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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. Massive firepower.

    Throw everything you have at one tiger at a time (preferably without the others seeing and shooting at you) and you might destroy its optics, tracks or gun.

    Failing that, Air Support and Artillery might have some success (especially if they are parked on a hill.)

    But your best bet would be flankin on both sides at once if you can. Preferrably at short ranges. Keep moving to take advantage of the tigers relatively slow rotation speed and you might take it out.

    It's a tough nut to crack tho.

    Unless you have firefly's... then it's a piece of cake :)

  2. Doesn't this mean that as time goes by and more people move to newer and newer technologies that at some point the games will be unplayable.

    My new PC is now 2 years old and CM is probably the worst game to play on it, where as my laptop which is now 7 years old plays it OK. It was a top of the range Viao at the time but CM is about all that works on it now, where my PC can play loads of modern games without any problems.

    So when I want to upgrade my PC in a year or so, will I still be able to play CM?

    This kinda applies to all games out there.

    Try playing the original Sid Meyer's Pirates on your PC...

    But alot of old games are still playable using emulators and such, which is what you'll have to use if you want to play old CM games in the future.

    But as the technology keeps advancing, so will CM.

    There will never be a point where relatively new CM games will be completely unplayable on newer computers.

    As to why your PC is worse with CM than your old laptop, It might be that because some manufacturers assume that all games will be multi-core they often have a slower core speed per core than usual.

    But I doubt that it's because of that. BFC would have to explain the details on those kinds of things.

  3. The answer is in the question. Of course realistic infantry formations would add realism.

    But that is not what this is about.

    What you should be asking is; "How did infantry move in real combat situations, did they in fact use formations and did they stay in formation when the bullets start flying"?

    I can, however, agree that this column movement behaviour is not ideal, nor very realistic during combat.

    I would settle for a more spread out movement. Not formations per-say but just not a bunched up column.

  4. I also sometimes have this problem with the vehicle engine sounds playing back very quiet. Toggling the sound off and back on (ALT + S) restores the sound to a normal level, at least temporarily.

    I know I've had it happen with my own mod, which does not include engine sounds, so I don't think it has anything to do with the modded file. Frankly, it might happen without mods, too, but it's been ages since I've played without a sound mod loaded.

    I suspect it might have something to do with multiple sources of the loop initiating simultaneously, and might get worse if the file is larger than stock. Kind of a unique characteristic of the vehicle idle loops.

    I think this is simply when there is too much sound going on.

    I have had this happen when using many vehicles at once or in the middle of heavy battles.

    It might be because most of our modded sounds are longer (not larger, longer) than the vanilla ones are, so at any one time there are more sounds playing at the same time than the game is designed to do.

    thats my theory anyway.

  5. No, it couldn't, since that's precisely how CMx2 doesn't work.

    How many PnP games tracked bullet flight time? One, that I can think of. And even that didn't model the actual trajectory of the rounds fired.

    Yes it does (or it doesn't if they don't actually lead, but rely on high velocity and short engagement ranges together with "error bars" to hit a moving target).

    I'd've thought you'd've seen threads where this sort of thing (that there's no "percent chance to hit") has been mentioned; you've certainly been around long enough.

    I don't read much since I have dyslexia.

    So the long-winded threads about technicalities tend to slip me by.

    Although the fact that tanks that are not moving, but have a move order, keep missing more than stationary ones makes me feel like there is a bit of "hit percentages" stuff going on under the hood, and its not all just pure ballistics...

  6. That would depend on whether the "aiming AI" leads the moving target deliberately, and if it does, how it determines the degree of aim-off to apply.

    Actually, it could be as simple as giving a lessened chance to anyone shooting at a moving target.

    As an old PnP roleplayer, my mind immediately goes to a "-25% chance to hit because of moving target" place :)

    So It doesnt have to be as elaborate as the AI leading the moving target and stuff like that, it might just simply be a lessened chance to hit anything that is moving.

    Would be interesting to know if it is harder to hit a faster moving target than a slower moving one :)

  7. Hello Steve

    so if we have the game, will the game be free patched to the latest engine ?


    Most likely it will be for a small fee like 2.0 was.

    Not something I would mind since most companies out there just dump the games after a while.

    Its not like you could get an updated version of Battlefield 1 from Dice for free (or at all for tha matter) now is it?

    So a 10$ fee for upgrading sounds right to me.

  8. Have you considered that 3 months solid CM playing time could means he is your nemesis when you next play him. :D

    Actually, he has a good head for tactics already, the main problem is that since we usually play against eachother on the same computer, his turns take longer simply because he isn't used to the controls.

    So I just think this will make him slightly more dangerous but alot faster :)

  9. Ok, all Sherman BMPS are ready to pack and ship. BUT, big BUT ...indeed, would you like to wait one more week (or maybe more) for all decal sets to be finished or would you like to have new Shermans now,...I have modified the base textures only, so French Shermans and other decals included in original Sherman mods (Version 1, September 2011) are not included ...

    I don't give a hoot about decals, but I still say wait a week. Some people love decals so why not give them that extra sweet lovin'?

  10. i have all the cm series games , a good high speed connection but no idea how to find online friends that would play ip games anyone help out please. cheers

    I have a strong feeling that either you misread the topic completely, or you posted in the wrong thread.

    On topic: No need to fret over this subject any more since I went out and bought CM:BN, CM:CW, 2.0 and CM:MG for him.

    Cost me a wad of cash but I'll live.

  11. What I normally do is just pick a date closer to 1945 and month. usually most things are available.. but since only around 2000 were made.. it was pretty rare.

    Quote from JonS

    "There is one other setting, an easy one to overlook, which alters the force at the time it is purchased. This is the Quality setting in the middle of the left hand panel, and which has a default of ‘Typical’. The system's vernacular has things rated ‘Excellent’ to ‘Poor’ in five steps. But in many cases the terms are better thought of as Typical through Rare, with perhaps the "best option being the one at the bottom of the picking order.

    This setting alters the mix and quality of the weapons the battalion is equipped with. In the case of the SS grenadier battalion making up KG Harder, Excellent means:

    * All rifle squads have a rifle grenadier

    * Rifle squads have a higher proportion of G43 semi auto rifles and MP44 assault rifles.

    * All MGs are MG42s

    Poor means:

    * None of the rifle squads have a rifle grenadier

    * Rifle squads have a lower proportion of G43 semi auto rifles and MP44 assault rifles."

    I think this would help mayb

    I guess you missed the post where I explained that I picked kriegsmarine by mistake? :)

  12. Well maybe you've just had a streak of unlucky die rolls. Happens, you know.


    I wasn't talking about just my experiences. Nor was I stating it as fact, just telling him that maby he should check to make sure it isnt an under the hood problem before hiking up the chance.

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