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Posts posted by Oddball_E8

  1. Yesterday I made a quick test: I made a quick - but in no way complete - "german dealership" scenario with all the german vehicles I could think of. I then put all the corresponding Aris vehicles in my CMRT z folder (I think I have all Aris' vehicles from both CMBN and FI, including all modules - but I may have missed one or two)

    The only one that didnt work was the King Tiger.

    There are of course many more vehicles in that scenario that arent modded (for instance the Marder II, spw 233 and the Nashorn). But that is because there are no Aris modded versions of those available (to my knowledge at least)


    So we can use the aris vehicles on the axis side until he makes new ones for the east front (which, I suspect, will be after he makes most of the russians)

  2. No problem:

    audio Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 44100 Hz

    BFCs files all have this format. Some mods have stereo files and these cause CM on the Mac to create weird sounds after a while. Windows seems to have no such problems.

    So for a Mac version you only need to stick to this format and all is well.

    Well then you should be able to use my mods without problem

    AFAIK I have that on all my files since some files sound wierd when in stereo (not all, but some) so I have converted all of them to PCM/16/mono/44.1 anyway.

    Try my mod and see if any sounds act wierd.

    Let me know if they do.

  3. I notice that the first squad, the HQ eventually gets seated, but it takes quite a bit of doing, and I have to wonder if the men who are running around trying to find a seat don't get tired in the process. It may just at the end of the day be a problem with the animation if luckily they don't get tired, since the time consumed may not be excessive. I can easily imagine that men laden with weapons and even a minimum of equipment might take a minute to climb on board and arranged. But doing it this way definitely looks weird, a real Keystone Kops routine.


    It can still be troublesome. In this case I was trying to time it with the ending of the barrage I had laid down.

    This behaviour set me back an entire turn.

    (luckily the germans surrendered then, but if not, I would have had to move forward a full minute after the barrage ended.)

  4. The Repository is open for uploads.

    I've just submitted two small mods- one to change the Soviet icons from green to dark red, and one that fixes a few things in the Editor (2D view for the new trees and a separate color for "path" type roads).

    They will be up when they get approved.

    I'd use the repository if it was a bit more user friendly.

    I'll stick with the greenasjade site for now...

  5. Well, I've sorted out the sounds for now.

    I still wish BFC would make the SVT-40 use another sound than the one the Mosin-Nagant uses so we could use bolt action sounds again.

    As it stands, I can't put one in because that would give the SVT-40 a bolt action sound too.

    There are other small things that bother me (like the PTRS using the same sound as the MG151) but I'll work around them for now.

  6. This does *not* go without saying. 90% of the time, devs lose track of what made the game good in the first place and serve up a fancy-looking game with none of the appeal of the original game.

    And here I was thinking I was the only one that jaded by the gaming industry...

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