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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. Not in this case. The infantry section were on one side of the bocage which, as we all know is not traversable by vehicles or infantry, and the tank clearly on the other side. Never the twain to meet.

    If that is an abstraction, it is an abstraction too far and goes completely against the grain of WYSIWYG. Frankly it would make a nonsense of the bar on crossing bocage.

    An abstraction is, by definition, not going to be 100% accurate in all circumstances.

    The close assault abstraction does not take into account unpassable objects like bocage or something else like that, it simply lets infantry within a certain distance assault a tank.

  2. I've seen plenty of scoped Kar98's.

    The thing is, the Kar98 needed substantial reworking to become a sniper rifle.

    The G43 had everything in place and just needed a scope to be screwed to it. It came from the factory set up to accept a scope as easily as most modern weapons do.

    And in '44 they were pretty common on the western front, common enough to be seen in most battles in CM.

    IIRC every company was supposed to have 19 G43's, of which 10 were supposed to have scopes. I don't think this was ever the case, but that was the intention, so that could explain your abnormally large sightings of scoped ones.

    Add in factors like most battles in the game depict pretty well equipped germans and it's not too surprising...

  3. LG40 also. And, once 2.11 (and CMFI v1.11) is released, FG42.

    Only new sound file in the module for a weapon that wasn't in the CW/CMBN was the one for the MG151.

    The LG40 might be using a sound that is already in the game, like the one for the recoilless rifle that was not used in CMBN/CW but still in there. (not at home right now so I can't check the name of the file.)

    I extracted the 2.10 and 2 market garden .brz files to check what sounds were new and the only new weapon sound that wasn't in CW already was the one for the MG151.

    And the FG42 doesn't count for this discussion since we don't even know which sound it will be using. Might be an old sound and not a new one...

    EDIT: Actually the commonwealth sounds were introduced in patch 1.10 so the only two new weapon sounds in the market garden module were the piat and the MG151 sounds.

  4. Looks like he meant:

    the aa gun always wants to point to the front instead of the rear and the .50 cal doesn't shoot but he hasn't tested it much because of the first problem.

    It must be tough for the guys who play this game but English is not their first language.

    Nope, not tough at all. Of course, I listened during English class in school...

    Well, to be honest I was better at English than my teachers.

    Grew up on american TV-shows :)

  5. That is not necessary and having it in place during install will not in and of itself result in corruption or performance issues.

    Oh I beg to differ... when I upgraded from 1.whatever to 2.0 I got a wierd bug where drivers of open-topped vehicles were standing up with arms stretched out to the sides at all times.

    This was because I did not remove the Z folder during install.

    Heck, even BFC reccomends that you remove all mods before installing.

    As for soundmods, All soundmods work with Market Garden.

    If you have a soundmod made for the CW module, the only sound that won't be "new" is the Sdkfz 251/21 gun.

    If you have a soundmod made only for the base CMBN game (why would you?), then the weapon sounds for the brittish weapons will be unmodded too.

    But most mods are updated for the CW module so the only weapon you do not get a custom sound for is the MG151, which is pretty decent in its vanilla form to be honest.

    Anyway, my "small" sounds mod will be delayed by at least a few months as I have a project going on in Star Wars: The Old Republic that is taking up pretty much all of my time.

    If you are indeed missing sounds when playing the game like you say, you need more processing power or maby memory. Try upgrading with some more RAM.

  6. I personally can not recall ever witnessing that before. In fact, I even think tank crew should be able to surrender from within the tank, or at least exit the tank already surrendering ie. not armed, not panicked, not trying to run away.

    Given the same situation shown in the video, roughly what % of times would you think the green tank crew would/should be expected to at least ATTEMPT to surrender like that? 10% of the time? 20% 40% 75%?

    Do you think it should at least be more frequent than the heroic shoot outs you see in the video?

    I have seen it plenty of times... well, at least when my infantry doesn't cut down the crew as they exit the tank.

    Never had a tank crew pose much of a problem for me tho...

  7. What I'm talking about is a soundmod that sounds basically like the default sounds, but with diffreent sounds for all the weapons (instead of how it now uses the same sound for all smg's for example).

    Would there be any interest in this?

    (This would be mainly for people who have trouble running the game with mods or people who simply prefer the "smoothe" sounds of the vanilla game hehehe)

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