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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. Just now I found out that there are TWO bocage scenario's in Market Garden. "Sacrifice for new religion" and "Green Hell".

    What the bl*#dy f#&K is that?

    Didn't we have enough of this slow-going annoyance in Normandy and CW?

    Were these leftovers from CMBN that were put in to hasten the release of MG?

    I really, really, really love some of the MG scenario's and it is an exceptional experience to be able to play in and around Arnhem like I'm really there in '44.

    But after CMBN and CW I am fed up with bocage, so I do not understand why these scenario's are in MG. One would have been acceptable, but with two I feel a little cheated.

    Fallchirmjaeger were introduced in MG. Fallchirmjaeger fought in the bocage in Normandie.

    Alot of people have been waiting for scenarios in normandie with Fallchirmjaeger.

    So how about you just pipe down and get back to playing whatever the heck you like and quit whining about it here.

    Bye bye now!

  2. Anti tank guns were not that easy to disable with tanks historically. Unless you have something heavier or manage a direct hit.

    I have found that using mainly machineguns against them works better than using the cannon. Set target light on it and see if it helps.

  3. I can only speak for soundmods, but since I do not make any of my sounds myself (as in, I am not a sound engineer), they are all from various internet sources.

    And looking at the other soundmods out there, I would have to say that most (if not all) are the same way.

    Sure, some may have combined or modified sounds (like I have in some cases) but the original sounds are almost always from other sources.

    That, to me, means that the mod creators (in those cases) have absolutely no right to decide how others use their sounds.

    The only time I have been annoyed about something like that is when someone used almost exclusively my sounds in their soundmod and called it their own creation.

    That kinda annoyed me since it was basically my soundmod but no credit at all was given.

  4. It's because people like this go there to vote:

    People who have no concept of what a real strategy/tactical game is and think that Company of Heroes is a "heavy strategy game with deep layers of tactics"...

    Basically the casual gamers (a term I usually hate to use, but I will in this case) who just want to play an easy game that lasts no more than 10 hours and holds their hands all the way from start to finish.

  5. I created a firing lane and ran a test.


    German Half Tracks [251/1].

    Each carrying a 6 man MG team.

    Experience Veteran

    Motivation Fanatical

    Leadership +2

    At a range of 50 Meters on open ground I placed:

    3 man US Scout Team

    Experience Veteran

    Motivation Fanatical

    Leadership +2

    I ran 1000 instances with Half Track Buttoned and 1000 Unbuttoned.




    My anecdotal appraisal of the results of this test is as follows:

    Unbuttoned Half Tracks suffer more casualties to vehicle crew members and non gunner passengers.

    But fewer casualties overall because the gunner is more likely to spot early and get the first shot off to kill / suppress the Scouts.

    I believe there is a MUCH higher incidence than should occur of the Half Track spotting the Scout team before the Scouts manage to spot the vehicle.

    Eight seconds for a Veteran Scout team looking in the direction of an enemy AFV completely in the open at 50m is WAY TOO LONG, but I think that's the spotting cycle issue.

    It seemed that buttoned Half Tracks were spotted by the Scouts first more regularly and there were many instances of Scout teams proceeding to repeatedly take the heads off gunners as they popped their heads up one at a time.

    It has been my opinion, and still is, that HT Gunners and Tank Commanders are bullet magnets.

    My intention is to run the test twice more with two different set ups.

    One with the Half Track facing a US Infantry Squad at 100m, and another facing a US M1917A1 Heavy Machine Gun at 200m

    Considering the fact that what most are discussing here is the unrealistic accuracy and hit frequency at long ranges, running a test at 50 meters (and 100m and 200m) does nothing to help this discussion.

    Change the test to 500+ meters and it will be relevant.

    Even better yet, try it with the halftrack unbuttoned but with a short cover arc as some has pointed out that it seems to stop enemy troops from shooting at it.

    (also, empty halftrack since it is specifically halftrack GUNNERS we are worried about, not the passengers).

    So whilst I do appreciate the effort of making the test, it was rather pointless for the discussion.

  6. Seriously! Sounds like a bug. Still doesn't excuse people from driving their HTs around the battle field expecting terminator like effects.

    Nobody is expecting that.

    Despite what some here seem to think, alot of us do not use HT's as rolling pillboxes.

    I usually do not use HT's within 3-400 meters of the enemy. If I do, it is just to rush up and dump some units behind cover and then rush away again, with a buttoned crew (well, as buttoned as it gets in a HT).

    But when I use my HT's to provide covering fire from distances of 400m+ the seem to get singled out by every tom, dick and harry on the enemy side and promptly executed.

    We are not talking about someone setting up a lone HT in the open with no other troops around either.

    I am talking about having engaged the enemy units already with infantry at closer ranges and then opening up with the halftracks MG to supress the enemy that is already in combat.

    And then that enemy decides to ignore my troops that are at a far shorter range and often in far less cover than a weapon shield at 500+ meters would provide, to instead concentrate almost all their fire on this one machinegun (despite having 3-5 machineguns firing at them from the infantry squads at a much more lethal range). And not only that, but promptly hitting and killing the gunner whilst under heavy close range fire.

    These are the results I (and many others here) are talking about.

    NOT rushing in with halftracks in cramped streets with no infantry support and expecting them to dominate the enemy.

    Just so we are clear here...

  7. Current AT guns don't split into two separate pieces when you unlimber them. You do understand how big of an issue that is with regards to the in game models right? An AA gun has one model, then all of a sudden after you unlimber it your one single model splits into two models in the middle of the turn on the fly. There isn't a single item in the game currently that splits into separate models ... not one. So assuming that its even possible for the game to split one model into two on the fly in the manner of a bacteria, the code would have to be written from scratch to allow it to take place in game. How much time and effort would that take (assuming its possible to do at all?). Who knows. All this for one single FLAK gun that was largely obsolete by 1944 anyway.

    Not really seeing the problem here.

    We have items in the game that have moving parts that deploy before firing.

    One example would be the AT guns that have legs that move out to the side before being able to fire.

    Another would be the möbelwagen.

    If you make the part connecting the actual gun to the carriage invisible, it isn't actually two models, it is just one model with moving parts. The carriage moves backward on this invisible part so that it LOOKS like it is separate from the weapon, but in fact it is still one model. It never splits into two models.

    I don't know how much simpler I can describe this, but people seem to keep missing the point.

    One model. Never splits into two models, just has one part of the model move away from the other model (just like the legs on an AT gun does now) but connected through an invisible part of the model that makes it LOOK like the part moving away is actually separate.

    SHOULD you actually put a non see-through texture on that part connecting them, what you would see is the carriage moving backwards from the gun on a railing basically.

    This sounds like a relatively simple solution to me (admittedly I am no programmer or 3d modeler) since we already have units that move in this manner.

    Imagine having the big 75mm AT gun, but put a texture on its legs that is half invisible (so that only the end of the legs show).

    Wouldn't that look like a separate part of the gun was moving around? Wouldn't that look like two separate models?

    I cannot explain it any simpler than that, so if some of you still do not understand what I mean, maby I'll have to draw it on a piece of paper and scan it so I can post it here...

  8. ... which, in other words, would be two pieces (albeit connected) moving independently.

    Not quite. No more than the barrel of a deployed AT gun moving independently from the chassis.

    Once deployed, the wheeled carriage would not move independently from the rest of the unit. It would just sit there behind it waiting to be used again. Kinda like the "legs" on an AT gun does now.

    The only thing moving "independently" would be the gun itself, just like it does now. (as in, the base of the AA gun doesn't move when the gun itself moves)

  9. Oddball_E8,

    We did consider that possibility and, if we do ever allow them to limber, pretty much for sure that's the way we're going to do it. But there's quite a few complications even with that, at least in terms of the game coding aspect. There is no support for a two part weapon with independently moving pieces. I don't know how big of a deal it would be to add such behavior, but given how many other things you guys want (like ground to air combat) it's going to have to wait in line.


    Thing is, this isn't really two pieces moving indipendently :)

    They are still just one piece with basically an invisible bar linking them for movement purposes.

    And since the carriage wouldn't be taking any separate damage (just like the wheels on a Pak40 doesn't take damage independently from the gun) they do not need to be modeled separately.

    In short, it is just one model with a moveable part that "separates" from the main gun when setting up (like the legs on the AT guns spread out when they set up, only this part just moves further to the rear, still connected by that invisible connection).

    I hope I'm making sense here :/

  10. Maby you could do it like they did in WWII Online?

    When you use the flak 30 there it moves on a wheeled carriage, but when you set up, the carriage slides off and sits behind the weapon, and then when you want to move it slides back on.

    Only video I could find of it (but it is sped up 400%):

  11. Something similar happened to me in CMFI/GL...

    I had a quad 20mm outside a house and arty started dropping on it. When i checked in on it a turn later the gun and crew were INSIDE the house... somehow they got the thing inside.

    After that I still couldn't move it, but I could not aim outside the house either... it was effectively out of the battle from then on.

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