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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. Oh please... :rolleyes: He's just giving some constructive criticism. That's what people do when preview images of a game are shown. If he was being rude I'd understand not cutting him a break, but he's not. Quit acting like you're part of the good ol' boy's club here and feel the need to cut people down for just sharing an opinion.

    His intentions may be good, but the effort is completely misguided.

    With no information on whether these are the final looks of the decals or not, it's rather pointless to start up a discussion on them.

    For all we know, they could be completely different in the final version.

  2. It would be good for the hit decals to have a bit of "raggedness" to them, if possible. Cut the OP some slack already. :rolleyes:

    I just don't get people who complain about a product before they have even seen the final product.

    For all we know, the decals seen in the beta so far are not the ones in the final product, so why complain before we know if it is the final version or not?

    I won't cut anyone slack when it comes to assinine behaviour like that.

  3. And what about the other decals - like Red Stars, letters and numbers - the soviet tanks are looking very boring and blank at the moment.

    Actually, they are looking very BETA at the moment...

    How about we leave out complaints about missing/bad textures and decals until after the game is actually released?

  4. BFC are constanly working on the AI. They are aware that their chief customer base is the single player. Part of the price we pay for the complexity and detail of the game is that these things make programming AI exponentially more difficult. Even limited as it is, it's a pretty remarkable achievement.

    One of the biggest limitations on the AI, especially on the attack, is that it can't use area fire to suppress defensive positions. Of course, giving the AI the discrimination to use area fire effectively is a massively difficult programming task, so this is a weakness we won't see go away any time soon.

    The first iteration of triggers will make, I think, more difference to the cunning of the AI opponent on the defense than it will to the attack. It will help a little bit to make things interesting for the human defender, sure, but not to the degree it will allow the AI defender to become responsive. As soon as the programming team can squeeze branching into the triggers framework they'll become more useful for the attack. Though even in the first iteration, given that the AI doesn't have to see your forces at trigger locations, they could be used to have different plans available for different defensive dispositions. The AI can be given a "clairvoyant" commander with very good recon abilities... Those VLs you've abandoned will be snapped up by token forces, and maneuver can be adapted to your dispositions. Making the AI look like it's not "cheating" (which, for the first time, you might have some cause to think...) will probably need some consideration... shouldn't be hard to do, by having all the plans have the same first few minutes, and not make the test for presence until the AI's forces could "credibly" have some sort of relvant info about your setup.

    Won't solve the "all units with the same orders go through the same keyhole and get shot to dogmeat" problem that we folk who just play the scenarios see, but should make the AI much less predictable.

    In the meantime, since you're not saving scenarios for HvH games, scenarios are a much better bet for a decent AI opponent than QBs, since the plans are much better tailored to the forces and terrain, and the author's had the chance to see exactly how many extra bodies are required to be crammed into the muzzles of your weapons to challenge the defense.

    Ive often thought about that.

    The AI's inability to area fire, I mean.

    Couldn't it be done with a trigger-like system?

    Scenario designers could include "area fire" markers in the AI plan, and if the AI discovers enemies in those areas they are allowed to area fire in those marked areas for up to 2 turns (or something) after the contact has dissapeared?

    just a thought.

  5. This series is actually pretty good. I enjoyed watching all 18 episodes. I've watched the Bagration episode a couple of times since CMRT covers it (but not too much detail). The narrator kept say operation "Bah-grAh-tee-un". Now the geek in me needs to know the proper pronunciation. "Bah-grAh-tee-un" or "Bah-gray-shun"?

    Edit: after reading the above post, I'm guessing Bah-grAh-tee-un.

    Considering the the fact that he consistently mispronounces bielarus, I wouldn't put much creedence in his pronounciation.

  6. Would it be possible to let the units "sink down" into the ground then?

    Making only the head and upper part of the torso stick out and the rest actually clip through the ground without actually changing the terrain when in a foxhole or trench?

    It's a workaround, sure, but it would mean a better physical representation of a foxhole or trench.

  7. I disagree with the no good guys in war. There are lots of good ordinary people in war serving their respective countries. The problem is they are just put in bad situations by people who are not good people. Big distinction imho.

    We may be from different countries with very different ethical thought processes but I hope you can understand what I mean by this.

    "Good guys" in this discussion refers to entire countries, not individuals.

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