee between engagements.

    So while your tank might not run out of AP ammo, I'm pretty sure those real life tankers would rather have too much AP ammo lying around in case they ran in to an enemy tank in their fourth engagement of the day than to have an excess of HE ammo when said tank appears...

  11. When the BFC silence is broken the release in imminent.

    What does 'imminent' mean?

    And what does 'silence' mean?

    and what does 'is' mean?

    I think this wait for Red Thunder is making me dumber somehow...

    Maby I should eat and drink something before it is released instead of just sitting here pressing F5?

  12. Thanks. I didn't mention this, but guys like you, who have firsthand experience with modding, do get 'extra points,' as you tend to know what to look for. Sadly, those are usually the ones who seem to play very little.

    But for now I'll wait a bit for some more volunteers, okay.

    I've noticed that too!

    Most of the modders seem to be the ones that play the least compared to the rest of the community.

    And not only because they are busy modding.

    Why do you think that is?

    Sorry if I'm bringing the thread OT, but I'm genuinely curious.

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